Van Gogh Reborn!

Chapter 197:

Chapter 197:

Henri Marso stared at the two whining kids.

Cha Si-hyun flinched and Blanche Fabre glared at him as if she was ready to pounce.

But Henri Marso didnt pay attention to them and turned his head to Ko Hun.

When the museum is completed, a whole new world will open up.

Ko Hun blinked his eyes as he stuffed his mouth with potato pizza.

I can only do it here for now because of technical problems.

Ko Hun swallowed his food quickly and asked.

Then what?

So stay in Paris.

Ko Hun hesitated and took another bite.

He didnt know what Henri Marso meant by a whole new world, so he couldnt take his suggestion seriously.

Henri Marso waited patiently for Ko Hun to finish his meal.

He was confident that it was something that no artist could refuse, and he expected that Ko Hun would have no choice but to agree once he showed him the result.

He got up from his seat when Ko Hun ate the seventh slice of pizza and reached for the last one.

Si-hyun, are you not eating that?

Stop eating!

Henri Marso shouted impatiently.

He didnt expect him to eat more after finishing a whole pizza.

He wanted to show Ko Hun the result as soon as possible, and he was very restless.

Two more slices.

Are you starving? You dont eat like that even if you are!

Then one more slice.

Your stomach will burst! What kid eats like you?

Ko Hun turned his head.

The pizza that came out for Blanche Fabres share was also gone.

Henri Marso glared.

Take it.

Cha Si-hyun, who had eaten two slices, said he couldnt eat any more.

Henri Marso clenched his jaw and watched the two kids who continued to eat one slice each from their friends share.

Are they human?

He briefly wondered if they might not be.

A little later.

Thank you for the meal.

Ko Hun and Blanche Fabre wiped their mouths.

Henri Marso concluded that the two kids who ate all the food he prepared were not human.

Follow me.

Henri Marso got up.

Ko Hun, who was satisfied with his meal, followed him happily, and Cha Si-hyun and Blanche Fabre also wanted to join.

Please wait here, you two.

The staff stopped Cha Si-hyun and Blanche.

Ko Hun asked curiously.

Cant we go together?

Henri Marso turned around.

Come alone.

Why are you like that?

He said.

He intended to show him the something that would make a whole new world.

I want to see it too.

Blanche Fabre stepped forward.

She claimed to be a half-Marso, so she had to know what Henri Marso was preparing.

But Henri Marso didnt even refuse.

To him, Cha Si-hyun and Blanche Fabre were just kids that Ko Hun brought.

Why are you hiding it so tightly? Whats wrong with seeing it together?

Its a big deal. It cant be leaked to the outside before its revealed.

Then why are you showing me?

Be quiet.

Lets see it together. Well keep it a secret, right?

Ko Hun turned his head and asked, and Cha Si-hyun and Blanche Fabre nodded vigorously.

Henri Marso frowned and gestured to the staff.

The staff approached the two kids and checked if they had any devices that could record or take pictures.

What is it that youre doing this much?

Youll see.

Henri Marso headed to the studio.

Blanche Fabre, who entered Henri Marsos atelier, opened her eyes wide and looked around.

One side of the vast space without a pillar was full of sketches, and there were works in progress everywhere.

In the corner, there were piles of broken marble, which gave an idea of Henri Marsos usual workload.

Henri Marso approached the inner door and pressed his palm against it.

The lock that recognized his fingerprint and blood vessels opened the door, and Ko Hun, Cha Si-hyun, and Blanche Fabre tilted their heads.

It was hard to call it a studio.

The room they entered was full of various electronic devices, and it looked like a kind of laboratory.

Henri Marso handed out VR (virtual reality) headsets and hand controllers to the three kids.

Try it.

Ko Hun and Blanche Fabre tilted their heads, and Cha Si-hyun stepped forward.

This is how you use it.

What is this?



Its what you use when you play games. You watch movies too.

Ko Hun and Blanche narrowed their eyes.

They had no knowledge of VR devices that were widely used in games and movies, as they were not interested in anything other than art.

With Cha Si-hyuns help, all three of them put on VR headsets, and Henri Marso activated the device.

Soon, light came into their dark vision.

Move it.

When Ko Hun and Blanche didnt understand the situation, Cha Si-hyun moved the hand controller.

Brush strokes appeared in the empty space.

Ko Hun and Blanche Fabre gasped and opened their mouths.

How did you do that?

I pressed this button and swung it. I guess you can change the color too.


Ko Hun listened to Cha Si-hyuns explanation and operated the hand controller.

I pulled a trigger-like button and a window where I could choose colors opened in front of me.

You can also change the shape of the brush.

Blanche Fabre examined the thickness and shape of the brush.

The two genius painters first chose the brush shape that caught their eye and swung their arms.

At the same time, brush strokes remained in the air and stayed fixed.

"This is Tilt Canvas, developed by Google in 2016."1

Henri Marso began to explain.

Whether they listened or not, Ko Hun, Chashihyun, and Blanche Fabre enjoyed the situation where the picture was implemented as they moved their hands.

Ko Hun chose yellow paint and drew sunflower petals in the air, then realized that he could express three-dimensionality by inserting the brush deeper and was delighted.

I have to draw the back too.

If they drew on the canvas as they used to, the sides, back, and top were not expressed at all.

Since they could see the picture from all directions, the area they had to draw increased, and at the same time, they could draw things that they could not express before.


Chashihyun told Ko Hun that the way he tapped the brush to express the leaves did not work, and tried from various directions, left and right, up and down, front and back.

Blanche Fabre checked the functions that could express the texture one by one.

Henri Marso watched the children fidgeting with the headset on, then continued his speech.

In the fields of clothing or industrial design, they use this as a basis to work in reality, but its something that happens only in virtual space.

They could not sell files in the art market that was done in the classical way.

They could use it for exhibition purposes, but Tilt works that could be copied the same file were not attractive products for collectors.

A technology that could be freed from the plane, but at the same time bound to the unreal.

Henri Marso was not satisfied with it.

This is a self-portrait I drew.

Henri Marso showed the self-portrait he drew with Tilt to the three children.

The children were startled by Henri Marso who suddenly appeared in front of them.

It was not perfect, but it looked realistic as if Henri Marso had entered the virtual reality.

Was this it?

Ko Hun asked.

They could understand the desire to hide such a technology.

It was open-sourced in 2021. Now anyone can use it freely.

Henri Marso added that he would have bought the technology if it had not been open-sourced.

But why do you hide it?

Because this is not the end.

Henri Marso told them to take off the VR headset.

This is to show you what Im going to do next. Step aside.

The children, whose hearts were filled with new experiences, quickly made way.

Henri Marso winked.

Two employees moved something that was in the corner to the middle of the workshop. It was covered with white cloth and was over 2m tall.

Peel it off.

When the employees peeled off the cloth, Ko Hun, Chashihyun, and Blanche Fabres eyes almost popped out.

It was because Henri Marsos self-portrait that they had seen through the virtual reality device appeared in front of them in reality.

Ko Hun could not come to his senses at the strange sight of another Henri Marso standing on the pedestal.

What happened?


How did you do it?

I grabbed Henri Marsos clothes and shook him.

You printed out exactly what you drew on the Tilt Canvas.

A 3D printer?

Henri Marso frowned at Cha Si-hyuns words.

Its not an ordinary 3D printer. It can express everything from color to texture.

I and Blanche approached Henri Marsos self-portrait.

It was hard to tell whether it was a self-portrait or a self-awareness. It had the title .

It was not as realistic as , which he sculpted and colored himself, but I was mesmerized by , which displayed his painting techniques.

I nodded as I recalled him saying, A completely different world is coming.

Bring it here.

Henri Marso ordered his staff to bring something else.

What else do you have?

I asked in surprise.

This is all for now, but I have something else prepared for the opening of the museum.

A staff member brought a glass box filled with a liquid of Hawaiian blue color.

Henri Marso dipped his brush in the liquid and applied it to an acrylic panel.

And after a moment.

When he peeled off the acrylic panel, the paint was fixed as it was.

Henri Marso picked it up with his hand and showed it to me.

The Hawaiian blue paint melted with his body temperature.

There are still some improvements to be made, but the day when the boundary between painting and sculpture will be broken is not far away.

My heart raced at the amazing sight that Henri Marso showed me.

I took the brush and dipped it in the new paint and applied it to the acrylic panel.

I enjoyed expressing the texture and volume by adding more paint.

Painting is no longer limited to the canvas. You can make sunflowers bloom with your hands. Or a field of sunflowers or wheat, if you want.

Come to Paris.

Henri revealed his true intention.

He started the project Breakthrough hoping that someday drawing would become a creative act of making reality.

Henri Marso wanted me to find the improvements and applications of the new material.

He wanted to know what kind of work I would create in the world he opened.

In the 20th century, painting, which had been liberated from color and form, was now facing a new transformation.

He thought that artists like him and me, who could digest new things well, would be at the center of it.


I answered.

I had no reason to hesitate.


In 2016, Google announced Tilt Brush, a virtual reality painting app that runs on HTCs Vive headset.

Tilt Brush, which allows users to freely utilize the 3D space of the X, Y, and Z axes, expanded the realm of painting by enabling expressions that were impossible in reality.

It also influenced the fashion design industry by being able to express textures.

Google introduced Tilt Brush with the phrase, Your room is your canvas. Your palette is your imagination.

Source: Seoul TV, "Googles virtual reality painting app Tilt Brush, 2016.05.13, Kim Hyung-woo reporter.

Related video: Tilt Brush: Painting from a new perspective

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