Van Gogh Reborn!

Chapter 201:

Chapter 201:

The Painter (9)

I found a small restaurant.

It was full of tourists, probably because of the competition period.

As I waited for my turn, I checked the voting status and saw that Damien Carters had overtaken .

The voting would end tomorrow night at 10.

It seemed unlikely that I could reverse the situation.

I supported the spirit of the Art Nouveau competition, which pursued the beauty of the work itself, but who the artist was also mattered.

I hoped for the next time.

Thats ridiculous. Your painting is much. Much better.

Chasi-hyun comforted me.

Its a choice, after all. And you still got 1.3 million supporters.

Thats what my grandfather said when I decided to participate in the Art Nouveau competition.

It was more important to meet many people and have deep conversations than to rank.

I humbly accepted the result and thought about how and what kind of conversation I would have next.

My grandfather patted my head as if he was proud of me.

No, its really amazing.

Bang Tae-ho stepped in.

You didnt reveal whose work it was, but the votes are similar. In fact, you beat Marso and Hoon.


Chasi-hyun responded as if he had been waiting for Bang Tae-hos consolation.

Then. When the results are announced, everyone will be embarrassed. And Hoon will probably get more attention.

Maybe he was trying to wrap it up as if I had kept the spirit of the competition until the end.

I didnt care about that. I was only sorry that I lost to , but it didnt really hit me.

I could see a lot of reviews on on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and so on.

And I could see the people who saw in person.

It will be like that. It will be like that.

Chasi-hyun repeatedly cheered me up with his round eyes.

Im fine.

Are you? You look upset.

What are you talking about?

I laughed because he seemed to keep looking at me if I didnt tell him.

Yeah. Im a bit upset that I got fewer votes than Beauty.

The scary old man painting?

Bang Tae-ho frowned as I nodded.

No, Hoon. You did really well. Its amazing to compete with Henri Marso.

Its the same condition, but I fell behind a little. Its upsetting.

I didnt know what would happen if Marso thought he had completely surpassed me with this.

I hated that.

I hated that my relationship with the charming artist Henri Marso was defined as a mere rivalry.

And because of that, I didnt want to lose.

Next time, Ill show him a more awesome work.

Youre the only one who thinks of Marso like that.

Bang Tae-ho repeated what he often heard from other people.

He seemed to be amazed by him as a remarkable person in many ways, even though he treated him normally.

Come in.

It was our turn and we entered.

We had a quick lunch and as soon as we stepped out onto the street, someone called my grandfather.

Ko Su-yeol.

Oh, Carter.

My grandfather gladly hugged the man who had a well-groomed brown beard.

He had a melancholic look.

I saw your picture. Youre Damien Carter.

Chasi-hyun whispered in my ear.

I also recognized him from the media, but I didnt know who the man who looked like his companion was.

You look healthier.

Do I?

Youre not inferior to young people.

Haha. I have nothing else to do with my spare time. Hoon, say hello. Do you know who he is?

Yes. Hello.

I was in a good mood this morning, but I didnt expect to meet the young Van Gogh. Nice to meet you.

I shook hands with Damien Carter.

This is Bang Tae-ho, the representative of Sunflower.

My name is Bang Tae-ho.

Nice to meet you.

Look at me. Matt, say hello.

Im Matt Brown from Luxury Gallery.

A thin man who looked like a gallery employee greeted my grandfather and Bang Tae-ho.

He had a stiff expression, as if he was unwell.

Cha Si-hyun whispered to me.

He doesnt seem to know him.


You hate that nickname, dont you?

He must have been bothered by the young Van Gogh comment.

If I had made no progress at all, I might have been ashamed and angry, but there was no need to be offended.

It was true, in a way.

After , I painted pictures that were completely different from those I had painted as Vincent.

Yeah. Where are you going?

I was looking around before the appointment. I wanted to see where Ko Huns work was.

Damien Carter laughed heartily and looked at me.

Im sorry things turned out this way. I hope you get a good result, even if I dont know what kind of work it is.

Thank you.

Damien Carter exchanged greetings with my grandfather and headed back to where he came from.

I dont like that guy.

Cha Si-hyun was picky today.


He talks like hes already won. He says things I dont want to hear. And his work is weird.

He pursed his lips, as if to show that he was angry.

He didnt mean any harm. Hes a rare good person.

My grandfather also defended Damien Carter.

How did you get to know him?

I met him a few times when I was working in England. We were pretty close for a while.

That must have been a long time ago, when you were in England.

Hmm. Back then, Carter was a nobody and had a hard time. He was sensitive, but now he looks good. Hes got some leisure.

I heard his unknown period was quite long.

Hmm. Hes very unique, you see. But Im glad he found someone who appreciated him.

He hit the jackpot, right? Was it 50 million pounds? The first bid price.

Not the first time. He sold a few here and there, and then it happened. Once the tide turned, he kept doing well.

He overcame a long period of obscurity and became the most commercially successful artist. That was a human victory.

I dont understand Damien Carters artistic world now, but I hope someday Ill accept it deeply, like Ferdinand Gonzalez.

Thats strange.

What is?

How did someone who wasnt famous get 50 million pounds?

Maybe his work was good.

Cha Si-hyun searched for Damien Carter.

There was a related article right away, as it was a famous event at the time.

, sold for 50 million pounds at Sothebys in England.

What is this?

Cha Si-hyun and I were both surprised.

It was a work that had two real human skulls, one with 10,000 sapphires attached and the other with dead flies.

Thats gross.

He had a unique sensibility.

He seemed to want to give a grotesque impression, but the fact that it was a real human head and that he attached fly corpses made me feel repulsed.

What did he want to say with the extreme symbols of jewels and corpses?

The sure thing was that the work price of 50 million pounds reflected the value of the sapphires.

He wasnt poor even though he was unknown, as he managed to process 10,000 sapphires.

That friend was so poor that he couldnt even eat potatoes properly. He was so miserable. But now that hes gained weight like that, Im glad.

Its a great success story. I read his autobiography a while ago and he was humble and didnt boast about his success.

Hmm. Thats good.


How did someone who couldnt even eat potatoes properly get 10,000 sapphires?

Isnt that strange?

Cha Si-hyun seemed to think the same.

I called my grandfather.



You said you were poor, but how did you make this?

I asked him as I showed him .

He nodded his head.

I met a patron. Someone who helps me continue my artistic activities.

In the past, there were many artists who depended on the royal family or the nobility, but I didnt know that such a relationship still existed.

I guess its not easy to be completely independent.

Do they give you money?

Chasi-hyun asked.

In simple terms, yes. They either help me unilaterally as fans, or they support me financially in exchange for my works.

Do they give you every month?

It depends. There are as many ways as there are patrons and artists.

Unlike in the past, it was not a completely exclusive relationship, which was somewhat comforting.

Museums and galleries are the same. Most of them cover the hard-to-afford costs with advertising or sponsors.

You dont have to see it in a bad way. Thanks to them, the art market is also maintained.

He meant that without people who invested in art works, even this would not have been possible.

Grandfather always thought without being biased to one side.

But its amazing. I dont think anyone would give so much money to an unknown artist, no matter how rich they are.

I agreed with Chasi-hyuns words.

I didnt know who the patron was, but he must have had confidence in Demian Carter to invest that much money.

At least he felt Demian Carters sincerity.

Demian Carter liked the word the most expensive man among the many adjectives attached to him.

Starting with , which was auctioned for 50 million pounds, Demian Carter sold for 150 million dollars in 2020.

His life, which was so poor that he couldnt even afford a meal, changed completely.

The more he did, the more he humbled himself and built his image.

He avoided arrogance and stayed away from things that could ruin him, such as alcohol, gambling, and drugs.

He even shunned meeting women.

He only did his best to come up with what kind of work to make.

And he was adept at increasing the value of the works he created.

, which he submitted to the Art Nouveau competition, was the same.

Youre resigning?

Jay Jopling, Demian Carters patron, widened his eyes.

He was not pleased to hear that he would kick away the situation where he got the most votes in the Art Nouveau competition, which attracted more than 10 million peoples attention.

I thought you did this for a mere 1 million euros, but youre my Demian after all.

Jay Jopling opened his arms to hug him.

Demian Carter chuckled and patted Jay Joplings back.

I think its better to announce it today.

Wouldnt it be better to wait until the end? Or how about doing it on the award stage?

Its poison if you go too far. Ive done enough publicity, so I need to know when to fold.


Jay Jopling clapped his hands with respect.

Since he was in first place in the competition vote, the artistic quality and popularity of were sufficiently proven.

If he gave up his eligibility to participate in the competition and withdrew from here, he would leave a good image to those who claimed fairness.

And above all, he didnt have to hand over to SNBA.

It was more profitable to sell it directly to a collector than to receive 1 million euros and hand over to the French National Art Association.

It was a work that won the first place in the Art Nouveau competition, where the writers who wanted to participate, so there would be plenty of people who wanted to buy it.

Marso and SNBA gave me a really good opportunity. Its a shame that I can only use it once.

Theres always a chance. Its a fight to see who finds it first.

Demian Carter tapped his head, meaning that he had to use his head.

Jay Jopling shook his head.

I sometimes feel your artistic sense from this side of you. How about it. Making a movie when you retire.

Crazy talk. How can I throw away the image Ive built up. Just gather the people who want to buy it.

If he handed it over to the auction, he had to pay a commission to the auction house.

Demian Carter and Jay Jopling were trying to reduce this by using patron parties and the like to gather buyers directly.

Dont worry about that.

Jay Jopling bit his tongue as he finished speaking.

He remembered the incident that he contacted Michel Platini, the representative of Marso Gallery, to make a connection with Henri Marso yesterday, but it was not accepted.

Henri Marso should buy one at least. That way, more words will come out.

Dont force him. He has his own taste. Just sell it to people who want to buy expensive works.

Demian Carter looked in the mirror and tidied up his clothes.

Oh, and. Lets invite Go Soo-yeol and his grandson to the party after the closing ceremony. They are very helpful people in many ways.


The two got up and tapped each others shoulders and laughed.

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