Van Gogh Reborn!

Chapter 235:

Chapter 235:


It wasn’t there, but it appeared (3)


Ko Hun turned on his personal broadcast.

He had been doing this occasionally for the past year, and now he was quite skilled at adjusting the camera and lighting angles.


└Wow! Live broadcast!

└The Castle of Giants is awesome!

└What are you doing today?

└Please tell us about Henri Matisse.

└I want to eat pork belly rice.

Ko Hun’s YouTube channel Pingoo, which had reached 100,000 subscribers last year, had grown significantly thanks to the Art Nouveau competition.

Unlike the past, which was irregular, he posted videos regularly and set the date for live broadcasts, and the number of people looking for live broadcasts was close to 3,000.

“What does Pingha mean?”

Ko Hun asked as he squeezed the paint.

└It means Pingoo Hi.

└It means Pingoo Hi.

└Have you seen The Castle of Giants?

Ko Hun chuckled at the word that he added a greeting to the YouTube channel name Pingoo.

“No, I haven’t. I went to the theater, but there were too many people, so I came back.”

Ko Hun talked about how crowded the area around the theater was and prepared to draw a poster.

“I’m going to see it tomorrow at the first time, but there weren’t many seats then.”

A chat window popped up saying that Toby Chalamet, the lead actor of The Castle of Giants, was cool when he stole the painting.

“Ah, no talking about the movie. There are people who haven’t seen it, so don’t do that. I don’t know how to kick you out, so don’t do it.”

└Don’t know how to kick outㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

└Ah, my mouth is itching.

└What if you say thatㅋㅋㅋ You have to say you know even if you don’tㅋㅋㅋ

└Don’t do it. Really don’t.

└But it’s already out as a novel, is there such a thing as a spoiler?

└It’s different from the novel.

└I want to eat pork belly rice.

└What are you drawing today?

└Are you not working out with Henri Matisse anymore?

“It’s different from the novel. The time is short, so the way of proceeding is different, and the ending can be different too.”

A viewer who participated in the production asked if he didn’t know the movie content.

“Yes. I saw the script, but they changed a lot during the shooting. I was doing something else when they were filming, so I didn’t see it. Yes, the Art Nouveau competition. Today I’m going to draw a poster.”

Ko Hun put a canvas and a 4-cut paper (545mm x 394mm) on the easel.

At first, he answered every word that ‘pork belly rice’, who came to the broadcast every time and wanted to eat pork belly rice, and ‘Matisse pat pat’, who was curious about what he did with Henri Matisse, but now he ignored them quite familiarly.

“Last time, I said I was looking for someone to draw with. I’m going to draw a poster and stick it in front of my house.”

Ko Hun stuck out his mouth and pondered.

└Noㅋㅋㅋㅋ Who looks for people with posters these daysㅋㅋㅋㅋ

└You’re sticking it in front of your house ㅠㅠㅠ

└Wouldn’t it be faster to find it on Instagram or Pingoo channel bulletin board?

└Post a job ad!

“I think it would be nice if someone lives near my house. Don’t you come to see the poster? There are a lot of bulletin boards.”

Ko Hun, who was enthusiastic, asked worriedly at the unexpected reaction.

└Online is too well done.

└I don’t know about Paris.

└Try it! There’s nothing wrong with doing it!

└I’ve never seen anyone draw a poster by themselves since elementary school.

└What is elementary?

└Old man…

Ko Hun checked the chat and moved his pencil.

“The poster should be eye-catching. The purpose is to draw attention and clearly convey the meaning by drawing it big and simple. For the same reason, what color you use and how you arrange it are also important.”

Ko Hun nodded his head as he sketched with a very light line without any strength in his hand.

He showed the yellow, black, and red paint tubes to the camera.

“I’m going to use only these three colors. I could use blue, but I’ll think about it while I draw. I’m going to use primary colors as much as possible. I’ll do it with high saturation so that it contrasts with black.”

Ko Hun drew a sunflower in the middle and three hands drawing petals.

“There are two painters who can’t be left out when it comes to posters. Do you know Toulouse Lautrec?”

The chat window was flooded with Lee Eung and Nee Eun.

“Sometimes they have exhibitions in our country, so if you have a chance, please go and see them. You can think of them as the people who started poster-like media art.”

Ko Hun painted with colors as he promoted his old friend.

“He’s a painter named Alphonse Muhara. I met him at Marso’s house a while ago and he’s really amazing.”

Several question marks popped up in the chat window.

“I’ll cover him later. Please be patient for those who don’t know him. Can you tell me a little bit?”

Ko Hun hesitated for a moment and opened his mouth.

“Every painter has a different aesthetic and you can’t say which work is the most beautiful. But I think there’s no one who approached beauty as purely as Alphonse Muhara.”

Ko Hun wrote “Join us” at the top of the poster.

As he was about to write his contact information at the bottom, the viewers flooded the chat window with comments.

└Don’t do it! Don’t do it!

└Why are you writing your phone number!

└You’re in trouble!

└[Baek Yu-jin donated 10,000 won]: Don’t write your phone number!

Ko Hun, who was too busy writing his phone number to pay attention to the chat window, was startled by the sound of the donation alert and turned his head.


Ko Hun looked at the chat window with curiosity.

└Why do you mean why. Weird people will keep calling you.

└You’re exposing your personal information.

└You’ll get a lot of prank calls.

└It’s lucky if you only get prank calls. They’ll ask you to lend them money because they’re having a hard time, and if you don’t, they’ll say they’ll kill you or something.

└There are people like that?

└People who are famous and look rich all go through that.

└There are more than 3,000 people in this room, and if they each send you one text, you won’t be able to sleep tonight.


Ko Hun nodded.

He had enough experience with people who didn’t make sense, so he understood what the viewers were worried about.

“Then what should I do? I have to contact them to meet them. Oh, I can ask them to send me a letter. I can just tell them to put it in the mailbox in front of my house.”

└It’s a good thing that everyone in this room cares about Ko Hun. If there were bad guys in this room, they wouldn’t have stopped him.

└A letterㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

└What kind of letter ㅋㅋ

└He might be 12 years old.

└Just tell them to send you an email.

Ko Hun nodded and wrote [email protected] as his contact information at the bottom of the poster.

“Is that okay?”

The viewers repeated yes.

└But meeting is also a problem.

└How can you trust and meet someone you met on the internet?

└Really. What if they do something bad to Ko Hun because he’s young and rich?

└You have to be sure of their identity.

└There are too many crazy people these days. You have to be careful. You’re still young.

└Honestly, even adults have to be careful when meeting strangers these days.

└Can’t you just do it by yourself? Or find someone you know.

└Draw with Henri Marso.

Ko Hun, who didn’t realize the problem at first, became serious as he remembered the shooting incident at Marso Gallery.

He felt uneasy about meeting someone he didn’t know.

“I can meet them with my grandfather.”

Some viewers tried to dissuade him.

“It’s okay. As long as they’re human, my grandfather will win.”

Ko Hun thought of his grandfather, who had muscles that were about to burst, and reassured the viewers.

“I need to write the conditions more specifically. First of all, I’ll reject criminals.”

The viewers agreed with him.

“What else would be good?”

└Healthy people would be good. Physically or mentally.

└Don’t discriminate against disabled people. Just say people without diseases.

└Good. Good.

└Why not people with diseases?

└Oh, that’s true. Then let’s say we prefer healthy people.

└How do you prove that you’re healthyㅋㅋㅋ

└Usually, if you donate blood often, you get checked. They’ll contact you separately if something goes wrong with your blood.

Ko Hun nodded as he read the chat window.

└O type is sociable and good.

└Pseudo science again;;

└Let’s see MBTI. How about ISFP or ESFJ?

I should also consider the age. It would be better to find someone around my age, not too different.

Don’t accept anyone who smokes. The smell is very stressful. And the trash is a problem too.

No alcoholics or drug addicts either.

There were too many things I didn’t know in the chat window.

“Are O types sociable?”

Some people said it was a superstition, and some said it seemed plausible even without evidence.

“What is MBTI?”

Ko Hun tilted his head at the word personality type test.

“There’s something like that? How do I see it?”

The viewers asked Ko Hun to take the MBTI test himself.

He didn’t feel like it at first, but one viewer donated 100,000 won and asked him to do it, so he couldn’t refuse.

“I’ll try it. Do I just go here?”

Ko Hun put down his brush and sat in front of the computer.

As soon as he accessed the MBTI website and answered the questions, he became serious.

He carefully wrote down his answers until the end, and then the word ENFP came out.

└Oh, that’s surprising

└Me too. I thought you were ISFP

└ENFP also has an artistic tendency.

“An enthusiastic activist?”

He nodded at the words that he had a free mind, felt happy by forming emotional bonds with others.

He was startled by the words that he sometimes misunderstood others by relying too much on his intuition.

“This is really amazing.”

It reflected well the changes in his thoughts on the world and others after being reborn with a healthy body, the love of his parents and grandfather, and a stable life.

He couldn’t help but be surprised, as he had been misunderstood or misunderstood others by acting kindly.

“It’s amazing, but I don’t think I need to check it for sure. Everyone has a different personality, so I want to find the right person by talking to them directly.”

Ko Hun opened the notepad program and summarized the opinions of the viewers.

[Looking for someone to work with]

Looking for someone who can draw.

Age range is from teens to forties, and gender is irrelevant.

Healthy people preferred.

Alcoholics, drug addicts, smokers are politely declined.

O blood type is preferred, but other blood types are also welcome.

Sociable people and those who want to work quietly are welcome.

We provide delicious snacks for free every day.

Due to circumstances, we cannot leave a phone number, so please contact us by email.

“Was there anything else?”

Ko Hun checked the chat window while writing the job advertisement.

└Why is it like this?


└I’m going to report that job ad to the police.

└Write it again. It sounds like something a organ trafficker would write.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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