Van Gogh Reborn!

Chapter 302:

Chapter 302:


The Final Showdown (7)

I saw Ma Eunchan waving his hand and running towards me from afar.

He always had a cheerful smile on his face, which made me feel good too.

“Hello, teacher! Hello, director! Hello, manager!”

He greeted grandfather, Bang Taeho, and me in turn.

Manager, huh. That sounded burdensome.

“Ha ha. Welcome, Ma writer.”

He looked moved by the title of writer, which I could tell at a glance.

He bowed his head repeatedly to grandfather, his eyes shining brightly.

Bang Taeho stepped forward.

“You must have worked hard. Are you ready to leave right away?”

“Yes! No problem! I’m in good health!”

That was not true at all.

He looked decent enough at the orientation, but he had become pale and thin when I saw him again.

He must have suffered a lot preparing for the biennale.


He asked me with a bright smile as I stared at him.

His body was not healthy, but his energy was more vigorous than anyone else’s.

“You’re too skinny. Are you eating properly?”

“Of course. I even eat meat these days.”



I knew it was a street food that consisted of sausage with sauce and curry.

It was absurd that he thought that was meat and that he got enough nutrition from it.

“That’s not enough. Eating is so important.”

He scratched the back of his head, looking embarrassed.

I couldn’t let it go as someone who had trouble eating properly because of my receding gums.

To keep your body functioning well, you need to sleep and eat well.

Now that we were together, I had to feed him properly this time.

“Then go and call me.”

Grandfather stroked my head and said.

“I will.”

“Don’t just say it, but call me once a day. And always stay with Bang director, no matter what happens.”

He had been busy with the Korean Artists Association lately, but he insisted on coming with me, so I had a hard time persuading him.

He said I was all grown up now and not to worry, but he still treated me like a 13-year-old, so I had nothing to say. But he was relieved when he heard that Henri was coming with me.

Sometimes I felt like he trusted Henri more than Bang Taeho.

“I’ll be back.”

“I’ll contact you when I arrive.”

“Take care!”

I said goodbye to grandfather and headed to the hangar.

Henri, who had been frail three months ago, looked healthy again, thanks to the success of his work in Venice.

I was glad.

“Are you here?”

“It looks like things went well for you.”

“Of course.”

He acted tough, even though he had gone through a lot of trouble.

“Hello, brother!”

Ma Eunchan bowed deeply and greeted him loudly, startling me and Henri.


“He he. I want to be friends with you. Can I call you brother?”

“I don’t have a brother like you.”

“In Korea, even if you’re not blood-related, you call someone older than you brother as a sign of respect.”

Ma Eunchan smiled sheepishly, and Marso glared at me.

“Is that true?”

“I think so. Remember the drama we watched before? They called him that too.”

“The Age of Outlaws?”

Henri frowned and recalled the title of the drama we had watched together.

The supporting characters had called the protagonist big brother or oyabun.

“Call him oyabun.”

“Yes! Oyabun!”

“Hey, wait. That’s not right.”

Bang Taeho intervened and stopped him, and Ma Eunchan opened his mouth wide.

“Right. I forgot. In this situation.”


“I’ll call you big brother!”

As soon as Maeunchan bowed his head deeply, Henri got on the plane without saying anything else.

It was a good thing, whether it was because of Maeunchan’s bright energy and sociability, or because Henri had a change of heart.

“Come on, you scoundrel. This will ruin Hoon’s image…”

Bang Taeho seemed to mutter something, but I couldn’t hear him well.

I slept soundly, ate, and slept again.

When I woke up, we had arrived in Los Angeles.

As soon as we arrived at Norman Studios near South Weddington Park, director Christine Norman and art director Nathan Evans came to greet us.

Norman’s bright blonde hair had gotten lighter, and Evans was the same as before.



We greeted each other warmly.

Norman also greeted Bang Taeho and Henri, and welcomed Maeunchan.

“I heard about you. Nice to meet you, Mr. Ma.”

“Ah, hello! Director! I’ll work hard with all my heart!”

Maeunchan shook hands and bowed his head repeatedly.

At first, I thought he was a bit too much, but there was a reason for that.

He was young and still in school, and he had never worked in a proper job.

So he felt even the minimum wage level of the US in 2030 was too generous.

Moreover, if he helped the master Christine Norman, he could use it as a career, so for him, who had been struggling with living expenses, $2,500 a month was precious.

It was not unreasonable for him to be so happy.

“I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I don’t want any casualties.”

“Yes! I won’t die!”

Maeunchan seemed to like him with his energetic attitude.

He seemed to like passionate people, as he pursued perfection in relation to movies.

“You seem to get along well. And you communicate well.”

In Germany, many workplaces and universities communicate in English.

Fortunately, Maeunchan was familiar with German and English, so there seemed to be no big problem in communication.

“Then let’s go inside and talk.”

He started talking about work as soon as we arrived, as expected of Norman.

We entered the office and took our seats, and he handed out the staff scripts.

The movie title was not decided yet, and the subtitle was Count of Cagliostro.


It was a new title, but Maeunchan seemed to know it.

“Have you read it?”

Norman asked, and he nodded his head vigorously. His neck seemed to fall off if he did it a little more.

“Yes. I didn’t know what movie we were going to do, so I read all the Lupin series after I got the call.”

Norman raised his eyebrows.

I was surprised too, I knew he was motivated, but I didn’t know it was this much.

“Really? Can you tell me how you read it?”

“It was a novel where the beginning of Arsene Lupin, the master thief, and his greatest enemy appeared. The main story of the Lupin series is definitely the Count of Cagliostro.”

Norman leaned forward with his chin on his hand and didn’t take his eyes off Maeunchan.

Maeunchan explained the Count of Cagliostro to the world-renowned master with gestures and gestures.

In summary, it was a novel that depicted the process of Arsene Lupin becoming a master thief.

When he was still a fledgling, he rescued a woman who was being tried by the people’s court, and she was the Count of Cagliostro.1)

Maeunchan said she was Arsene Lupin’s greatest nemesis.

“He learned how to steal things and deceive people from Cagliostro.”

Maeunchan was excited to explain Cagliostro.

She was very beautiful, but she had too much self-love and sometimes looked like a sociopath, and I looked at Henri without realizing it, and so did Bang Taeho, Norman, and Evans.


“I thought it would suit Henri.”

“Don’t joke!”

He had been teased for a long time, but he didn’t react much, but today he shouted like before.

It was fun.

“If Mr. Marso is okay, would you like to audition? If you agree, I’ll consider changing the role to a male one.”

“Stop talking nonsense.”

After laughing once, I listened to the rest of the explanation.

It was a story that Arsene Lupin, who went to find the treasure with Cagliostro, found out her identity and became opposed to her.

Maeunchan seemed to speak well, so it seemed interesting.

“You really remember it in detail.”

“My parents always told me to work hard if I wanted to earn other people’s money.”

Norman smiled.

“The setting will be modern France, like The Castle of Gloom. We already have a built world, so we just need to follow the existing data for the main plot.”

Norman looked at me.

“But I’ll leave the details to you.”

“Sure. I’ll do my best as always.”

It seemed that creating the character of Caliostro was the most important task.

I had to express the fine details of his appearance and behavior, and consider the best angles for each scene.

“I hope you’ll help Mr. Mado manager well.”

“Yes! I’ll work hard.”

As I checked the rough schedule, a question popped into my mind.

I asked Henri, who was watching me.

“Are you joining us too?”

“Why would I?”


He had no reason to be here if he wasn’t working on the movie.

Henri liked me a lot, but he wouldn’t come all the way from Paris to LA just to play guardian.

“He’s the producer of this movie.”

Norman explained on behalf of Henri.

I was shocked.

He was the one who didn’t like me working on movie concept art, and now he invested a lot in this project. I couldn’t believe it.

“You didn’t like movies, did you?”

“It’s for the revival of French literature.”


He said the same thing for The Castle of Gloom, but no one believed him.

He was persuaded by Norman’s charm and decided to invest, but this time he was involved in the whole production.

“I don’t lie.”

He was the worst liar I ever met.

“Sure you don’t.”


[Henri Marso invests 100 million dollars in Christine Norman’s new film!]

[Ko Hun joins Norman’s team]

[Ko Hun, “I’ll capture the original novel well.”]

[Henri Marso, “I confirmed the potential through The Castle of Gloom.”]

French artist Henri Marso invests a huge amount of money in and becomes a movie producer.

Christine Norman, who has been in charge of both production and direction, said, “Thanks to Henri Marso, I was freed from the production cost.” She also said, “He hired the French Bank, Chardon, and Goseong, which improved the production environment of Count Caliostro.”

Norman Studio announced that Henri Marso delegated all the rights of movie shooting and editing to Christine Norman.

Meanwhile, Ko Hun, who made headlines with Art Nouveau Contest and The Castle of Gloom, also joined this work.

Ko Hun said, “Working with Norman is fantastic.” He added, “Henri Marso’s eye was accurate.”

The collaboration of the two artists from the Münster Sculpture Project, the Venice Biennale France-Korea Pavilion, to draws attention.

The film industry was buzzing with the news of Christine Norman’s second work, which recorded 1.9 billion dollars in the global box office with The Castle of Gloom.

└ㅁㅊ How can an individual invest 100 million dollars?

└Did Henri invest again because of Hoon…?


└How rich is Henriㅋㅋㅋㅋ

└He owns 32% of BNP Paribas stock, which has a market cap of about 94 trillion won.


└Part of his wealth is 30 trillion won?


└How is that calculated? I don’t know how much the total production cost is, but if it’s 200 million dollars, doesn’t he get half of the box office revenue?

└Poor Hoon ㅠㅠㅠ

└Noㅋㅋㅋ The scale is differentㅋㅋㅋ Where do you find a fool who invests 100 million dollarsㅋㅋㅋㅋ

└I saw Hoon’s interviewㅋㅋㅋ He shielded Henri from being called a fool by saying his eye was accurateㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

└Henri is not a fool!

└But honestly, wouldn’t you watch the sequel if you saw The Castle of Gloom? Even if you only watch 1/4, it’s 500 million dollars, and if he takes half of that, it’s 250 million dollars. He’s not a fool, he’s just trying to monopolize it.

└It could fail.

└It won’t fail. Norman has the speaker.

1)The Korean translation is Countess Caliostro, but Caliostro inherited the count title from his ancestor’s daughter, so count is the correct expression, not countess.

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