Van Gogh Reborn!

Chapter 95

Chapter 95

The two days spent in Los Angeles focused on sharing thoughts with Nolan. 

His mind-picture of The Strange Castle was surprisingly specific. 

Today, we decided to check out the costumes, so not only Nolan but also a prop designer and two advisors were together. 

Emily Lever, the prop manager, has not only prepared books and photographs but also prepared clothes that people actually wore at the time. 

There are six hangers full of antique dresses that made me wonder how they got them. 

I couldn't speak because I'm dumbfounded. 

"Where did you get them?" 

"There are a lot of people who collect things like this. I swept all the Antique market." 

Emily Lever smiled proudly. 

I think she can show off a little more. 

Even if the market is formed, it is not easy to get clothes from 130 years ago in such good condition. 

Thanks to this, communication with Nolan became easier and drawing concept art itself became much easier. 

Nolan explained, showing a picture from the 1900s.  

"In the court scene, Ray is wearing a blouse and a long skirt. The ribbon is straight and the hat is slightly tilted." 

Nolan circled the coat and hat. 

It means it needs to be corrected. 

"Shes an active person. Born into an aristocratic family, she thinks modernly and is good at shooting and horseback riding. She likes practical clothes, and prefers shoes without heels." 

Nolan explained the character Ray as if he had seen her. 

It means that Nolan's head is already filled with The Strange Castle. 

"If she was a person who values practicality, I think it would be better to have a low heel rather than completely getting rid of it." 

Nolan and Lever raised their heads at my words. 

"The streets were dirty during that time. If she wore a long skirt and shoes without heels, then the dirt might get on her body." 

When I was very young, I was reluctant to even wash.

After growing up, I gradually developed a sense of hygiene, but I never thought of washing my hands several times a day like now. 

Walking on the streets of Paris, poop flew through the windows of the building. 

The French have treated filth that way for quite some time, and that's why umbrellas and high-heeled shoes were born.

I know that because I myself have peed a lot on the street. 

When I was in Paris, the government made laws to ban the dumping of excrement, but citizens staged protests against the law. 

People don't change easily. 

What do you think? 

Nolan asked the two people present as advisors. 

They nodded. 

"In order for flush toilets to become widespread, there must first be a sewer system. It wasn't until 1860 that Britain, the fastest in Europe, built a sewer system. In the 1900s, Paris wouldn't have been much different." 


As the agreement gradually builds up, the script that feels like a monochrome drawing is being colored. 

In the afternoon, I completed the drawing of Ray's outfit, while Nolan and his advisors double-checked it. 

When Nolan finally confirms, prop manager Emily Lever prepares clothes as similar as possible and makes them herself if they are not available. 

I don't know how many prop design teams there are, but it's a great job. 

Even after preparing for half a year like this, they say that they do not take a break, even during the actual filming, so it is difficult to estimate how many people are rushing to make one movie.

As I started working a lot, I quickly realized how short the week I had initially considered was.

The actual work was unthinkable, and I was busy setting up and understanding the worldview of The Strange Castle. 

At this rate, I think we will have to work together for the next month or so before we can start working.

On my way to Korea town for dinner with grandpa and Uncle Bang, I brought up my worries. 

"What shall I do with school?

" I know that if you fail to meet the minimum attendance, you will fail and you will have to attend the same grade again. 

"I know. Things are taking longer than I thought." 

Uncle Bang nodded his head. 

"I need to talk to Director Nolan. Before the vacation, we exchange online and meet again during the vacation." 

"Do you really need to do that?" 

Grandpa turned his head from the front seat. 

"Youre a student, but Youre also a Concept art manager now. You have to keep your promise." 

I think so too, but the time.. 

It's okay. You can go to school anytime. You can get a diploma any time you want, but there wont be any second chance for this experience." 

Neither I nor Uncle Bang could say anything. 

Grandpa solved a serious concern too easily.

On second thought, it was as grandpa said. 

I can go to school at any time and this is the only time I can experience this. 

Furthermore, it is much more enjoyable to work on the movie together. 

Then I'll continue with concept art. 

Sure. Grandpa thought it would be like that when you signed the contract. Promises are important. 

not that. 

Uncle Bang shook his head while trying to say something. 

We parked my car in the parking lot and entered the restaurant. 

I think Ill be eating soft tofu stew for dinner tonight. 

It is a restaurant that grandpa, who was tired of greasy food, wanted to visit, saying he wanted to eat something spicy. 

I sat down. 

I looked at the outfits of the staff and they were all red.

"Is there anything that's not spicy?" 

"It won't be spicy unless you ask them to make it spicy." 

Uncle Bang says it's not spicy, but I wont get fooled. 

Korean people are quite generous when it comes to the degree of spiciness. 

They say it is spicy only when the tongue burns and the hole in the ear become as spicy as a sore throat.

" Little Hun can eat perilla." 

When I looked up the menu recommended by grandpa, there was no red. 

"Un, Okay, grandpa." 

Grandpa and Uncle Bang ordered seafood soft tofu stew. 

"By the way, it takes longer than I thought. They're still working on the settings, aren't they?" 


"If you had signed as a concept art designer, you would have gotten the guidelines and revised them." 

Theres a point in what grandpa said. 

It is natural that the work improves because Im not drawing according to their needs after listening to basic explanations, but Im participating in the process directly. 

It's definitely worth it, and I like doing it. 

"Well, what's the schedule like? When are you going to visit Germany, Little Hun?" 

Come to think of it, there was also a promotional contract with paint manufacturer Schminke. 

It makes no sense to take the money but not do what was requested, so I should draw a few paintings while preparing for The Strange Castle.

"Don't you have a Site survey scheduled for the week after next? England and Germany are nearby, so why don't we stop by while we're on our way?" 

"Since I can't waste my time. I'd like to do it that way.

"Yes, it won't be that long." 

Grandpa nodded his head and suddenly smiled, looking at me. 

Are you looking forward to the Site survey? 

Yes. I'm looking forward to it the most. 

Nolan was thinking about where to film Arsene Lupin's hideout in the movie The Strange Castle. 

There are three locations, one of which is the beach of Etretat in France, which is also the setting for the actual work.

The second is Dover Beach in England. 

Finally, around Mcway Falls in California. 

I asked him to let me explore the area around McWay Falls and see the image. 

Since spring this year, I have been away from nature since I have only been in the cities, so I am looking forward to breathing good air and the sudden inspiration. 

Dover looks great. 

Have you been there, Uncle Bang? 

I went there when I was young. I think it's a white cliff. 

Is the cliff white? 

Well, it's green above the cliff, but the sides are white. It's a strange cliff. The sea is soft and nice, and I think it'll be nice around Old Harry Rocks." 

I searched Old Harry Rocks because I was curious about the place, and it's definitely a rare sight.

I was doubtful whether the colors of green areas and white cliffs can be created naturally. 

On the Internet, it is said that erosion took place and fell from the ground, but looking at the picture taken from the sky after turning the page, there is a magnificent view. 

I liked it before I even looked around the site. 

"But I don't think it's normal." 

Uncle Bang said while eating anchovies as a side dish. 

Eating that cute little baby fish as a whole was a huge shock at first, but the anchovies given here are a little bigger. 

I think theyre in their adolescence. 

"Mostly, Concept Art managers have nothing to do with selecting locations, but Nolan has asked your opinion in the selection of the filming location." 

"Maybe Nolan wants ideas from different perspectives. Also, Little Hun doesn't make a decision unconditionally just because he likes it." 

Nolan's outstanding point is not an obsession or enormous knowledge that looks obsessive. 

The fact that he is so excellent and listens to the voices around him may have led him to the best position in the world. 

I was told to draw concept art once they got the setting.


The production team said, it's faster to look at it than to talk about it. They said, as long as I dont deviate from the setting, its better to keep my style as much as possible. 

"I'm sure you're free to do what you want. Is the work fun?" 

Yes, grandpa. It's meaningful to even the smallest things. And every scene has a story, and it's different from painting." 

So far, all I did was get the emotions right. 

But the work The Strange Castle is storytelling. 

It is completely different from my previous method because I have to select a target and think of a narrative while drawing on a page. 

In this way, I can complete a longer narrative by drawing several pages and it's also a fun. 

I always thought about how to express Charles Dickens' novels, but I didn't get a satisfactory result. 

The amazing thing is to draw a picture that captures the impression and the detailed description together and tells a story. 

Its a super crazy thing and also a Super fun thing to do. 

(To be Continued)

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