
Chapter 249: Rooftop Brawls

Chapter 249: Rooftop Brawls

Matt couldn't help but appreciate the city's design, especially now that the background was the void of space. The central skyscraper jutted out from the center, pointing outward like a compass. The top half stood a pristine white, the background of space a stark contrast to the sight. The skyscraper below the city's arbitrary street level was industrial and imposing, looking even darker in the blackness of space. Surrounding the tower was the rest of the city, similarly split in half to represent Menagerie's dual nature. The black skyscraper was oriented on top this time, and Valiant could see a large contraption resting atop it.

Shimmering blue shields appeared in the distance as the heroes moved closer, preventing players from attacking at range. Luckily the forcefield was passable, and the heroes wasted no time landing amidst civilians on the streets.

Only for the civilians to turn on them.

Valiant shook his head as he watched the amateurs fall to Dr. Zlo's robotic citizens. Why in the world would they believe the citizens were safe when the entire city was at war? A stupid oversight is what it was, and Valiant was pleased to see that none of his Trollstompers fell for the trick.

At least not at first.

As the players moved toward the skyscraper, Trollstompers started to call in about groups of actual NPC civilians mixed in with the fakes. Valiant cursed. They didn't have time for this! Any moment now, Dr. Zlo's weapon would fire.

"Fliers!" Valiant shouted. "We're breaking off! Blitz the skyscraper roof and stay in your groups as best you can!"

The hero took off, Ixzay flying behind him. A magical hero calling himself Chill Out joined up a moment later, using his ice powers to halt anything that might pose a threat to the ascending heroes. Valiant kept his shield at the ready to absorb attacks from above. Knowing Dr. Zlo, flying to the roof wouldn't be easy.

He was proven correct a moment later when a series of drones spilled out of the streets like swarming bees. The drones buzzed around players, shocking them with short-range tasers. The fake civilians joined in, dogpiling stunned heroes and bashing them out of existence for a moment.

"Ixzay!" Valiant shouted.

The streamer's friend pulled out a drone of his own, activating it. The robot hovered next to the hero, projecting a field around the three heroes as they flew. Any drones that came close found their AI hacked and their targeting updated. Soon, a converted army of drones flew down to deal with others, and the fight below devolved into a brawl.

Suddenly the skyscraper windows opened to reveal players from Menagerie, each holding a long-ranged weapon aimed at the ascending heroes. Barrages of laser fire arced out at the Trollstompers, striking a few of the slower players and sending them spiraling to the ground. Valiant moved his shield between the attacks, absorbing the energy and returning fire with his disintegration.

The group continued to fly upward, Ixzay keeping the drones off while Valiant protected everyone from attacks. Chill Out made sure nothing magical passed through and returned fire with his cold-based spells. Soon, the trio had cleared the worst of the assault and were on their way to the roof. The three landed just in time to see Dr. Zlo emerge from the doors on the opposite side, the villain's companions with him.

"You!" Dr. Zlo shouted at Valiant. "Once again, you attempt to stop me, Valiant! But know that today I! Dr. Zlo! Shall succeed!"

Valiant opened his mouth to respond but found someone else speaking over him.

"Don't be too sure."

Valiant turned to see the caped hero in spandex landing on the roof, the picture of serenity and calm.

"Impossible!" Dr. Zlo shouted at the man. "I left you for dead in that explosion!"

"The rumors of my death were greatly exaggerated," the hero answered. Valiant swore he saw a small smile cross the hero's face.

"Well, you won't stop me!" Dr. Zlo shouted. "None of you will! There's only a minute left until my Death Ray finishes charging, and do you honestly think that you can stop me in that time?"

"Easily," Valiant replied, rushing at Dr. Zlo.

The villain shot a laser blast from his monocle, forcing Valiant to dodge out of the way.

"I won't allow you to ruin my plans this time, heroes!" Dr. Zlo shouted.

The villain activated his rocket shoes and took to the skies. Behind him, Sweet Dream and Riptide jumped out, the two ready to fight. Deadman, Killswitch, and Immolate appeared next, the three friends smiling at the brawl that was about to go down.

"Not to ruin your moment, Dr. Zlo," Dextra said. "But shouldn't it be our plans?"

Valiant blinked in surprise. He hadn't noticed the sharp woman sitting at the controls until she spoke.

"We'll discuss the sharing of the plan after we destroy the heroes, Dextra!" Dr. Zlo complained.

Dextra sighed, "Very well. Hans? Shizuka? Dispose of our interlopers."

Valiant saw a man step out from behind the death ray, wicked knives at the ready.

"That's a lot of villains," Ixzay said.

"All we have to do is destroy the death ray," Valiant answered. "Do that, and the fight's over."

To accentuate his words, Valiant fired a disintegration beam at the invention. The static white beam traveled forward, and for a moment, it seemed that the beam would strike. Then Jack stepped out from behind the ray and smacked the attack out of the sky with a shield.

"You're not stopping us that easily," Jack said.

"Bullsh*t you blocked that," Valiant complained.

Jack shrugged, holding up her shield for the hero to see. The blast had connected and had eaten away at the material, but something had halted the disintegration and was regrowing the metal protection.

"Dr. Zlo warned me about your powers," Jack said. "I figured a regenerating shield would be perfect."

"Don't worry," the caped hero said. "This won't take long."

Valiant saw a flash of blue as the hero dashed forward, his fist at the ready to punch the death ray to oblivion.

"Oh no you don't!" Dr. Zlo shouted. "Mabel!"

Mabel stepped out from behind the rooftop doors, "You best stop that now. It's not nice to throw tantrums."

To Valiant's surprise, the hero stopped in place. Mabel's words had actually had an effect! At that moment, a ninja appeared behind the hero.

"Sneak attack," Shizuka whispered.

The ninja brought her dagger down on the NPC hero's neck, attempting to stab through him. Instead, her weapon bounced off the hero's skin.

"What the f*ck?!" she exclaimed.

"Can't hold him," Mabel groaned. Valiant watched as the hero suddenly twisted in place, striking Shizuka in the gut. The ninja quickly teleported away, leaving a doll of her blowing a kiss behind. The doll splintered to pieces as the hero's fist punched right through it.

"Hey!" Shizuka complained as she landed in front of the death ray. "That took me like, two hours to do!"

"Someone hold him down!" Dr. Zlo shouted.

"Are we even needed?" Chill Out asked as he watched the fight. "This guy looks like he's got it, whoever he is."

"I'm not about to sit around and let someone else take the glory," Valiant said. "Let's get in there."

"Watch it!" Ixzay shouted, pushing his friend to the ground.

A hail of bullets pierced the roof a second later, and Valiant turned to see a group of four players in prison outfits standing on top of a spaceship.

"Well now," Oro said, making his voice gravelly to match his villain character. "It looks like we get to earn a bit of a bonus. How much do you think Dr. Zlo will pay for his nemesis' head?"

"Oh, look," Valiant taunted. "Another group of chucklef*cks who think they can take me on. Will they ever learn?"

Gemini, the players Rampart and Titan, pulled out a series of weapons and fired them at Valiant, signaling the start of their fight. Rough and Carmen, Oro and Merla, leaped off the spaceship, the latter sitting on Rough's rocky shoulders. The spacecraft then flew off toward Dr. Zlo and the caped hero, attempting to help out.

"It seems you won't make this fight easy," the caped hero said.

"I never make anything easy!" Dr. Zlo gloated.

"I'm not sure if that's something to gloat about," Sweet Dream said.

"Talk about it later!" Jack shouted. "Zlo! Use your weakness on him!"

"You dare to command me?!" Dr. Zlo shouted.

"Do it, or your precious death ray is going up in smoke!" Jack retorted.

"Fine," Dr. Zlo grumbled. "But only because I had the same idea!"

The villain flicked his cane, performing the motions needed for the weakness spell.

"Mabel, can you stop him one more time?" Jack asked.

"I don't know, dear," Mabel groaned. "His mind is like a steel trap. But it does make him all the more enticing"

"I'd rather not have you try that again," the hero said.

"Get down!" Jack shouted, turning toward Dr. Zlo's minion in a futile attempt to move her out of the way. She watched in annoyance as the hero practically teleported to Mabel, swinging a fist in her direction.

Luckily, others were just as fast as the caped crusader. Shizuka followed the teleport, tackling Mabel to the ground. The hero's fist sailed over the two's heads, creating a shockwave that rocked the air behind him.

"Jesus f*ck!" Shizuka shouted. "That's a lot of force to use on an old lady."

"Nothing about her is a lady," the hero answered.

"He's got that right," Mabel answered sultrily. "But I'd appreciate it if you would"

A clap from the hero interrupted the minion's words, the shockwave sending her tumbling head over heels. Shizuka attempted to throw another knife at the hero, only to click her tongue as it bounced off the man's skin once more.

"How are we supposed to beat this guy?" she complained.

"Just focus on stopping him for one second!" Jack shouted.

Dr. Zlo held his cane at the ready, waiting for his chance. He looked down at the countdown timer; the exchange had only lasted twelve seconds. The villain grit his teeth. This would come down to the wire.

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