
I Mustache You A Question (1)

I Mustache You A Question (1)

Ultra City 12 was Vert's rendition of a police state, and as such, was filled to the brim with every trope the company could think when it came to the idea. Cameras lined the corner of every shop and streetlight, and the forces of law patrolled with weapons meant to kill, not incapacitate. The police saw any infraction as a slight against the city, and even heroes looking for work in the area were subject to strict codes. It all added up to be the least enjoyable city for players, which was why it was perfect for Dr. Zlo's newest crime.

The titular villain stood high above the clouds, in his once again recreated Zloppelin. The balloon craft was nowhere near his earlier dirigible's splendor, lacking the refined elegance of the black and white canvas or its excessive firepower. No, this Zloppelin was for one purpose, to carry Dr. Zlo through the sky while staying out of sight.

"What a drab city, Cass," Dr. Zlo said, looking down on Ultra City 12.

"I dunno, boss. It has that industrial feel to it," Cass answered.

"Just because everything is grey, Cass, doesn't mean it's industrial," Dr. Zlo answered.

Yes, Ultra City 12 was by far the most boring of Vert's cities, at least in design alone. The entire town resembled a cube from afar. There were no parks, no suburbs, only stack after stack of concrete grey skyscrapers, each one spaced just far enough away to make room for a road and sidewalk combo.

"There isn't even graffiti on the walls," Dr. Zlo complained. "You would think the citizens could have some form of creative expression."

"Maybe it's all underground art," Cass said.

Dr. Zlo rolled his eyes at the possibly unintentional joke, "The sooner we find our quarry, the better. I don't want to spend another minute in this city."

"Oh, don't say that boss," Cass replied. "I'm sure they have something here that would pique your interest."

Dr. Zlo shook his head. The only thing that could possibly interest him here would be an idea for a new crime, but the drab exterior of Ultra City 12 pushed his creative urges to the side. A general malaise came out instead, and Dr. Zlo sincerely wished his target would show. This would be the first step in Dr. Zlo's newest plan, and he wanted it to start off with a bang. Not that Ultra City 12 was helping in that direction.

Dylan wondered, with all the creative liberties at hand, how in the world did Vert create such a boring set piece? There wasn't even the usual interaction people found when artists created police states. No violent gangs were jockeying for territory against the police, and no hapless citizens wandered the streets only to become a statistic in the city's crime reports. In fact, no one walked outside at all, save for the few police officers with Gatling guns strapped to their arms.

The Gatling Police were the sole reason Dr. Zlo hadn't swooped down into the city to collect his target. The villain had tried an assault earlier in the week but found himself outgunned by the modified cops. Not even Mabel's mind control could stop the police with so many responding to the scene at once. Which now led to this waiting game.

"No one ever told me stakeouts would be so boring," Dr. Zlo muttered, the player's true thoughts surfacing before he could get a hold of them.

"I could prepare you a drink, boss," Cass replied helpfully.

"No, intoxication will only lower my alertness," Dr. Zlo replied. "We need to be sharp as tacks to take on our foe."

"Hon, our target is a politician. They aren't known for their razor wit," Mabel said as she walked into the room.

The copper minioness continued to wear her sundress and hat combo, though this time, the floral print dress was a deep red. Behind Mabel came a gaggle of Jacques transformed into the woman's more powerful Jacobs. They marched into the room, all trace of ineptitude washed out of them from Mabel's mind control. Leading the pack was Mabel's newest find, a gangster from the city below.

"Ah, Mabel, you're back," Dr. Zlo said.

"Miss me, hon?" Mabel asked.

"What have you found out?" Dr. Zlo asked, ignoring Mabel's question.

The woman frowned, her face growing more wrinkles from the action. "Most activity in the city happens underground, hon," Mabel said.

"See, boss," Cass said. "I told you the art was underground."

"Not important, Cass," Dr. Zlo said. He turned back to Mabel, "What about the news on our target?"

"Wyapp Eart normally patrols the east side of Ultra City 12," Mabel answered. "But he's a cautious guy, hon. He wouldn't even come close to me when I tried to get his attention. Just pulled out his gun and told me to put my hands in the air."

"How rude of him," Dr. Zlo said.

Mabel nodded.

"Alright, then. Cass! Bring us to the east side of the city. We have a man to capture!"

Cass saluted, then moved over to the control panel. After a few button presses, the Zloppelin sprang to life, gliding across the sky like a kite. The butler stopped the vehicle above the easternmost skyscraper, lowering just enough for Dr. Zlo and his team to make a safe landing.

"Are we all ready?" the villain asked, preparing his various gadgets.

"We're ready, hon," Mabel said, answering for her controlled minions.

"How about the rest of you?" Dr. Zlo asked as he walked out of the control room.

The Jacques on the walkways all saluted, their faceless features held up in pride.

"Excellent!" Dr. Zlo said. "Then let us begin!"

The bottom of the Zloppelin opened with a button press from Cass, exposing the vehicle to the outside world. Dr. Zlo made his way over to the opening, stopping just before the exit to turn to his minions.

"Today, we start the makings of my newest plan! Your goal is to capture the lawman known as Wyapp Eart and bring him aboard. You'll know him by his rather striking features and penchant to shoot first. So don't get complacent, you hear!"

The Jacques all nodded, jostling for position to get off the Zlopellin first.

"Mabel has already scouted out our area," Dr. Zlo continued. "So I'll let her explain what we might face."

Mabel curtsied and made her way next to Dr. Zlo. "Our first problem is going to be the automated defenses throughout the skyscraper," the woman started. "Once we invade, the area will go into lockdown, trapping Wyapp and us in the building. That is why we'll have someone block the door leading up here before we make any moves inside. Understood?"

The Jacques all nodded.

"Good," Mabel said. "Our other obstacles will be the various gangs located inside the skyscraper. They won't hesitate to attack if we jeopardize their livelihood. So be careful to keep out of their way. Otherwise, the gangs won't worry about our scuffle with the police. They don't have any love for them either."

The Jacques all nodded again, though Mabel could tell some had stopped paying attention.

"Finally, be on the lookout for any other law enforcement inside the building. Each one is outfitted with weapons that would kill groups of you in a second."

This time, the Jacques all perked up, nodding frantically to show they understood.

Mabel nodded back, "Good. Now, Wyapp should be somewhere in the middle of this building right about now. So it shouldn't take us too long to get him."

Dr. Zlo took over again, "You all understand the plan? Good."

The villain pointed to the group of Jacques in front, those most eager to start. "You five, make sure the door doesn't close behind us."

The five Jacques paused, then looked behind their shoulders.

"No, I meant you five in front," Dr. Zlo said.

The Jacques pointed at themselves.

"Yes, you."

Suddenly, the five front Jacques all slumped, depression practically seeping from their bodies.

"Next time, don't be so eager," Dr. Zlo said. "Now, get going!"

Dejectedly, the Jacques jumped from the Zloppelin, landing on the skyscraper below. The rest of the villain's army followed, with the Jacques streaming out first, then Mabel and her group, then finally Dr. Zlo himself.

"Keep the Zloppelin steady, Cass," Dr. Zlo shouted to his minion.

"You got it, boss!" Cass yelled back.

Dr. Zlo jumped, landing amidst his Jacques. The first five minions were crowded around the single door, struggling to hold the thing open as Jacques spilled inside. The five Jacques were stacked up against the wall, their arms straining as they pulled against the automatic door.

"You idiots," Dr. Zlo admonished. "The security hasn't even activated yet. Don't waste your strength on nothing."

The five Jacques paused, their arms sagging. Dr. Zlo rolled his eyes at the sight. He absolutely needed better minions. It was too bad the Jacques were so cheap and easy to make. Quantity had a quality of its own, after all.

While his army entered, Dr. Zlo took the time to scan the area, just in case an overzealous hero showed. But there was nothing around except the wind. Wind and the small pieces of trash the wind took with it.

Soon, it was the villain's turn to enter the premises. Dr. Zlo marched in, his cane and monocle at the ready. But before he made his way inside, the villain pulled an iron bar out of his inventory and placed it at the five Jacques' feet.

"Use this to prop the door open," Dr. Zlo said. "I'm not risking this plan on your incompetence."

Wearily, the Jacques saluted.

Dr. Zlo sniffed in contempt, following Mabel to acquire their first target.

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