
VV4, 3 - Meet and Greet

VV4, 3 - Meet and Greet

Despite his increase in vision, driving was still the same. An illusionary copy of his character appeared in the drivers seat, letting Dylan maneuver without having to learn to walk again. The whole thing was similar to a third-person view in a game.

Dylan continued to test out his new character for a bit, transforming himself into various benches, cans, and other items scattered across the street. It seems hed landed in some shady part of tutorial city. The buildings on the side of the road were boarded and abandoned, the streets were cracked and broken in multiple places, and anything that looked even remotely valuable had been taken.

Which was why the obviously well-dressed civilian walking down the street told Dylan this was going to be a tutorial mission. Some goons would come out of an alleyway somewhere, accost the civilian, and introduce Dylan to the whole hero system.

Yeah, Im not going through that song and dance, the man said.

Instead, Dylan opened his map and set a destination for the closest store. Approximo was technically in a simple gray jumpsuit, something that Dylan needed to fix before meeting the others.

What kind of self-respecting hero dressed in a gray jumpsuit? No, it was colorful clothing for this hero.

He contacted his friends as he drove.


So, where we meeting up?


Tutorial city has like one good quest, and its the one for villains to escape the city. I say we meet up at the guild headquarters and teleport to some other city.


Works for me. You guys are going to love what I came up with.


It wont hold a candle to me.


Yeah, Dream has an awesome character! Youre going to love it!


Let me buy some proper clothes for my character and then Ill meet up with you.


Oh good plan.


Meet up in say thirty minutes then?

Everyone agreed to the time. Dylan closed the chat and maneuvered into the parking lot of the nearby clothing store. It was a simple department storefront, specifically built for heroes and villains. Colorful costumes and sinister suits hung from the mannequins in the front window. Players of all kinds walked in and out as two intimidating guards stood watch at the doors.

Eager, Dylan shifted back to his character and walked in.

As he walked, Dylan tried to think of Approximos character. The hero was obviously not from Earth, or whatever this planet was called. But should he go full fish out of water, or be more reserved like The Martian.

Well, no matter what Dylan resolved to be expressive. A superhero had to have at list a bit of camp. Even the darkest and most brooding heroes had a camp phase.

Approximo walked through the doors, and Dylan decided to put on a wondrous look. He recalled the expressions he made as a kid on Christmas and did his best to copy them. In fact, the whimsy gave Dylan an idea. He activated his power, touching the left hand on the screen and then swiping at various items.

Approximo put on a serious face as he perused through the items with his shapeshifting. Eventually, a store NPC came up to him.

Can I help you find anything? they asked.

Yes, Approximo said. How stretchy is this?

Dylan transformed his hand into the folded shirt on the rack in front of him.

Ah, if youre looking for our more durable wear, you can find it on floor two, aisle six, the NPC said.

Aisle? Dylan asked, doing his best to act like a confused tourist. Approximo was forming into the new kid on the block in Dylans mind. A powerful shapeshifter with little knowledge of the world.

Just follow me, sir, the NPC said.

An idea formed in Dylans head, something so silly that he couldnt help himself from saying it. No, sir is father. Im not a father, not yet.

The NPC blinked. Right. This way.

Inwardly, Dylan sighed. He bet Cass would have laughed. Though, Cass would have laughed at anything Dr. Zlos character did.

The store NPC led Dylan to the second floor and presented the more durable clothing. All of it was spandex.

Thank you, Dylan said.

The NPC nodded and walked away.

Dylan perused the various clothes, eventually picking a subdued blue suit with a bold red stripe down the middle. There wasnt an exact reason for it, Dylan just thought it looked nice.

With his new costume purchased, Dylan exited the store, transformed back into a car, and made his way toward Tutorial Citys Heroes Guild.

The Heroes Guild stood as a shining beacon of good to the citizens of Tutorial City. Unlike the area Dylan started, this portion of the city was pristine, filled with quaint homes and pituresque parks. The only complaint Dylan had was that the area was crowded. It seemed like everyone looking to be a hero ended up at the guild.


So theres a lot of people here. Is there a landmark we can meet at?


Im here and near a pulsing tower of some kind.

In one of the parks. I think its an art project or something.

Dylan scanned the area, eventually spotting what Jack described.


I see it. Heading over.

Look for a green man dressed in blue and red spandex.


You got it.

Dylan made his way to the art installation, weaving through characters.

Excuse. Sorry, he would say as he walked.

Eventually, he found himself in front of the art sculpture, where a woman in a black and yellow tracksuit waved him down.

Well, youre certainly easy to spot, Jack said. What name did you come up with?

Approximo, Dylan answered. I figured it was fitting for a shapeshifter.

Nice, Jack said. Im going with Gameset.

Dylan raised an eyebrow.

For game, set, match, Jack explained. And because my power lets me use every sporting equipment under the sun.

Everything? Dylan asked.

Far as I know, Jack said. I havent tested it but Im betting Ill be a crack shot with arrows, guns, and anything else considered weaponry.

Wait, what about martial arts? Dylan asked.

Jack nodded. Ive got knowledge of it, but I have to play by the rules. So no cheap shots.

Not that a hero should make cheap shots, Dylan said.

Hey, I could be an anti-hero, Jack joked. Be the gruff, brooding counterpart to the cheerier portions of the team.

I doubt it, Dylan said. Youre too nice for that.

Are you saying I cant be mean? Jack said with mock anger. Well now I have to be the gruff one.

Dylan threw his hands in the air. It was supposed to be a compliment!

Am I already hearing a lovers quarrel? someone asked.

Jack and Dylan whirled toward the voice.

A man in a symmetrical gray pinstripe suit stood before them. On his head, resting perfectly straight on top of his head, sat a black bowler hat that the man then removed for a bow.

Of a Kind, at your service, he said.

Oro? Dylan asked.

You got it, the man answered.

That is a sleek outfit, Jack said. But it feels a bit mafia boss.

Oro shrugged. Eh, I figured it fit the poker theme I had in mind.

Oh, I get the name now, Dylan said. So, can you duplicate? Two of a kind, three of a kind, and all that?

Close, Oro said. The player held the bowler hat out in his right hand and snapped his left. An exact replica of the hat appeared in his left hand, which Oro spun and placed on his head. I can duplicate anything Im holding in my right hand to my left. Itll vanish in about a minute, but thats plenty of time in a fight.

Dude, a voice said. That was awesome!

Everyone turned to see a man with literal fire for hair jogging up to them. He wore a punk rock leather jacket and faded, ripped blue jeans. Sparks flew from his hands as he waved.

Id know that voice anywhere, Jack said with a laugh. Went with the punk rock look then, Riptide?

Im Firestarter now, dudes, the man said. Punk rock hero ready to stick it to anyone oppressing the little guy.

How did you get the fire hair? Dylan asked.

Riptide waved a hand through his hair. Oh, dude, I put it in the power description. Didnt think it would work at first but then I came out with this rocking hairdo. I figured I had to go with the punk look with this.

So, whats your power? Oro asked.

I set what I touch on fire, Riptide said. Like king midas but I can control it, you know.

So can you set the air youre touching on fire? Dylan asked.

Sure can, dude! Riptide answered. Its not that good, though. Doesnt travel that far before going out. But thats fine! I figure we can get some hairspray or something if I want a flamethrower.

Sorry Im late guys, someone said as Riptide finished. It took me forever to find the right clothing store.

Everyone turned to find Sweet Dream in a flowing blue ballroom dress. The hem was hiked up to the shins, revealing a set of leather boots underneath. She pulled a fan out of her inventory and flicked it open.

So, what do you think? she asked.

Dream! You look amazing! Riptide said. Makes me want to take up ballroom dancing.

Dream rolled her eyes. Alright you.

It looks great, Dream, Jack said.

Call me Mirror Mirror, Dream said. My power copies whatever I focus on and I mirror everything they do.

Oh, that might be interesting, Dylan said.

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