Vengeance of the Returner

Chapter 136: Confrontation with the greed (1)

Chapter 136: Confrontation with the greed (1)

Two days later,

"Hah, hah! You are alright? Right?"

Rafila asked worriedly, gazing at Cinzia while panting heavily, Standing in the front head of the mutino by clenching the chained leash.

"Yeah? Why are you asking so suddenly?"

Cinzia replied nervously averting her head, towards the back where another mutino was following them. 

And in an extremely far away distance, amidst the highly-dense white clouds were approximately twenty sky ogres angrily riding their mutinos clutching their weapons gazing straight towards the direction of Lerinare.

"I feel like we are still being tailed," Rafila uttered worriedly.

"I feel the same way..."

Cinzia said in a low depressed tone.


Yumeko sighed and took a sip from her water flask.

Nix didn't give them many weapons other than explosives. Why? They didn't know it but, it was as though he played them. As much as it was shocking Cinzia couldn't help but accept the fact. By the halfway path they were noticed by Sky ogres which led them to bombard and destroy their location with the neon explosives. In turn, gaining their hatred and anger they were chased by them. Few of the members of the mission died. It was a sure thing to happen though.

The members of the requiem that were about to attack the main gate were absolutely frightened. Indeed, it would be really surprising, if they didn't feel like that. Because it was practically a suicide mission.

Moreover, they were already taking an extreme risk by flying above the normal altitude. They should be traveling at a height of about 10,000 ft which is the limit for a mutino. But, they were at an altitude of about 15,000. 

If a question about why they were traveling at such height arises? It is easy to explain. Firstly they were in a chase by the sky ogres of the Sewarei mountain range. The reason they were frightened was not because of the sky ogres but because of their two Mutinos.

Mutinos cannot travel above the 10,000 altitudes. The reason is the mana density in the greater altitudes is low. Unlike humans and few other species, they'd need both air and mana in order to survive. 

Apart from that, they took a seriously troublesome route which was going above Sewarei mountain that was in the middle of Theemai and Lerinare. This can also be one of the reasons why it was isolated from most. It could be difficult for most and why would they even try taking risks to enter a land that didn't have a future? But, thanks to Nix the town has a future now. Surely, there are a lot of other troubles to solve, like the dispute between humans and other races to just travel and other certainties. That's something that you'll see later.

Now, coming back to the sky ogres lore. As aforementioned they are a subspecies of ogres, they are more of a mutated version of both Draconians and ogres. However, they are not on friendly terms with both ogres and Draconians since they are seen as a tainted, mixed breed.

Well, thanks to that, they managed to survive alone and grow in a population which was low. By hiding in the mountains, unlike other races which were captured and turned into slaves. They are hostile to almost every other race than them. They were actually nurtured like that by their predecessors. Well, can't blame them, as they were treated like shits.

They grew in number by hundreds by the last fifty years. It was rather hard for them to protect themselves from humans that captured them from time to time. They were no exception as they were also in demand by the slave market. 

In the recent decade, they turned more aggressive and became sky pirates in order to survive. They worship dragons just like Draconians too. So, they don't like humans by default. Since dragons and gods aren't on good terms.

"Wrr! Wrr!"

The Mutinos continuously heaved out heavy breathes and growled in pain unable to absorb air.

"Just a little while..."

Rafila muttered and rubbed its head caringly. Cinzia was clutching her spear and gazing straight at the fluffy white clouds in a trance as though she was absorbed into her own world.

It took about thirty days for Transgressors to travel from Dracton to Theemai. And it took fifteen days to travel from Dracton to Lerinare. And the remaining fifteen days were due to them traveling around the extremely widely stretched out mountain range, instead of going above it, which would take one day if they travel without taking rest. It will surely drain the stamina drastically for both the Mutinos and the travelers. But, this was what they did. 

To top it off they were noticed by Sky ogres. Was this preplanned by Nix? Or were they tricked by him? Whatever might be the case, they'll have to ask after everything gets over. The chase went on for about eight hours continuously without any rest. This made the group more tired.

They didn't even know how they'll barge into the city. But one thing is for sure. They are fucked up and thanks to Nix.

"Hah, we are finally here! Clutch your weapons!"

Rafila uttered gazing down at the city as the clouds paved their paths. All the members raised clutching their staves and bows. The members were handpicked selectively for long-range combat. Moreover, the Requiem was actually specialized in it. The only exception was Cinzia and Yumeko.

Yumeko was there to heal, if she wasn't there would have been many more casualties. She was helping him because her sister was taken hostage by Nix. Furthermore, he didn't want to lose a particular special healer since they were rare to find and at her level is even rarer to find. 

Upon gazing down anxiously, the ethereal view of Lerinare came into their views.

The Congested buildings built side by side, and there few exceptional grandeur buildings. Moreover, the city seemed large enough to hold more than 200,000 citizens in it. And it was approximately populated by over 100,000 people though. The city is large like Dracton and Ferandel, unlike others. The Trees and some vacant grounds, and some lush full gardens made it seem colorful from the sky. The city seemed rather prosperous.

Slowly the Mutino squealed and pierced the clouds and descended down towards the city.

"Sky ogres?"

Rafila uttered as an arrow flew from the back towards her magical barrier.

This was indeed obvious since the sky ogres rode their mutinos at a lower altitude than themselves.

"Humans! We will purge your city!"

The chieftain sky ogre yelled pointing his spear towards Cinzia.

Surprising enough there was Varde and Razik awaiting her arrival. She tightened her grip and drifted her eyes forward towards the tall walls. Upon noticing the Mutinos, the outlaws that were standing atop of the walls aimed their bows and arrows.

"Seems like this betrayal is to be expected, what the hell was his plan?" Rafila muttered in a low voice and shot a fireball towards the wall.

Cinzia's pupils dilated, noticing the mocking smirk of Razik as he soared on the air jumping on his mutino. Followed by him, a few archers and Varde joined.


Yumeko uttered as a white wave of mana expelled from her hand and surged around the surface of Mutino making it squeal.

This was a buff ability of hers that increased the speed of her target by 160%. She was actually an exceptional person holding a unique class, unlike normal healers. And this was one of her unique class abilities. 

The other Mutino that was sent to finish the mission was attacked continuously and killed by the sky ogres. There was no time for them to feel regret or remorse. They had to attack the city and they managed to do it. They did good enough by dragging the sky ogres into the city, this can also be considered as a diversion attack. Now all they needed to do was survive.

With Yumeko's buff, the Mutino rushed while Rafila and the other mages and archers defended themselves until they barged into the city above the wall. They tied up small neon explosives to their arrows and shot down into the buildings and caused an uproar. Before they could land the Mutino puked blood and squealed, falling towards the ground.

The Mutino spun in the air grazed past the 100ft tall tower and slowly scratching the ground it collided with a local bar.

"Arghh! Stand up!"

Cinzia squealed and pulled Rafila and Yumeko out.

Rafila's barrier was destroyed the SkyOgres were approaching them but, fortunately, their misunderstanding towards Razik's mutino as a reinforcement helped them succeed in entering the city by attacking.

Cinzia's eyes met with Razik for a second. She decided to stand her ground and fight him until Rafila pulled her towards the depth of the city along with her clan members.

"Meet in the east upon the signal!"

Cinzia uttered running into a lane. 

The sky ogres were indeed a great distraction but few of the Outlaws began to chase the members of the mission so they split up into several lanes.

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