Vengeance of the Returner

Chapter 17: Escape

Chapter 17: Escape

'Did I just killed him now?'

Nix's mind started to waver and he grew floundering to kill others and at that moment a dagger came flying towards his head.

Swiftly Nix vanished and emerged in a different place. His legs and hands started to tremble in fear thinking about the dagger which came to his head. It made him feel a chill run down his spine.

'Fuck this shit! I am killing now!'

He gritted his teeth and rushed towards a nearby Outlaw and punched her face and turned back reflexively just before another woman could attack from his back. He countered her and sliced her leg. He gazed at the woman who was crying out in agony while her blood spurted on his face.

His hands were trembling and his whole body was shivering in fright. He was fortunate that he didn't fall into trauma after surviving in the forest of scrutiny. He was just a college student just two weeks ago and now he had to face a battle against humans and monsters in an unknown world to survive another day.

He turned around and gazed at the field and found himself being cornered by almost 30 outlaws.

'why am I faltering now? Fuck my life!... Before I die I am taking out as much as I can.'

He steeled his emotion and by collecting his courage he started to rush recklessly while being surrounded.

Suddenly Two men continuously attacked him at the same time he didn't know how but somehow he managed to deliver equal footing with them, With all his Buff abilities. He stabbed the two men's throat in a mere instant making the others stare at him in a baffle. And that point his kill count raised to two.

Unexpectedly one man kicked him while another man slashed his chest and blood gushed out of his injured chest and another guy gave him a punch on his face he fell on the ground. Though he was falling down he pierced another man's leg with his sword. It was like he was desperate to take them down even if he were to die. Unfortunately after attacking a few he was pushed back.

He tried to block himself from the attacks and squirmed like a worm on the ground and tried to protect his vital points people started to kick and slash at him.

Suddenly a man spat his saliva while looking down at him with a monstrous smirk.

"Hahaha, You weakling! Trying to act all mighty aren't you? Get ready to be punished... You will wish that, you died in an instant. You will beg for mercy you cunt!" The man spat on him and spoke arrogantly to him.

'I am pathetic, isn't it? fuck! Why the hell did I try to act heroically? To get kicked by these scums?'

As he tried to stand up.


He has kicked again. He was in a rage but he couldn't do anything since he was outnumbered and he didn't know what level all these people were at. since he wasn't able to use the truth eye. Yet he stood up by using the man who kicked him as support as he mockingly looked down at him.

"Still Trying to play hard aren't..."

As he was speaking Nix penetrated his abdomen with his sword making the man stare at him with a dumbfounded expression and the others in a startle.

"You fucking piece of shit! I will fucking kill you!"

The wounded man declared while enduring the pain. 

Nix seemed like he wasn't going down without taking at least five of them within and he was very tenacious to achieve that. If his stats and the fighting experience were high he would have already escaped the scene and killed at least a few of them without suffering.


He received a kick again. He was at least surrounded and being mocked by 10 people.

'So this is how it will be? Then I will take at least one or two of you with me to death. I Just need One fuckin gap! I need to survive! I need to go back!'

Gritting his teeth he waited for an opening.

Soon, Rebecca appeared there with some soldiers and regulars to suppress the outlaws while simultaneously slaughtering them.

And just like that the opportunity he wished for opened up and the men and women outlaws who were around him scattered in every possible direction. He gazed up and saw a blurry image of a woman gazing at him.

"Tch, I didn't expect that Mister Nix will be getting injured this bad, and you thought you are someone powerful? Just to get this injured by small fries... I am disappointed."

He could guess the voice was probably from that blonde knight.

" "

He didn't open his mouth he just used the sword as a support to lift himself and his eyesight was poor and he couldn't clearly see what was happening with his blurry eyes.

"Fuck your customs and shit!"

Nix shouted at the top of his lungs like a wounded beast crying out in pain. He gritted his teeth and rushed recklessly and started to attack every blurry image he saw. He attacked someone who rushed towards him with a dagger and sliced his hand.

"What is that guy doing? We attacked him and he is helping us?" An Outlaw woman talked to someone near her.

"I don't know. Anyway he got some sense into his head I guess," a man near the woman said with a smirk.

Nix who was semi-blind suddenly emerged behind the back of the man. The man turned towards him reflexively before he could even speak Nix Sliced his head with his sword energy.

Rebecca's Jaw dropped seeing Nix attacking recklessly because he was going on blindly going on a rampage. He attacked the city's soldiers and then the Regular players and then the outlaws. He didn't join anyone's side and acted on a whim with rage.

Rebecca rushed towards him.


She used sword energy and Nix tried to block it and collapsed to the ground. She walked towards him and clicked her tongue.

"Tch, Mister Nix being aggressive is okay but, Know your place... You are someone without a class and you don't have any skills. You are pathetic and weak. There are many people stronger than you here who would kill you in an instant."

With a smirk, she continued.

"Just swallow your pride and start running away, you weakling! You have killed my city's soldiers and You are an outlaw and this is enough of a reason to kill you and I can see why you are banished from the city just now... To think you managed to use sword energy and many abilities without even getting a class." And added

"Get out of the city. Since my orders were to send you out of the city I am letting you go"

" "

Nix didn't say a word. His body condition was bad but, not bad enough to make him die though, his face was in a pitiful state as he was severely injured and bleeding. His face was swollen while his shirt was torn and there were many bruises, cuts, and slashes that made him bleed a lot.

"What did I do wrong? why? Godddddddddsssssssss! Are they really gods? Gods should help people who pray to them, but this is the opposite! I don't deserve this! Fuck your world"

He shouted on top of his lungs while tears dripped from his eyes.

Rebecca Just stood there seeing Nix screaming in Despair before leaving he blindly followed his instincts and approached her even though he stumbled to the ground a few times.

After getting close he slowly grabbed her by her neck and drew his face closer to his ears.

"I will fucking come back"

He whispered in her ears and pushed his leg from the ground and ran as fast as he can.

That was the moment Rebecca gave a confident smirk yet, somewhere in her heart she felt threatened by his declaration even if its for a tiny bit.

"Is that so? I'll look forward to that day."

Yes, he was weak yet, his rage and anger were something that seemed like she should not underestimate. Yet, she left him. He released his clutch and began running.

It would be a lie if he said he didn't feel like dying.  As he continued to run the voice of someone he knew got to his ears.

"Yo Nix, I think you have gotten beaten pretty badly. I can understand the situation. But, You had fun all alone"

" "

Nix Could guess who it was but he didn't reply. From the voice and his words, he could pretty much guess, it was Reegan.

He started running and got away from that place suddenly an arrow pierced his back. He removed the penetrated arrow and started running giving his all. He managed to survive until now all only because of his Prediction ability and Nova Manifestation even though those played a powerful role his body wasn't able to handle all the buffs according to his current condition. After a few seconds, he was not even able to run but, he chose to drag his feet to survive.

He turned and saw the blurred image of Reegan following him.

"I will meet you at the border of the city!" Nix said with a loud voice and continued his persuasion of escape from the siege.

When he turned around, he didn't find Reegan. It seems he got the message and went in a different direction.

He kept dragging himself immersed by blood like a wounded dog for as long as he could to escape the place.

Finally went into a lane after running for a while. It was crooked and the orange ray of the sunlight made it through the dampened place and made the lane look bright. It was peaceful, but the problem was every door in that street was locked. He knocked on every door and nobody came to the rescue.

"Somebody help me! somebody, please help me!" He kneeled and screamed. He knocked on every single door of the damned lane he saw. While crying for help feeling helpless, unable to endure the physical damage and his mental anguish. He went through a diminishing agony as he continued to scream at top of his lungs.

'If I just close my eyes and lied down here it will be alright. right?'

With a thought, he closed his eyes lying on the floor and fell unconscious.

A single door opened in that street and a girl walked out and dragged Nix's body inside her house.


One week later

He slowly opened his eyes and found himself in a small house with a single room it was cozy and the roof had some holes and at first glance, anyone can say that it is a poor house.

He checked his body first, he had some bandages wrapped around him. When he threw his eyes to the side of the room he saw a girl preparing something before a stove. She was short and had a bob-cut, her hair silver hair portrayed her as a peerless cute little girl, and her skin tone was white as snow in color. She looked like a westerner or someone from a different country to Nix.

'Now that I Think about it How can I speak with everybody in this world without knowing their language?'

Nix tried to get up from the bed and The girl turned her gaze towards him.

"Oh, you woke up!"


"I am Malini. May I know your name?"

"I am Nix, Thank you for helping me. How can I repay you?"

"uhhmm Nix There is no need for that." Malini smiled and replied.

He checked his body, and he didn't feel any pain.

"What? I can't live in debt and how did you get all my wounds healed?"

and added

"You know I am an outlaw right? And I need to leave the city as soon as possible, so I will repay you with something within my power."

She smiled at Nix and started talking.

"Nix I don't need anything but as you insist, I saw two gold coins inside your pocket can you give one."

'Two gold coins? Now that I think about it Why did Bageran slip these coins inside my pocket?' He pondered inwardly.

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