Vengeance of the Returner

Chapter 29: Easy theft

Chapter 29: Easy theft

Nix and the others stopped before the gate and seemed anxious except the succubus who seemed relaxed rather than feeling anxious about Robbing.

The Saragame city was not too populated with people like other cities He been in. And it didn't seem like a prosperous one too since there were barely some shops on the streets and only some people were roaming there. It was a low-populated area with minimum security which made it a perfect place to make a robbery.

The City looked Dull it was filled with some shady-looking outlaws and meager Residents of the City. The buildings and the streets were vacant and spacious. The buildings didn't seem to be well maintained as there were some rifts on the buildings and the city didn't seem to be a colorful one.

Nix cleared his throat and started talking while walking through.

"So what are we going to do next?"

" "

The brothers didn't reply; they kept staring at Sara and waited for her response. If she didn't join they would have just broken into the city and robbed the goods but since she was here they had to rely on her and so they resorted to a stealthy move.

"Hmm, why are you looking at me like that? I already started using Illusion Magic. I can't maintain my illusion magic for a long time plus, I didn't recharge my mana."

Both the brothers scanned their bodies and didn't find any changes in them. so, they questioned her again.

"But we look just the same?"

Sara gave an alluring smile and started talking.

"Lol, Your appearances won't change. I just placed a barrier surrounding our vicinity. so, people inside the barrier won't find you suspicious but, people who see us from a distance away can become suspicious so try to stay low until Nix finds us a cloak or anything to conceal ourselves."

Both of them agreed to her.

"Hmm, So let's hide and wait until Nix gets us something"

'I got 25 gold coins right now so it won't be a problem to buy cloaks for three people I guess.'

"Okay, Just wait under that building," Nix said while pointing at a massive Building with rifts since it seems to be abandoned, so he chose that.

"Make it fast."

"Yeah I know"

He started walking through the streets while scanning the environment. It was a city governed by outlaws and some humans who do shady works or criminals but there were some normal people among them too.

While walking he found a little girl selling clothes in a street shop. so, walked to her.


The little girl stared at Nix and opened her mouth like she was annoyed by him.

"Mister just pick the things you need and get out "

Nix just smiled at her and started speaking

"Oi child, why don't you talk a bit politely to someone older than you?"

The girl pouted and threw a tantrum while folding her hands.

"Huh, who are you calling kid? I am 10 years old you know?"

Nix smiled at her and replied to her playfully.

"AH, my bad. I am sorry madam. So what's the price of those?"

He pointed out some clothes that she hung in her shop.

The girl smiled brightly with a bright face.

"hmmph, that's more like it. You want them?"


She picked them up and placed them on the table.

"What's the material made up of? and I want four of them"

"It's from Broax fur which is too hard to hunt and it can be used as an all-weather cloak."

"So, what's the Price?"

The girl replied with a straight face.

"It will be 30 gold coins."

'What? It doesn't seem like anything special then why the hell is this price too high from what I heard from Malini. Clothes should be maximum priced at 5 or 6 Gold coins but this Damn! this is daylight robbery.'

"Hello, Little Missy I think your price is too high. If it's for 15Gold Coins if Not I will pass."

Her face turned red in anger and she started to yell at him.

"Who told you to come to my shop? Did I beg You to buy my products? And you wasted my precious time."

Nix just laughed it out.

"Okay, I'll pass. It's not like there is only one shop here."

The loli girl became startled as he turned around. She quickly grabbed his hand tightly.

"Good Sir why are you angry? You are our precious customer. I already gave you a 50% Discount on those clothes. Its original price for one cloak is fifteen and you are too greedy to ask for 15 gold. Since you are Disappointed I am selling this for 25 gold coins."

'But I just exactly have 25 Gold coins is this trade right?'

"But I find it too high. I can give you 15 coins not less not more."

She closed her eyes leaning on the shop's wall like she was in thought and slowly started explaining.

"Mister if you miss this chance you will regret it. You know Broaxes are Rare right? It's hard to find them and it's hard to hunt them too. How can you expect me to sell for such a cheap price? And No one here has one of these"

She gave a strong Tap on the table.

"Mister 25 coins not more not less. Take it or leave it."

Nix took out the pouch and placed it on the table seeing that the loli's eyes started glowing as licked her lips.


She took the pouch and smiled at Nix evilly like a sly fox. Nix didn't understand why she had such a smile on her face.

"is there a good weapon shop here?"

"Uhm yes, the Cold forge if you go North from here you can find it."

"Thank you for the info"

Nix turned and started walking away while the sly vixen had an evil smile watching him leaving her shop.

'Hahaha such a fool'

She smiled inwardly.

On the other hand, Nix was walking with a dull expression on his face.

'Would have been better if I saved up some money.'

Nix walked for a while and joined with the others. And all the three of them seemed restless and anxious.

Tyga was the first one to yell at Nix.

"Nix! How long should we wait? dammit!"

."Chill man! Look at this" He showed off the cloaks.

"Give that to Me"

Tundra snatched the cloaks from Nix and then they started passing the cloaks after taking one each.

Tundra started talking.

"Did you receive any information regarding a good weaponry store here?"

Nix replied

"Yes Cold forge Weapon shop in the northern street."

Tundra started speaking.

"All right then let's get going"

Everyone wrapped themselves with the cloak concealing their wings and tails. And left the abandoned building.

Soon they arrived at a street that looked quite populated than most of the other streets. Nix and the other stopped in front of the shop which had a big Name board 'The cold forge'.The door was made up of see-through glass and some weapons were presented on the side window to attract the passersby. As they entered the whole shop various weapons were exhibited on the walls.

As soon as they proceeded through the door a man who seemed to be waiting for customers gave a gentle smile.

"Welcome May I ask what type of weapon you are looking for?"

Tyga started speaking.

"Hmm yes, this guy here needs some set items and weapons."

Tyga pointed to Nix and the man gave a gentle smile.

"Okay sir follow me"

Nix followed him as he started to reveal some weapons. Nix had a trivial interest in hidden blades since his arrival to Empyrean so he asked for a hidden blade but the man showed something different from the hidden blade,

"Sir this is something of a New arrival this is more useful than a hidden blade. Just put it on and Try it,"

The man gave him the gauntlet and Nix was strangely getting attracted to it so he decided to check this thing out.

"clench your fist to make the blade protrude."


Nix did as the man said and the broad blade wider than the hidden blade he used protruded out from the top rather than coming from the bottom. Nix's eyes started to sparkle like a child who got a new toy.

"Sir there is one more feature."

"What's it?"

"sir point towards that target and insert your mana in it "

The shopkeeper said while pointing at a target. And Nix inserted his mana just like he instructed.


Suddenly a silver and black energy shot out like a bullet piercing the air and hit the target.


Nix exclaimed in awe.

The shop keeper smiled at Nix and started explaining.

"This is a Product based on the ancient republic's system which is mechanized with our current resources ."

'what is he blabbering about?'

He just replied.

"oh, I guess that's why it works complicated and feels techy."

[Private ability: Truth eye activated]

He started staring at it intimately.

[Proto blade]

(Item information: A Hidden blade gauntlet which is remodeled with the ancient proto gun's function.)

'I need this thing.'

At the same time, all the others seemed to have collected the weapons they needed and ready to move. Nix seemed to be in an attachment with the Proto blade.

Sara called out for Nix. while making hand gestures.

"Nix time to move out."

And Tyga and Tundra were already wearing the armor and weapons they needed. while stocking weapons for Nix. The Shopkeeper was not able to notice because of Sara's illusion magic and Charm ability with hypnotism.

Nix snatched the proto blade from the shopkeeper's hand and started running.

Tundra yelled as he commenced running.

"Don't stop running!

They broke the door and kept on running while the shopkeeper stood there with a dumbstruck face. He ran towards something and pressed a button. And a big bell at the distance started to ring an alarm resounding the vicinity.

They ran for a long time and got near the same abandoned building.

Sara started speaking with a smile on her face while panting heavily.

"hah~hah That was easy!"

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