Vengeance of the Returner

Chapter 42: Silver spear clan

Chapter 42: Silver spear clan




200 years ago seven humans gained powers from the corrupted gods and reached godhoods with help of the power they were bestowed. As they rose above and walked the path to reach godhood. They became hostile towards the very own gods they worshiped and the other gods. Since they rebelled against them. They were stripped down from their authority and the gods absorbed the powers they bestowed and killed them. Later on, they were called seven sins.

There has been a rumor about the corrupted gods. That Corrupted gods have chosen new seven humans and bestowed them the authority and powers of seven sins with a pact.

But, some Ancient Empyrean residents continued to worship the former humans who ascended to godhood who was later known as the gods of seven sins. Which made the corrupted gods enraged and they were given divine punishment. Since then the temples and churches of Seven sins were eradicated and erased from the history of Empyrean although there are some remains scattered all around Empyrean.


After walking for a while Nix arrived before a shabby building that had a name board with a spear symbol on it with a Title mentioning the Silver spear clan.

"Hmm, not bad seems like a small clan though."

With a remark, he walked in and arrived at the hall.

A man with dark skin suddenly appeared before Nix as soon as he entered.

"Who are you and what is your business?"

The man questioned while pointing his spear at Nix's neck.

'Where are this guy's manners? Pointing his weapon as soon as I entered. This treatment makes me sick.'

"whoa whoa wait a moment! here see this"

He slipped the notice he took from the notice board. The man snatched the notice and read. He scanned Nix from top to bottom and slowly retracted his spear from his neck but he still had his guard on.

"So, You are here to join the ruin seeking mission?"

Nix nodded his head in agreement.

"Alright follow me we gotta talk with the commander."

They reached the first floor which seemed to be the gym.

"Big sis! A guy came here saying that he wants to join our quest."

Soon the same towering woman that Nix saw in the restaurant arrived before Nix. She was wearing a tank top and her body was fully drenched in sweat which made her clothes tightly stick to her skin revealing her voluptuous boobs. Nix couldn't help himself from gawking at her but soon he averted his eyes because of the glare he received from the woman which pierced him like a dagger.


Nix wasn't able to control himself as he continued to gawk at her like a mad dog ignoring her annoyed gaze since he was a man of culture as well.

The woman frowned.

"Hello? can't you stop? I mean it is awkward."

The young man who escorted Nix to the woman pointed his weapon at Nix again.

"I agree that my big sis is beautiful but, Imma kill you if I catch you staring at her again. Do you understand?"

"tch, who the hell is this pipsqueak to think that I will easily go down?"

Nix mumbled to himself as he was annoyed by the siscon.

The young man furrowed his brows.


"Ah It's nothing"

The woman continued to observe Nix's behavior with her hands folded with an annoyed expression on her face. Nix soon understood her and averted his eyes feeling embarrassed since he knew that his gaze would have felt disgusting like worms moving around her body so gazed straight at her eyes. While she stared at him like she was seeing some trash.

"I am sorry for staring at you, You're sexy. So...."


Nix spouted whatever came to his mind without hesitation and the woman punched Nix's face yet, her cheeks were faintly red. It would have been much better. If he called her beautiful because sexy could create misunderstandings.

'I don't feel bad though. A small price to pay for salvation.'

Thinking inwardly he smirked and wiped his bleeding nose caused by her punch. The Young man still had his weapon pointed towards Nix.

"Eshwar let him be, Withdraw your spear away from him."

She ordered the young man and turned her attention to Nix.

"I get it you are here for joining the mission. Alright wait on the ground floor we will talk about the mission in detail there."

Eshwar clicked his tongue.

"Tch, But sis this Bastard is acting cocky and we don't know if we can trust him."

She just glared at him and he understood the meaning of her gaze so, He quietly escorted Nix to the ground floor. Nix just observed her attitude and came up with one conclusion. And the conclusion is they seem to be short of people. Which was why she even accepted his arrogant behavior.

As they walked down Eshwar had a grim expression and he didn't utter a word. Just as he stepped into the hallway another guy walked in.

"Brother!, where is big sis? I got the Map!"

The new guy who entered enquired Eshwar jovially and Eshwar eyed the guy signaling that Nix was there.

"Shush, you can talk about that later."


The guy replied and ascended the stairs.

'hmm, Nice these people don't seem shady. If there is something that's bothering me. Then it would be. Them being overly conscious about me being here. Anyway, I don't care. All I need to do is finish this job and grab the money.'

He inwardly spoke to himself feeling reluctant about them being on guard.

Eshwar offered a seat for Nix and Nix quietly sat there for a while and soon a woman with short hair arrived. She just smiled at Eshwar and glared at Nix for a second and quietly walked away from there.

He had his hand placed on his chin while leaning on a chair next to him he wondered.

'So, How long should I wait? it's been 15 minutes....'

And at that moment the tall woman arrived at the hall and she had her equipment worn like she was going for some battle. even though they were going to just have a meeting. One after another the jovial guy and the woman with the tomboyish haircut entered the hall.

The tall woman gazed at Nix and started to speak with a cold expression.

"I am Cinzia the commander of the Silver spear clan. Head to the meeting room so we can speak there."

After finishing she walked towards a room and the other three people followed.

Nix sighed and rose from his seat while murmuring.

"Hah so, much waiting for a simple job."

He walked inside the room and found the others encircling the table that's in the center and the room was quite spacious.

Cinzia opened her mouth first as soon as Nix entered.

"If you came here after seeing the notice then you must be a level three warrior or an archer I guess...."

"Sorry I didn't introduce myself. My Name is Nix. and yes, I am a level three warrior."

"Okay, I will make it short and cut to chase these three people here..."

She pointed at the three of her clan members and continued.

"Are level four players. First Eshwar is a warrior and second"

She pointed towards the Tomboyish woman.

"Dalia is an Archer. And Finally, Varde is a healer."

'A healer! cool!'

Nix was amazed upon hearing that the jovial guy is a healer because he knew that it is pretty rare to find a healer among the Outlaws since they only have two choices one is to maintain defense and the other is healing and they need protection.

"I look forward to working with you all."

Nix responded while staring at the members of the clan.

Cinzia scowled at Nix.

"Now~Now, Don't act nice. I can see that you came here knowing that our clan is short on members and in a starving condition."

Her face turned more serious and she continued her speech.

"If you have plans of betraying us we will easily exterminate you like killing a pest. Do your job, receive the payment, and get out. If you try to steal or betray us in the middle of the quest. You will get tortured to death which will make you feel like dying would be much better than suffering."

'Hmm, Interesting...But, as though I give a fuck about these warnings. I am here to take the job. If I had an idea of betraying or stealing I would have joined some bandits clan.'

He smirked at the woman mockingly and the others in the meeting room were surprised.

"I came here to do the mission. I don't understand why you are ranting some unnecessary shit though."

'Hmm, I thought he would back out.'

Thinking inwardly Cinzia opened her mouth.

"Okay, And about the distribution. My first preference for sharing the equipment we find will be with my clan members and me. And if we find any gold. We can share it equally. These are the conditions for this quest. so, Do you still wish to join the Quest after hearing the condition?"

'Now let see what this guy says since the condition is quite advantageous for me and my clan members.'

Thinking to herself she smiled internally.

Nix smirked and instantly replied.

"Alright, I agree to your conditions."

And moved his hands forward to strike the deal while gazing at her.

'I can sense that she may get a lot of gains if they succeed. but honestly who cares? I am here for my first ruin-seeking quest and I need experience, so this is enough for a New Guy like me.'

Cinzia shook hands with Nix and she and the other three members were surprised by Nix's agreement for their unfair agreement since all the equipment would have been shared equally with every member that participates in most of the quests but he didn't say anything.

"Now coming to the plan we are trying to find the remains of the Judas temple also known as the forgotten temple of seven sins. You know about the seven sins' story right? "

She eyed at Nix.

'I just glanced at the birth of sins from the book bald guy Waltner gave. I just went through the page which mentioned the seven sins by chance when I was in the inn and to think it's useful here. If I am lucky. I may find something about Felishia in this expedition too.'

"Yeah I kinda slightly know about it but I don't know anything about Judas though."

After hearing Nix's reply Cinzia nodded her head and continued.

'Looks like he isn't an airhead.'

Thinking inwardly she continued.

"Alright. This quest contains three warriors, one archer, and a healer. We will be leaving the city in three days using the mutino caravan and the traveling time will be eight days to reach the Hithigasa mountain range and taking seven days returning here into account. we will be out of the city for a total of sixteen days adding the two days for searching and exploring the ruin. So, any more questions?"


Everybody replied in unison and they looked like they already know about the details of the quest. Except for Nix and it was like they were just there to observe his behavior and test his patience by screwing him with equipment and other things.

"Okay, I will meet you all on the day of the quest. Is that all or do you have anything else to say?"


Cinzia replied.

"Alright, Let's meet on the day of the quest"

With a remark, Nix left their base after signing the deal even though he didn't get a detailed description of the quest he was satisfied that he got a job.

'Hmm, this is Silver spear clan huh? Well, they seem a bit different from other clans and their job is better than the other shady clans.'

With a thought, he began walking and entered the inn and reached his room, and opened the thick book Waltner gave him while lying on the bed. It had the title and name of the author on the front page.

|Ways of Empyrean and Arts by DEREK RAVENK|


As he turned to the next page he found the author's note.

|If you are reading this then you must be a fellow transmigrator here. I hope this book helps you. I struggled a lot to publish this book hope you pass down this book to other Outsiders or people who are summoned by the gods if you are a resident. I don't care if you are an Outlaw or a regular nevertheless at the end of the day we gotta survive so, I hope this book helps you. I struggled a lot to obtain pieces of information. By the time you read this. I think only a few books would be available all over Empyrean. Thank you!|

'Nice, This thing has history and some tips about the system for summoned people to use and a few moves sets for fighting. I ought to learn them. I gotta visit the Corrupted god's temple tomorrow morning'

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