Vengeance of the Returner

Chapter 45: The sky ogres.

Chapter 45: The sky ogres.

Their journey sailed smoothly for several hours until dawn. As the night commenced the sky started letting out chilly air as the mutino pierced through the fluffy clouds. It continued to race through the air under the moonlight, Nix stood out and kept staring at the clouds which passed through the way.


Suddenly he heard howls from a distance. He wasn't able to point out from where the howl reached his ears but, he hurriedly took the proto blade Feleishia gave and wore it as his instinct alarmed.

Suddenly a feminine voice reached him from his back.

"Nix did anything happen?"

It was Cinzia.

Nix was agitated. He didn't expect her arrival since he thought she was sleeping inside the caravan.

'Damn! When did she arrive here?'

He thought to himself and stared at her.

"Ah, it's nothing I felt like I heard a howl."

She began speaking with her hands folded while leaning on the wall.

"Is that so? Anyway, take rest it's not like there will be anything dangerous appearing out of nowhere and particularly in the sky."

Nix nodded and said.

"Okay, You should take a rest. I don't feel sleepy right now."

She frowned and turned towards the caravan.

"Well, whatever, don't strain yourself we will be facing monsters starting tomorrow."

Nix responded with a sigh.

"hah, Okay "

She nodded and said.

"Alright, I will take my leave then."

'What was that? Was she observing me?'

Thinking inside his mind he sat down and began smoking his cigarette.

"Ah feels good"

He Muttered and turned his head towards the moon. it shone amidst the dark sky beautifully. He kept watching the sky and admired its beauty peacefully.

"Owww! Owww!"

Several howls entered his ears.

As his peace never lasted long since he stepped on this damned world. Now another trouble has appeared. In a startle, he rose from the place and took out the chain on the other hand and readied his hidden blade.

Slowly a red wolf with black feathers appeared piercing through the thick clouds and a silhouette similar to a human became visible and it was commencing towards him.


Nix aimed and waited for the creature to get closer. He was shocked as soon as he laid his eyes upon the man who was seated on top of the black wolf. He was shirtless and his skin was yellow in color and his body frame was wide. His head had a horn protruding and he possessed a pair of wings.

"What the hell?"

[Doom prediction vision activated.]

He relied on his ability again. Even though it only showed the future for mere milliseconds. It helped him as much as possible.

He was in shock as he found the man aiming his bow at him. Soon four more wolves with yellow-skinned beings on top of it.

Without thinking, Nix began shooting mana towards the wolves.


With a sound, a wolf got injured and descended the sky from Nix's attack.

"Nix what happened?"

Dalia appeared out of the caravan and others came out followed by her. The unknown being began rushing towards them.

Cinzia began shouting.

"Dammmit! They are sky ogres!"

A man rose from his wolf and aimed at the mutino with a massive hook connected to a rope.

Dalia and Nix continued shooting the sky ogres while others waited for the ogres to get close. The number of sky ogres increased as they appeared continuously almost eight of them surrounded the mutino.


The mutino screamed in pain as it was pierced by a hook. Blood gushed and sprayed out. Nix started to get overwhelmed by anxiety. They continued to fight back and managed to kill three wolves.

The ogre men and women rushed towards the mutino and hoped on the mutino with their large weapons.

"Nix you should protect Varde. While both I and Eshwar will take care of the ogres and Dalia! You continue to cover us!"

Nix was happy with the orders since he didn't have to do the heavy lifting. Cinzia rushed towards an ogre woman. On the other hand, Eshwar sped towards a nearby ogre while Dalia continued to shoot arrows towards the other sky ogres that hovered near the Mutino.


The sky ogre woman screamed in pain as Cinzia thrusted her halberd inside her chest. She swiftly turned to her rear and sliced down an ogre's arm.

Nix was astonished by her techniques and her unwavering spirit. She was rather calm than feeling tense as she maintained her balance and continued to slay the remaining ogres while accessing the attacks that flew towards her.

"Thee Shall not receive curse!"

Varde blurted out some kind of chanting and a transparent dark force field barrier covered the mutino and continued chanting. The hooks didn't reach Mutino after that but Dalia's arrows flew passing through the force field.

" I cannot maintain this barrier for more than five minutes."

Varde while heavily sweating. Nix turned towards Cinzia and who was busy fighting.

'What should I do?'

Not knowing what to do he neglected Cinzia's order and stabbed a nearby ogre with a sword and shot mana towards the other ogres.

Cinzia turned her attention towards Nix with her reddened eyes in anger since he ignored her order. Suddenly an Ogre woman hastened towards Varde. Nix and others had their handful so, No one was there to protect him.

Cinzia ignored her battle and sped towards Varde at that moment. Suddenly Nix fired his mana using the proto blade and ran towards him and attacked the ogre woman with his sword. He continued to cross swords with her. As their swords clashed their swords produced a bashing sound.


Nix used the protoblade to counter-attack as she dodged it. He distanced from her.

She laughed at Nix mockingly and said.

"Haha, your ignorance will only lead you to death. Yield before me I shall give you a painless death."

" "

Without saying anything he gritted his teeth and swung his chain, as she swiftly dodged it. He stabbed her neck with the sword and successfully killed her. Although he suffered a lot of injuries. He managed to kill her.

"hah, hah"

He dropped the sword and throbbed heavily. He scanned his surroundings and found the others getting relaxed since the battle ended after the thirty minutes of continuous battle.

"yo Thank you!"

Varde remarked.

Nix smiled back at him while feeling cold air as he received a piercing stare from Cinzia.

"Kriiiik kriiik!"

Since the Mutino received heavy Damage it kept on crying out in agony so they landed down. It was rather surprising that it didn't lose its balance or die on them.

They landed down on plain grassy land. It was giving out a refreshing gentle breeze and the smell of grass mixed with the smell of rain entered their nose. Nix was glad that he didn't get into a troubling situation to face those ogres alone. It was already tiring for him to fight back with a single sky ogre.

Cinzia stepped towards Nix and slapped him suddenly.

"That was too reckless!"

She grabbed his chin and locked her eyes with his.

"If I order you something you should follow it! what if He died there?"

He began speaking while gazing up at her as she was taller than him.

"I just tried to help...."

" My clan members are important to me. Thanks for helping back there though."

He smirked and said

"I understand. But, I killed that Ogre woman without him getting injured right?"

"Don't be ignorant. I don't want mistakes again."

"Alright, I Get It! can you take your hands off me?"

She retracted her hand and walked away. All the others were still in a daze after the occurrence and they stayed silent while Cinzia scolded Nix.

She walked towards the center and said.

" I didn't expect this sudden occurrence myself. Our mutino is injured so we can't use him. The journey will still be continued; there are no changes in it."


Everyone replied in unison. Nix had an annoyed expression though.

'I didn't do anything wrong right? All I did was help them. I kinda admire her caring Tendency for her comrades and cold and silent personality though, but she is kinda dominant.'

Thinking inwardly he continued to listen to her speech.

"I anticipated Sky ogres appearance on the fourth or fifth day. I didn't have any choice out there other than killing em since making a convo is useless with those pieces of shits. I am sorry for being incompetent and We will be spending the night here."


everyone left ou a breath of sigh and began setting up the camp.

"Krikkkkk! kriikkkkk!"

The mutino cried out in pain as its blood continued to flow out of the several injuries it received from the hooks which deeply dug inside its tendons.

Nix walked towards the mutino and pulled out all the hooks and finally took his sword towards its neck.

"yo, what are you doing? Stop it!"

Varde rushed in and stopped Nix from killing it.

"Are you planning to let it suffer throughout the night or will you be able to heal something this massive?"

"As you can see everyone here is injured, so I'm gonna need it as an offering to heal us up."


" I mean Goddess Shayatin will demand a sacrifice in exchange for gaining five healing spells."

'Damn! These gods are cruel!'

Thinking inwardly he stepped back from the mutino. Varde walked before the mutino and drew a circle and began chanting something with a book in his hand.

"Goddess of all evil. Please take this offering and I beg you to give me power!"

As he shouted a swirl of darkness rushed out of the circle and covered the mutino.

"Kriiikkk Kriiikk!"

It cried out louder than when it got shot by the hook. Its body began twitching and shaking violently as it continued to fall in despair. The darkness entered through its mouth and ears and the body of the mutino began rotting in an instant slowly its skin decayed and its flesh crumbled and its blood turned black. It was a grotesque sight to watch.


Nix puked out unable to endure the sight.

He hurriedly walked out of the area as the flesh of the rotten mutino began giving out a foul smell.

Nix frowned at Eshwar.

"Fuck that was disgusting and a cruel thing to do even if it's an animal."

Eshwar burst out of laughter.

"Hahaha Are you a kid or something? You are actin like a wimp. Chill man! it's not like we have a choice to survive here. So, you don't want to heal your wounds?"

"well, I don't want to be healed with a power like that. Maybe when I am desperate."

Dalia intervened.

"What? You don't want to be healed? How did you even survive until reaching level three with that kind of mentality?"

" "

Nix stayed silent as he was unable to answer her question.

'His moves were messy and I feel the same way just like Dalia and the others. This guy here is surely a Newbie.'

With a thought in mind, Cinzia stepped in and covered up for Nix.

"Dalia It's his personal issue he isn't obliged to answer the question he is here for the job, so stop it at that."

After that, they ignored Nix from asking questions about his personal stuff and continued to keep watch for the night.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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