Vengeance of the Returner

Chapter 65: Inner conflict

Chapter 65: Inner conflict

The carriage stopped before the City's massive gate which was guarded by twenty guards. They parked it in the corner and the crew went through some regular checking.

The guards were wearing brown metal armor and a helmet matching the armor and each held a weapon, they preferred. Their armor contained a silver hammer emblem in the center which seemed to be the city's symbol.

"We need to register your entry." The guard said and walked towards his office which was built in a way to check both the people who are leaving and entering the city gate. Nix quietly followed the guard to the office. He knew the necessary process since he had to go through that in order to enter the city as he just recently entered.

"Take a seat please." The guard offered Nix a seat while sitting opposite him.

"Hah, Alright, We are a six men crew. My name is Nix and the leader of the crew. The group contains two archers, one mage, and three warriors." He said.

The guard began to note down everything in his registry.

"Hmm, we need the details about your levels and clans you are affiliated with. If you don't want to reveal that information, then you need to pay up ten gold coins per head " The guard said with an emotionless face.

'Sure, they want to eat money for fuck sake!' He inwardly cursed and placed the sixty gold coins on the guard's table. It's like he needed to pay every time so, he was pretty much irritated by it.

He heaved out a sigh of relief after finishing up the irritating process and shot up from his seat and walked towards the carriage to enter the city. His crew was full of energy and they seemed to be satiated after today's successful job.

Soon, another guard woman walked towards Nix and said. "I checked the goods. You need to pay tax amount of fifty platinum coins or you may not be able to enter in with the goods."

"What the hell?... Are you freaking kidding me? I already paid up and you need more?" He scowled.

The woman began talking with a calm demeanor.

"This is necessary for the growth of the city. If you can't pay up. We can't let you take the goods in."

"You are testing my patience." He said and turned towards Bulziey.

"Hey, fucking mohawk head! Take the Carriage in"

The guard was agitated as he ignored her proposal.

"Mister this is my first and last warning or you will face terrible circumstances." She said.

"What will you do?" Nix asked.

Gunther who was busy chatting with the crew while observing the scene, intervened in between the conversation since Nix began to get enraged.

"Boss, Can't you go easy or we will not get the clan approval. Giving out few platinum coins won't be a huge deal." He said and eyed Bulziey to distract Nix from causing any problems.

The crew understood him quite a bit from analyzing him for a few days so, it was not surprising that they tried to calm him down and try to help him. They weren't obliged to do it but, they chose to do it. Why? Because he was a promisingly strong man who would become great as time flows just like wine. Which would taste better as they age. In the hopes of gaining something, they decided to at least act like they were loyal to him.

"Leader, Can we have a talk for a bit?" Bulziey asked.

"Tch, yes tell me?" He said and walked with him.

Gunther who noticed

"I am sorry ma'am We will pay up, But, can't you let this slide?" Gunther said and passed a pouch with exactly fifty platinum coins and bribed her with five gold coins to avoid needless troubles.

Nix noticed Gunther's action, yet he ignored it understanding the meaning of his action. Gunther heaved out a sigh of relief and walked towards him. Nix signed the register and grabbed the piece of paper after sealing the deal.

"Boss, You seem to be out of the place for quite some time. Are you perhaps still thinking about Bulziey's actions?" Gunther questioned.

"Just mind your business," Nix said cooly and took his seat inside the carriage.

Cinzia who was eagerly waiting for Nix's return rushed towards the hall as soon as she heard that he came with three chests. Felishia was just as eager as her who awaited his return.

His crewmen placed the chests in the middle of the lobby. The members stood surrounding the chests with anticipation. Everyone except Nix's crew eyes was sparkling.

His crew was wearing proud face, among them, only Nix had a disheartened expression.

"Maids can you open and count the loot?" As she asked three maids walked towards each chest and opened up and turned back at Cinzia in awe. The whole clan members were surprised as the contents in the chests glimmered.

Everyone in the clan looked at Nix's crew like they were enchanted. Gunther smirked and dropped the weapons and armors they removed from regulars and guards.

"Nix who did you rob?... I mean this is surplus. We may be able to establish a clan within a week." Cinzia said.

Nix was just rewinding what he did back then in his mind without giving attention to what she said.

"Nix?" Cinzia called out.

"Huh? Yes?"

He snapped out and asked.

"You did a good job!" She said with a smile.

He opened his mouth with an expressionless face.

"Yeah, sure thank you."

Felishia walked towards him and placed her hand on his forehead and asked, "Are you not feeling well? Your face seems quite grim..."

He shook her hands off him and frowned at her.

"Tch, I am fine. I am gonna take rest for a while."

He walked towards the stairs and ascended to his room.No one blocked his way or tried to stop him. Even Cinzia just stood there in a stupor. She shifted her gaze towards his crew and began to enquire one by one.

Firstly she shifted her attention to Camila.

"Can you explain to me what happened in detail?"

"Uhmm, We just did our job. I don't think there was anything troublesome. I don't know why he is being like that but, sure he was offended when Bulziey tried to mess with the Merchant's wife from whom we robbed, and moreover, he seemed to be in conflict with himself while doing the job," She explained indifferently.

She next turned towards Bulziey.

"I won't ask anything about why you chose to do that or something. Make sure that this will be your last time."

He just nodded his head and receiving his response, she began speaking in a loud voice.

"Alright, everybody! The meeting is over just continue your works and the other crew, prepare to set off!"

With that everybody returned doing their chores and some prepared for their shift of work. Cinzia gasped and entered her office to calculate the profit they earned. She was busy with the works that she needed to do before establishing their clan.

"Heyya! Watcha, doin' here? I thought you went to your room." Camila said while standing behind Nix who was standing on the rooftop of the building while dwelling in his own world of thoughts.

He was wearing a black tank top t-shirt and shorts. People from earth sure did bring modern clothing to Empyrean. He turned and whiffed out smoke.

She smiled and asked.

"You smoke?"

He clicked his tongue as if he was annoyed by her.

"Tch, Don't you have eyes?"

He turned back and continued to observe the city's structures while busily smoking his cigarette.

"Yo boss! You didn't go to your room?"

It was the voice of Gunther which struck him from a distance.

"Tch, Fuckin annoying. Can't I take some time alone?" He mumbled.

"Boss?" He called again.

He swiftly turned towards him scowled at him.

"What the fuck do you want? you Bald fucking old guy! Tryna act like you are in my league?"

"Man, I told you I am your age and why you gotta be like that man? That hurts." Gunther sulked and stood beside him facing the balcony.

Camila burst out of laughter.

"Haha! You fuckin baldy!"

Gunther frowned at her.

"Damn you, Camila!"

"Are you fucking kids? " Nix jolted at both of them.

Gunther looked at his eyes and opened his mouth with a serious expression.

"Are you fucking kids? huh? You are the one who is throwing a tantrum like a kid."

"So, What?" He asked.

"So what?... hmm, I can guess why you are like that. It seems like you are having an inner conflict. Are you perhaps trying to be a good guy here?"

"What if I say yes?"

"Hmm, but you are already a bad person...I mean everybody is bad." Gunther said in a monotonous tone.

Nix furrowed his brows.

"What are you trying to convey?"

'Hmm, this is interesting.' Camila inwardly thought while observing the conversation with her hands crossed over her chest.

Gunther's lips arched up, "Now honestly tell me, Are you a good man?"

Suddenly he was reminded of his own actions when he burned and slain innocent slaves and the succubus who helped him.

He immediately replied, "No"

"Then what do you think about me?"

"I don't know but, sure you would have done something bad since you are an outlaw."

Gunther smiled at him.

"I am not a saint or knowledgeable chap to advice here," And added

"But, yeah you are exactly right! You have grabbed the essence however, do you think all the regulars are good?"

He suddenly remembered the incident with Jumbulingam and his team.


"Then tell me why are you feeling sorry about being immoral?"

"It's just that..."

Before he could finish Gunther began talking.

"I don't know about you but, let me share a small story about my experience in Empyrean as a fellow human being not as an Outlaw but as a human. And tell me your opinion about the story."

"Yeah go on..."

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