Villain Hides His True Colors

Chapter 106

Chapter 106

At the large training grounds located within the Hero Training Institute.

In a place that was usually filled with inspirational speeches, mournful cries resonated.

"Aigo, my son! If you leave first like this..."

"A-aaah! My daughter, why...Why!"

"Heuk! Heuh, heuk...Where's mom..."

Smell of incense pricked the nose as bereaved families collapsed and cried in front of the portraits of the deceased.

Saki watched the sight of such a memorial altar with a blank expression. At the end of her gaze was a portrait of someone.

A woman in glasses who gave off an orderly impression. It was a familiar face.

What...was her name?

They hadn't particularly spoken to one another, but she remembered that she was a classmate who sat in the front row and frequently asked questions during class.

Sometimes classes finished late and the other trainees would complain...

Turning to the side, there was a portrait of an irresponsible-looking man.

A man who always bragged that his family was very rich. He even made a bet that he would invite all the trainees to his villa and prove it himself when holiday came...

In front of the portrait, an old couple with a shabby appearance was sobbing.

As expected...wasn't that a lie?

So what happens to the bet now? She could only pretend it never happened...

As she walked across the training grounds, she looked at the portraits sitting on the wall one by one.

A classmate who had a point deducted for talking during a lecture. A classmate who would diligently write down notes in order to earn a scholarship.

A classmate who was secretly dating outside while exchanging letters in the dormitory.

They were all familiar faces.

However...Why did such a sight where they were all gathered felt so strange?

She continued to walk along the altar's long line.

The reality of the situation hadn't hit her yet. Rather, it seemed the situation was getting increasingly farther from reality with each step.

After walking for an unknown time, at last her steps stopped.

Gathered in front of her were many of her classmates from the institute who had been discharged from the hospital.

Her eyes turned to a portrait sitting on the altar.

The face of a young boy who looked especially young compared to the other trainees. Her dry lips slowly opened.


Noah's portrait alone showed an annoyed look. It was taken not long ago for the purpose of using it in the school festival's pamphlet.

She remembered everyone putting their heads together and coming up with a plan to take the photo.

Just looking at this portrait perhaps other people would have the wrong idea of Noah.

He usually smiles a lot, and he's such a sweet child...

If she had known it was the last time, she would have asked to take the photo again and again...


She bit her lips and forced herself to swallow the tears that were about to leak out. If she cried here, she would really be admitting that Noah was dead.

N-no. The body hasn't been found yet...

Noah couldn't be dead. It wasn't just anyone but Noah.

But why was everyone making sad faces?

They're all idiots.

He used to disappear without saying a word. So...It was obvious he would reappear in a few days this time too.

"I-isn't that right...Noah? Please...say yes."

However, around the corner of her eyes, tears were already leaking out without break.

"A-ah...Th-this c-can't be...heuk!"

When she had left the hospital, she had promised herself she wouldn't cry anymore today. She had cried her heart out in advance so that she could no longer cry.

Nevertheless, the emotions that had erupted were too hard to control.

"Heuk, Noah...No...Noah!!!!!"


Eventually, she collapsed to the ground.

She had called his name with lingering hope, but naturally there was no answer.

In fact, in the corner of her heart, there was an unfounded belief that Noah was still alive. However, everything she was seeing in front of her was pointing to Noah's death...

Maybe enough was enough and it was time to accept reality.

How...can this happen to a child as kind as Noah...

Noah, a selfless person who would move for others.

Even before he became a hero, he had saved countless people by preventing a terrorist attack.

At Pyongyang's exam site, he had overpowered the supervisor who had gone berserk and saved the lives of many candidates, including her.

And what about after passing the exam?

As a trainee, he had fought against an international crime syndicate, and had gone all the way to Hong Kong to subdue a monster believed to be S-Rank.

Brilliant talent like the stars and a noble spirit that shone even brighter than that.

Saki considered Noah's friendship her lifelong pride.

She didn't read newspapers very often, but she would always scrape articles related to him. She would fall asleep every night vowing to be a great person like him one day.

For today, she really resented his selfless personality.


Rather...if Noah had been a little more selfish...

If it had been so...wouldn't he still be alive? At least, just this once.

Noah had always tried his best to save everyone, but citing ridiculous reasons, the Hero Association had tried to arrest him.

It was a deeply resentful and unjust circumstance. When she had first learned of their plan, she was so angry that she couldn't sleep well for a few days.

If she had been in a similar situation, she might have just turned into a villain regardless of whether she was a hero or not.

Not only her, everyone had advised Noah to leave the institute and run away after they had learned about the motive behind the Hero Association's plan.

[I can't do that. I have to stay here.]

However, Noah had chosen to attend the school festival despite such an unreasonable circumstance.

At the time, she didn't understand why he had made such a decision...only now did she realize why.

Perhaps Noah had guessed in advance that the monsters from Eighth Layer Hell would invade this place.

With such a simple commitment to protect everyone, he had returned to this dangerous place where he may be arrested.

If he hadn't come back here, everyone in the gym would have died.

In the end, he had sacrificed himself and saved everyone.

Noah...why the hell...

At such a young age, how could he do this?

Maybe she didn't deserve to complain. Because of Noah's spirit of self-sacrifice she was able to live.

I wish I could turn back time...

A trail of regrets followed one after another.

If she had somehow persuaded Noah not to attend the school festival. Or if she and the other trainees were strong enough not to need his help.

Would Noah still be alive...?

No one could answer such a question now. However, if there was one thing she was certain of...

Noah was someone who should never die in vain like this.

What should I do now...

She had wanted to work hard and become a helpful person to Noah one day.

It was the first goal she, who had just tried to become a hero without thinking, had in her life.

However, with Noah missing to lead the goal, was it the right choice to continue being a hero?

What reasons do I have for becoming a hero now?

For the Hero Association that had treated Noah like a criminal? Or for the citizens who had made Noah sacrifice his life?

She vacantly stared into space.

At that moment, a soju bottle suddenly flew from somewhere, hitting the altar and shattering into pieces.


Sand in the incense burner spilled out, and the portrait sitting on the altar fell to the ground.


Turning her head, a middle-aged man with a bottle in his hand was seen shouting and pointing at the broken portrait.

"Choi Noah!! It's all because of him! Bring back my daughter!"

"Y-you can't do this here."

The trainees stood in the man's way and tried to calm him. But even so, his outburst didn't end there.

"S-son of a bitch! Wasn't this whole thing that bastard, Choi Noah's, fault? He brought the monsters here!"

"Hey! What nonsense is that? Don't cause trouble here and leave!"

A woman usually known for her hot temper blocked the man, but nevertheless, he pushed her shoulder.

"What an impudent woman! What did you say?! You're with that villain Choi Noah, aren't you?"


Other victims' families around the man began to sympathize and shout one by one.

"Th-that's right! When the villains first appeared, wouldn't they have looked for Choi Noah first?"

"We need to revoke Choi Noah's license right now and re-investigate this case!"

"The Hero Association needs to get to the bottom of this!"

Saki watched the scene with unfocused eyes.

What were they talking about? It was definitely not a foreign language, but strangely, she couldn't understand anything at all.

"It's a scoop! Run this way!"

"Hey, pick a sensational title. Times like this are money."

Reporters who had come to cover the funeral were welcoming the sudden disturbance with camera flashes.

Next to such reporters, celebrities and individual broadcasters holding cameras to take proof shots so they could post on social media were also seen.

"Damn it. The photos aren't coming out well today."

"Thank you for the support. Hyung-nims~ The support today will all go towards charity~ What? I'm going to eat it all? Eh~ What do you mean by that? Hyung-nims."

Saki's mind went blank. She couldn't understand it by any stretch of her imagination.

Why were they cursing Noah? How could they laugh and talk so casually as if they didn't care?

Why were they...

...A waste of air.

Saki's face sank like a corpse.


The emotions she had endured so far exploded, and the destructive energy in her body wriggled little by little.

Noah had sacrificed so much to save everyone...

But for what? For such people?

You...How dare you ungrateful bastards...

"You disgusting son of bitches!"

Her expression, which usually floundered like an airhead, distorted like a demon.

The huge amount of energy that had fallen asleep in the depths began to rumble.

She didn't care anymore. It wasn't even worth living in this dirty world.

"To hell with everything."

Within her eyes, a fiery red glow like a fuse rose.

The moment she lost her rationale and was about to blow up her ability,


Someone put a hand on her shoulder.

Turning around with eyes twitching, there stood Mousin with a stiff expression.

"Calm down. Saki."


"Are you also going to blow up your classmates? I don't want to die yet."


"Think about how Noah would feel if he was here. If you act like that...What sort of expression would that kind boy have on his face?"


Noah's face, which was always smiling brightly, came to mind. Her seething emotion subsided.


Mousin normally talked nonsense, but for once, he was right.

If it was Noah who had a warmer heart than anyone else in the world, he would have smiled kindly even in front of people who were cursing him.

She still felt like wiping out everything in front of her, but...

I shouldn't do that...

Even though Noah wasn't here, she didn't want to do anything that would make him sad.

The expression full of malice returned to her usual self, and the energy rumbling inside her slowly subsided.

What took its place was an indescribable sense of emptiness and sorrow.

"Heup...heuk, heuuuk!! Ahjussi, our Noah didn't do anything wrong, but these bastards keep cursing him..."

With tears and a runny nose, Saki pointed to the agitated families that were causing a disturbance.

The families threw things while the trainees gradually released their abilities to stop them.

However, the trainees were gradually being pushed back without being able to attack.

"Haa, fuck! They're driving me crazy. Hey, leave this to me. I'm better at this than you are."

On behalf of Saki, Mousin walked to the altar that was gradually being trashed.

Soon, he bowed to the families with a servile look.

"Aigo, everyone, why don't you calm down a little bit?"

"Who are you?!"

"I know you're upset, but let's calm down first..."


Mousin's head turned sharply and a red hand mark was clearly left on his cheek.

"Get lost! You're with that Choi Noah bastard, aren't you? You're a villain like that bastard!"


The atmosphere quickly subsided by a slap no one expected.

"Wh-what, hitting someone? Isn't that ahjussi crazy?"

"Fuck, don't stop me. He crossed the line. Where does he think this is..."

* * *

[ Translator - Yasi ]

[ Proofreader - Karane ]

* * *

The moment the trainees couldn't endure it anymore and was about to subdue the crowd, Mousin reached out his hand to stop them and bowed his head in a servile manner.

"I fully understand that you're having a hard time controlling your grief. I'm in the same boat having lost someone precious..."

It was an uncharacteristically polite manner. However, the families grabbed him by the collar and began to scream even louder.

"Shut up! What do you know?! My nephew...He was a good boy...keuk!"

"This is all because of Choi Noah! Who doesn't know this tragedy happened because of him?"

"I heard he was actually colluding with Eighth Layer Hell! No matter how hard you heroes try to cover up the case, I'll make sure the truth comes out!"

Camera shutters went off without stopping.

For those who were looking for a sensational story, the situation was like a deliciously prepared prey.

If there was physical conflict here, the sensational story of 'hero trainees attacking the bereaved families' would be completed.

It was like an insult to the deeds Noah had accomplished. Mousin had a better grasp of the current situation than anyone else in this position.

He sighed quietly and whispered so quietly that the reporters couldn't hear him. Soon, the faces of those who had heard him turned blue.

Mousin smiled, no longer hiding his aloof appearance.

"If you've roughly understood what I'm saying, let's stop now. What you're doing isn't going to bring the dead back to life. Don't take it out here for no reason and ruin your life."


"...I'll make sure to reveal the truth of this incident."

The families stared at him for a long time, but eventually gritted their teeth and withdrew.

In the meantime, Mousin's entourage took out envelopes and handed it to the reporters one by one, or chased away the onlookers who were doing personal broadcasts.

"Huu...I can't believe it."

Saki sighed and approached Mousin.

"Ahjussi...What did you say to those bastards for them to just leave like that?"

"A-ah, just. All I told them was the identity of Noah's guardian."

"...They back off with just that? I thought they were angry to the point that they had lost all reason?"

"What reason? Since Noah's image is so good, they came here to vent their anger under the impression that he was an easy target. I'm so sad right now~ Please know that~ Fuck!"


The trainees reorganized the altar that had turned into a mess.

They swept sand into the fallen incense burner and removed broken soju bottles or trash.

Saki carefully returned the portrait that had fallen on the ground. Noah's face was badly distorted because of the broken frame.


The sight made her angry again, but Mousin opened his mouth a step faster before her emotions became unstable.

"Everyone, please hear me out for a second. There's something I really want to tell you guys."

"If it's not important, do it later. I'm not in the mood now..."

"No. You really have to hear it now."

Mousin, who had said so, showed the most serious expression Saki had ever seen.

* * * * * * * * * *

Was it because of Mousin's serious expression?

The trainees who were looking at the portrait in a pitiful manner, gathered next to him one by one.

People from the Pyongyang branch who originally followed Noah, and even those who were saved by him in the gym.

In fact, except for the few still hospitalized, everyone had gathered.

"Let's see...This should do."

After Mousin looked around, he used an artifact to create a soundproof barrier.

What did he want to say for him to be so thoroughly guarded?

The moment everyone was looking at him with such a question, he looked back at them with a serious expression.

"Investigator Kim Taehi...No, she's the Branch Manager now. Anyway, I'm sure you all know her, right? The whistleblower who had informed Noah of the danger in advance."

The trainees nodded softly at his words.

There was an upper faction within the Hero Association that had aimed to frame Noah. Opposing that was Kim Taehi's faction who had kept their consciences by informing him in advance.

Ordinary citizens weren't aware of it, but most of the trainees who were directly involved in the case already knew.

"Anyway, I've heard some information from her..."

Mousin, who had lowered his voice even further, uttered shocking words to everyone.

" seems Noah is alive."


The trainees' eyes inadvertently turned to the portrait on the altar. For a moment, they alternated between the portrait and Mousin.


"A-ahjussi, what did you just say?!"

"You son of a bitch...If you're messing with us, I'll really never let you go."

Soon, there was panic all around. Mousin calmed them down by putting his index finger on his lips.

"Shh! Don't cause a scene and shut up!"

He quickly conveyed the evidence he had heard from Kim Taehi and the situation Noah was currently in.

"...That's what happened, so I think it's best to keep it a secret that he's alive."

"A-ah...That's a relief. I'm glad."

"Heuk...I knew it. He can't die so easily!"

Cries were heard everywhere. However, the meaning was different from a while ago.

Their expressions, as if they had lost everything, were filled with a ray of hope.

Mousin continued.

"I heard there will be an early graduation ceremony in a couple of weeks. Did you all hear that?"

Due to the incident, the institute was in a situation where it was difficult to operate normally.

This was because the number of trainees as well as professors who taught them had decreased too much.

To try and calm public unrest, the Hero Association had decided to hold an early graduation for all trainees, including the victims who had died in the incident.

"So in a few days, everyone here will become official heroes. Do you have any plans or things you want to do?"


Each trainee looked lost in thought when asked.

Becoming an official hero was something they had always dreamed of.

However, for some reason, their expressions were neither excited nor pleased.

Rather, the atmosphere, which had been brightened by news of Noah a moment ago, was starting to become heavier.

A deathly silence lingered, and after a while, Saki slowly opened her mouth.

"Becoming heroes...will it be meaningful now?"


What she had said represented the feelings of everyone gathered here.

They had no choice but to feel bitter after experiencing it firsthand. The justice they had believed in didn't exist.

Mousin, who was watching such a sight, stepped forward.

"I'm thinking of going straight home after this funeral. And I'm determined to take control of my family business that I had been putting off."

"Why all of a sudden? Didn't ahjussi say you weren't interested in your family business any more?"

When Saki asked, Mousin smirked and continued with a bitter expression.

"Yes, I did. However, I realized once again after having gone through this incident. This world is a dirty place. I've been around that innocent boy as of late, so I had lost sight of that for a while. It takes strength to protect him from such dirty things. So from now on, I intend to develop that power by all means. Because...I don't want to hold him back ever again."


The trainees recalled the terrible helplessness they had experienced in the gym and Noah saving them.

Mousin made eye contact with each of them.

"In that sense, I...plan to use the power of my family in order to gather people and help him. What are you guys going to do?"

"Of course we'll help Noah..."

"Wait. Think carefully before you answer."

Mousin warned those who had nodded immediately.

"As you know after seeing it this time, among Noah's enemies are the upper ranks of the Hero Association. No matter how corrupt and wrong they are, the power they have is very real. So in the worst case scenario, you could be branded a villain and become wanted criminals. And yet you're really going to help him?"

They, who had finally become official heroes after much effort. The reality that they could become villains was too harsh.

Therefore, Mousin wasn't expecting much when he had brought it up.


"Ahjussi, you brought up a good point. Well, that's what I was going to do originally."

Saki answered faster than anyone else.

"Haha! Choi Noah is the most righteous and wonderful person I've ever met! There's no need to hesitate to help him!"

Yeom Gangjun, who was like a wet match after Noah's death, shouted as he burned again.

"You don't have to tell me. Villain or whatever, I'm all for helping cute Noah."

"Right! Right! I can't just let uncle Mousin look cool by himself."

"I've only talked to Noah a few times, but I'm indebted to him."

Not only those from the Pyongyang branch collectively called the Choi Noah Army, but also all the other trainees.

They nodded calmly to the point where Mousin's worries were overshadowed.

"You guys..."

Mousin looked at the trainees with tears in his eyes.

The elite talents who had passed the hero exam that was said to have been the most difficult in its history, at last were united as one.

* * * * * * * * * *

Meanwhile, a pink-haired woman watching the action from afar, muttered something to herself as she took off her sunglasses.

"Heung~ It ended in a boring way."

The woman was Arin.

She was one of the eight executives of Eighth Layer Hell and a K-pop idol who had gained recognition worldwide.

"Should I have poked the hornet's nest a little harder?"

A moment ago, she had used her unique ability to stimulate the feelings of the victims' families.

She had induced them to make a disturbance, but it had ended more frivolously than expected.

However, she didn't care much about the outcome.

"Well, it was just entertainment in the first place."

And more than that, the trainees she had seen just now were much more interesting.

"I didn't know they were so united. Finally some interesting guys! Huhu."

She had been around countless humans, but it had been a long time since she last saw them so tightly united like the trainees in front of her.

The center of them was none other than one figure...

"Choi Noah was it? He must have been a real piece of work."

Even though he was already dead, his name alone had brought so many people together.

He would have certainly been a painstaking opponent for Eighth Layer Hell.

"I wish I had met him when he was alive. That's too bad~"

Looking at the portrait of Noah, she smacked her lips before turning around.

Behind her were broadcasting stations' officials waiting with vacant looks on their faces.

Arin whispered to them in a mysterious voice.

"The video shots from earlier are enough, right? I was on standby."


"Also, please edit the part where I cried a little while ago. Also, don't just show my pretty sides, but show the realistic bit of me too. You know what I mean, right?"

"Yes...I understand."

"Good. Then go ahead. Oh, and forget that we talked."


The broadcasting stations' officials walked away with heavy steps.

Arin watched their backs for a moment, and when everyone was gone, she looked towards a space where no one was around.

"...So what can I help you with?"

At that moment, black feathers fluttered in the air and a woman in a revealing clergy uniform appeared.

"I can't believe you noticed. Isn't that amazing?"

"I could smell the scent of perfume, so it would be weird not to notice. So what do you want? I don't think you're here for an autograph."

"Oh, I'm late to introduce myself."

Covering the surroundings in black feathers, the woman gracefully introduced herself.

"My name is Samaria. Even though it's only for this semester, I'm a professor at this institute."

Samaria said, approaching Arin with a delighted look as if she had met an old friend by chance.

"And I'm an 'ancient' like you."


Was it because Arin hadn't expected to hear such words?

She looked at Samaria with a perplexed look on her face. Samaria slowly lifted up her uniform, revealing a seal mark on her abdomen that was hidden.

"I'm guessing you're not looking for me to blow on your stomach like a baby?"

Arin said when she saw it, revealing her true nature and not the expression of an idol she had shown so far.

Nine tails soared behind her.

"Huhu, did you say your name was Samaria? It looks like we have a lot to talk about."

"That's what I was hoping for."

Beings that had been forgotten, after many years, were preparing their return to the world.

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