Villain Hides His True Colors

Chapter 42

Chapter 42


The armored head of a robot fell to the floor.

Silence lingered at the test site as the candidates just stood blankly with their mouths open.

H-how the

Someone spat out unknowingly. His words expressed what everyone was thinking.

AndThere was someone else watching the situation.

H-he had such strength?

Samaria looked at the monitor screen with her eyes wide open. She could still vividly recall the scene from a moment ago in her head.

A boy flying like a comet along a red trajectory.

In addition, evident by the boom she had heard at the last second, he seemed to have broken the speed of sound.

HowAt that age?

She knew he was a talented person from the start, but what he had just shown was at a level that even she couldnt understand with common sense.

And she wasnt the only one who thought so, as a small sound of admiration next to her could be heard.

Ohothats a great talent.

Pamir watched the monitor with curiosity. He rewound the video to confirm what he had seen earlier.

Perhaps due to the low frame rate of the camera, the boys figure seemed to have momentarily disappeared from the screen.

No, this level isnt just simply amazing, its beyond incomprehensible. I didnt know he had already stepped into the realm of breaking the sound barrier with a body that hasnt matured yet.

Pamir nodded several times before asking Samaria.

What do you think? About the actions the boy just showed.

She could see that Pamir was interested in Noah. And seeing that, she uttered curses inside.

Fuck! Its going to be a headache if he intervenes in my plan that was already going wrong.

She had to turn his attention away. With as calm of a look as possible, she spoke.

Well, there are always various geniuses in the world, so do you have to make a fuss about this?

Thats not it. What I wanted to ask is whether theres a possibility of him being a Warrior.


Pamirs eyes shone sharply.

Seeing that, Samaria felt her liver burning.

I-I dont know. As far as I know, Warriors are just existences that can change the fate of the world, so just because hes talented, doesnt mean hes oneright?

HmmThats undeniable. But looking at the examples of Warriors Ive heard of so far, most of them had at least one outstanding power.

From Pamirs expression, he seemed to have already made up his mind that Noah was a Warrior.

Samaria tried to calm the anger contained in her trembling voice.

ThenWhat happens if the boy turns out to be a Warrior?

Pamir looked at her vaguely as if he didnt understand the meaning of the question.

I dont know why youre asking such a question. When was there a need to hesitate to practice Gods love? All Irregulators should of course be secured and kept in isolation.

But its not right to isolate a child who hasnt done anything wrong.

Youve gotten a lot softer while I havent seen you. God ordained me to protect this world. I just think about the mission. Anddont you know that the best way to protect this world is to follow the decisions made through Oracle?

As expected, he seemed to have already made up his mind to forcefully take Noah the moment he turned out to be a Warrior.

He has taken so many things from meis he going to steal my toy again?

An unbearable anger boiled up from within. She forcefully controlled her trembling breath.

Ive worked so hard on thisI cant let him take it away this time.

Samarias eyes sparkled as she looked at Pamir with madness. On the other hand, he continued to record something while watching the recording of Noah.

He was simply full of gaps. She swallowed her saliva at the sight.

If I take care of him like this

Then everything would be solved neatly. It was a sweet temptation.

NoNot yet.

Samaria managed to resist the urge by biting her lips.

She knew well that Pamir wouldnt die even if she attacked him in such a state. Rather, she would be retaliated and her own life would be threatened.

However, that didnt mean she would sit still and watch the situation unfold.

If Noah turns out to be a Warrior and he steals whats mine again

It seemed that the worst situation should be assumed and prepared.

Samaria wanted to protect her toy, so she began to think fiercely of a plan to remove Pamir.

* * * * * * * * * *

The 3rd test was finally over.

Against the backdrop of a sunset, the high-rank candidates from each specialization group scattered and returned to their accommodation one by one.

And in front of those returning were the candidates from the combat specialization with blank looks on their faces as if they were possessed.

Whats wrong with you guys? Whats wrong with your expressions?

However, there was no response despite such questions.

They simply stared at the black-haired boy with the exam No. 13579.

Candidates from the other specialization had a realization when they saw it. They all realized that the young boy must have done something again.

Sure enough, looking at the electronic display, he had received a perfect score again this time.

Not only that, it was in the difficult 3rd test which was directly judged by active heroes.

For the boy to come this far, they werent even jealous anymore.

They had realized that the boy was at an inaccessible level in the first place.

Human habits usually lead people to be envious and jealous when a person who was a little better than oneself appeared. However, in front of an overwhelming gap that couldnt even be compared, there were only gazes of respect and worship.

And now that the 4th test was just a day away, building a cooperative relationship with such an absolute powerhouse could be said to be an all-around key that could guarantee their acceptance. 

Some of the courageous people gathered in the lobby were trying to read the situation as they crept up to mingle with the boy somehow.

But at that moment, a man in his mid-30s led his gang and blocked them.

What are you doing?! Why are you fuckers approaching my dongsaeng? Dont fool around and instead worry about yourselves!


You fucking parasites! Did you think I wouldnt know that youre trying to latch onto him for the 4th test? Hurry up and fuck off! Cant you see my dongsaeng is playing a game?

No. 18218, Deiros Mousin kicked them away with harsh curses. And then he approached the boy with a smile on his face.

How dare they try to spit on my lucky charm?

If he used the boy well, he would be able to safely pass the last 4th test that had been his thorn for a long time.

Haha, dongsaeng~ I heard you did well on the test? WowIf I was in your group, I would have been able to witness it in person.

The boy playing his game spoke.

Why are you calling me dongsaeng? Do you know my mom, ahjussi? 

H-Huh? I-Im sorry about that. I just thought itd be better for us to be more candid

Mousin blushed with an embarrassed look. His fists would have been flying if he was his usual self.

He could only curse inside since his hero license was close to being acquired.

Damn, you little brat! After this exam is over

He quietly grinded his teeth. And at that moment, the boy asked.

Hey ahjussi, how can we cooperate in the 4th test?

Ahah, th-thats right. Its time to discuss it in detail.

If the tests so far were said to evaluate their wisdom, integrity, and ability to become heroes, then in the case of the 4th test, it could be said that it was an evaluation to test their practical performance to be called professional heroes.

And in that regard, it was similar to a kind of survival game.

It was an excruciating test that lasted for three days and two nights in a specifically prepared space.

During that time, candidates had to try and protect their exam slip from the supervisor.

Actually, this last 4th testIt could be said to be the biggest barrier that divided the upper and lower heroes.

And Mousin, who had experienced the 4th test three times, was somewhat aware of the characteristics of the test.

This testThe key isnt to compete with the supervisor, rather, its to avoid their eyes and eliminate the other players first.

According to the stated rules, the goal of this survival game, which lasted for three days and two nights, was to avoid the supervisor.

Alliances and fights between candidates were prohibited, as only combat against the supervisor were allowed.


Thats just what is stated.

The acceptance rate of this notorious 4th test was about 10 percent.

And although it was scheduled for three days and two nights, it didnt always last that long.

It ended when time was up, or when 10 percent of the candidates were left.

Therefore, it wasnt just about hiding well and surviving but also how to quickly reduce the number of candidates.

Mousin explained these rules to Noah.

SoThe supervisor wont observe us with surveillance cameras?

Yes. Thats certain. Rather, it could be said that they are secretly encouraging the candidates to unite or fight.

But from what Ive read on the internet, dont we have to act alone?

Its just a restriction you have to pay attention to. Forming a team or establishing a strategy without being caught by the supervisor is also a way to measure your practical skills.

In fact, in one of the exams he had participated in, thanks to the rapid reduction of other candidates by a team that had formed a huge alliance, the test had ended within a day.

Aha. Then what should I do? Do you have a strategy?

Its said that the supervisor changes every year, but according to the information Ive found so far, theres a certain route of patrol they will take in the beginning. So its important to form an alliance during that period.

Mousin told the boy everything he knew and the plan. Then, the boy smiled brightly.

I see! Then lets meet tomorrow as planned, ahjussi.

Right, if its there, itll be a safe place at the start.

Mousin thought while looking at the child smiling innocently.

Really, after this exam, Ill have to change his attitude properly. How dare he not even know who the master of this relationship is.

He smiled, hiding his true feelings.

* * * * * * * * * *

At a hotel nearby the Hero Association Headquarters.

Dr. Jaegal was drinking somberly in the accommodation that was assigned to him.

HuWhat the fuck.

His face was reflected on the amber liquid.

An ugly and unattractive appearance since birth as if it was divine punishment.

He had constantly tried to overcome such limitations.


I cant believe I lost to a rookie.

The science and technology he had studied all his life had collapsed to a young child of only 13 years old.

Of course, rather than a one-to-one confrontation, his specialty was a battle of quantity. Nonetheless, he had still lost face as an A-Rank hero.

As someone who had struggled his entire life to not be looked down upon, there was no disgrace more shameful than what had happened today.

This fucking world.

No matter how hard one tries, does natural talent eventually determine everything?

Feeling deeply skeptical, he drank a series of glasses. A burning heat soared to his throat.


Before he knew it, he had emptied all the bottles. However, feeling that it was still lacking, he stood up to order more drinks with room service.

He had to supervise the 4th test tomorrow morning, but there was no such responsibility left in his head now.

At that moment, in the room where no one else was supposed to be, someones voice was heard.

Good evening. Dr. Jaegal.


Dr. Jaegal looked back in surprise. There, he saw someones silhouette standing in the dark.

An enemy.

A person who came without any signs at this time could never have been a good person.

As an A-Rank hero, he reacted quickly with his long established sense gained from experience.

He directly released the alcohol from his body with mana and was able to regain his reasons to some extent.

At the same time, he summoned his robots from subspace.

Robots in full armor walked out simultaneously.

While some were the same models used in the afternoons test, there were also much more dangerous and destructive practical models mixed in.


[ Translator Yasi ]

[ Proofreader Karane ]

The spacious hotel room quickly became filled by the robot army.

Unfortunately, due to the nature of the interior, the Four Heavenly Kings series couldnt be summoned, but this much was enough to ease his mind.

Which bastard is it! Show yourself!

Dr. Jaegal shouted fiercely. It was a blaring roar that contrasted his small stature.

Soon, a man walked out of the shadows.

A man with a mustache and in neat gentlemans clothes. It was a memorable face he had seen somewhere.

Soon after, he was able to recall who the man in front of him was.


It was the very same devil that had caused the terrible terrorist attack in Jonggak Pyongyang earlier this year.

Dr. Jaegal stepped back and became wary of Azazel.

Azazel, who had been watching him thus far, finally spoke.

A good evening pairs well with alcohol. Do you mind if I treat myself to a drink?

He waved the cane in his hand and one of the empty bottles began to fill up again.

Then, putting ice in a glass with tongs, he gracefully poured the whiskey.

What nonsense are you spouting?! Ill burn you alive today and make justice right!

Following Dr. Jaegals order, the robot army pulled out their swords in unison. A haze soared from their blades and heated up in an orange color.

You dont have to rush like that.

Azazel floated another glass in the air and pushed it towards Dr. Jaegal. The glass floated like a boat on water.

And then suddenly, the robots put their swords away.


Dr. Jaegal looked at it with his eyes wide open. He hadnt given such an order.

Was there an error?

He tried to order the robots again, but contrary to his wishes, the door of the subspace, which had been still, began to open automatically.

And then the robot army began to return to the subspace in reverse order as if a video was being rewound.

Wh-whats going on?!

He even tried operating an emergency order system, but it didnt listen to the order.

By the time the last robot disappeared into subspace, a drink had arrived in front of him. Azazel beckoned with a kind smile.

Well, this one is on me, so have a drink.

However, at his suggestion, Dr. Jaegal threw the glass of alcohol on the floor.


V-villain! What kind of trick did you pull?! H-how can you make my legion 

Hmmoh dear. Ive been considerate of you, but this attitudeYou have no manners.

Hey, stop talking nonsense and return my legion!

Well, now that its like this, theres nothing we can do about it. If you want to refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit

A purple haze began to rise slowly from Azazel. Although Dr. Jaegal didnt know what it was, the energy he felt from it was very ominous.

The energy gradually eroded the room and drove him into a corner.

S-stay away! Stay away!

Dr. Jaegal stepped back little by little, but eventually his back touched the wall. There was no place to back down anymore.

Looking at him, Azazel gave a kind smile.

Your toys. Ill use it well.

N-no! Euaaak!

Dr. Jaegal let out a painfully scream as the purple haze covered his body.

* * * * * * * * * *

Returning to my room, I immediately locked the door. Soon, I took out the ampoule I had received from Dr. Jaegal.

Classification: Elixir

Grade: B

Description: Spiritual medicine of the Wudang Sect. Increase Mana permanently when consumed.

*Cannot be used repeatedly.

Frankly, it was an unexpected reward.

I had planned to get this kind of medicine when I had a chance later, but I couldnt believe one had come into my hands so easily.


I had taken plenty of elixirs in the first round, so I drank the ampoule right away without worry.

Like eating mint candy, refreshing energy spreads throughout my body.

I activated right before the energy dissipated.

Then, the refreshing energy that circled my body was gradually transformed into turbird mana by Inner Heart.

I closed my eyes for a while and focused only on controlling the energy.


[ Youve fully absorbed the Sochungdan Solution. ]

[ Stats have risen. ]

Body: 3.38 -> 3.60 (+0.22) 

Dexterity: 3.04 -> 3.13 (+0.09) 

Mana: 3.12 -> 4.05 (+0.93) 

Spirit: 3.13 -> 3.48 (+0.35)


My mana surpassed 4.0.

And as such, I was able to gradually see the mana particles floating in the room.

Whenever I breathed in, the flow of mana that entered my body felt incomparably clearer than before.

Keuhthis was the feeling.

It had been a while since I had felt this clear energy, and for the first time in a long time, I tried to activate my mana.

The energy from Inner Heart spreads in the room like a red haze.


I took out Red Velvet Curse and released my mana. Immediately, red colored mana could clearly be seen over the blade.


The feeling of being one with the sword. It was the peak for martial artists at the Expert level.

I wanted to cut something right away as a test, but unfortunately, there was nothing suitable around me.

WellIll be able to cut something soon anyway.

I left my regrets behind and put away the sword.

And other than Mana, my other stats rose this time by an equivalent of three small Fragments of Growth.


The more I looked at my stat window, the more I thought I would laugh.

While appreciating such beautiful stats, I confirmed the rewards I had received after completing the Challenge this time.

[ 3x Random Box (Low). ]

Three boxes.

If possible, I wanted to use it slowly after the hero exam, but I havent had a good feeling about the exam since a while ago.

An unidentified ominous sensation.

Until now, when I would feel such intuitions, nine out of ten times it generally came true.

To be on the safe side, it would be best to use it now.

As I didnt know what was causing the ominous feeling since a while ago, it was safe to increase my strength as much as possible.

[ Used 3x Random Box (Low). ]

I opened the three boxes at the same time.

The boxes rose in the air at once and began to rotate with bright lights.

Please, just one good hit!

I looked at it with an earnest heart.

And finally, the boxes opened. New messages began to emerge in a row in front of my eyes.

[ Obtained ]

[ Obtained ]

[ Obtained Love Whip. ]


At a first glance, nothing looked very good.

I checked the rewards one by one just in case.

Classification: Magic

Grade: E

Description: Create a pair of beads containing the power of flame.

This was one of the choices of skills I had seen in the past. I had felt it at the time, but it seemed useless.

I activated the skill. A pair of fire spheres floated on my hand and rotated slowly.

Anywaywhat can I do with this?

I wondered if it was a skill that could be controlled according to my will, but that wasnt the case.

After testing this and that for a while, it was concluded that this was a garbage skill.

All I could do with it was create beads of fire.

At least it would be useful if I needed to make a fire outdoors

I sighed slightly and checked the next skill.

Classification: Magic

Grade: D

Description: Summon Infected Egg, a demonic beast from another dimension.

Oh! Summoning skills are still useful.

To be able to support me in battle, it could be said that summoning skills brought with them various effects and had no downside.

I activated the skill with a throbbing heart.

A basketball-sized egg was produced in the air. The center of the egg split sharply like a pair of teeth and a long tongue came out.


It went beyond my control and began eating what was around it.

The blanket I had used to cover myself and sleep during the last test period was quickly sucked into its body.

I glanced at it one final time before releasing the skill.

The skill seemed quite useful, but I didnt need any skills that I couldnt control.

This was trash too

Of the three, two were already trash.

HuuPlease recover with the last one.

The last item was presumed to be a weapon by the name.

Even if it was unconventional, I wanted to have a weapon other than a sword, so that was good.

Classification: Hobby Item

Grade: D

Description: A luxury whip with heart decorations that was carefully crafted by a craftsman in a specific industry. 

*No injuries even if youre struck by this.

*The pain level can be adjusted.

I thought a usable weapon had come out, but for some reason, it was classified as a hobby item.

The options written on it were also unusual.

I stared blankly at it and sighed.

In fact, my gacha luck so far had been ridiculously good if I compared it to the first round, so this situation could be said to be normal.

I calmly closed my eyes and controlled my mind.

RightMaybe I had been too lucky. I already had a lot of things.

After abandoning my greed, my mind became peaceful like a calm lake.

Fuck! Its not peaceful at all!

How did I roll three times and nothing useful came out?

It shouldnt be like this.

I needed to get something today.

Gacha is love! Ill live by the gacha and die by the gacha!

After opening the Synthesis window, I immediately threw the two skills in. And without any hesitation, I pressed the synthesize button.


And in a little bit.


Finally, the result of the synthesis appeared in front of my eyes. The name

[ Obtained ]

Somehow, an overbearing name had appeared.

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