Villain Is on Vacation

Chapter 103 Preparations For Mid Term Exams

Following the announcement that the practical exams of the top 100 students would be conducted at a different location, the authorities decided to keep the venue details under wraps to ensure the safety of the students and the integrity of the exams.

As a result, many students were left in the dark, not knowing where their exams would take place. The lack of information caused a great deal of anxiety and confusion among the top 100 students.

Meanwhile, in the general cafeteria, a group of people were having a conversation over their meal.

Some of them were discussing the upcoming exams and speculating about the possible locations.

However, without any official confirmation, their guesses were nothing but mere conjectures.

One of the group with 8 people were also in the cafeteria. They were chatting while eating.

"Hey, Simon. Where do you think our practical exam will be taken?" As always Noah asked Simon. 

Simon was silently eating pasta, his mouth too full to respond.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" Noah prodded, smirking. "Are you still angry because Sir Killington punished you this morning?"

Simon wanted to curse at Noah, but he held back, deciding to finish his lunch first.

"Or are you perhaps embarrassed because your crush saw you getting punished?" Noah continued to provoke Simon.

"Who is his crush?" Daphne, who was sitting near Eva and Amy, asked.

"Tell me too," James interjected, sitting near Noah and Simon.

While all this chattering was happening, Ken was silently eating his lunch. 

"Let me tell you..." Just when Noah was going finish his sentence.

Simon interupted him,

"Don't say her name. Otherwise, you will see hell today." Murderous aura was emitting from Simon.

"O-okay." Noah nodded. 

"Speaking of exams," Eva interjected, "our mid-term exams start tomorrow. Have you guys started studying for them?"

"I haven't even started yet," James replied with a shrug.

"Same here." Amy also added. 

"No surprises there," Noah quipped, earning a few chuckles from the group.

"I will watch videos of Nightsoul's adventures." Noah said enthusiastically.

"Me, too." Daphne also raised her hand.

"Let's watch it together." Noah suggested. 

"Okay." While Daphne just nodded.

Apparently, as it was mid term exams for the students Rain thought of not doing live streams in this week. 

Also as he launched his merchandise, he thought of expanding his channel. He started posting adventure videos from the island. 

He was getting ton of views and money.

Hearing the conversation between Noah and Daphne, Simon stared at them frown.

"You guys aren't going to watch videos. Tomorrow is exam, we will group study today in the library." Simon announced.

"Can I join too? I haven't read a single thing." James asked.

"Sure." Simon agreed. He liked to teach people. However, he didn't know James was peculiar student.

"Hey, Eva, Amy you guys join too. I will alone among these boys otherwise." Daphne said with energetic smile.

"Sure. Thanks for inviting me." Amy hugged her. She was waiting for this. As she was busy in her forging practice and physical training, she couldn't learn much.

"What about you, Eva?" Amy asked her friend.

"Although I have already covered half syllabus, I will still join you guys. I will be fun." Eva said.

"Hey, Ken everyone is coming. You should come too. After all, you are chief of the year, share your notes with us." Noah said.

"Okay." Ken nodded. Soon, Ken finished his lunch.

"By the way, Ben..." When Kevin said this everyone turned their face towards Ben.

Unexpectedly, Ben was also eating lunch with this group. However, he didn't chat much just kept eating silently.

Ken kindly asked, "Will you be joining us too?"

After the duel, Ben's activities decreased, but most of his minions stayed loyal to him. Some of them, however, defected to the Blood Supremacy club.

Ben wasn't bothered by this, and instead started observing Ken and occasionally joining him in his afternoon training sessions.

He admired Ken's hardworking nature, as he didn't use his strength to bully the weaker ones, but rather aimed to become even stronger while making friends.

As he spent more time with Ken, he recalled Rain's words, "If you behave properly around Ken, then he will even help you."

Gradually, Ben began to hang around with Ken's group and shared information about the Blood Supremacy club with them.

Although James was initially hostile towards him, he eventually accepted Ben into the group.

"I've already finished revising the syllabus," Ben said to the group.

"You're always so diligent," James replied with a smile. "I'm sure you'll do great."

Simon asked, "So you won't be joining us?"

"Nah, I'll join," Ben responded. "I don't have anything else to do today, and revising with you guys sounds like a good idea."

"Okay, let's meet at the library in the evening," they agreed.

After finishing their lunch, they went to their dorms to freshen up before gathering at the reading area of the library.

Library was vast and big. As they entered they encountered a girl. 

Upon entering the library, they were immediately struck by the grandeur and vastness of the space.

The shelves, which seemed to stretch on for miles, were stocked with countless volumes on every imaginable topic.

As they walked deeper into the library, they stumbled upon a young woman who appeared to be lost in thought, her nose buried in a book.

She was sitting at a small table tucked away in a quiet corner of the room, surrounded by an impressive stack of books.

Amy walked towards the girl and hugged her. 

"Sister Zoa." 

"Shh..." Zoa gestured Amy to lower her voice as they were in library. 

"I told you many times to don't shout whenever you notice me." Zoa said.

"Okay." Amy said as she smiled.

"Oh, you guys are together today?" Zoa commented as she saw Ken's group. 

"Hmm." Ken nodded, "Senior Zoa, can you please enter our names in library register?" He said.

"Sure." Zoa nodded and added everyone's name in library register. According to rules, whenever someone enters in the library they have to register their entry.

"Thank you." Ken thanked her.

"My pleasure. But why thanks for this little work?" Zoa chuckled. 

"I am thanking you because of the help you provided against Blood Supremacy club." Ken explained.

Apparently, Zoa was the senior that Amy asked for help. As Zoa worked as one of the library committee members she had vide range of friends.

With help of them, Ken and his group were able to cope with Blood Supremacy club.

Zoa also contacted disciplinary committee and Student Council. They helped from behind the scenes. 

Zoa Starling. Rank 4th in third year.

She was a woman of striking beauty, with lavender hair that fell in soft waves around her face. Her hair was of medium length and had a delicate, ethereal quality to it. Her light blue eyes complemented her hair perfectly, and they sparkled with an otherworldly charm. Her features were delicate, with high cheekbones and a small nose. Her lips were full and pink, and she had a gentle, serene aura that surrounded her. She had a slim build and carried herself with grace, with an almost weightless quality to her movements. Her beauty was unique, and she stood out in a crowd with her striking appearance.

"Ah, about that. It was piece of cake for me. Whenever you need help, feel free to contact me. Big sister will surely come to help you." Zoa said with gentle smile.

"Sure." Amy nodded. 

"By the way, stay cautious these days, Blood Supremacy club isn't showing any activity. Goodbye." After warning Ken, Zoa left.

When everyone in group was puzzled, Noah said,

"Hey, guys. Let's sit somewhere and start studying. My legs are going to numb if we keep standing." 

Everyone chuckled and found a spot to sit.

Soon they started studying, like that hours passed.

"I'm bored." Daphne closed the book and put her head on the table.

"Same." Noah said while yawning.

"Let's talk about something." James also closed the book.

'These slackers' Simon clicked his tongue.

"Anyone has idea of where our practical exam is going to held? Oi, Simon, you still haven't answered my question." Noah said.

In the end, Simon couldn't bear it, he also closed book as he felt he had done enough studies.

"It would be some dungeon outside of the academy." Ben mumbled.

"How so?" Even Eva was curious now. 

"First, they are conducting different practical exam for us. The reason behind that might be that they think we need more experience and we are more powerful." 

Everyone nodded at Ben's reasoning. 

"Which kind of dungeon that will be?" Daphne wondered. 

"From my opinion, it might be D rank one. All of the top 100 students are already D rank, while some students are even C rank." Ben said, as he stared at Ken. 

After 2 months training, Ken was already advanced C ranker. He might even breakthrough B rank if get some opportunity. 

"Wow, unlike you look. You are so smart. I think we really shouldn't judge book by its cover." Amy remarked. 

"I really don't expect this kind of words from you.'' Ben mumbled. Hearing this, Amy stared fiercely at Ben. 

"Wouldn't that be great if we knew about the location of Dungeon beforehand?" Noah said. 

When everyone heard this they stared at Ben, expecting that he would say something. 

However he didn't say anything. 

"Hey, don't look at me like that. I don't know everything." Ben grumbled. 

Everyone shrugged their shoulders.

'It's because he didn't tell me.' Ben thought. 

Apparently, last night, when Ben was talking with Rain. Rain mentioned these things and told him to share it with Ken's group. 

Ben didn't know how Rain knew about it. He even thought he might be joking. 

However after hearing the announcement in the morning. He found out that everything that Rain said was true.

Still Ben wondered how Rain knew about it. Even though he said that it's because he is from Holmes family but Ben wasn't dumb enough to believe in that. 

'He is surely some bigshot. I wonder what would be his motive behind doing all this.' Ben mused.

Like that, whole day passed and mid term exam's day came.

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