Villain Is on Vacation

Chapter 106 Rain Vs. Ken

From the moment, Rain came into this world. He just trained hard. 

However, he never fought anyone. 

Although he fought with monsters and Bandits, they were easy for him. 

Every time he got away with his use of wits, future knowledge, or luck. 

That's why his skills never developed much. He also trained by himself. 

As Rain felt this, he had a strong urge to fight with stronger people. 

Furthermore, he also knows a bunch of people like that. However, he couldn't leave the island for now. Not until he gets strong enough to protect himself.

That's why he thought of fighting people in virtual reality. Even though it can't be compared to real life battle. It was at least better than nothing. 

As the developer of the game, Rain had every knowledge of every character. Their abilities, their thinking process, and their stats. Even their three sizes. 

Still, to expand his database he collected information regarding every main character.

Although he couldn't collect much information about strong individuals like Veronica. He thought he would just use in-game information he had about Veronica. 

After he got free from his daily activities, he logged into the virtual world Mythosia and came to the twilight city. 

There are a bunch of facilities in the city. Such as a library, entertainment zone, combat area, restaurant, auction house, and information guilds.

It's not like you have to become a resident of the city to use these facilities. However, you have to pay fees to use these facilities. 

It would take around 50 silver coins for an hour of use at any facility. If you stay in the city for more than 6 hours or anytime, you have to pay a charge between 10-20 Gold coins. 

That's why Rain needed tons of money. Because he was going to grind.

At the current moment, Rain had entered Ken's data which he obtained through monitoring bots.

Rain took out the sword which he bought while fiddling with System. It was just a common copper sword that costs around 5 silver coins. 

He stared at Ken.

The Protagonist of the game. 

Rain didn't hate him much. 

Still, he didn't like him either. 

Rain really wanted to see how much he stands against Ken. 

'Let's start.' 

Rain unsheathed his sword and ran toward Ken with impressive proficiency. As Rain charged towards him, Ken also unsheathed his sword, prepared to counterattack.

With a swift movement, Ken swung his sword, attempting to slash Rain.

'Shadow sword art' 'Shadow walk'

But Rain managed to dodge and retaliated with a horizontal slash, aiming for Ken's waist.

'Flowing Water Sword Art'

Ken parried the attack and responded with a thrust aimed at Rain's chest. The two swords clashed with a loud metallic sound, sending sparks flying in all directions.

Rain was impressed by Ken's skill. He had never faced an opponent so skilled in sword fighting before.

He circled around Ken, trying to find an opening in his defenses. Suddenly, Ken struck with lightning speed, aiming for Rain's head, his sword glowing. 

With his sharp eyes, Rain was able to see that faint light, he knew that Ken used Sword Aura. 

He managed to block the attack, but the force of the blow sent him stumbling backward. Even though it was virtual reality, it hurt.

'Looks like Advanced Swordsmanship is something else.' 

Rain regained his footing and charged towards Ken once again.

'Sword of Recognition' 

This time, he swung his sword in a wide arc, aiming for Ken's shoulder. Ken dodged the attack and responded with a quick thrust aimed at Rain's neck.

Rain managed to deflect the attack, but he felt the sharp edge of Ken's sword graze his cheek.

'I really can't find any openings.' Rain clicked his tongue. 


'Parallel Thinking' 

He closed and opened his eyes. His eyes were clear.

Rain again ran towards Ken. Ken assumed a defensive stance, waiting for Rain's attack. Rain feinted to the left then swung his sword in a wide arc towards Ken's right side. Ken blocked the attack with ease and countered with a quick thrust aimed at Rain's chest. 

Rain parried the attack and responded with a downward slash aimed at Ken's left leg.

Ken dodged the attack and delivered a powerful kick to Rain's abdomen, sending him stumbling backward.


Rain recovered quickly and charged towards Ken, sword raised high above his head.

'Serenity Blade Sword Art'

Ken met Rain's attack head-on, deflecting the blow with his sword and delivering a quick jab to Rain's face with his free hand.

Rain staggered backward, blood pouring from his nose. He wiped the blood away with his sleeve and lunged towards Ken once again.

'It really hurts.' 

Suddenly, Ken saw an opening and lunged towards Rain, aiming for his heart.

Rain saw the attack coming and sidestepped it, delivering a swift kick to Ken's side.

Ken stumbled backward, but quickly regained his balance and swung his sword in a wide arc towards Rain's head.

Rain ducked under the attack and delivered a powerful punch to Ken's face. Ken reeled backward, dazed and disoriented.

Rain seized the opportunity and swung his sword towards Ken's neck, intending to deliver the killing blow.

However then flames started coming from Ken's sword. 

'Looks like the real fight has started now. I should be ready for the second round.' Rain thought inwardly.

'Blazing Flame Sword Style- 5th move Flame Parry'

With a quick flick of his wrist, Ken sent a blast of flames towards Rain, causing him to stumble and fall to the ground.

Ken stood over Rain, sword in hand, ready to deliver the final blow. Just when he launched an attack. 

Rain strengthened his body with mana and used 'Shadow walk'. He disappeared from there and appeared a few meters away.

'Phew... I barely made it.' 

Ken turned his face towards Rain and started running towards him ready to strike. 

'Feather Steps'

In a blink of an eye, he appeared before Rain. 

Rain blocked Ken's attack, however after the wave of that attack made him stumble.

As Rain stumbled backward, Ken took advantage of the opportunity and launched another attack. This time, he infused his sword with a burst of lightning, aiming to strike Rain with a powerful Thunder Strike.

But Rain was quick to react. He leaped into the air and dodged the lightning-infused sword strike with a backflip, and landed gracefully on his feet. Ken turned around and charged again, determined to finish Rain off once and for all.

Rain met Ken's charge head-on, and their swords clashed with a loud clang. As they continued to fight, Rain realized that Ken was getting stronger with every passing moment. He knew he couldn't keep up this fight forever.

He went and thrust his sword at Ken.

'Sword of Recognition'

Because of the surprise attack, Ken was a little late to block the attack.

As Ken stumbled backward from the previous attack, Rain saw an opening and prepared to deliver the final blow. But as he charged forward, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest. Ken had managed to land a surprise strike, and Rain's body was weakened from the blow.

Rain stumbled back, clutching his chest as he struggled to stay upright. Ken saw his opportunity and charged forward, his sword at the ready. Despite Rain's best efforts to block the attack, Ken's sword struck true, delivering a fatal blow.

As Rain fell to the ground, he knew that he had lost the fight. 

Ken slashed his sword at Rain. 

Blazing Flame Sword Style- 9th move Firestorm Sweep.

Ken's attack unleashed a wave of flames in a wide arc and Rain died. 

After a brief moment, Rain appeared in his virtual world home. 

"Ouch. It was painful." Even though it was virtual reality, Rain's body hurt. 

In his life this was the second time he experienced dying. 

"Looks like I lost." Rain shrugged his shoulders.

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