Villain Is on Vacation

Chapter 159 New Features

Reincarnation, Rebirth, Regression, and Transmigration.

Although many people enjoy reading novels about reincarnation, rebirth, regression, and transmigration, not everyone believes in these concepts.

For instance, if someone were to claim that they were a God of War in a past life and died fighting the Heaven Emperor, most people would likely consider that person to be crazy.

Such claims may be met with skepticism or disbelief, as they lack any concrete evidence to support them.

However, the story changes when you have already experienced Reincarnation once. 

Won't you believe if it can happen once, why not twice? 

While Rain did not enjoy the experience of dying, the reassurance that he might have another chance if it were to happen again was comforting to him. 

"What will happen if I die?" Rain asked the system, feeling a mix of anxiety and curiosity.

He had never asked this question before, but he couldn't help but wonder what the answer would be.

►[It depends on the circumstances.]

The system replied in a monotone voice.

"Elaborate," Rain demanded, folding his hands in front of him.

He didn't want a vague response, he wanted to know the specifics of what would happen.

►[Host, as I said, it depends on the circumstances. There is no further explanation.]

The system repeated, sounding annoyed at Rain's persistence.

"I was a fool to expect an answer from you," Rain let out a sigh of frustration.

He knew that the system wouldn't give him a straight answer, but he had hoped for some clarity.

"So, as the system didn't deny it outright, there might be a chance to experience reincarnation or something again," he thought aloud.

The idea of reincarnation was both exciting and daunting to Rain.

Although it was good news that he might get another chance at life, Rain wasn't completely happy. He knew that there was no such thing as a free lunch.

"The reincarnation I got was also someone's work, and I don't know when they will ask to return the favor," he thought.

Rain was concerned about building unnecessary karmic debt. He didn't want to owe anyone anything, especially if it was something he couldn't repay.

Even if no one asked for a favor in return, Rain still didn't want to accumulate any karmic debt.

That's why he gave gifts to the people close to him before leaving. He wanted to make sure that he had a clean slate, just in case.

Rain's mind was racing with thoughts of death, reincarnation, and karma.

He remembered the stone Ken had used to regress, which made him wonder if some other tools or spells could help him avoid the consequences of his actions.

"System, is there any tool that lets you reincarnate or regress? Or any spell?" Rain asked the system, hoping for some answers.

If there were such tools or spells, he could avoid the consequences of his actions and start anew without having to worry about karma.

►[I don't know.]

The system replied, which surprised Rain.

He had always thought the system was all-knowing, but now he realized that it had its limitations.

Rain couldn't help but feel disappointed. He had hoped for some answers, but it seemed like the system was as clueless as he was.

He tried to shrug it off and reminded himself that he couldn't rely on anyone or anything but himself.

"Maybe I don't have plot armor like Mc," he smiled wryly, referring to the protagonist in his favorite novel who always seemed to have a way out of every difficult situation.

After a moment of contemplation, Rain decided to save his questions for later.

He had a lot of research to do, and he didn't want to waste his time on something that might not have an answer.

"System, can you explain the new features?" Rain asked curiously.

Last time, the system store had given him many surprises, and he was eager to see what new features it had in store for him this time.

►[The Task Board and Achievement Panel are features of that allow the Host to keep track of their goals and progress.]

►[The Task Board is essentially a to-do list or task manager.

It displays a list of tasks or quests that a user needs to complete to progress through the plot or reach certain goals.

The Task Board may also display the rewards that the host will receive upon completing a task.]

►[The Achievement Panel, on the other hand, is a record of the host's accomplishments. 

It displays a list of achievements or milestones that the host has reached, such as completing a difficult quest or reaching a certain level.

The Achievement Panel may also display the rewards that the host has received for each achievement.] 

"Interesting." A smile appeared on Rain's face as he read the description. 

"System, are these tasks and achievements necessary to complete?" Rain asked. 

►[No. The Host is free to complete whichever task or achievement you like.] 

►[However, there would be penalties after you fail to complete the task you accept.] 

"As expected." Rain nodded his head. "It was giving me creeps when I thought you were being generous." He remarked sarcastically. 

"Let's see how these new features work." He mumbled. "System, show me the task board." 

╟─┈━═[Task Board]═━┈─╢





"This is becoming more and more like those RPG games," he commented, half to himself.

He scanned the board and saw that the tasks were divided into three levels: Easy, Normal, and Hard.

He decided to start with the Easy tasks, as he was still new to this and needed to familiarize himself with the mechanics and controls.

╟─┈━═[Task Board]═━┈─╢


- Gather 10 Beach Plums.

- Build a sturdy shelter using available materials that can withstand harsh weather.

- Find and gather 20 rocks for a fire pit and build a fire.

- Catch a fish using a handmade spear.

- Craft a wooden bow and arrow for hunting.

▼[Press Here to see more.] 


- Build a raft using driftwood and other materials to escape the island.

- Find and purify water from a nearby source.

- Explore the island (100%) and map out its terrain and resources.

- Kill a B-grade monster. 

▼[Press Here to see more.] 


- Hunt and kill a large predator (minimum A Grade).

- Climb the highest mountain or hill to get a better view of the island and its surroundings

- Discover and explore a hidden cave system on the island

- Build a large boat or ship to sail to the nearby mainland

- Build a generator or other device to generate electricity

- Escape the island

▼[Press Here to see more.] 


"Why can't I see the rewards and description of the task?" Rain asked, confused. 

If he doesn't know the rewards for the task, how can he accept them? 

It was pretty weird. 

►[You have to accept the task to see the rewards or any further information.] 

Rain wasn't much surprised now. It was usual for the system to give a carrot and show a stick afterward. 

Rain scrutinized the task board in front of him, a mix of excitement and frustration evident on his face.

He couldn't see the rewards or descriptions of the tasks until he accepted them.

It seemed like a gamble, but he was willing to take his chances.

As he looked through the board, he noticed that some of the tasks seemed too easy, even for an amateur like him.

He felt like the system was underestimating his capabilities, but he didn't want to complain.

He knew that surviving on a deserted island was not an easy feat. The tasks on the board might seem simple, but they could still be challenging in their own way.

Rain decided to take the first step and accept an easy task, hoping that it would help him gain more experience and unlock harder challenges.

"I will use some easy tasks as a try." Rain thought. He was hoping he doesn't get in any trouble while completing those tasks.


║Reference Words║

➢ Reincarnation, rebirth, regression, and transmigration are concepts found in various religious and spiritual traditions. They refer to the idea that a person's soul or consciousness can continue to exist after physical death and be reborn in a new body or form.


➢ "Reincarnation" is the belief that a soul is reborn into a new body after death.

This concept is central to many Eastern religions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.

The belief is that the soul reincarnates repeatedly, moving through different bodies and forms until it reaches a state of enlightenment or liberation.


➢ "Rebirth" is a similar concept to reincarnation, but it is not necessarily tied to a specific soul or consciousness.

Instead, it refers to the idea that all beings are reborn in a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, known as samsara.

This belief is found in many Eastern religions, including Buddhism.


➢ "Transmigration" is a broader term that refers to the movement of a soul or consciousness from one body or form to another.

This can include reincarnation and rebirth, as well as other forms of spiritual transformation, such as the movement of a soul from a human body to an animal or a divine being.

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