Villain Is on Vacation

Chapter 57 Cooking [Extra ]

[This is just edited version of past chapter] 

Rain entered his well-decorated kitchen, filled with various appliances. He looked around at his many kitchen tools, feeling like a scientist in a laboratory.

"Let's make some delicious Chinese food today," he thought, rubbing his hands together in excitement. "But what should I choose: noodles or rice?"

He stood there for a moment, pondering his options. "Rice? No, too boring. Noodles? Hmm, which ones? So many options," he thought, scratching his head.

Suddenly, his taste buds spoke up, demanding Ramen. "Ah, yes, Ramen it is," Rain thought, nodding his head in agreement.

He grabbed a knife and started chopping a variety of colorful vegetables and fresh herbs for added nutrition and flavor.

As he chopped, he couldn't help but feel like a samurai warrior, slicing through his enemies.

Once the noodles were boiling, Rain heated a pan and added a generous amount of butter.

As the butter melted, he added freshly minced garlic paste, savoring the aroma. "Mmm, smells like heaven," he thought, closing his eyes for a moment.

He then added brown sugar and chili flakes, followed by vinegar and lemon juice, and sprinkled some salt to taste.

"I'm a master chef," Rain thought, feeling proud of himself.

In another pan, he stir-fried the veggies and herbs until crisp and tender.

"This is the fun part," Rain thought, tossing the vegetables in the air like a pro.

He then added them to the pan with the noodles and sauce, allowing them all to cook together for a few minutes.

"I can feel the flavors melding together like a beautiful symphony," Rain thought, imagining himself as a conductor.

Finally, Rain transferred the Ramen to a serving bowl, cracked an egg, and added it to the center for added flavor and texture.

"Voila! My masterpiece is complete," Rain thought, admiring his handiwork.

And just like that, Rain's delicious homemade Ramen was ready to be enjoyed.

Rain approached the dining table with the bowl of steaming Ramen, his mouth already watering at the sight of it.

He pulled out a chair and sat down, taking a deep breath to savor the aroma of the homemade dish.

As he picked up his chopsticks and took a bite of the Ramen, a wave of flavors exploded in his mouth.

"Oh my goodness," he thought to himself, "This is better than takeout! No more overpriced, soggy noodles for me."

He chuckled to himself, thinking about all the money he would save by cooking his own food.

In his previous life, he had to each ramen for lunch sometimes. Moreover, if luck was bad then he had to order takeout. 

They were truly bad days for Rain.

At the current time, Rain savored each bite of the Ramen, letting the flavors wash over him in a delightful wave.

The buttery garlic and sweet brown sugar created a rich and savory base that made his taste buds dance with pleasure.

The chili flakes and vinegar added a subtle tangy spice that tickled the back of his throat, and the lemon juice provided a refreshing note that balanced out the other flavors perfectly.

With each bite, Rain couldn't help but let out a contented sigh.

"I could eat this every day," he thought to himself, imagining a future where he was never without his homemade Ramen.

But he felt he should eat different dishes every day and try new things. 

He grinned to himself, feeling like a true culinary master.

As he finished the last bite of his meal, Rain felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him.

"Who needs takeout when you can make something this delicious?" he thought, feeling proud of his cooking skills.


As Rain savored the flavors of his homemade ramen, his mind wandered to the start of the academy, which he had missed earlier that day.

In this story, the majority of the main characters will be in the prestigious S-class.

However, not all of the characters will start out in this class; some will need to work hard and prove themselves before they can transfer to S-class later on.

One of the teachers for this class may be a man named Kevin Brownie.

Although he's technically a supporting character, he also serves as their practice combat teacher.

Despite his somewhat cold and silent demeanor, Kevin was well-known among the female players for his kind and handsome appearance, and he even had his own fan club.

"Now I remember, there were also some fan clubs about me." 

He chuckled to himself, realizing he had a fan club of his own and was considered the second most popular character after the male lead.

But little did he know, he had a few other kinds of fan clubs as well.

He recalled that during the first class, each student would introduce themselves and spar among themselves, but he wondered if anything noteworthy had occurred on the day of his absence.

As he ate, he pondered the potential impact of his absence on the day's events. "First Emma," he thought, "let's not say anything about her. She probably wouldn't care about anything."

''Second Kaya," he continued, "she might have thought about me, but she would still have doubts about things happening. Besides, she was getting criticism on social media, so my absence might have only contributed a few points."

"And then there's Arya. We're just casual friends, so I don't think my absence would have affected her. She might have been alone because of her common background, but she'll make friends soon enough."

Rain even checked the rankings of the first-year students in the academy, only to find that his name wasn't on the list.

It was the same as it was in the storyline. It's just that everyone got one rank higher. 


Rain finished his meal and opted to clean up the dishes himself instead of using magic.

He didn't want to become lazy and dependent on magic, so he washed the dishes by himself every day.

As he scrubbed the plates and utensils, he felt a sense of satisfaction in completing a simple task with his own hands.

Once the dishes were done, he retreated to his room and powered up his laptop.

He scrolled through a variety of online lectures, ranging from history and math to science, geography, and mana control.

The soft glow of the screen illuminated his face as he absorbed each lesson, eager to expand his knowledge.

The mana control lectures, in particular, were incredibly helpful to Rain.

With each passing day, he felt his mana capacity increase and his control over it grew stronger.

He practiced the techniques he learned from the lectures, focusing on his breathing and mental focus.

Next, Rain turned his attention to alchemy. He set up a small workstation on his desk and carefully mixed together various ingredients, following the instructions from his textbook.

Although he was still a novice at alchemy, he recognized that it was an excellent exercise for improving his mana control. 

After hours of training, Rain was exhausted. He carefully stored all of his equipment and ingredients in a space ring, then collapsed onto his bed.

The soft sheets enveloped him as he sighed in relief, grateful that the hectic day had come to an end. 

As he closed his eyes, Rain couldn't help but remember the duel he had with Ken in the game. 

"I wonder what will happen with the duel?" He wondered. 

Just as he was about to drift off to sleep, Rain remembered that he had missed his scheduled live stream that day.

"Oh, looks like I forgot it because of the mermaid pearl issue." 

He checked his social media accounts and saw that many of his followers had been asking for it.

"I didn't think I would gain this many fans," he mumbled to himself.

He resolved to schedule another live stream for the following day, then closed his eyes and let himself succumb to slumber.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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