Villain Is on Vacation

Chapter 70 You Don't Know

After collecting all the corpses of the ants, Rain was about to leave the colony and head back home.

However, he stopped abruptly and thought that there could be some valuable items in the colony that he could use to his advantage. With this idea in mind, he decided to further explore the ant colony.

He made his way deeper into the colony, killing any ants he encountered along the way.

As he ventured deeper into the ant colony, Rain noticed something glinting in the distance. Curious, he made his way towards it and found a deposit of valuable ores. However he didn't have mining skill neither he had tools for mining.

He also stumbled upon a patch of herbs that could be used for alchemy, which he carefully gathered and stored in his space ring. 

As he continued to explore, he came across a group of ant eggs. Rain, who had no use for the eggs, crushed them without a second thought. He reasoned that it was better to prevent them from hatching into more ants that could cause trouble for him in the future.

Rain was thrilled with the amount of valuable resources he found during his exploration of the Ant colony.

He was particularly excited about the ores and decided that he would need to buy mining skill from System store to extract them efficiently.

This would not only help him gather the valuable resources but also earn him some points by exchanging them.

He meticulously searched every corner of the colony, making sure not to miss any potential treasure.

The discovery of rare herbs and the crushed eggs of ants made him even more determined to come back again.

However, Rain knew that it was getting late and the forest could be dangerous at night.

So, he decided to leave and come back another day to continue his exploration.


Once he arrived at his home, Rain immediately took a shower to clean off the sweat and dirt from his body.

Afterward, he lay down on his bed, feeling content and satisfied with his successful mission.

"Today was a good haul. There are so many corpses. Hey, system. Exchange them for points."

[Okay. Host.]

'How much will I get?'

[700 points added.]

Even if Rain cleared whole ant colony, he only got 700 points. 

However, he thought that these points he can buy some good stuff.

'Let me first buy mining skill.(100 pts)

Here it's.' Soon Rain bought the mining skill.

[Congratulations to Host for acquiring Mining Skill.]

Rain decided to save his points for the time being, thinking that he might need them in the future. He then went on to prepare and have his dinner.

After having his meal, he realized that it was time for him to start his live streaming session. Following his usual routine, he reminded his viewers that the stream was about to start in 10 minutes.

Once the 10 minutes were up, Rain started his live stream.


#King07 : Hi…

# : Hello, NightSoul.

# Wet_onee-chan : NightSoul is still so handsome. I want it…

# I_don't_care: Hey, why don't someone ban upstairs?


As soon as Rain started live stream. People started chatting and greeting Rain.

"Hello, NightSoul is here." Rain as always greeted his audience.

"So first things first let's see who gets reward?" Rain asked.

As Rain announced in the past live stream he will give reward to who guess the identity of his first love.


Soon golden letters started appearing on screen.

However it was not one time. It kept appearing. More than 100 of people gave donation. 

"Okay. Stop. Stop." Rain stopped his audience to give super chat as he can't chat with them all day about his first love.

Soon golden letters stopped appearing on the screen. 

"Let's see who is first?" Rain started checking through settings that who was the first viewer that did the super chat.

"Oh, it's detective's_child. Let me give you privilege, so you can write chat." Rain said.

Soon detective's_child started typing…

#detective's_child : I think right answer is Emma Rose.

As soon as answer came. Many people started typing in chat like 'me too.' 'I also thought so.'

While the people who were close to Rain also thought this. But Rain calmly asked.

"Why do you think so?"

#detective's_child : Apparently, you and Emma was in engagement. but only some people know you are also childhood friends.

Soon many people in chat was surprised. Because they didn't know this. After all, Emma and Rain never mentioned this. While people who are close to Rain especially Emma and Kaya's expression hardened.

Because they never got to be like childhood friends. However, Rain was still calm.

"So what?" He asked.

#detective's_child: And as you mentioned in song. You fell in love with the Goddess, she was cold and ignored you.

According to my investigation Emma also ignored you in public. Even when you persuaded her result was same. In the end your engagement with Emma was cancelled.

Reading this many people gasped.

Emma and Kaya were feeling uncomfortable. While Arya clenched his hands and gritted her teeth. Many people in the chat started cursing at Emma.

Still Rain silently answered.

"Oh is that so? Then your answer is wrong." Rain said flatly.

Then Rain took back privilege from detective's child. But chatroom that was lively was now silent. Soon, Many people started asking.


#detective's_child: No. That can't be. You are lying.

#life_is_best: Is that true?

#White_daisy: Then who is it? Why it can't be Emma?

#Wet_onee-chan: See I told you? He is only mine.



Chat room was still exploding.

"So you are asking, 'why can't it be Emma?' But let me ask you something."

"Why it can be Emma?" Rain asked.

Chatroom was now silent. Like they are listening to Rain's story.

"There is no reason for Emma to be my first love.

First, if Emma was my first love. Why would I break my engagement? It's not like she can force me to break the engagement. After all Holmes Family have more power than Rose family." Viewers felt there was logic in Rain's words.

Rain continued his story,

"And It's not like we are childhood friends. We were childhood friends. After childhood Emma didn't come to meet me any time. She just ignored me." 

"Then why would I love that kind of girl? It's not like she has anything. My family has more power, I am more talented than her, even I can find more beautiful girl than her." When Rain said this, viewers felt that Emma couldn't be his first love.

"It's just our parents made engagement contract when we were kids. So I was doing my duty as her fiancé. So I tried to talk to her. However she still ignored me. Maybe she didn't like me that much. So we cancelled our engagement. Isn't it good thing?" When Rain finished his story, viewers were in shock. They was litterly surprised. Then soon People started to agree.


#fiercecat : Yeah. You deserve better.

#detective's_child : Indeed. Your reasoning is correct.

#king07: This is surprising.

#Wet_onee-chan: Be mine. I will treat you much better.


But people who were close by Rain was extremely shocked.

"Then Rain didn't like me? We aren't even childhood friends. He was just doing his job as my fiancé?" Emma was puzzled.


"Then Rain didn't like even Emma one bit? Then maybe he also knew my schemes? And who is his first love?" Kaya wondered.


"Darling, looks like we were wrong. Rain didn't like Emma?" Carla turned her face towards Charles and said.

"You are naive, Carla. Are you an idiot? This brat is just lying. We many times told him to cancel engagement. But he refused like crazy. Do you think anyone who do that?" Hearing this Carla felt it was reasonable, Charles continued.

"Now he is denying.

It's just one of characteristics of Men. They never admit their failed love. It's good that this brat has become a true man." Charles was proud of Rain.

"Oh, is that so? By the way I am not an idiot. I was just confirming with you." Carla just angrily rebuked Charles and puffed her cheeks. Seeing her like that Charles just pinched her.

"Yeah. Yeah. You are very smart." Charles patted her head gently.

"Then, husband. Can you tell me how many times you failed in love?"

Carla asked with smiling face. However Charles knew she was not really smiling.

"No, you are my first love and last love." Charles was panicking.

"Oh, then you are lying? Like a true man?" Carla tilted her head.

"Fuck. Damn. No, I will take mana oath if you want." Charles suggested.

"Then there was someone after me? You have affair, huh." Carla made expression like she was thinking something.

And soon Carla restricted Charles.

"No, No. that's not." Charles shook his head and kept denying.

That day Holmes Family's head was throughly interrogated for the first time.


Back to the live stream....

Golden letters appeared on the screen.

[friend_of_precip has donated 10 gold coins.]

"So what about your first love?"


Even though Arya didn't doubt Rain much. But she was more concerned about Rain's true love.

"Oh, about her. Let me tell you...

While talking Rain slightly smiled, seeing his pure smile many people was awestruck.

"Like I told you we met on the shore of Lake. It was near my house. But we never talked. It was love at first sight. However we just occasionally met.

As we grew older. I tried to approach her. But we just walked past and she just ignored me. I didn't have courage to talk with her. It's because she was kinda cold. So I was scared.

Still I gathered my courage and tried to propose her. But she just left and went somewhere far. I never met her again after that."

After listening to this many people were sad and many people who was doubtful of Rain started believed him.

But then a golden letters appeared on the screen.


[White_Daisy has donated 20 gold coins.]

"Then why don't you propose her here? Maybe she might see it sometime."


Soon in chatroom barrage exploded. People started chanting Yes. Yes.


You don't know

How much I care about you.

You don't know

How I always think about you.

You don't know

How my eyes only has you.

You don't know

How much I love you.

So to let you know please become my girlfriend."


Hearing Rain's heartfelt confession many people's heart throbbed.

After that talked with his audience and engaged in small talk before diving into the game. He started by showing his current progress, the items he acquired, and the new skills he learned. As he played, he provided insights into his strategies and thought process.

Soon 20 minutes passed and it was time to close the live stream.

"Okay. Let's meet at next Stream. Now good night and sweet dreams."

Rain quickly closed live stream.

However his words was still lingering in everyone's minds.

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