Villain Is on Vacation

Chapter 72 Academy Life (1)

The atmosphere at Today Academy was as bustling as ever.

The students were engrossed in conversations, some discussing their coursework and academic schedules, while others indulged in gossip and idle chatter.

The ambiance was reminiscent of the lively college days, and it was something that Rain, if he were here, would have surely enjoyed.

However, he was not present, and his absence was felt by those who knew him.

Amidst all the chattering, one topic that seemed to be particularly popular was Rain's live stream that took place the previous night.

The group of random trio as always was talking about Rain's live stream.

"Did you watch it?" A random student asked.

"Is it necessary to ask same question everytime? Don't you get tired by asking it. How many time I have to say, Yeah. It was good?" A random student's friend from the same group was outraged.

"Chill dude. Chill. Live stream was good. However I hope he increases his streaming time. 20-30 minutes are too short." A random student expressed his opinion. 

"I agree about that too." A random girl as always interjected.

"It's because you both aren't studying. Focus on studies more. He is being considerate to us by doing short streams." A random student's friend scoffed. 

"Yeah. Your point is valid. However, for your kind information, let me remind you we both scored in top 100 in entrance exam." A random student said with smug look.

A random girl puffed her chest proudly.

A random student's friend from the same group couldn't refute.

In the academy, some people started using Rain's confession as reference and started proposing.

And there was one guy who did it near main building.

He nervously walked towards the main building, his heart beating so loudly he could almost hear it. He had planned this moment for weeks, and now that it was finally here, he couldn't help but feel a sense of overwhelming excitement mixed with anxiety.

As he approached the building, he saw her standing there, looking as beautiful as ever. He took a deep breath and walked up to her, taking her hand in his.

"Hey," he said, smiling at her.

"Hey," she replied, returning the smile.

He cleared his throat, trying to calm his nerves,"I want to say something to you."

"What is it?" The girl tilted her head as she was puzzled.

He dropped down to one knee and pulled out a bouquet of colorful from his space ring and said,

"You don't know

How much I care about you.

You don't know

How I always think about you.

You don't know

How my eyes only has you.

You don't know

How much I love you.

So to let you know please become my girlfriend."

Tears welled up in her eyes as she nodded yes, and he gave her that bouquet. They hugged and kissed, and he felt like he was on top of the world.

As they walked away from the main building, hand in hand, he knew that he had made the right decision. He was excited to start this new chapter of their lives together, and he couldn't wait to see what the future held for them.

If Rain was here he would have felt his confession was being misused.


On the other hand, Lily was troubled by something.

Although she wanted to make some money by Rain's Confession video.

However then she suddenly remembered something and her expression become worse.

From this you might think she remembered something unpleasant.

Yeah, it is.

Yesterday, she received a copyright claim from Rain for using his videos, photos, and songs without Rain's permission.

She was required to hand over most, if not all, of the earnings she had made from selling Rain's work to him. This left her feeling frustrated and annoyed. She had deleted all posts about selling Rain's content, so she was curious about how Rain found out. She didn't know how he found out.


"And why he is only coming now to take his money? Can't he send copyright claim earlier?" She was confused.

She was quite irritated with it.

However, she was not the only one who was irritated because of Rain.

Arya was also kinda irritated. 

Arya discovered that someone hacked her phone and deleted most of Rain's photographs from her phone, and she was in the process of restoring them. However, she was having difficulty in it.

Furthermore, despite the fan club being restored, it had fewer members.

As a result, the club members' hatred for that hacker was growing, and they were questioning his actions.

After all, many people didn't return. Slowly hatred for that enemy who did this was growing.

Kaya was training and considering how to restore her reputation. She still didn't find any way. 

And Emma, she was in daze. Most of the hate comments was deleted from her social media account. Now people knew Rain didn't love Emma. People's anger decreased quite a bit.

Rain had broken up their engagement, blocked her on social media, and disappeared without explanation. Emma's world had been turned upside down by the bizarre chain of events. Rain didn't come to his birthday party, and now he was saying he didn't love her and was interested in someone else.

Now no one even knows where he is and he even had became a famous streamer.

"What is true? Didn't he say in the video that he loved me? Was that lie?" Emma's mind was mess.

She didn't know which thing was true however after hearing Rain's reasoning she also felt some doubts.

Many people also tried search for Identity of the girl. However they couldn't.

So they started doubting Rain.

Many people also started making fake account of the girl, and asking Rain for reply.

But these people didn't know that there was really that girl.

Even Rain didn't know. However when he would know about it, it will be great sight.


[Third Party's POV]

The S class of the academy was a futuristic classroom, equipped with state-of-the-art technology. The walls were made of touch-sensitive screens, allowing students to interact with the lesson material in a more immersive way.

Each student had a holographic workstation installed in the smartwatch that projected a 3D virtual hologram where they could see live demonstration of combat techniques and other things.

The workstation was equipped with advanced sensors that tracked their learning methods, allowing for real-time feedback and analysis of their performance.

The ceiling was covered in a web of fiber optic cables that emitted a soft glow, creating a calming atmosphere in the room.

Some of the students chatted, and asked questions, the room's AI system detected their conversations and displayed relevant information on the screens, including combat strategies, historical battles, and notable martial artists.

Other students in the class were engaged in their usual chit-chat, as they often did.

Many of them had already formed their own groups, and were deep in conversation with their peers.

However, the day's agenda was different, as they were scheduled for a combat practice class.

The students were anticipating the arrival of their professor, Kevin, who was expected to enter the class soon.

In the class, on first raw of the desks a handsome boy was watching demonstration of Sword Arts in his smart watch. Soon, someone tapped his shoulder.

"Yo Ken, you still learning?" A muscular guy came and asked. 

"Yeah. James. I felt bored while waiting for Professor Kevin. So I thought of watching some demonstration of Sword Arts." Ken explained. 

"Yeah, What do you think Professor Kevin will teach us today?" James asked curiously.

Ken turned off the hologram and turned his face towards James.

"As long as I think, he is trying to gouge our current level. Like at first he let us spar among ourselves then let us fight in virtual reality dungeon. Today he might give us some training or he will give us pointers on what he noticed." Ken commented.

"Wow, you are so sharp!" James exclaimed.

"Nah, even idiot would be able to notice that." Ken said casually.

"Yeah and because I am not idiot I wasn't able to notice that." James remarked. 

Hearing this, Ken's forehead was filled with black lines.

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