Villain Is on Vacation

Chapter 75 Visit To Kevin's Office

Apparently, after clearing the Ant colony, Rain again went there the next day at early morning. 

This time he even took pickaxe with him.

Why? For extracting the ores he saw the other day.

After all, he spent a whole 100 points on the Mining Skill. Although, it was just a Beginner skill but It was still better than nothing.

As he entered the Ant colony, Rain encountered some low-level monsters that he easily defeated. However, these battles took up some of his time, delaying his progress.

After so many battles, he finally reached to the area where he saw ores last time. 

"Let's start mining here." Soon Rain found good area to mine. His sixth sense was telling him, he would able to mine good quality ores from there.

Just as he started mining, A monster came.

Rain defeated it easily, as it was just a low-class monster.

"Phew. Now let me start mining again."

After a few minutes. A giant centipede came this time and Rain defeated it easily too.

"I hope nothing comes out this time to disturb me." Rain hoped.

As Rain began to mine, he was disappointed to find that the ores he was extracting were of low-quality and were commonly found in the area.

Most of them were copper ores, and occasionally he found some iron ore as well. However, his focus on the task at hand was interrupted by the sudden appearance of a centipede.

Quick to react, Rain drew his sword and unleashed a powerful attack that utilized the Shadow Sword art - Shadow walk. In a single stroke, the centipede was vanquished, and Rain returned to mining once again.

However, his efforts were once again interrupted when an earthworm emerged from the ground.

"I am gonna kill you. Die." Rain said in cold tone. 

'Sword of Recognition'

With a single stroke of his sword, Rain had slain the earthworm that had attempted to impede his progress. Unfazed by this encounter, he continued with his mining and monster-slaying activities.

It appeared that once the ants had been cleared out by Rain, other insect-type monsters had taken up residence in the area.

This pattern continued throughout the day, with Rain repeating the same scenario over and over again.

As the night drew near, Rain realized that he had been in the Ant colony for a long time. He had not been able to leave the area due to the monsters that kept appearing, making it difficult for him to complete his mining activities.

"I couldn't even leave because of them. It's just shit," he thought to himself, frustrated by the situation.

Despite his best efforts, Rain had been unable to complete his mining before sunset.

He had arrived early in the morning, hoping to finish before the day was out, but the constant interruptions from the monsters had slowed him down.

It seemed as though he was stuck in a never-ending cycle of mining and fighting, a life that he did not particularly enjoy.

Meanwhile, Ken was having his own adventures in the academy, beating up bullies and exploring new areas. While Rain struggled with his mining and monster-slaying.


The next day began early for the students at the Academy, despite the hour, the campus was buzzing with activity.

Unlike Rain, who had no formal classes to attend, these students had to be up early in the morning to prepare for their day ahead.

As the sun began to rise, many of the students left their dormitories and made their way towards their classrooms.

As they walked, some students were in groups, chatting and laughing together, while others walked in pairs or alone.

The campus was alive with the sound of conversation and laughter, creating a lively atmosphere.

Everyone seemed to be in high spirits, enjoying the start of a new day.

As the students made their way to their classes, a young man passed by, drawing the attention of those around him.

The students began to clamor,

"Hey, that was Ken, right?" A random student asked his friend.

"Yeah. But why is he alone?" A random student's friend answered.

"Doesn't he always go to class with James?" A random student again asked.

"How would I know? Why do you keep asking questions to me everytime we meet?" A random student's friend asked in return. 

It was a common sight for everyone at the Academy to see James picking up Ken every day.

Ken was known for his handsome face and for being the Chief of the Freshmen, while James was also famous for being his companion.

However, there were some envious people who thought that James had left Ken, like those bullies who had harassed him the other day.

But the reality was different. Ken had wanted to talk to Professor Kevin about the incident from the previous day and get some more details.

He knew that it might take a while, so he gave a random excuse to James and left on his own. James just shrugged his shoulders and went on his way to the classroom.

Ken trudged through the bustling corridors of the academy, as this world was modern world there wasn't anything like backpack on his shoulders. 

Every needed study material was stored in his smartwatch.

The sound of chattering students and clacking heels echoed through the halls.

As he made his way towards the professor's office area, his mind raced with thoughts of what happened last night.

He had to clarify some doubts of what happened last night.

He passed by a group of giggling freshmen and a vending machine, but didn't stop. Finally, he arrived at the professor's door and took a deep breath before knocking the door.

He was determined to get some answers about what had happened and to ensure that he was prepared for any future incidents.

As he waited for a response, he couldn't help but feel nervous about what he might discover.

But he knew that it was important to face his fears head-on and learn as much as he could to protect himself and his friends.



"May I come in?" Ken asked.

"Yes." An answer came from behind the door.

Ken pushed open the door and entered Professor Kevin's office, which was spacious and slightly larger than the average classroom.

The walls were painted in a light shade of cream, giving the room a calming atmosphere.

The office was neat and clean, with no clutter or unnecessary items lying around. A large, sturdy wooden desk sat in the center of the room, with a high-back leather chair behind it.

The desk was neatly arranged, with a computer, a stack of papers, and a pen holder. There were also some books on the desk.

A tall bookshelf was situated against one wall of the room, filled with numerous books, both thick and thin.

The bookshelf was arranged in an orderly fashion, with textbooks, novels, and reference books separated into different sections.

The shelves were adorned with some decorative items, including a few framed certificates and awards.

There were two comfortable armchairs situated in front of the desk, facing each other. The armchairs were upholstered in dark brown leather, which gave them a luxurious feel.

A small coffee table sat between the armchairs, with a vase of fresh flowers placed in the center.

The office was well-lit, with a large window that let in plenty of natural light, making the room feel warm and inviting.

As Ken kept observing office, Kevin felt he would keep standing there if he didn't say anything. 

"So, how come you are here?" Kevin, as usual, maintained a neutral expression as he asked.

Ken took a deep breath and recounted the whole incident to Kevin, detailing the bullying he had witnessed and his concerns about the safety of the students. Kevin listened patiently, his face occasionally creased with concern.

"So, you telling me there is bullying in Academy?" Kevin asked, his tone measured.

"Yes." Ken nodded firmly.

Kevin sighed.

"Ken, as you are chief of the Freshman year, let me tell you. This is not a new thing in the Academy. This happens every year. Some arrogant or strong students come and beat other students." Kevin said.

Ken was taken aback, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "This can't be true. This happens every year?" he asked, bewildered.

Kevin nodded gravely.

"Oh, it's not that I'm lying. Like you, many students in the past also came to tell stories like this." Kevin said.

Ken's mind raced with questions, "Then, what did the Academy do about it?"

After that, Ken heard the things from Kevin's mouth that was enough to change his world view.

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