Villain Retirement

Chapter 12: First Exercise

Chapter 12: First Exercise

"...Okay, you may take your seats."

Seeing the students all greet her with respect, Scarlet Mage could only clear her throat as she tried to release the last of the awkwardness that remained inside her due to what happened with Riley earlier.

Considering Riley wasn't looking at her anymore, she was probably just misunderstanding his intention. And of course, she would be right in that.

Riley was not thinking of love or obsession, he was currently thinking of the best way of killing Scarlet Mage. She was a minor telepath, but it would be okay if it was just that, as Riley was resistant to mind control. But Scarlet Mage was able to dig even deeper than that; she was able to read the slight fluctuations in a person's heart, somewhat allowing her to bypass any of Riley's resistance.

He was safe for now, as the only thing that makes his heart fluctuate is Mega Woman… but it was better to be safe. He could just make her heart stop, but Scarlet Mage was still young-- it would be quite suspicious if she died of a heart attack.

He could probably concur up an accident, but Scarlet Mage was not just a street-level hero, she was an A-rank superhero capable of burning down a whole mountain. If she died in a car crash, then that would be slightly ridiculous.

That solves it, then. The only sure way for her to die is by an attack; Perhaps an ambush in her own home? But for that, Riley must discover her identity and where she lived. And so, with that thought, Riley raised his hand.

"...Yes? Do you have any questions, Mr. Ross?" Scarlet Mage could not help but slightly stutter as Riley suddenly raised his hands.

"What is your true name and what is your current address?"




As soon as Riley asked that, all of the students in the room all looked at each other; carrying the same expression on their faces-- confusion.

"That… is a strictly confidential information, Mr. Ross," Scarlet Mage then patiently answered as she once again cleared her throat, "But I am glad you asked that as that is exactly the very first lesson we will be talking about today-- secret identities. There really is only one thing you need to know;

Once you start wearing a mask, never reveal your identity to anyone-- even to your own family if you can help it."

"Everyone knows that, teacher Scarlet Mage!" One of the male students raised his hand, "And why are we in the same class as a retard!?"

"Woah!" Gary, who was sitting beside Riley, could not help but stand up as soon as he heard the student's words, "He is autistic, you bastard! There's a difference! I... I think, but you shouldn't call people that way!"

"Do you think it's fair!? Even Silvie is in our class, so why would someone like him be in ours? Isn't there some kind of special--"

Before the male student could finish his words, he felt a slight tingling sensation on his forehead; followed by a sort of burning smell as a tickle of smoke fumed from his eyebrows.

"O-ow!" The male student quickly patted his eyebrow to put out the sizzling ember but found that he was unable to do so. The only thing he could do was shake his head, slightly causing his completely gelled-up hair to wave.

"The class distribution is not in any way related to your skills or your capabilities as a working functioning human," Scarlet Mage's words then whispered through the air as she snapped her fingers, causing the male student's eyebrows to completely disappear from existence, "Remember, you might be here to compete against each other, but you are also here to learn, and perhaps a lesson in humility is what all of you need first.

Follow me outside."

And without even following with another word, Scarlet Mage suddenly stepped out of the room, leaving the automatic sliding door open for the students to follow her. They were a bit confused at first, but seeing as their teacher just went outside, they had no choice but to follow her.

"Tch," the male student with a gelled-up hair clicked his tongue as he looked at Riley before stepping out of the room, followed by 4 men that seemed to be his group of friends.

"Are you alright, Mr. Ross?" Silvie then suddenly approached Riley, who was just about to stand up as he followed the rest of the students out. The students that were still in the room could not help but be slightly curious as to why she approached him, after all, they could be considered heaven and earth.

"Yeah man, want me to beat that guy up for you?"

"Violence is not allowed inside the Academy, Mr. Gary," Silvie let out a sigh as she shook her head, "It's written in the handbook."

"...There's a handbook?"

"I am fine, Silvie Savelievna," Riley then stood up as he nodded his head towards Silvie, "We should follow the rest of the students, it's a huge building and we can easily get lost by ourselves."

"Right, race you guys there!?" Gary screamed before suddenly rushing out of the room.

"But we don't even have a set destination yet," Riley said as he slightly furrowed his eyebrows.

"Just let him go," Silvie chuckled, "Let's go together?"

"We already are," Riley muttered as the two of them started walking out of the room.

"I guess your sister is in another class?"

"I wouldn't know, I didn't check the class distribution," Riley said, "But there's a higher chance that she might just be cutting classes."

"I… I see." It was supposed to be a rhetorical question. Silvie already knew that Hannah was in another class as she was just with her before entering the room, but to think Riley's first thought would be her cutting classes.

Is that usually the first thought of siblings?

"You know, you can request to the Academy to be transferred since you… are a special case," Silvie muttered weakly, "If you're going to be more comfortable being near her, I can help you submit an application of transfer, she seems to be very protective of you."

"It's okay. The class is already full of noisy people as it is."

"I… I see," once again, Silvie could only awkwardly chuckle. She had no idea what was going on in Riley's mind, so she didn't know whether or not he was trying to be funny, and whether or not she was allowed to laugh.

After that, the two just continued to follow the line of students until they reached a vast and spacious hall. And to their surprise, they weren't the only students there.

There were two other classes in the two corners of the hall, and one included Hannah, who was already waving her hands at Silvie and Riley. Silvie waved back, Riley, on the other hand, only glanced at her before focusing on the three instructors that were talking in the middle of the hall.

They talked for a few minutes before each of the instructors returned to their respective students.

"Alright, listen up," Scarlet Mage clapped her hands to try and get her students' attention, "Since it is the very first day of the Academy, some of the instructors, including yours truly, have decided to set up some sort of exercise between our classes-- a friendly tournament that would help us gauge your level of proficiency in controlling your powers."


"But they haven't taught us anything yet."

"Stop being pussies, this should be a good way to test our strengths with each other."

"Is… isn't this dangerous?"

"None of you have to worry," Scarlet Mage quickly waved her hand, "Before anything drastic could happen, we would make sure to stop it. You can challenge anyone you want, you can even challenge someone in the same class since none of you know anything about each other yet."

"When do we start, Ms. Scarlet Mage?" Silvie then stepped forward as she looked Scarlet Mage straight in the eyes.

Seeing this, Scarlet Mage looked towards the two other instructors, before nodding her head and turning her attention back to her class, "It has already started, you can challenge anyone you want at any time, and the stage will be yours."


Hearing this, not only their class but the students of the other class as well looked at each other. Although there were some glares and curious stares, none of them really opened their mouth to challenge anyone. The instructors could have very well just made a list of participants, so why exactly did they make it into some sort of free-for-all?

"Then..." Silvie let out a sigh before her eyes tried to find the male student who insulted Riley earlier, "You, what's your name?"

"M... Me?" The male student with completely pulled back hair could not help but stutter as he pointed at himself, "My... my name is Danny."

"Then Danny, I challen--"

"I challenge that guy to a match!"

But alas, before Silvie could issue a challenge, Danny suddenly pointed towards Riley. When the others saw this, they could not help but shake their heads in disappointment. With all his bravado earlier, to think he would back out in the first sign of being challenged by an obviously stronger opponent.

"S... shut up!" Even his new group of friends seem to be teasing him as they all nudged and mocked him.

"Enough. A challenge has been issued," Scarlet Mage let out a short but deep sigh as she turned to look at Riley. The truth is, she was already expecting Silvie to stand up on behalf of Riley due to her aptitude test, but to think this Danny guy would beat her to it. But what's done is done, they have another reason for doing this anyway.

"What do you say, Riley? You can still back down if you want to."

"It's okay," Riley quickly shook his head, "It's a better way to waste my time than just standing here."

"Ooh shit," hearing Riley's words, Gary, who was keeping quiet in the side, could not help but let out a prolonged hum; and as if he ignited the spark of the students, they too, started whispering to each other.

"Okay," Scarlet Mage could only nod as she turned her head once again towards the two other instructors, who quickly ordered their students to move to the corner of the room to make space.

"Go to the front and introduce yourselves to the people, you'll be doing that a lot once you become a superhero."

"Daniel Espinoza, I will someday be known as Mega Man!" Danny said as he rushed to the center of the hall, stretching his limbs... stretching his limbs further than that of any normal human, "My power is superhuman elasticity!"

"That's a disgusting power," Riley muttered as he too, walked to the center of the stage, "Riley Ross, I will someday be known as…

...Riley Ross."

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