Villain: Transmigrated Into A NTR Manga As The Antagonist

Chapter 14: Sleepover Part I

Chapter 14: Sleepover Part I

After having a particularly irritating lunch date with her boyfriend, Su-Jin met up with her friends after finishing her work for the day. Not even bothering to return home and see what Alex and Min-Ah were up to.

Now that they had made up, it was entirely likely that the duo were spending this free time to get intimate with one another. And as much as Su-Jin did not want this to happen, she also didn't want to walk in on the two of them.

Thus, she was out drinking with her friends, and more so than usual. Not even an hour had passed by since the group of young women in their mid-twenties got together, and yet Su-Jin was dreadfully wasted. Her cheeks were flushed with intoxication as she moaned about her new stepbrother.

"Freaking bastard! I hate him so much!"

Su-Jin's friends were curious about what had gotten her so upset. After all, they were unaware of the troubles the young woman was having at home, and thus they brought up another sore subject.

"Is Ji-Min really that bad?"

Su-Jin was so intoxicated that she let her true thoughts out loud.

"Not that twerp! It's my stepbrother! He's dating my sister, and he's such a bastard!"

The girls were surprised to hear this. Su-Jin had not even mentioned to them that her mother got remarried, and thus they were quick to ask about it.

"Wait, you have a stepbrother? When did your mom get remarried?"

Su-Jin rested her head on the table as she groaned about her home life and the difficulties she was having.

"At the start of the summer, so maybe three and a half months ago? My stepfather is alright, but his son is such a douche! And for whatever reason, Min-Ah likes him. He's just so irritating. *hiccup*"

Naturally, the women were interested in who this guy was, and they were quick to prod their intoxicated friend for a photo.

"What does he look like?"

Su-Jin fumbled in her bag for several moments before finding her phone, where she made her way into her photos. She then pulled up an image of her new family together, which they had taken shortly after her mother got remarried. Much to her surprise, her friends reacted in shock, and made comments about Alex's appearance.

"Woah! That's your stepbrother? He's so fucking hot!"

"Is he a model? He's got to be! I wonder what he looks like shirtless?"

Su-Jin had never really looked at Alex as anything other than human garbage, and thus when her friends made these comments, she took a close look at the photo, and suddenly realized that they were right.

She was stunned that she had never realized it until now, but Alex was really hot. After thinking about this, Su-Jin began to blush, as she thought about how the man was always in his underwear around the house, and unknowingly made a comment about it.

"His body is… amazing…."

The women were even more interested as they saw Su-Jin's flustered expression while she said those words. So much so that one of her friends said the unthinkable.

"Su-Jin, can you introduce me to your brother?"

Upon realizing that these bitches wanted to dig their claws into Alex, Su-Jin became outraged as she drunkenly shouted at them to get bent.

"Fuck off! He's Min-Ah's boyfriend! You can't have him!"

After saying this, the woman began to sulk in silence, perhaps out of envy for her little sister. Meanwhile, her friends began to giggle and harass Su-Jin about how she might actually have a crush on Alex, which made the intoxicated young woman rethink her position towards the man.


While Su-Jin was at a bar enjoying some drinks with her friends, who she had known since middle school. Alex was enjoying a nice evening in the house alone with Min-Ah. He was, as per usual, dressed in nothing but his underwear. But what was peculiar was that at some point in the night, the doorbell rang. Where he quickly descended the staircase and opened the door.

Much to his surprise, Alex found that in his doorway was no less than five high school girls, who were all dressed in rather revealing attire. Naturally, Alex knew who these girls were. They were Min-Ah's friends, and he had briefly been introduced to them.

Though Alex did not know why they were here, the girls seemed absolutely stunned into silence. As their faces flushed red with embarrassment. After all, Alex was dressed in even fewer clothes than they were, and they could see practically everything. Including the massive bulge which caught their eyes. Sakura was the first one to speak, as she accidentally said her thoughts aloud.

"Oh… My… God…. Min-ah totally wasn't lying…."

Alex had no idea what she meant by this, but he quickly invited the girls inside, coming to an immediate understanding that Min-Ah had invited them over for a sleepover.

"I guess you're here for to see Min-Ah, come on in."

Once inside the home, Alex walked over to the refrigerator where he broke out a beer and began to drink it. All the while, Min-Ah descended from the staircase, where she gazed upon her friends and their slutty appearance with a hint of disdain in her eyes. They were all ogling Alex as if it were their first time seeing a man, which caused Min-Ah to pout as she reprimanded her Oppa for his lack of attire.

"Sorry about this Oppa, I forgot to tell you that I was having some friends over… Don't you think you should put on some clothes?"

Alex agreed it was inappropriate for him to be dressed like this while guests were over, and he was just about to ascend the staircase when Sakura spoke up.

"That won't be necessary! Like I'm sure we can all agree that Alex should be comfortable in his own home, right, girls?"

Min-Ah's friends nodded their heads in unison, which caused Min-Ah herself to pout once more. However, she had more important matters to attend to, and thus she clung to her Oppa while begging him to order some takeout.

"Oppa, I don't have time to cook dinner. Can you please order some take out for us all?"

Alex smirked as he heard this, before nodding his head in silence. Where he grabbed hold of his phone and ordered a feast for himself and the girls. Naturally, he paid for it with his father's credit card. All the while Sakura began to speak about her past "experiences" in an attempt to direct the conversation away from Alex and towards herself.

Once Alex was done ordering the food, he approached the kitchen counter and placed his beer in a line which he used to count the number of beers he consumed throughout the night. He then grabbed another from the fridge, and popped off its lid, before posing a question to Sakura, one which outed the girl as a liar.

"I've got a question for you Sakura. Why do you pretend to be a slut when you are so obviously a virgin?"

This question caused Min-Ah to giggle, who by now had become sick of entertaining her friend's lies. Meanwhile, the other girls stared at Sakura as she blushed profusely, seemingly caught in the act. Rather than admit defeat though, Sakura began to defend the mythos she had created about herself.

"What are you talking about? I have been with plenty of guys!"

However, Alex wasn't buying it. He knew a virgin when he saw one, and the way Sakura spoke about sex was complete and utter nonsense. Thus, he called the girl on her bluff with a confident smirk on his face.

"Oh really? Then what's the biggest cock you've ever had?"

This question caused all the girl's to blush, including Sakura. Previously she had thought that thirteen centimeters was big, but after hearing Min-Ah confess about the size of Alex's dick, and seeing it in person. She now had to come up with a new number off the top of head. She was quite flustered, as she spat out an insane figure that caused both Alex and Min-Ah to laugh at her.

"I'll have you know the biggest I have ever had was way bigger than yours. It was forty-five centimeters long!"

Alex practically spit out his beer, as the remark had caused him to laugh on the spot. Meanwhile Min-Ah was giggling while her friends were looking at Sakura as if she were an idiot. After all, no man in this world had a cock that was forty-five centimeters long, that was practically eighteen inches in length. This only further proved that the girl was lying about everything, which caused her friends to look at her in a new light.

Having tortured Sakura enough, Alex chuckled and shook his head, before making fun of her for her ignorance.

"Wow, I don't know what to say… I didn't know you were into horses!"

This remark caused all the girls in the room to break out into an uncontrollable fit of laughter, all except for Sakura, who became so flushed in embarrassment that she was practically a strawberry. She then made a hissy fit as she ran upstairs to put her stuff down in Min-Ah's room.

"Whatever! I am going upstairs! Is anyone else coming?"

The girls followed Sakura upstairs, while repeating Alex's joke as if it were the funniest thing on the planet. This caused Sakura to become even more embarrassed about the whole situation.

As for Alex, he watched the girls climb the stairs, and once they were out of earshot, he shook his head before letting his thoughts escape from his mouth.

"God damn... Is it just me or do high school girls just keep getting hotter by the day?"


Once inside Min-Ah's room, Sakura began to pout like a child who had just been disciplined by her parents as she bitched about Alex's joke.

"Who does he think he is, calling me a liar? I will show him!"

This caused Min-Ah to scoff as she also called Sakura out on her lies.

"Oh come on Sakura, drop the act. We know you are a virgin, and that's fine. In fact, most guys prefer that!"

This comment caused Sakura to look at Min-Ah as if there were some hope for her afterwards, as she posed the question that immediately came to her mind.


Min-Ah nodded her head. She had come to an understanding about Alex, and his preference for women after what had happened the previous night. He was the kind of guy who saw women with high body counts as nothing more than a body to fuck. But because she herself was a virgin when they met, he treated her like an actual lover, and thus she could confirm these words were true.

"Of course! If I had been a slut, Alex would have had no interest in me other than my body! And I think most guys are like that…"

Just when Sakura was about to respond to this comment, a knock appeared on the window, which caused the girl to immediately respond to it. Sakura opened the shades, where it was revealed that a small group of boys were waiting outside. She then opened the window and let them in, much to Min-Ah's dismay, who immediately called out to Sakura as if she were a madwoman.

"Sakura! What the hell? Who are these boys? Did you invite them?"

Sakura smirked as she ignored Min-Ah's comments before asking a boy slightly younger than her, who was dressed in a leather jacket, whether or not he had come through for her.

"Did you bring the stuff?"

The boy smirked as he reached into his backpack and pulled out a six-pack of beer, which he had snagged from his parents.

"Absolutely! When have I ever failed you?"

The boys entered through the window, and sat around the room, while Min-Ah was freaking out. She did not hesitate to tell Sakura to send them away.

"Sakura, no! If Alex finds out you brought boys over, he will kill them!"

However, Sakura did not seem to care about this as she opened a bottle of beer, and began to drink from it. It took her several minutes to finish the thing, and when she did, there was a disgusted expression on her face. But that did not last for long as she quickly put the bottle on the ground and proposed an idea, while ignoring Min-Ah's comments.

"How about we all play spin the bottle?"

The other girls seemed excited, and agreed to this, while Min-Ah was outraged. Yet nobody seemed to care, as they had begun to play the game. With the first spin, Sakura was selected to kiss her boyfriend. This was something that made the boy overjoyed, simply because he had not been able to do so yet. Causing him to immediately jump on top of the girl.

Which she swiftly refused. After all, she was starting to have second thoughts about dating this boy now that she had seen Alex and heard how he prefers virgins. Thus she pushed the boy away, who fell against the dresser and knocked over a lamp, causing it to shatter upon impact.

It did not take more than five seconds for Alex to burst into the room, wondering what the hell was going on, when he saw that there were six boys in Min-Ah's room. Min-Ah was horrified when she saw Alex, who immediately became enraged as he cursed at the boys who had intruded upon his domain. He quickly grabbed hold of Sakura's boyfriend, and punched the kid in the liver, who fell to the floor. Where Alex got on top of him and started raining elbows on the boy's head all while screaming at him.

"Who the fuck said you could enter my home, you little shit!"

The other boys grew terrified as Alex shifted his attention to them. One by one, he beat the ever living shit out of the boys. By the time he was done venting his fury upon them, their faces were no longer recognizable due to the swelling that had resulted from Alex's bare knuckle strikes. Their eyes were swollen, and blood was seeping from their forehead, further obscuring their vision.

The girls were horrified by this feat of violence, but not as much as they were when Alex shifted his fearsome gaze to them. Where he commanded each of them to do the unthinkable.

"Alright! Line up all of you! I believe some spankings are in order!"

Min-Ah felt a chill down her spine, as Alex grabbed a hold of her, placed her over his knee, pulled down her pants, and swatted her ass until a giant red hand print was visible. He then tossed her aside before grabbing hold of Sakura. Who he spanked like nobody's business.

However, unlike Min-Ah, who was a petite girl, Sakura had an exceptional ass, and she even appeared to enjoy the mistreatment. She didn't cry like the others, but instead moaned with each slap of her butt cheeks. Which caused her boyfriend, who had already been beaten black and blue, to become incredibly depressed.

Though of course, he, like all of his friends, were not fortunate enough to see the bare skin of these girls because not only were their eyes swollen from the massive beating they had received, but they were effectively pinned on the floor at an angle where they could not witness what was happening. All they could do was hear the moans and groans of the girls as their asses were slapped red by Alex.

Once Alex had spanked all the girls, he threw the boys out the window and screamed at them in a voice so loud the entire neighborhood could hear it.

"If I see you fuckers anywhere near this house again, you're all fucking dead! You hear me!"

The boys quickly ran off, in fear for their lives. Which only caused Sakura and the girls to look at them with disdain. But once they were gone, and the window was shut, Alex began to scream at Min-Ah.

"What the fuck were you thinking? Bringing boys over? Are you deliberately trying to make me angry!?!"

Min-Ah quickly defended herself by pinning the blame entirely on Sakura, who was glaring at Alex.

"Oppa please, you have to believe me! It wasn't me! Sakura invited them over!"

Alex then looked at Sakura as if she were literally human garbage before confiscating the beer the boys had brought over. Where he slowly descended the staircase. All the while, Sakura called out to him.

"You're like totally going to regret this!"

But once Alex was out of earshot, Sakura changed her tune immediately, as she voiced her condition aloud to all her friends.

"Oh, my god… Like I think I just totally came!"

There was a very clear trail of liquid flowing down the girl's legs as she said this, causing her friends to look at her as if she were an absolute degenerate. As for Alex, he went back to watching TV and drinking beer. His rage seemingly subsided for the time being.


Thank you for reading my novel, if you wish to read a more serious story with an intricate plot, and complex world building, as well as a decent sized harem, and a few smut chapters. Please check out my two other novels: Tyranny of Steel, and Interstellar Age.

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