Villain: Transmigrated Into A NTR Manga As The Antagonist

Chapter 8: The Proper Response to Bullying

Chapter 8: The Proper Response to Bullying

Alex and Min-Ah had a blast together at the Arcade, where they then returned home without incident. Although John was extremely angry with Alex for stealing his credit card, he did not immediately approach his son about this matter.

After all, he needed to have a plan for how to deal with Alex properly. Thus, he pretended like everything was alright while Alex grabbed a beer, and spent some time in the living room watching the movie with the rest of the family. Besides Su-Jin, that is.

While Alex sat on the sofa, Min-Ah took the seat next to him, and rested her head on his shoulder. An intimate action that caught their parents' attention. And while John was curious about whether or not it was actually Min-Ah that his son had taken on a date, Chae-Yeong became increasingly jealous of her own daughter.

After all, there was a terrible secret about her husband. The man had erectile dysfunction, and thus their bedroom life was non-existent. After the scene she had witnessed last night, and the casual groping that Alex had done to her the day before, Chae-Yeong was becoming incredibly sexually frustrated.

Now that Alex and Min-Ah were acting so close, she could not help but think about what life would be like if she were so shameless as to court her own stepson. This was what the woman thought about while watching the movie. And when it finally ended, Alex returned to his room, where he waited until Su-Jin returned home. She did so at about nine o'clock, and immediately prepared herself for bed.

Once everyone was fast asleep, Alex once more entered Min-Ah's room, where the two of them fucked like rabbits. And though Min-Ah was entirely unaware, Alex knew that he once more had a spectator, who was none other than his frustrated stepmother.

When morning came, Alex dropped Min-Ah off at her school, before going to university, where he would struggle to get through a day filled with science and mathematics courses. As for Min-Ah, she spent the entire day avoiding Ji-Ho while also spending some quality time with her friends.


At lunch period, Ji-Ho was sulking alone on the school rooftop, while thinking about his relationship with Min-Ah and how he would fight to win her back. He had no idea that his friends had gathered in the cafeteria and were speaking about him behind his back.

"Man, what the hell is up with Ji-Ho recently? The guy can't score a goal worth shit! It's not just me right, he just appears out of it?"

Another one of his friends agreed with this sentiment as he added to it.

"Yeah, something is wrong with him. Maybe we should ask?"

It was at this moment that a feminine voice appeared from behind the trio, where a dreadfully average-looking girl spoke to the group with an enticing offer.

"I know what's going on with Ji-Ho! Do you guys really want to know?"

The three boys looked at this girl and recognized her from their homeroom class. Though they had never really spoken to her before, they knew she was a gossip. If anyone knew what was going on with Ji-Ho, it was her, and thus, they were quick to ask.

"Alright fine…. We're listening!"

The girl reached into her bag and pulled out a cell phone, which she immediately displayed the image she had taken of Min-Ah and Alex while they were on their date at the arcade. The boys were stunned by the sight of the pure and innocent Min-Ah, who was so shamelessly being romantic with a foreigner. They were quick to react to the image, and a bit too lively because the entire cafeteria could hear their conversation.

"Who the fuck is that? And why is he with Min-Ah!?!"

A cruel smirk appeared on the average-looking girl's face as she explained what she had witnessed in the arcade.

"That is Min-Ah's older stepbrother. From what I can tell, he is in college, and the two of them are quite close. They were flirting with one another and kissing throughout the entire night. I even heard him call her his little bunny… Naturally, Ji-Ho is aware of this, and probably has been since it started. Wouldn't you also be troubled if your girlfriends were fucking some foreigner?"

The words "fucking some foreigner" were deliberately loud, loud enough for the entire cafeteria to hear it. Causing every kid who eating lunch there to whisper among themselves about the pure and innocent Min-Ah that they all knew. Who surprisingly turned out to be a slut who was cheating on her boyfriend with her foreign stepbrother.

And though Min-Ah did not know it yet, the moment the lunch period ended, she would have one of the worst days in her entire life.


Immediately after lunch ended, Ji-Ho descended from the staircase with a depressed gait. He knew he had to beat up Alex to win Min-Ah back, and he was determined to do so. But something peculiar happened the moment after the bell rang. As he walked through the halls of the school, he noticed that kids were whispering about him and Min-Ah.

Somehow everyone had found out about the fact that his girlfriend was cheating on him, and it was the hottest topic in the school right now. There were even a few girls who looked at him and giggled. Ji-Ho had once been among the most popular kids in school, everywhere he looked girls would swoon. Yet now they were laughing at him, as if he were some kind of sorry cuck. It was utterly humiliating.

If Ji-Ho was feeling depressed before, he was borderline suicidal now that the whole school knew about his relationship issues. The only real thing he could count on were his friends, who assured him that they would do everything they could to make Min-Ah stepbrother pay for stealing her away.

Unknowingly to Ji-Ho, his friends had begun to scheme about how they would make Alex apologize. After all, they did not approve of the most beautiful girl in their school being taken by a white man. This was something that would bite them in the ass soon enough.


After Lunch, Min-Ah immediately noticed her peers behaving differently towards her. Nearly everyone in the school, including some teachers, were staring at her as she walked by, and were whispering behind her back. And while the teachers remained professional with their comments, the students were far more cruel. Calling Min-Ah horrible names, like whore, slut, bitch, bimbo, et cetera.

Naturally Min-Ah could hear these words, and thus, she had spent the rest of the day in the school's infirmary crying her eyes out. When the bell finally rang, she rushed out of the school, not even bothering to speak with any of her friends like she normally would. She feared that they might treat her the same as everyone else. No, there was an only person in the world who could make her feel better after an entire day of ruthless bullying and that was her Oppa. Coincidentally, he just so happened to be picking her up today.

Thus, when Min-Ah exited the school grounds, and saw her Oppa waiting for her while smoking a cigarette, she couldn't help but glomp him, while letting out her tears all over his bare chest.

"Oh Oppa! Oppa…."

Alex was so stunned by Min-Ah's actions, and the fact that she was crying in his arms, that he literally dropped his cigarette on the ground. He quickly hugged the girl, and despite not knowing what had happened, he tried her best to make her feel better. Of course, the moment he did so, a crowd gathered and watched the scene with interest.

"Min-Ah, hey what's wrong? What happened?"

Min-Ah continued to sob into Alex's chest and barely managed to make a coherent sentence in between her crying.

"I… I don't know! Everyone just started being mean to me! Calling me a whore and a slut. Oppa, why is everyone being so mean?"

Alex had an idea of what might have happened. Someone probably spotted them together at the arcade, and had started spreading rumors about her. To make his Min-Ah cry like this, someone needed a serious beat down, and thus Alex glared at the crowd quite menacingly.

That is until Ji-Ho's three friends stepped forward with arrogant smirks on their faces. They did not hesitate to point at Min-Ah and call her names.

"Look! See! There it is! The slut has run to her foreign boy-toy! Look at this asshole? He doesn't even have a decency to wear a shirt beneath his jacket! What a fucking dumb whore! I mean, seriously, what kind of stupid bimbo would fall for a douche like that?"

Alex wrapped his arm around Min-Ah and held her tightly as he responded to these three pricks. He could tell at the very least they had something to do with the bullying that Min-Ah had been receiving today, and thus he shouted at them in a hostile tone.

"You three! Did you start these rumors?"

Despite the fact that Alex was significantly taller and stronger than these three boys, they did not show the slightest bit of fear. With the biggest of the three shrugging with an arrogant look on his face before practically admitting that he and his friends were responsible.

"And what if we were? What? Are you going to defend your whore? What a jo-"

Before the kid could even finish his sentence, Alex had punched him in the face with a left cross. After all, Alex was a southpaw, and thus primarily fought with a left-handed stance. The punch was so powerful that it immediately broke the kid's nose and sent him to the ground, crying.

Alex was visibly enraged, to the point where he almost did not even look human. Instead, he looked like a monster, as he quickly tossed his leather jacket aside and took a fighting stance. The other two boys barely had enough time to react when Alex threw a roundhouse kick directly into one of their ribs. The force was so great that Alex's kick managed to fracture at least two of the kid's rib bones thus sending him to his knees in agony. Where Alex proceeded to throw a flying knee straight to the kid's jaw, breaking his jaw in the process, and knocking the kid unconscious.

The last kid began to panic, as he threw a few haymakers at Alex, but as a seasoned fighter, Alex nimbly dodged these, before retaliating with a jab, cross, and a right hook, all of which landed cleanly. Knocking the kid to the ground, where Alex proceeded to stomp on his face until it was no longer recognizable.

The assault had happened so fast that the rest of the kids who had gathered could only watch in horror, as three of the most popular boys in their school were sent to the shadow realm in brutal fashion. Alex then shifted his gaze to the crowd and pointed at them while screaming at the top of his lungs.

"Any of you other fucking pricks have a problem with Min-Ah?"

Silence prevailed, and a few kids even fell to their knees in fear that they might be next. Alex took a step forward towards the crowd, where he immediately felt someone grab hold of him. He was just about to strike that person when he realized it was Min-Ah. She was hugging Alex and pleading with him to stop.

"Oppa please! That's enough! I don't want you to get into any more trouble than you are already in! Please stop! You have done enough!"

It was only now that Alex realized how serious of a situation he had gotten himself into. He had just attacked what could potentially be three minors, all of which needed to go to the emergency room to receive treatment. Thus, his wrath immediately settled, as he hugged Min-Ah tightly, and assured her everything would be okay.

"Don't worry Min-Ah, everything will be fine. Your Oppa is not going anywhere…"

Luckily for Alex, the first kid he struck was still conscious and was currently crying like a bitch on the grass. Alex walked over to the kid, and stepped on his knee, applying pressure to it, while staring him in the eye.

"If you or your friends go to the police, or tell your anyone about this. I'll fucking kill you all, and your fucking families while I am at it.... Do not fucking test me!"

This was no vain threat, there was clearly murderous intent in Alex's sky-blue eyes, which caused the injured high school boy to wet himself in fear, he could not even speak, instead he simply nodded his head in understanding, while choking on his own blood. Alex then mercilessly stomped on the kid's knee with full force, fracturing it in the process. Afterwards he turned around to the crowd, where he gave them a chilling warning.

"As for the rest of you, if I find out you posted a video of this little incident to the internet, or if I hear that you are still bullying my little Min-Ah again, you're fucking next!"

Having said this, Alex picked up and dusted off his leather jacket, before adorning it once more. He then grabbed hold of Min-Ah's dainty hand, where he dragged her to his bike. After ensuring that the helmet was safely seated on her head, he activated the motorcycle's engines and roared off back towards their home. Not even bothering to call an ambulance for the three boys who he had just beaten senseless.

Unbeknownst to Alex and Min-Ah. A group of girls had witnessed the beatdown from the windows of their classroom. These girls were friends with Min-Ah, and were already planning to check up on her to see if she was okay. However, Min-Ah had reacted too quickly, and had accidentally caused a scene. One which made her friends instantly interested in Alex.

As for Alex he drove away while Min-Ah clung to him. She was amazed that her Oppa was willing to go to such lengths for her. And had only fallen even greater in love with the man because of it. Thus, despite crying profusely just moments before, she now had a loving smile on her pretty face, which was concealed by the visor of the helmet she wore.


Thank you for reading my novel, if you wish to read a more serious story with an intricate plot, and complex world building, as well as a decent sized harem, and a few smut chapters. Please check out my two other novels: Tyranny of Steel, and Interstellar Age.

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