Villain: Ultimate Mutation System in the Alternate World

Chapter 11: Scouting

Chapter 11: Scouting

"Thanks for saving me," the stab victim mumbled, blood dribbling from his abdomen as he lay face down on the ground.

He didn't see how Reign accidentally killed his attacker.

In his mind, he imagined a good person had rescued him, and now he felt safe. All he needed was to ask for help to get to the nearest clinic for his wounds to be treated.

Then, he could have the attacker's wife all to himself. Actually, he had been seeing the attacker's wife secretly. That's why the husband came after him.

"Please..." he began, only to be rudely interrupted by a whooshing sound


With a gory splatter, his sentence was permanently stopped by the severing of his neck.

Clearly, his savior wasn't here for a casual chat over tea and biscuits.

Reign, the supposed hero, stood over the scene, twirling his bloodied claw with a nonchalant air.

He scratched his head, pondering the absurdity of the situation.

'Well, that escalated quickly,' he muttered to himself, as if surprised why that man thank him?

'Save him? ' he questioned. Why would a monster like him bother to rescue a human? What merit would there be in that?

The only reason he hurried was because he feared missing out on the EXP if he didn't kill him directly. That would be a waste of resources.

He licked the blood from his claw and glanced around, contemplating his next move. Perhaps he'd go grab a burger in the bar. After all, even monsters need some good food.

"I need to get rid of the body first," Reign muttered to himself after realizing that he was a monster.

He then slipped into feast mode, where he lost control and devoured everything in sight.

Unfortunately, blood wasn't something he could just wipe away from the ground. However, noticing the absence of stars in the sky, he figured there was a high chance of rain tonight.

Within minutes, only the clothes were left of the corpses. He believed leaving them there would spark panic, so he chose to carry them instead.

After his feast, he leaped from one wall to another, reaching the top of the bar. Aware that killing too many people might lead to unwanted attention, he decided to play it safe for now.

Instead, he focused on mapping the entire town in his mind. This way, he could plan his hunts more effectively next time.

He crouched on the rooftop, his keen eyes scanning the place sprawled out below him.

With a silent leap, he jumped from one roof to another, effortlessly traversing the small town.

As he moved, he noted the quaint Western-style structures that dotted the landscape, their aged charm standing out against the backdrop of the modern world.

Peering into the distance, he spotted the lone police station, its presence highlighted by the simplicity of the surrounding buildings.

A small congregation of officers lingered outside, perhaps unaware of the danger that lurked above.

Nearby, the hospital loomed, its size showing its true nature as more of a clinic.

Further along, the church rose majestically, a beacon of faith in the midst of the sleepy town. Reign observed it with a mixture of curiosity and indifference, its significance lost on a monster like him.

He paused, his thoughts briefly consumed by a nagging uncertainty.

Would he burst into flames after crossing the threshold of the sacred church? He had seen enough movies to know that demonic entities were unwelcome in the house of God.

With a wry smirk, he entertained the idea for a moment. After all, what harm could a little experimentation do? But then again, he wasn't one to tempt fate unnecessarily.

Shaking off the notion, he refocused his attention on the task at hand.

There were hunts to plan, and he had no intention of letting superstition stand in his way.

Hiding back into the shadows, the question lingered, unanswered but ultimately dismissed. After all, in his world, he was the one who bent the rules.

As he continued his reconnaissance, he counted the rows of houses, noting their small numbers. The streets below were quiet, the occasional passerby oblivious to the predator silently watching from above.

Among the scattered residences, commercial buildings stood around the landscape.

The close-knit buildings stood silently, their doors shut tight, as if in slumber.

Even though it was quiet, the smell of freshly baked goods filled the air from the bakery.

The clothing store and flower shop were closed, but their colorful displays added brightness to the calm surroundings.

The marketplace was empty, with its lively stalls closed for the day, giving a peaceful view into the lives of the town's people.

But amidst this simplicity, Reign found a distinct lack of modern amenities. There was no grand mall or sprawling department store, only the humble offerings of a town content in its own modesty.

He pondered why this place lacked modern buildings, especially considering the advanced cellphone he saw with one of the grave diggers.

Then it dawned on him—perhaps this place intentionally embraced a rustic theme. It wasn't uncommon, even in his previous world, especially in the West, where some people cherished the simplicity of country life.

With his mapping complete, he prepared to go back to his tomb.

He had seen enough to plan his hunts effectively, his predatory instincts were sharpened by the knowledge of his surroundings.

As he leaped effortlessly into the night, the town below remained oblivious to the danger that lurked in their midst.

Without the townsfolk realizing it, their lives were in danger, controlled by one monster who transmigrated from another world.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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