Villain: Ultimate Mutation System in the Alternate World

Chapter 26: Unexpected Findings

Chapter 26: Unexpected Findings

Reign's group moved deeper into the cave, oblivious to the fact that it had turned into a drug hideout.

Regardless, their safety wasn't much of a concern with Anna by their side; the likelihood of dying was practically nonexistent.

As they progressed deeper, the atmosphere grew darker. The air hung heavy with an unsettling silence, broken only by the occasional drip of water from above.

Moisture slicked the walls, and the ground squelched beneath their feet as though they were trudging through thick, dry mud.

As they went deeper into the cave, Reign noticed faint voices and a distant light around the corner with his sharp senses.

He stopped abruptly, causing Anna and George to paused as well. In their group, Reign played the role of the tank, always leading the way.

"There's someone ahead," he grumbled. "I can't quite make out what they're saying."

Anna, who was trailing behind, sniffed the air

"They're bad guys," she confirmed, her expression bored. "I can smell it in their blood."

She wasn't overly worried; even if there was a whole battalion there, she believed she could take them all out .

Reign nodded, his narrowed monster eyes fixed on the light ahead as he strode forward.

'I feel like they intentionally left the entrance empty,' he muttered to himself, finding it peculiar that there were no lights or stationed people at the entrance whatsoever.

But Anna was aware that there had been a lookout at the entrance before. She had discreetly taken out that person without anyone noticing.

The voices grew louder as he approached, and he could make out the shapes of several figures huddled around a lantern. They seemed to be arguing over something.

As he drew closer, he realized that these weren't miners at all.

They were different, heavily armed three individuals equipped with automatic weapons. Their task: guarding some kind of gate with reinforced steel .

One of them, apparently the leader, turned to address his companions.

"Hey what do you mean that we lost 10kg of drugs?" he demanded. "We payed the authorities right ?"

The others shrugged, looking uncomfortable.

"It must have been one of those damn kids," another one muttered. "They're really dumb you know,."

Reign's blood ran cold at the mention of "kids." He knew exactly what they were talking about: kids being used as drug mules.

It wasn't so much that he cared about the kids themselves; he simply disliked the idea of adults exploiting them.

Like himself, he had also been used and discarded by greedy adults for their own gains.

'I'm doing the world a favor by eating these guys,' he muttered under his ragged breath, his eyes burning with annoyance.

'They might have guns, but as long as I'm quick, I can rip them to shreds before they can react.'

Reign crouched low, watching the drug dealers intently. They were laughing now, oblivious to the danger that lurked nearby.

He knew that the slightest noise would alert them, so he had to move fast.

With a powerful first step, he sprang forward, landing in front of them.

His monstrous body was so intimidating that the four individuals were momentarily stunned into silence. Having a terrifying face proved advantageous in such situations.

"M— Monster!" One of the exclaimed.

But before the man could react, Reign's powerful jaws clamped down on his head, tearing through flesh and bone.

Reign's did not wasted this opportunity, his claw extended quickly, slicing through the air like a razor. It connected with one of the guards' arm holding the gun, severing it cleanly from his body.

The man screamed in agony, toppling to the ground, but his cry was quickly silenced when Reign's claw pierced his throat, pinning his head to the floor.

"Fuck!" Another dealer tried to aim his weapon at Reign, but he was too fast.

He leaned forward, his claw flashing through the air, tearing the third guard chest open in a spray of blood.

The third guard gasped only once before crumpling to the ground, his chest overflowing with blood and his insides staining the ground beneath him.

Just like that, the three armed guards died without even having the time to pull the trigger.

George and Anna witnessed it all, unable to deny that Reign was really smart

'Is he really a newborn?' Anna whispered to herself after seeing Reign's abilities.

While she sensed he wasn't yet that strong, his efficiency in using his body intrigued her.

Little did she realize, unlike normal monsters, Reign originated from another world as a human.

Despite not manifesting any powers, he was still the offspring of the Evil Monarch, renowned as the most intelligent being ever known. It followed naturally that Reign was also exceptionally brilliant.

In fact, he was so smart that prior to his kidnapping, his ability to learn and adapt surpassed normal limits. He could grasp concepts quickly and envision scenarios with clarity in his mind.

Usually, such traits could be deemed superpowers on their own. However, compared to his half-siblings who possessed special abilities, the scientists regarded him as a failure.

That was all in the past now.

One thing was certain at the moment: with a system granting him power, his intelligence would maximize his abilities, transforming him into a terrifying creature in the future.

"You take the blood, I'll eat the meat," Reign spoke up.

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