Villain: Ultimate Mutation System in the Alternate World

Chapter 31: Hunter Association

Chapter 31: Hunter Association

McGaven slammed his hand down on his desk in frustration.

"What do you mean we cant send a team to search for Dominic?" he protested strongly, his brow furrowed with concern.

He had requested a team of demon hunters, but his plea was refused by the head office.

Demon hunters always went in a team of three to ensure they could watch each other's backs. The problem now was that the existence of multiple high-level demon attacks happening in the shadows had become more frequent due to the season.

It was currently November, a month notorious among demon hunters for the surge in demonic activity.

This was the time when demons tended to grow more erratic and hyper, posing a greater threat to both humans and supernatural beings alike.

They simply did not have the manpower to spare for searching for a retired hunter.

'F***ers!' McGaven cursed under his breath, his frustration reaching boiling point.

He had an overwhelming urge to smack the faces of those high-ranking officials who had refused his request.

Dominic had dedicated his entire life to serving the organization, risking everything in countless deadly missions.

Now, in his time of need, when he was old and retired, they didn't even care enough to search for him.

"I understand your frustration, McGaven, but we're stretched thin as it is. We simply don't have the manpower to spare," a man with a big belly and a haughty demeanor interjected, his tone dismissive.

Despite his attempt at explanation, McGaven could see through the facade of false concern.

The words only served to stoke the flames of McGaven's anger, his jaw clenched tightly as he fought to contain his emotions.

"Forget it!" McGaven's voice boomed with frustration as he stood up and turned away from the corrupt officials before him.

It was futile to continue trying to reason with people like him. They were so entrenched in their bureaucratic world that they couldn't possibly understand the urgency and desperation of the situation.

These officials never experienced the dangers of fieldwork firsthand, nor the bonds forged in battle.

They were detached, their priorities skewed by politics and self-interest.

How could they comprehend the gut-wrenching fear of losing a comrade, the gnawing uncertainty of not knowing if they were alive or dead?

In the end, he knew he could only rely on his own team. He made the decision to send them out after they returned from their current mission

'Please be alive, old man,' he muttered under his breath, his eyes filled with hope.

'I still owe you for saving me years ago,' he added.


Underground Mine

"My stomach hurts!" Reign grumbled as he lay on the ground.

"Did you eat anything bad?" Anna asked, her expression innocent and charming.

"I have a healthy and specific diet lifestyle. I only ate humans," Reign countered.

"Maybe you ate too much? Want Anna to rub your belly? " she asked with playful grin.

Reign gave her a double take and slowly got up, feeling irritated by her childish behavior. He couldn't understand why she insisted on acting like a child when she was clearly a monster.

It grated on his nerves, dealing with her immaturity .

But what she did next made him snap. She unexpectedly jumped on his back, turning him into her makeshift mount.

"What the fuck are you doing!" Reign roared in anger, his voice echoing with frustration. He tried to shake her off, but to his surprise, she used her blood to stick to him like glue.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't dislodge her.

Caught off guard by her unexpected actions, Reign found himself momentarily at a loss for words.

But beneath the surface, a simmering rage burned within him, fueled by the realization that he was being toyed with by someone he considered little more than a nuisance.

'Please, god, give me more power so I can fucking kill this annoying piece of shit!' Reign gritted his teeth.

What he was experiencing right now was beyond embarrassing.

As a man eating monster, he found himself reduced to praying for strength to deal with the situation.

The irony of it all was frustrating to him. Here he was, a creature of darkness and power, brought to his knees by the antics of an annoying girl.

However —

While Reign was consumed by thoughts of how to rid himself of Anna's presence , she on the other hand was feeling excited .

Despite her youthful appearance, she was already of legal age, and her feelings were far more developed than her outward face suggested.

"Stop bothering me!" Reign roared again, his frustration reaching its breaking point.

This time, Anna followed his command and jumped off his back, landing gracefully on the ground.

"Anna just wants to play," she said with a smile, her expression showing no hint of remorse for her actions.

"Play with your father," Reign scoffed, his tone laced with disdain, before turning on his heel and walking away.

Anna watched him go, her smile faltering for a moment before she composed herself.

Despite his harsh words, she couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment at the way their exchange had ended.

But she knew better than to let it show, masking her true feelings behind a facade of indifference as she turned to go about her own business.

'Idiot,' she sighed to herself.

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