Villain: Ultimate Mutation System in the Alternate World

Chapter 35: Deception

Chapter 35: Deception

"Where are you taking me?" George retorted, attempting to pull his hands away from Annabele. However, he felt as if he was being held by a strong man rather than a petite, beautiful girl.

"Just trust me, professor," Annabelle insisted, her tone growing more urgent. "This is very important"

"This is a hotel! I don't want rumors to start," George protested.

But, he ultimately thought that causing a commotion would attract more attention. Thus, he decided to let her bring him, planning to scold her once they were inside the room.

The moment they reach the door, Annabelle's hand twisted the knob and pushed the door open.

George was expecting an empty room, but what greeted him was his wife on top of another man. The two of them were naked, and Amanda was the first one to notice .

"G—George!" Amanda exclaimed in shock, hastily pulling away from her lover and covering her mouth. Her eyes welled up with tears from the overwhelming guilt and embarrassment.

For George, it felt like the world was crumbling down before him.

The woman he had loved with all his heart, despite enduring countless trials and temptations, was now revealed to be unfaithful, shattering his trust and breaking his heart into irreparable pieces.

He had been a devoted husband to her—loving, faithful, and always attentive despite his demanding schedule. He showered her with affection, never neglecting her needs, and always making her feel cherished and cared for.

"W—Why?" That was the only word he could utter. He had always been a calm person, and even now, he didn't have the energy to scold or screamed at her.

Instead, he wanted to know what he was lacking. Why did she do it?

But before he could get an answer, Annabelle held his hands firmly.

"I will never betray you, Professor. You don't deserve to be cheated on!" she declared, her grip tightening on his hands, her eyes brimming with frustration and a hint of anger on his behalf.

He was taken aback by her declaration. He could tell that she was serious.

Faced with a young girl versus a wife who had cheated on him, it was obvious whose side he should take.

"Honey, please let me explain," Amanda pleaded, seeing that her husband might be taken away from her.

She never intended to betray him, but the other man had a way of charming her, making her feel uniquely special and beautiful.

In a moment of weakness, she succumbed to temptation, convincing herself that it was okay to do it once.

"Let's end our relationship," George spoke up in neutral tone. He did not show any anger, just pure indifference.

Then he turned away and pulled Annabelle closer to him.

"I win," a sly smile crept onto Annabelle's face, and Amanda saw the wickedness in her expression. In that moment, she realized that everything had been preplanned all along, and the girl she had once believed to be pure was the mastermind behind it all.

"W—" she attempted to call out for her beloved husband, but her lover quickly covered her mouth, silencing her desperate plea.

Everything had unfolded exactly as Annabelle had planned, leaving Amanda humiliated and heartbroken.


"What the hell... no wonder Anna is so good at manipulating people, it's something she inherited," Reign spoke up, shaking his head in disbelief. He ended up feeling curious and listened to the whole story.

"But why the hell did you tell me that? Those are useless information," he exclaimed, shaking his head in frustration. He felt annoyed, realizing that he had wasted his time expecting to uncover secrets about Anna's origin and powers.

"Useless information?" George chuckled. "You really are a kid," he added, his tone condescending.

This remark fueled Reign's annoyance, and he felt the urge to ripped George head, but before he could act, he heard a bursting sound.

The Pulsating Sack where Anna was confined burst open, releasing a massive amount of blood that threatened to flood the entire ground.

"Fuck you, so you were buying time!" Reign growled in anger, unable to believe that he had been deceived.

But George only smirked. Like father, like daughter.




The dripping sound caught Reign's attention again. This time, he saw something or someone standing up slowly from the pool of blood.

He expected seeing little Anna, but what stood before him was far beyond his expectations.

Instead of small girl, a young looking tall girl emerged, with captivating blue eyes and long, flowing blond hair.

The blood covering her body added an unexpected allure, clinging to her curves and concealing her private parts with a tantalizing effect that only heightened her irresistible appeal.

If Anna used to look like a cute girl, her body now resembled that of a senior high school student; she was not completely mature, but her body was enough to seduced any man.

"Reign, do you like my new body?" Anna spoke up, her voice now more teen-like and sweet, carrying a powerful charm.

He was taken aback by her words. He believed he had already relinquished all his human desires, yet he found her irresistible for a moment.

Fortunately for him, his instinct as a monster was still more powerful, allowing him to remain level-headed. He chose not to respond at all.

Anna noticed his reaction and remained unfazed.

Instead, she closed her eyes, concentrating her thoughts. With subtle control over her power, she fashioned a dress from the blood around her—a flowing red garment with intricate patterns that seemed to dance with every movement.

Her evolution had not only changed her physical body but also her mind.

She had been pondering all this time why she was unable to evolve despite accumulating so much power.

Finally, she got her answer—it was desire. She lacked the desire to grow, and it had been preventing her from evolving.

However, Reign's indifferent attitude to her small body made her self-conscious. So, her subconscious mind willed for her body to be reborn anew.

'Will he look at me now?' Anna thought to herself, feeling excited about her goal to capture Reign's heart.

Just like her mother, once she became obsessed with someone, she wouldn't be able to love anyone else.

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