Villain's Rising

Chapter 19 19. Do As I Say And...

“I told y’all it was just an exaggeration!” Sam shook his head as the group walked out from a cafe into a crowded street.

Kiara smacked him at that comment, “It was your genius idea!”

“Club was a better option, just sayin.” said Robin while shrugging casually.

“It’s okay~, I mean now we know cafes here are nothing special.” Drake arched his eyebrows in disappointment.

“I don’t know guys, I think it was fun…” Anthony commented.

“Huh? It was just normal, nothing special,” Kiara frowned her eyebrows.

“Yeah but, we did enjoy ourselves right? I mean atleast I did, It was the first time I enjoyed doing something so much.” Anthony said with a genuinely warm smile.

“Y-Yeah it was not that bad I guess…” Darke scratched the back of his head.

Robin lifted her index finger, “Mhmm maybe they meant cafes of Academy City are the best in the spirit you know?”

“Lol okay, whatever that means” Kiara chuckled at the reply.

Sam scoffed and spoke in a haughty tone, “Meh, it was average. If the only thing that makes it good was talking then we can do that anywhere, why bother going to a cafe for that.”

That comment earned him another smack from Kiara, “Shut up moron, it was YOUR idea to began with.”


“Easy with his head Kiara, it seemed to be empty from the start! Pfftt,”

The group of these newly found friends made their way to the dorm with random chit chats along the way to entertain themselves.

Their dorm was situated in the district called Dorm Area, the whole district is full of mansions dubbed as dorms for students of the Academy to live in while there stay at this city. Every mansion looked the same from outside but differ from the inside. Some featured modern look while some even featured Victorian era look.

Every mansion also featured a fingerprint security system. Meaning only those who can pass the gates were the one who have been allotted with that specific mansion, if someone else tries to use force to make their way in, then a powerful plasma shield will envelope the building and hero pollice will be alarmed.

As Sam walked to the side of the mansion gate to place his finger on the fingerprint scanner, he stopped as if he had remembered something; “Oh forgot to ask, what about your stuff guys?”

He looked at the couple and asked with his head slightly tilted.

“Eh…?” Drake looked at her girlfriend with a blank face.

“Fuck…” Robin cussed as she placed a palm on her face.

“So you forgot? Dummies.” Kiara shook her head.

“Okay, so do you want us to help you shift from hotel to here? Coz it’ll take too long for you two alone.” Sam asked.

“Aghhh that would be really helpful actually, would it be too much trouble?” Drake asked embarrassingly.

“No not at all. I think it wouldn’t take long for us to shift if we work together.” Sam said as he began to move.

“Wait wait, you both don’t need to come, Kiara and Sam, I alone would be enough.” Anthony spoke, puffing his chest out proudly.

“Whaa~ I mean I’m not doubting you but there’s a lot, and when I say lot I mean a LOT of stuff to move…” said Robin hesitatingly.

Anthony just laughed hummingly in reply “Hmhmhm do you forgot who am I Robin?”

“Yeah but-” before Kiara could speak anything else Anthony started floating in the air;

“Don’t worry, I’ll be back with your stuff in an instant.”


Anthony boasted before flying away towards the hotel district at an incredible speed, almost breaking the sound barrier in the process.

“Oh well, if he’s that fast maybe he’ll actually be back in an instant.” Sam commented, genuinely impressed by the speed Anthony can fly with.

“Yeah but that idiot forgot to take the keys…” said Drake with an exhausted look.

“Hahaha maybe we should go after him” Robin said and began to float herself.

“Wait no no no darling, you know I can’t fly-” Drake was cut short as Robin flew away too with a quick speed, although quick but not as fast as Anthony.

“Fuckin hell! Oh well guys, meet you both in a few!” said Drake with a defeated sigh before running in the direction Robin flew.

“Hahaha they both are a piece indeed.” Kiara chuckled.

“Hmm” Sam only gave a plain hum in reply and placed his finger on the scanner. With a low metallic cling the gate opened soon after.

“What? What’s going on Sam?” Kiara asked as she followed Sam inside.

As the both of them went in, within a second the gate automatically locked itself from the inside as it was programmed.

“No, nothing.” Sam tried shrugg it off.

“Hey hey hey,” Kiara grabbed his hand and made him turn around to face her, “What’s going on?”

Sam looked at her deep purple eyes for a good minute, while pondering over whether to go ahead and tell her or not.

(Don’t do it!! Sam, Don’t! Fucking! Do it!)

After a whole minute, Kiara decided to break the awkward silence and asked him again, “Sam? What’s going on? Tell me, what’s going on? You know you can tell me everything thing right? We’re family aren’t we, so tell me.”

Sam closed his eyes and took a deep sigh before opening them again. He gently placed his hand on the side of her face and lovingly creased her sliver hair.

“What if I tell you…” he tried to speak but his own subconscious held him back,

(Sam, you’ll only hurt yourself! You know her answer, don’t do it!)

“What if I tell you that…” his breathing became ragged as he took a deep breath to calm himself down and steeled his resolve to tell her the truth, “What if I tell you that I’m… that I’m the Progenitor.”


“The Progenitor?! That’s stupid!” One of the superhero wearing what looked like a lab coat bursted out in disbelief.

However one glance from Starsuper was enough to calm him down. “I-I apologise. I didn’t mean it to you, I meant you claiming his return, that’s impossible.”

“Professor, I know it’s hard to believe but it’s true. You know my eyes can see abilities as colours right? With them I can tell when someone is going to use their ability with just a glance.” Starsuper pointed his index finger at his own crystal like golden eyes.

They were very similar to what Anthony had, however his’ were clearer. Almost like real crystal jewels.

“Everyone’s ability have a unique colour to it. It’s natural law and common knowledge that two people can’t have the exact same ability, so by addition, two abilities can’t have the same colour to it.” Starsuper took a deep breath as if he remembered something unpleasant, “I’ve seen Progenitor use his ability, [Biokinesis] in person. His ability radiates the darkest possible shade violet colour hue, and I found the same violet hue lingering around Rose’s dead body when I saw her.”

Everyone was stupified at the revelation. Most of them were shocked, few of them even showed the signs of fear. Everyone knew how cruel and powerful the Progenitor was, enough to give him the title of [Demon King]. One could only imagine what would he do if he really has returned.

“But you killed him right? At the battle of Melbourne City, currently known as the Academy City, 300 years ago?” a woman in red costume spoke up.

“Yes, yes he did Scarlet Vampire.” Lightbringer, the principal of the Hero Academy answered, “However it’s the Progenitor we’re talking about. Although you’re immortal and living for almost a century now, you’re still far too young. You haven’t witnessed his might, what he can do, it is indeed possible that he faked his death… or even worse, passed down his powers to someone else.”

“What?! Is that even possible?! Abilities can’t be passed down or inherited genetically, your claim defies the common logic, it defies everything we know about abilities!” this time it was a young girl in a flashy red and gold costume who bursted out.

“Calm down now Liberty, most of the original 12s were wiped out by that guy, he must be powerful.” a well groomed man in a completely white Italian suit sitting besides her tried to calm her down.

Liberty squinted her eyes and frowned her eyebrows, “Power has nothing to do with it Deadeye, it’s a natural rule that abilities can’t be passed down no matter what, NO MATTER WHAT!”

“Jesus what are you yelling at me for? Are you still upset that I slept with your mom? I told ya, you both look the same! I got confused damn it!”

“And I told you that’s some bullshit! This is not the first time you did something like this!”

“That’s in the past! This is about now! I’m completely innocent this time! You have to believ-“

“Shut up you two!” Lightbringer yelled at the pair, although he usually love to see the two of them fight, however this was not the time for romcom nonsense.

“Sorry Lightbringer” the duo apologized with their gaze down.

“So I’ll ask on behalf of everyone present here, are you absolutely certain that it’s the Progenitor we’re dealing with? Because you were the one who killed him more than a three centuries ago, are you not?” a pale skinned young man wearing a long sleeve orange t-shirt with a graphic Phoenix logo on it spoke in curiosity.

“Yes Phoenix, I’m certain that I killed him that night. However, as the Lightbringer here said, it’s completely possible that he could’ve passed his power down to someone else.” Starsuper dropped the bomb with that statement. However before anyone else could say something, he opened his mouth again.

“I know I know, common sense and all yeah~. I know abilities can’t be passed down, but don’t forget, many of you sitting in this conference got their abilities from me.” said Starsuper as he leaned back on his chair to sit more comfortably, as if he was sitting on a throne he spoke again;

“Everything looks impossible until someone go ahead and do it. Yes it’s impossible as we know it for someone to pass down their ability, however the emphasis here is on ‘As we know it’. There’s many thing we don’t know about, the full extent of Progenitor’s power being one of that. Now I don’t want your whining, I want results, do as I say and we’ll prevent the destruction that was caused 300 years ago from happening again. Do as I say and we’ll kill the Demon King.”

“Sir, yes sir!” everyone sitting at the round table conference replied in unison. Everyone present there knew the cost of failure, but everyone believed in the leadership of the man they known as Starsuper. Yes they were scared and worried, but everyone of them knew that the Progenitor, original or his kin, is not a match for Starsuper.

“Good, let’s do this. Just one more time, one last time.”

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