Villain's Rising

Chapter 33 33. The Cliché First Day In The Academy

“Haa…” In a dark room, a black-haired boy was lying on his bed.

As he remembered the incidents that happened yesterday, he couldn’t help but heave a sigh.

Sam always thought there isn’t anything in this world that would surprise him.

He found this world boring.

However, yesterday he found something that he never thought would be possible.

“I wonder how they do it…” He whispered to no one in particular. “I wonder how they pass down their ability. Is it the same as what my father did?”

(Sam, why the fuck are you still stuck on that huh?)

Hearing the voice in his mind, Sam couldn’t help but let out another deep breath at the sheer ignorance.

“Because all my life I’ve been studying biology. Abilities are part of our biology now.” Sam explained while rolling his eyes.

“Now if some random girl comes up and tells me that I looked past something that obvious, no shit I will take it as a blow to my pride!” He added.

(Okay first, that’s not some random girl you’re43 talking about. That’s a Willburn! God knows what they are and how much they know. And second, why are we still on this topic when we have something better to talk about?)

“Mmm? What something better?” Knitting his eyebrows together in confusion, Sam asked.

(Whaa~ Why do you keep forgetting? It’s Monday! The start of the new week! You know what that means!)

“Ha!” As soon as he remembered the day it was today, Sam grinned with excitement. “I remember now, today I’ll get to meet my dear brother!”


“Did you take everything?” A black-haired woman, seemingly in her mid-thirties asked the boy who was standing by the door.

“Yes of course mom!” The boy answered in a clearly frustrated tone. “This is the 8th time you are asking this question!”

“Okay okay, I won’t,” Angie slightly raised her hands, as a soft yet warm smile appeared on her face..

“I’m just happy for you,” The black-headed woman said with a warm smile still plastered on her face.

Seeing that, the boy couldn’t help but smile too.

He’ll be joining the Hero Academy. It’s a given that his mother would be worried about him.

He closed in on his mother and gave her a gentle loving hug.

“I’ll be fine,” He said.

After a second of a warm hug, he continued. “Besides, I can manipulate space, if I want to, I can visit you anytime!”

Hearing her son boast, Angie couldn’t help but giggle.

“Hahaha, yes you can!” She said while softly pinching his cheeks before pulling him for a hug again.

“Okay, now I’ll be going,” said Michael while separating himself from his mother’s embrace and walking up to the door.

“Be safe,” Angie said, seeing her son walk out the door. But before he could completely step outside, she called him out again as she remembered something.

“And Mikey,” hearing his mother call him out, Michael turned around to look at her. “If you meet your brother, try to get along with him.”

Hearing that a smile appeared on Michael’s face. “I will, mother.”

As soon as he said that, he opened the door and walked outside.

“Open,” he uttered in a low voice and the space in front of him started to distort.

Soon a deep abyssal crack appeared in the fabric of space itself.

“I’ll be going,” he said and stepped into the crack.

As soon as he walked in, the crack closes in and the space returned to normal.

“Haa…” Watching his son start his journey, Angie couldn’t help but let out a worried sigh.


“Aghh!! What was that ceremony?!”

“I know right?! Welcoming ceremony?! More like a torture ceremony!”

“And the warrior class had to experience it a week before us!”

“Yeah! I’ll never be jealous of warriors again!”

Cries of frustration and exhaus33tion filled the Academy campus as students from other classes finished attending the welcoming ceremony hosted by none other than Lightbringer.

“I wonder if I can meet my brother on the first day,” Michael thought out loud.

He has never seen his brother except in photos that his mother keeps.

He has heard of him though, the son of an infamous villain, Black Knight.

Black Knight was famous for his blade killings. He was a master martial artist and when paired with a bladed weapon, he was a nightmare.

Not only that but he also possessed an [A-Rank] electrokinesis ability.

Not a very big threat if you compare it to other big villains with relatively more deadly abilities.

However, what made him deadly was his technique.

There weren’t many who were able to stand up to Black Knight in and hand to hand combat, with or without the use of abilities.

However, soon he was caught.

It was revealed that he was living a double life and had a family.

He was thrown behind the bars. A jailing facility made entirely for the purpose of locking up villains with superpowers.

He soon escaped though. And when he was found, he wasn’t alive.

His body was found in an apartment that he owned under a different name with third-degree burns all over his body.

Authorities were left puzzled. After all, there weren’t many who could do that to Black Knight.

An investigation ensued soon after but the culprit was never found. The matter was soon discarded.

Michael found this story very tragic. Because in the end, the only victim left remaining was the son of the Black Knight.

Not only did the authorities keep him under their watch until he turned 18 but he was also made to go under several investigations.

If all that wasn’t enough, he is also discriminated against for being the son of a villain.

Several families of Black Knight’s victims want him dead or locked up.

His life isn’t as easygoing as Micheal’s. And that’s the reason why Micheal feels bad for his half-brother.

Everything that he ever got, love, warmth, a childhood. His brother wasn’t able to experience any of that.

‘I’ll make up for our lost time brother…’ Micheal inwardly voiced his determination while walking his way towards the class through the campus.


“Ahh sorry! I wasn’t looking, my bad!” Because he was distracted elsewhere, the black-headed boy bummed into a person.

Though he instantly apologized and started to walk away.

“Oye! Where do you think you are going?” A hand grabbed him from behind, making Micheal stop on his feet.

‘Ahh fuck! Is this turning out to be like that cliché first school day episode!’ Micheal remarked in mind before turning around with his hands slightly raised.

“Look good sir, I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention, so I apologize.” Micheal replied earnestly. “Besides, a mighty man such as yourself wouldn’t really wanna waste your time on someone like me!”

“Oye! Are you making fun of me kid?!” The person in front of him yelled. “I’m a girl!”

The world stopped for Michael at that moment.

He eyed the person in front of him claiming to be a girl.

She had a frame as big as a professional muscle builder. Towering at the height of 6′ feet with muscles ripping through her uniform, yes, she was wearing a male student uniform.

She had spiky short brown hair and a chiseled square face with brown rough tan skin.

No one in their right mind would take her for a girl.

“Oye! Tell me! Are you making fun of me?!”

Shaking him out of his state of utter shock was the voice of the ‘girl’ in front of him.

“No sir- I mean mam, no mam!” Michael raised his hands more up high to surrender. “I wouldn’t dare!”

“You called me sir again! You are making fun of me!” The brown-haired girl yelled again.

Seeing the ruckus happening in the middle of the campus ground, the crowd started appearing.

Half of them hoping to see some action while the other half hesitating to stop something bad from happening.

“Mam I don-“

“Shut up boy! You dare insult me?! The young mistress of the Akaima clan?!”

Soft sounds of gasps came from the crowd as the girl revealed her clan’s name.

Akaima is one of the most famous and powerful eastern clans.

They start the training for their kids starting at the age of 5. Those who can’t awaken ability become assassins. Those who can’t become assassins become militants.

And this girl is claiming to be the young mistress of that clan?!

“Mam, listen-“

“No, you listen boy! I will make you pay for insulting me!” A look of fury clouded over her eyes as the tone of her voice kept rising. “Now, I challenge you for an ability duel!”

“What? But an ability duel is not legal unless being supervised by an instructor!” Micheal blurted out while stepping back a few steps.

“What is happening here?!” A voice came from the crowd as a bald man wearing a lab coat made his way towards the source of the commotion.

‘An instructor! I’m saved!’ A bright look of relief washed over Michael’s face as he saw an instructor making their way to them.

“You, are you an instructor here? Supervise this duel.” Said the brown-headed girl casually.

“Well I certainly am an instructor here, however, I can’t supervise this duel. It’s still the first for you lads here and I can’t-“

Before the bald instructor could continue, the girl cut him off.

“Shut up baldy, I’m the young mistress of the Akaima clan, you really wanna infuriate me?”

“Th-The Akaima clan?” The tough act that he was putting on earlier dropped as soon as the instructor heard the name Akaima.

Big beads of sweat started dripping from his forehead as the bald instructor put on a smile that would put even the best of con artists to shame.

“Why, of course? If it’s the young mistress of the Akaima clan who wishes for me to supervise a duel, then it would be my honor!”

‘This bastard! He did a complete 180!’ Micheal could only widen his eyes at the events that happened before a chilling voice called out to him.

“Now then, let’s continue your massacre- I mean our duel!”

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