Villain's Rising

Chapter 78 78. A Legend To Remember And An Incoming War

“This time, even we won’t be able to save you,” Eve stated sternly.

The tale of Dragons and their origin is a long one. Everyone knows that Dracul Dragonheart was the first tamer of the monster race known as Dragons.

Not to mention the Dragonheart clan is a mysterious family of people.

Why? Because the ability they possess throughout the generations is very similar.

What that means is that almost everyone in their family possesses fire element-related ability.

No two people in this world can have the same ability. But they can have similar abilities.

It’s not very uncommon for a child to manifest a similar ability to his parents. In fact, many scientists claim that the manifestation of ability can be influenced by the environment a child grows up in.

That’s one of the reasons for people to believe that many Supervillains possess strong abilities because of the harsh environment they grew up in.

However, even though a child can manifest similar abilities to its parents, that changes throughout the generation.

What it means is it’s improbable for a great-grandchild to manifest a similar ability to their great-grandparents.

Some believe the abilities to be the manifestation of one’s identity. Everyone is different, and although they can be similar, they can’t be the same.

Starsuper and his kids were the only known exception to that rule. However, not many know that there is one more family which acts as an exception to that rule.

Yes, that’s the great Dragonheart clan. Dragonheart can pass their ability genetically… or at least that’s what Heroes know.

‘The Legend Of The Dragon Tamer’ is a widely known folklore and historical chronicle of the Dark Ages.

However, just like any other historical tale, the legend misses out on a few crucial bits of the story..

According to the legend, Dracul was about to die at the hands of the Progenitor.

And right when he was about to get killed, a great Dragon descended from the sky and unleashed its Dragon Breath on the Progenitor—almost killing the latter in the process.

However, that’s not exactly what happened.

The Progenitor was actually about to kill Dracul, and the Dragon did descend from the sky. That part is genuine. But something else also happened in between those two events.

The Progenitor was closing in on Dracul, who was severely wounded and kneeling down on the ground.

Dracul, cornered and about to die, took an extreme measure and played the last gamble.

He took out a syringe from his pocket and pierced his arm with it. He was injecting the contents within it into his bloodstream.

Dracul, prior to the fight with the Progenitor, was searching for ways to borrow mutated beasts’ powers.

Mutated beasts always fascinated Dracul. He didn’t see them as living creatures. He saw them as resources.

Untapped resources that he could use to find a way and enhance his bare human capabilities.

Yes, in short, he started performing DNA experiments.

He experimented on many beats and their compatibility with human DNA.

Because he was in the military prior to developing his powers, he had access to criminal cells.

He would choose a criminal and inject him with a Beast’s DNA.

As expected, however, none of his experiments were a success. The criminals would just lose their minds, and they’d have to put them down using guns or relic weapons.

Dracul didn’t lose hope. He continued his DNA experiments and kept meeting with failures. Any ordinary man would turn insane, but he didn’t.

After nearly experimenting with all the mutated beast races, he was just left with one more to experiment with.

The race of Dragons.

However, before he could get the chance to test it out, he was deployed in the war against the Progenitor.

When all his friends were killed in front of him and even he was about to die, he had no choice but to perform his last experiment on himself.

He took out the syringe from his pocket and injected himself with Dragon’s DNA.

Progenitor, sensing that something was wrong, instantly activated his [Biology Manipulation] and willed it to disrupt his shut down his nervous system.

Now no one knows if it was Progenitor’s ability that did something or if Dracul’s experiment really was a success, but in the next moment, a Dragon really did come and save him.

Some of the inner Heroes have been told that Dragonhearts’ ability can be passed down genetically.

But that’s not true.

Every single Dragonheart is injected with a Dragon’s DNA by birth.

That’s why Dragonhearts started a war against Willburns when Starsuper killed all the Dragons.

Starsuper did it for two reasons.

First, Dragonhearts were creating a lot of superpowered children that were disrupting the power balance of the world.

Second, Dragons, who were said to be the personification of destruction, were as strong as a nuclear warhead each.

When Starsuper proposed taking supervision of Dragons under his belt to avoid any world war level conflict, the Dragonhearts refused.

The clan was growing stronger every day, and they were showing no signs of stopping.

That’s why Starsuper dealt with the threat while he still could before they had surpassed him. Before they could’ve become a threat to the world.

Eve, who knew why Starsuper did what he did, couldn’t help but still feel bitter, much like every other Dragonheart.

For the Dragonheart clan, their Dragons were like siblings. And Starsuper murdered their siblings for fear of a threat that they could not even have become!

“I’m sorry,” Starsuper bowed his head and, for the first time, apologized honestly. “But you know why I had to do it, right?”

“I know,” Eve acknowledged his apology. “But that doesn’t make it okay.”

Starsuper nodded with a bitter smile, knowing this was the best he could do to show his remorse.

“Can I count on your support if the battle does break out tomorrow?” Arthur questioned.

After a brief moment of silence, Eve nodded. “Yes, you have my full support. And none of my brothers would want to see the Dragons burning down the very world that our founder, Dracul, protected.”

Hearing that, Starsuper sighed a breath of relief.

“Thank you,” He said. “Now, let’s end this story.”


All the first-year students were standing in the training field. Anxiousness and worry were clearly visible on their faces.

They were about to give their first midterm test.

Midterms consist of seven tests in total taken around seven days—one test for a day each.

One test consists of two sub-tests—one physical and the second written.

Only written tests change every day, while physical tests remain the same throughout the week of the midterm.

And right now, the students are ready for their physical test.

Usually, physical tests are taken afterward, but the examinator of today’s test wanted to judge the student’s ability to write answers while exhausted.

(Are you nervous?) The voice in Sam’s head asked.

“Of course,” Sam replied truthfully. “It’s not every day one decides to go against Starsuper.”

It wasn’t a lie. Sam was actually feeling nervous for the first time since he could remember.

But being nervous doesn’t mean he was scared. He was ready for the incoming battle.

Sam looked around and saw that he couldn’t see his brother, Micheal, in the special class.

Nor could he see the girl who was acting as the spy, Irina.

(I think Micheal told the security about it, and the authorities are arresting her)

Sam nodded at those words. That’s indeed what was happening. Micheal was asked to bring her to the back of the Academy grounds, and there the sentries would arrest her.

“Now, I want everyone to drink these bottles of energy drinks before taking the test!” The examiner shouted from the top of the podium.

He raised his hands in which he was holding a bottle of red liquid. “We want everyone here to be in their best condition while taking this test.”

“This drink will forcefully kick your adrenaline in your bloodstream, and you’ll be able to perform better,” He added. “Come here and take a bottle each.”

All 500 or so students stood in a file line across the training grounds and patiently waited for their turn to walk up to the podium.

After around ten minutes or so, everyone got their bottle of energy drinks. They instantly drank it as per the instructions and awaited the start of the first practical midterm test.


Information Available On:


•The user can bring himself and others back to life. While this power is similar to necromancy in that it raises the dead, resurrection is different in that it fully restores a creature’s body, mind, and soul to total health. At the same time, reanimation only creates undead with varying cognitive functions.

-Life Creation

•Sub-power of Biology Manipulation and Life Manipulation.

•The user can create living beings or matter using several different ways. These beings can either be unique/original, modified/evolved versions of existing ones, or simply normal beings without significant modifications.


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