Villain's Rising

Chapter 92 92. Escape

Without making a noise, a single ray of light passed through Lucas’ thigh– piercing it and making a hole.

“Arghh! Fuck!” Lucas cursed as the ray of light that had pierced him transformed into a man behind him.

“Stop resisting, Lucas,” The man said with a cheeky smile plastered on his face as if he was sure of his victory. “You’ve already lost. I won’t let you escape and I won’t let you win.”

Lucas’ regeneration healed his thigh, and he got back to his feet before turning around and facing his opponent– the Lightbringer.

“I get it,” the light red-haired demon said with a meaningful smirk. “I know how you’re avoiding being deflected by my ability.”

“Oh,” arching his eyebrows, Lightbringer exclaimed. “Do tell.”

“You can fully control and turn into light,” Lucas stated the obvious. “That also means you can control the frequency of the light you turn into!”

Hearing those words, Lightbringer could only smile brighter. Indeed, he was found out.

Lucas was constantly putting up a vector barrier around him– deflecting any harmful vectors that may endanger him.

However, he wasn’t deflecting every vector or else he would be blind and deaf because sound and light are vectors too.

He was allowing the visible frequency of light and audible frequency of sound to pass through his barrier so he could hear and see.

Lightbringer was using this to his advantage. He was turning into a light beam that may come somewhere under the visible spectrum of light.

The fact that Lightbringer assessed his opponent’s ability and created a counter in such a short amount of time just goes on to show why he was one of the strongest heroes..

“Hahahahaha!” Lightbringer started laughing as soon as Lucas discerned what he was up to this whole time.

You’re right,” Lightbringer nodded with a smile. “But then again, what will you do? No, what can you do?”

That was a sincere question. Even if Lucas found out what was going on, there was nothing much he could do.

He couldn’t just block all and every vector from the outside for obvious reasons. If he decided to do that, then not only would he be rendered blind and deaf, but many other repercussions may follow.

So even if Lucas uncovered the secret, his hands were still tied.

“Tch,” Lucas clicked his tongue in frustration. “You’re getting on my nerves.”

“Yeah, my wife says it’s my personality.” Lightbringer shrugged before activating his ability.


However, his activation was instantly called off?!

“Huh?” With a blank face, Lightbringer looked ahead to find out that Lucas was looking back at him with a white glow in his eyes. “White Walker’s ability?!”

“Heh,” Lucas started taking slow steps toward the dazed man. “Yes, it’s a temporary gift my sire bestowed upon me to kill you.”

Lightbringer’s eyes widened at the revelation. All this time, he was thinking that he was fighting a winning battle! But he was being played all along?!

“Yes, my sire can bestow abilities under his possession to his Demons!” Lucas said while grinning like a maniac and slowly approaching Lightbringer.

“He had expected something like this to happen, so he took precautions and gave me his– oh, I mean White Walker’s ability.” Lucas continued.

“Fuck you!” Lightbringer cursed out loud before tapping on his comm device. “Hello, Eve-“

His words were cut off as a blade of wind whipped through the air and severed his right leg off his body.

“Arghhhh!” A loud scream followed as Lightbringer fell face first to the ground. He was painfully clutching his still intact right leg.

“Eve? So he is here too?” Lucas acknowledged. “So if all the big three are here, then there’s only one person who can stop sire there.”

Touching his chin, Lucas contemplated for a bit before he shook out of his daze and remembered that he had a prey to kill.

“Sigh, anyway,” Lucas shook his and looked down on Lightbringer. “Time to di-“

Instantly he cut off his words as he sensed something coming at him from his right.

Turning his head to the right, he saw a horizontal fire pillar, as wide as a truck, nearing him with an insane speed.

Lucas crossed his arms and activated his ability. An invisible barrier was created that protected him from the blazing flames.

After a minute or two, the flames subsided, and Lucas finally took a look at his attacker. As he had expected, it was a fiery red-haired man.

“Haa,” Lucas could only sigh at his luck. Just when he was about to get his major kill! “Eve Dragonheart– I’m a big fan, by the way.”

“Don’t expect any autographs.” Eve sarcastically replied before taking in a deep breath and activating his ability again.

Eve’s eyes glowed fiery red before he let out the breath he was holding while aiming at Lucas. Flames burst out from his mouth like a massive flamethrower and targeted Lucas again.

“Fuck me,” Lucas cursed and activated his ability again.

But this time, instead of defending, Lucas went for the offense. He created a barrier with one hand and started compressing the air around him with another.

As soon as the flames subsided again, he pointed the sphere of compressed air at Eve. The compressed air– now turned into plasma, broke out in a huge blueish beam with Eve in its path.

“Neat,” Eve commented but didn’t do anything to defend. He didn’t have to since he was initially stalling for time. And the person he was stalling for was here.

“Divine sight!” An authoritative voice thundered through the air. As if waiting for that cue, the beam of plasma dispersed into nothingness.

Lucas, who instantly recognized this voice, couldn’t help but curse out loud again. “Fuck me hard!”

“So you are the Demon General?” In front of Lucas, a few feet away from him, landed a man with a white and golden hero suit with the letter “S” inscribed on his chest.

He was carrying a silver-haired girl on his shoulder. It was the unconscious body of Kiara.

“You do know me, right?” Starsuper smiled and looked at the light red-haired boy in front of him.

“Yeah, I’m a big fan of yours too!” Lucas said with evident sarcasm and stomped his feet hard on the ground.

Before he could do anything, Starsuper’s eyes glowed goldenly, and Lucas’ ability was suppressed again.

“Oh, come on!” Lucas facepalmed before complaining. “This is just unfair!”

“And fuck you, Medusa! I asked you to hold him off for just fifteen fucking minutes! How hard was it with your illusions and all?!” Lucas continued his cursing even though Medusa was clearly unconscious.

“Now, here’s how this is going to go,” Starsuper said, not minding and cutting off Lucas’ curses. “You will tell me everything I want to know, and I will give you a slow, painless death.”

“Death?” Lucas scoffed at the word. “You think I will fear death? There’s so much more to fear in this world, Starsuper. So much more scary things than death.”

Starsuper sighed at those words. Lucas made it apparent that he wasn’t going to cooperate.

“So be it,” Starsuper nodded and activated his divine sight to suppress any resistance Lucas might show.

However, before he could activate his Divine Sight, Lucas activated his own ability.

But Lucas didn’t dare to attack; instead, he bent all the light around him and turned invisible.

“What?!” Eve voiced his surprise. He had not expected Lucas to disappear like that!

“Arghh!” Starsuper groaned in frustration.

His Divine Sight wasn’t an absolute ability. It had its weaknesses too. The most simple one was that for Starsuper to use his ability on someone, they had to be in his line of sight.

That doesn’t mean Starsuper can’t fight the users of invisibility-related abilities. But that does mean his Divine Sight doesn’t work on them.

“He figured it out,” Starsuper gritted his teeth.

He was one hundred percent sure that Sam was the one who figured out his weakness.

That’s why Medusa was actively using illusions to cover up her movements, and Lucas instantly turned invisible as soon as he was about to get caught.

He couldn’t help but acknowledge Sam’s perception skills. Not only did he figure out the use of his Divine Sight at the Academy, but he also created a counter for it.

Not to mention his tactics and psychological plays were just outright scary to be up against.

Starsuper wasn’t concerned about his ability as much as he was starting to worry about his battle intellect.

“Did he escape?” Eve inquired to confirm.

Starsuper could only nod before his gaze fell on Lightbringer, who had passed out by now. “Let’s get him to medical camp first.”

Starsuper knew letting Lucas get away was a bad idea.

Still, not only did he have to carry Medusa in case she woke up constantly, but he also had a wounded friend who needed medical help immediately, and Starsuper was the fastest one present there.

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