Villains' Sisters Yearn for my Copious Mana

Chapter 28 New Persona And Fake Players

Chapter 28: New persona and fake players

After appearing in the game world, Max and the twins found an uncrowded spot in the beginner city.

It was pretty hard as the game kept getting new players every day. Max had to book a private room in the restaurant for a small spot without any people.

"Let's change our appearance," Max smiled, lifting his hand toward his face. In the blink of an eye, his handsome features disappeared, replaced by plain countenance. He looked like everyday Joe.

Alice nearly laughed again, stopping her voice from running like thunder in the whole restaurant by holding her lips. On the other hand, Zamira gazed at Max with dead eyes, feeling disappointed.

Max squinted his eyes at them, "Girls… It's a cover. You don't have to react in this way."

Alice made a little room for her voice, still keeping her hands around her rosy lips, "Y-You just look so stupid!"

'Is she a kid?' Max rolled his eyes.

In Zamira's case, he kinda understood her. If your teammate was handsome every day, only to turn plain and insignificant the next day, you would feel disappointed. Her reaction was pretty nice, though.

It showcased how handsome Max was and how important it was on a bigger scale.

He then leaned forward, putting his head on his right palm as he stared into the twins' eyes, "What about you?

Tell me what you want to look like," Max rolled his eyes, not believing that this simple concept would take him this much time.

"Do we have to change?" Alice asked, thinking that it was pointless. They had their faces covered with masks while facing Albert, after all. It just sounded futile, yet Max shook his head with great disappointment.

He replied after sighing, "You know that you are sexy?"

Alice flapped her eyelashes for five seconds before smirking, "I know."

"So change your pretty face to spare me some problems," Max added with a smile, yet he looked so taunting that Alice's little hands clenched.

But as he was right, she didn't throw any punch. She thought about a different face; that would be pretty average.

Zamira was faster in thinking about something plain, "I'm ready."

She leaned forward, her chest scratching the table a little. Her face became exposed, giving Max too much access, for Zamira had closed her eyes, believing in him.

Max didn't try anything funny, for that would be a foul play. He gently put his hand on Zamira's cheek, imagining the description of her plain face.

Soon, Zamira's face significantly changed.

Alice couldn't believe that Max could easily change her expression like that. In the vast universe, people had many treasures for such a thing. Even better, Zamira was a dragon despite her seal; it shouldn't be so easy to twist her mana.

Yet, she looked like a new person.

Feeling pretty excited out of nowhere, Alice grasped the table tightly. Leaning forward in a much rougher way compared to her sister, Alice brought herself to Max. She grinned and stared into him, not wanting to close her eyes.

But as Max put his hand on her cheek, Alice promptly closed her eyes as if embarrassed.

Max grinned, whistling while his mana constructed a plain countenance for the blue-haired dragon.

At last, three of them were ready to proceed with their plan.

"We can always create more personas to invade different families," Max said while standing up, "So this is a good thing that we can cover ourselves like that."

Zamira nodded while Alice touched her face, not believing how bad her skin quality turned.

But as it was cover, she didn't comment loudly on that.

However, after leaving the private room, Alice found her reflection in the mirror. She stared blankly at her new face, then burst out laughing, her voice akin to thunder as everyone's plates jumped!

Perhaps, some cracks appeared in the closest plates and cups!

"Haha! I look like a cheap bitch!" Alice howled in laughter.

Max and Zamira looked around, apologizing for her behavior while pushing her away from the mirror.

Max wanted to spank this girl's ass, but he held himself back. He contributed that to his exceptional sacrifice yesterday, where this girl casually slammed her fist against his face…

He couldn't make a blunder today, could he?

And after such an eventful but short visit to the restaurant, Max and the twins left the beginner city, tracking Albert's position, for it was time to invade the three families' parties as fake players.





There were many challenges scattered around the world.

Those challenges would lure and give birth to potential real players. Of course, their difficulty was relatively high, so three families and their descendants in the fake world believed it would be at least a week before someone finished them.

And that was naturally, of course.

Every family had its own plot for the fake players. Some covertly passed real techniques to potential seeds, either allowing fake players to keep them or snatching them back should the potential be actually worse than they thought.

Some used items, and some passed tips.

There were many plans for the fake players.

"He should be here," Max whispered as he stared at the cave with pitch darkness. He saw a few fake players littering the cave's entrance, preparing to step into their first serious challenge.

Their levels were pretty high, so they must have worked hard before attending to the cave's challenge.

Max confirmed Albert's position within the cave's embrace. He was at the very end, waiting for the players to reach at least the middle of it.

Alice and Zamira also looked around, finding the enthusiasm of all players around them quite enigmatic for their hearts. They knew the players' situation and that they were just fake players.

But the game world was a unique world, after all. People from Earth could find new thrilling adventures here, vent their frustration from real life, and even find new friends here.

This fake world wasn't bad. Just that the people who had created it had twisted personalities.

Thus, the twins faced players with mixed emotions.

Max saw their reactions, knowing that the phone and social media were the cause of it. He didn't mind it, of course, for knowledge and information were power.

He smiled faintly, "We've bought some common skills. With my system, we can covertly increase their strength. We won't boost them up significantly, though. We just need a little more damage to have smooth sailing.

And we will, of course, join other players. They are looking out for many players to join their ranks. If we join a party, I can secretly boost them too.

That will be one of our many advantages," Max smiled, feeling good about his scheme.

He would allow some players to become stronger in the game by tempering their skills through his copious mana. If those players turned out to be somewhat ordinary people, he would let them keep those skills.

But if their hearts were similar to the three families, with greed and selfishness prevailing within them, Max would use and disregard them when necessary.

"Who are we joining?" Alice asked.

Max looked around, "The closest party that needs three players. We are dps while Zamira is a mage, remember that."

"I am not an old man who forgets stuff!" Alice raised her voice a little, punching Max's arm as he treated her brain like an old man's. She then distanced herself, going to the closest party that openly searched for people.

Max shrugged, "For me, you are already like old baba. Three hundred years old dragon… You have outlived so many generations on Earth…."

And yet, Max's grandpa outlived much more to the point where Earth no longer looked the same!

But Max naturally ignored that part, for his grandpa was the best grandpa.

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