Virtual Sword God!

Chapter 13: One day

Chapter 13: One day

Novis hadn't realised it but he had caused quite a commotion in the hall. Many people were talking about how a spectator got taken to the back due to his advice he gave that ruined a match.

An adult man and a kid with black hair named Alex were discussing the rumours they had heard.

"I wonder what the kid said to cause such a commotion like that?" Alex said.

"I'm not sure since I wasn't watching the game, but it's hard to believe advice from a kid could do anything to sway the match. It could just be a coincidence." the man said.

"True if someone was that good his name would be known to all of us by now."

Alex was thinking if his comment really could affect the match that much, then he must be someone special. If they were to meet in the future Alex was sure to want the kid on his team.


Mr Lally had left the Novis with the security guards as he still had to attend the floor. The security guards escorted Novis to an office located in the back.

Novis was currently apologising to an old man who was the owner and organizer of the whole event. "I'm very sorry for what I said, I didn't realise that they could hear us while they were in the capsule."

The capsule they were using were state of the art technology. While their physical body was trapped in the capsule. All their senses had been transferred to the game character in the ring. Meaning that they could hear everything. The capsule was even designed to dull down pain when being struck by a weapon. Being stabbed by a sword only felt like a small pinch.

This was something the VR headsets couldn't offer. The Vr headsets allowed you to control the character with your mind and hear but that was it. You weren't able to feel what you were touching or pain when struck.

The old man looked Novis up and down, it was hard to tell by Novis's expression whether he truly knew what he had done was wrong.

"There are many children who take this tournament seriously. They are a lot of scouts hear for professional teams who are looking for the next Gem, and you could have ruined that kid's chance."

Novis had put his two hands together as if he was praying to the old man.

While the old man was looking at Novis, in the end, a kid was a kid, there wasn't much he could do. "You're free to go now, just don't do it again."

Novis was relived he was worried that he might get banned or blacklisted from future events. He didn't stick around much longer in case they decide to change his mind and left the room.

"Sigh, what a day." The old man said.

"What did he even do?"

"He made a comment that would have affected the games results, we have a recording of the match if you would like to see?"


Novis had a big grin on his face as he was walking down the hallway away from the office. He had gotten away with just a warning and a telling off.

"I didn't realise how serious this tournament was for these kids, it's just a game."

Just then Novis but into a solid object, it was so hard that it caused him to fall over backwards and land on his bottom. When Novis had looked at what he had hit he noticed it was a person.

"I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention," Novis said.

The man was directly looking down at Novis, his eyes felt as if they could see right through him. The man himself felt like he was three times the size of a regular person but Novis knew that was impossible. Novis was frozen just by the man's immense pressure.

The man continued to walk past him and said

"Be more careful next time..."

"That man who was he, I felt like i couldn't breathe just from looking at him, What about you Arthur?"

Arthur was too focused on the man to have heard Novis's words. Arthur could tell just from looking at this person that he was the best in the world. The one who was currently ranked Number one Justin bell.


Justin had just entered the office when he saw everyone had gathered around a screen. Mr Lally, the old man and a couple of the judges.

"It sounds like there was some trouble on the arena floor."

"Oh Sir Justin, come over and have a look at this recording."

Mr Lally had restarted to the recording for Justin to see.

"even a pro would find it difficult to give the right advice for these two fighters, perhaps even watch the fight several times. Yet a young boy who was spectating made the right judjement, stating that the one in red should focus on speed instead of waiting to counter." Mr Lally said.

One of the judges shared his opinion too.

"For a child to make an accurate assessment like this, i didn't think they would be anyone so young who could do this apart from your son Lucas."

Mr lally looked at the old man.

"And you didn't even get the kids name before he left. He didn't come in as a participant so we don't know his name."

Justin put his hand on Mr lally to calm him down.

"We shouldn't worry too much."

Justin then walked over towards the recording being played. He too had made the same Judgment as the kid. For someone to know these characters weaknesses and strengths they would have to have studied swordsmanship for hours on end. They had to know the move set of every character in the game. It wasn't something someone could do in a week or so.

"If he truly is that strong, then he will appear in front of us pros one day and make a name for himself in the Esports scene."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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