Virtual Sword God!

Chapter 17: Something special

Chapter 17: Something special

Novis and Scarlett were currently on the school roof eating their lunch together. It was a nice day out so they decided to break from their routine and get some fresh air. Novis currently hadn't touched any of his food and left it on the bench next to Scarlett. Scarlett couldn't help but worry about him.

Novis had gone to the edge of the roof and was looking through the fence that surrounded the roof. He noticed that many of the clubs were busy practising. There were people playing football, baseball, rugby all sorts.

"They look like they're having so much fun, I wish I could be as passionate about something like that," Novis said to himself.

Scarlett could see that Novis just wasn't himself today, she put down her food and walked over to be with Novis on the fence.

"Novis, you need to tell me what's up, you're acting strange, I mean you always did act strange but not like this, you seem lost."

Novis thought whether he should tell Scarlett about everything that happened, including Arthur but was afraid that she would just think he was crazier.

But what Scarlett had said was right, Novis did feel lost and he didn't know why.

"I recently played a VSW match with a kid that was my age, he was just... so passionate about the game. He loved the game and had a goal of becoming pro. When I saw him I started to realise that I have nothing."

Scarlett could see this was troubling Novis. Novis had changed in the last few weeks, he used to just live his life day by day not worrying about anything.

"Novis, a lot of kids our age are the same as you, we're only fifteen, not everyone knows what they want to do yet. Heck, I don't even know what I want to do. Look, all I know is you've been different ever since you started playing VSW, I've never seen you act like this, maybe this is your thing, why don't you give it a try."

Arthur thought Novis was lucky to have a friend like Scarlett, she was a smart girl who understood him better then Novis himself.

Scarlett then Slapped Novis on the back.

"Ow, what was that for," Novis shouted.

"I just had a brilliant idea, I'll come with you to that VR training centre next week. Then I can see how great this game you're talking about is. Hey, maybe we can become pro's together."

"Become a pro huh..."


When school finished Novis decided to go straight home, there was one other person in his life that he knew that also wanted to become pro. That was his little brother Bill.

Novis knocked on Bill's door a couple of times but there was no answer, so he decided to go in anyway. When Novice entered the room Bill had his VR headset on and was sitting in his gaming chair, which was to be expected. Bill was only 12 year's old so he didn't think his brother would be doing other things, well at least he hoped not, so he knew it wasn't too risky entering his room.

Novice sat on Bill's bed and waited for him to finish a game.

"I said go top, why isn't anyone here, I'm going to get ganked."

Bill shouted.

Novis had never seen his brother curse and get angry so much. then he realised that Bill too was just truly passionate about the game.

Bill had finished the game and started to take his headset off, his face was sweating a little from the headset and getting riled up too much. Bill was mumbling words to himself that Novis didn't really understand.

"Reporting me for being toxic, I'll show you who's toxic." Bill then spotted Novis sitting on his bed. "Novis, what are you doing here?" Bill's face started to go red a little wondering how long Novis had been in the room.

"You should have said something, I can still hear a little with the VR headset on you know?"

The VR headset was not like the capsule, it didn't isolate you from the outside world so you could still hear someone calling to you, just like you were sleeping.

"Hey Bill, do you think I could become a pro."

Bill was struggling to believe the words that had come out of Novis's mouth but he could tell Novis facial expression was serious. He had never seen his brother serious at anything before.

"Well, if you try now you've entered the game pretty late. Most people your age have been playing the game for years, but it's not impossible if you had a good coach it would speed up the learning process but a good coach cost a lot of money. Only kids like Lucas bell could afford that."

"Wait! you know Lucas bell!"

"You mean who hasn't, he's the son of Justin bell, the number one player in the world, the kid is only fifteen and practically a pro already."

After watching Lucas play so passionately and talk about becoming a pro like that, Novis had a feeling he was good but didn't realise just how good. Then he looked over to Arthur who was floating above his shoulder. Arthur had practically humiliated Lucas causing him to quit the game before he could even attack. Just how strong was Arthur.

Bill then went and picked up the black VR headset he had.

"Here take this," Bill said as he handed over the VR headset. "If you want to get good at the game, then you need to play more right? I know you don't have the money to buy one and you spent your allowance on useless things. So think of this as an early birthday present."

Novis could start to feel lumps go down his throat. Novis and Bill didn't talk much, they never had similar interests so they didn't hang out often unless their parents forced them too. He never knew his brother was this kind.

"But why?"

"Bro, I've never seen you serious about anything and you know what, you've done pretty well so far. For the first time in your life, you seem serious about this. You might just become something special."

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