Virtual Sword God!

Chapter 22: VSW Club

Chapter 22: VSW Club

Novis's body was dripping sweat all over. he was Panting hard trying to get oxygen inside his body and doing anything he could to not throw up. Novis wasn't bad at sport but he wasn't good enough to just go out and do a 5k run out of nowhere.

Eventually, Novis ended up completing the 5k run a lot slower then Arthur had expected but Arthur could see he had given it a good try. Novis had run around his block and when he finally arrived back at home the sun had already risen. With no rest in between, it was time for Novis to go to school.

Unfortunately for Novis, the first class of the day was PE. Novis was currently outside on the football field. He felt like he was ready to collapse at any moment. Although he didn't feel tired, it was a strange feeling to feel like you had been up all day.

As Novis was standing still someone had booted the ball towards him, the ball was coming at a fast speed directly for his face.

"Watch out!" someone shouted.

The ball looked like it was certainly going to hit his face, then suddenly Novis reacted quickly punching the ball away.

The sound of a whistle blue.

"Free kick to the red team." the teacher said.

"Hey, you idiot it's football, not dodge ball."

Novis had been practising with Arthur many hours on blocking his attacks. When the ball came towards him it was just an instinct for him to hit it away.

With P.E coming to an end his next class started, Novis got through it as usual and it was finally break time.

Scarlett had been watching Novis and he seemed down today not as energised, so she decided to go over and cheer try to cheer him up.

"You seem a bit tired today, what's up?" She said

"Oh, Arthur had me run 5k today."

Scarlett looked a bit confused.

"Arthur, who's Arthur you don't know anyone called Arthur?"

It was a slip of the tongue from Novis, he was just so worn out he blurted what was on his mind.

"Oh, he's my coach for VSW game."

"You got a coach, wow you really are taking this thing seriously, speaking of the game I've been watching videos on the game I can't wait to play. Alex said I could come by the clubroom today and play, you can come with us if you want?"

"Alex who's Alex?"

"He's the leader of the schools VSW club. When he heard I was interested in the game he invited me along."

Straight away Novis then answered,

"Yeah, I'll come with you, my coach says I can't play but it might be good to check out the club."

After class finished the two of them went to the VSW club room. As they entered the room they were surprised at how many people were there. There was a total of ten Vr headsets just enough for two teams to play, but there were around 50 students packed into one room. The ones who weren't playing a game were busy either watching the match or watching other matches on the computer.

Alex was at the back of the class when he spotted Scarlett enter the room. He waved over to her and started to walk towards her.

"Hey, you made it." He said. "And I see you also brought a friend."

"Yes, he was the one I was telling you about, he introduced me to the game in the first place."

Novis had recognised Alex straight away, he was a short guy with black hair and glasses. The reason why Novis knew who he was though was because everyone at the school knew him. He was the schools little genius. He had the highest grades in the whole school and often went to represent the school in many different competitions. Novis was surprised someone who was so smart was the captain of the VSW Club.

"Nice to meet you, the names Novis."

The two of them shook hands then Alex asked

"So I know Scarlett has never played before, but what about you Novis what's your rank?"

Novis laughed nervously before giving an answer,

"I only just started playing I'm Bronze five at the moment."

Alex was a little disappointed, the school VSW tournament was coming up soon and he was looking for strong players to join the team. When he heard Novis rank his interest in him was suddenly lost.

"Well if you want to join, it's really competitive here."

Novis could tell straight away that he was trying to tell Novis that he wasn't needed. He knew his rank was low. His aim wasn't to join the club in the first place. Arthur had told him he wasn't allowed to play another game until he said so.

"Don't worry I'm not here to join, I just came here with Scarlett, come to think of it, I completely forgot I promised to go help out my grandfather today."

With that excuse, Novis quickly left the two of them and started to head back. Novis had initially come out just to make sure this Alex guy wasn't some creep. Upon looking at him he felt like he had nothing to worry about.

"Hey, Arthur I'm better looking than him right?" Novis asked

Arthur shook his head.

"You kids, is that what you were really worried about? You know if you like her you should just ask."

Novis face went a little red.

"Shut up, who said I liked her! she just a good friend, I don't want her to end up with some creep."

Novis might have forgotten but due to both of their minds being linked, both of them could feel each other's emotions. He knew when Novis was feeling angry, sad, or happy and so did Novis. Arthur had felt the feeling of love before so he knew straight away that Novis's feelings for Scarlett were beyond that of a friend.

With that all said and done, Novis went over to his grandfather's dojo. It was time to find a weapon.

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