Virtual Sword God!

Chapter 3: Virtual Sword Warriors

Chapter 3: Virtual Sword Warriors

While walking back home Novis tried his best to explain to Arthur what the concept of a VR Game was. Thankfully Arthur was a quick learner and caught on quickly.

"So by wearing this device, it sends me to an illusionary world. I can then fight in this illusionary world with no consequences of getting hurt. That's amazing! how does it work?"

"Just think of it as magic and to be honest, I don't know much about this myself, so we're going to ask my little brother, he plays these type of games all the time."

Novis was one of the very few people who never spent his time playing games. It was a rare thing in this day and age but his brother was the complete opposite. As soon as he got home from school he would go online.

When Novis arrived home luckily his brother Bill was in the kitchen getting a snack from the fridge. One of the very few times Novis would see him.

Bill had just closed the fridge and had a load of snacks held between his arms.

"Oh hey Novis, are you feeling better I heard about yesterday?"

"Yeah I'm fine as you can see, actually I wanted to ask you, how about me and you play a game together? if I beat you how about you give me your allowance this week?"

Bill's eyes started to sparkle, his heart started to pound. He had always wished that he could have a brother that was interested in games. It was fun for Bill to play with people online but playing with close friends or family was just a different feeling altogether.

"A game! really! you mean you know how to play now!"

Bill quickly ran up the stairs and shouted: "What are you waiting for come on let's play!"

Bills room was filled with posters of characters from VSW he even had some pictures of some pro players. If he wasn't playing a game he would be watching a pro match. On top of Bill's bed were two VR headsets. Bill had a second when for his friends when they would sometimes come over to play.

Bill went to grab one of the VR headsets. The headset covered the back of your head and eyes. When using the headset you needed to lie down similar to how you would sleep. You could use it in a seat but unless you had a comfy one you would come out of the game sore all over.

"We can play as much as you want Novis. here this one for you." Bill handed me a black VR headset, the one he kept for himself was red.

Bill let Novis lie on the bed while he went to sit on his gaming chair which was also red and black. The chair was able to recline back to the point where you were lying down, so it was near enough the same as a bed.

"So should we go online or do you want to warm up One vs One first?" Bill asked.

"How about we just play one game between me and you."

"Only one game!" Arthur Shouted.

"Didn't I tell you not to speak unless I was talking to you?" Novis said out loud.

Bill was looking at Novis with puppy dog-like eyes. Bill had thought he had done something wrong. Seeing this Novis quickly went to correct himself.

"Sorry, I didn't mean you I was just thinking about something that happened today at school don't worry, Let's just play."

"What game did you learn to play?"

Novis didn't know much about games so he only knew the most popular one, when asked this question he replied with the first thing that came to his mind.

"Err...Virtual sword warriors."

"Great, that's my favourite. So you want me to give you my allowance if you win, I'm strong you know?"

"How strong are you?"

Bill started to smile, he had been waiting for this day to show off to his family. His aim was one day to become a pro after all.

"I'm currently ranked diamond five for this season."

Bill was expecting his brother to go crazy but Novis had no clue what Bill was talking about and just smiled back at him.

Bill felt like his heart had been torn in two.

"Sigh, I guess your still a noob after all. There are currently seven divisions in VSW, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, master and God. These division are then split into five subdivisions. For example, if we take bronze, you can be bronze 5 which is the lowest or bronze 1 which is the highest. I'm currently Diamond five meaning I'm better than around 98% of the people who play the game."

Novis didn't understand most of what Bill had said, but he understood the last part clearly. If he was better then 98% of people who played the game then he had to be good. He knew his brother was good but didn't realise how good. Novis was starting to have second thought's about playing against his brother.

"Hey Arthur, do you think you can beat him?"

"As long as it is a match involving the sword there are very few who can beat me."

Arthurs confidence had made Novis feel a bit better.

"You might need to help me a little I've only played this game a few times."

"Don't worry, when we enter the game I'll make a party chat, that way even though we're not on the same team we can still talk to each other."

"Alright let's go."

The two of them then proceeded to put on their VR headgear. A few moments later there mind was transported inside the game.

Suddenly Novis found himself in a blue open space. He looked the same as he did before entering the game wearing his school uniform.

Novis said looking around the blue room.

"Arthur are you there?"

Arthur appeared in his spirit form next to Novis.

"Yes of course."

Novis was worried that when he entered the game perhaps Arthur would be left behind in the real world. it was a surprise to Novis that he could still even see Arthur in the virtual world.

"So what do we do now?" Novis asked

A notification screen suddenly popped up in front of Novis.

<Welcome to VRStation please make an online ID>

"Arthur I'll let you chose, what would you like to call yourself?"


<Name Arthur has been taken>

"It's taken. You need to come up with something unique, you never know maybe one day the whole world will know this name."

"Try Pendragon."

<ID Pendragon has been created.>

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