Wang Ye Captures His Wife

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Two fine horses, one after the other, galloped into the city of Huai Ning. All along the way, the horses kicked up clouds of dust until they reached the streets where there were a lot of people. The reins were then tightened to slow down the horses and finally, the two horses stopped in front of a big dark red door. On top of the door beam hung a big black wooden plaque with two gold characters 'Fu Mansion' engraved on it. The big tall man took the lead and dismounted from his horse. Almost at the same time, the dark red doors opened from the inside and a servant came out. As soon as the servant saw him, immediately the servant expressed his pleasant surprise. The servant quickly stepped forward, cupped his hands into a fist and bowed respectfully.

The servant quickly stepped forward, cupped his hands into a fist and bowed respectfully

(This is how a beaded door with lion-headed knocker looks like.)

(A black plaque is seen here hanging over the door and the lion-headed knocker is also shown

(A black plaque is seen here hanging over the door and the lion-headed knocker is also shown.) **All photos here belong to Pinterest.

"Wang-Ye, you have arrived. Old Madam is waiting for you in her room and said that the moment Wang-Ye arrives, Wang-Ye is to go and see her immediately."


Long Hao Tian handed his horse to the servant, took a few steps forward and then stopped. Then he turned around and asked.

"Is Young Master in?"

"In reply to Wang-Ye, Young Master has gone to Jin Zhi Square, west of the city and is not back yet. Do you need us to send word to request Young Master to return?"

The servant respectfully answered. Wang-Ye rarely makes a trip here and the servant was prepared to send word personally to Young Master in the west of the city, to request him to return quickly.

"No need."

Long Hao Tian lifted his eyebrows and smiled slightly. He started to walk into the house again followed closely by Liu Yong.

He walked through numerous winding corridors, passed rock gardens with pavilions and the servants who saw him along the way, stopped by the side and bowed respectfully to him. Long Hao Tian nodded slightly in acknowledgment but did not halt his footsteps. He walked into a courtyard with a building in the deepest part of the mansion, knocked on the door and after receiving an answer from inside, he went in.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw Old Madam Fu and hurriedly asked, thinking there was a major problem, otherwise, Yi-Niang* would not send word by flying pigeons*, requesting his presence urgently.

(Yi-Niang is an aunt, the mother's sister in this story. Yi-Niang can also mean to the second mother (a concubine) of the family.)

(Sending word by flying pigeons was a way of sending messages by homing pigeons during ancient times)

"Yi-Niang, you were anxiously looking for me. What is the urgency?"

Old Madam Fu took the cup of tea from the maid who was standing beside her. When the lid was lifted, a burst of fragrant tea drifted into the air. After taking a few sips, she returned the cup to the maid beside her. Her pair of eyes looked at the worried expression on the face in front of her and said mockingly.

"What? I just want to see my nephew, must I have something important before I can summon my high-status Wang-Ye?

When Long Hao Tian heard her words, he heaved a sigh of relief. At the same time, he could only shake his head, forced a smile and did not dare to refute.

"Yi-Niang, it is not what I meant."

Old Madam Fu sent her maid away, gave orders that no one was to enter the room, then only did she look up at the person who was smiling.

"Where is Qian Qi, that girl? Why is she not here with you?"

"I thought Yi-Niang had urgent matters when you summoned me, so I hurriedly came on my own and did not tell Qian Qi."

If he had known the reason Yi-Niang summoned him was not a matter of urgency, he would not have hurriedly came over. Long Hao Tian, could not help but think in his heart, he should have let the servant send word to his cousin to come back just now.

"Some time ago, I heard that Queen Mother and the Emperor had planned to bestow you a marriage but was strongly rejected by you."

It was because she had heard the news and after thinking about it for some time, then only decided to talk to him.

"Yes, there was such a matter. Is it because of that matter Yi-Niang had urgently sent for me?"

Long Hao Tian's expression changed slightly. If Yi-Niang is also starting to worry about his marriage, then it can be expected that in future, his days will become more difficult.

"Hao Tian, you are going to be 30 years-old this year and you are not young anymore. Have you met any girl that you like?"

Old Madam Fu stared at him. This child is very handsome and his noble status also brought out his extraordinary imposing manner.

"No." Long Hao Tian answered.

The more and more he thought of this, he felt that this time, it was a mistake for him to come. In the Palace, he was at his wit's end and now he had unwisely offered himself here.

"There is something I have not told you all this while and I think now is the time."

"What is it?" As long as this matter was not related to his marriage, it was not a problem.

"I'm sure you have heard of Luoyang's Dong Fang Family."


Long Hao Tian vaguely felt that the matter Yi-Niang is about to tell him is not a simple matter.

"This matter happened 20 years ago. When your mother was alive, she and Lady Dong Fang were close friends. Twenty years ago, when Lady Dong Fang was pregnant with her fourth child, she had promised that if she were to give birth to a girl, she hoped the girl would be matched in marriage with you. If the child was a boy, both of you would be sworn brothers. At that time, it was understood that if the child is a girl, she will send a golden hairpin and if the child is a boy, then a short dagger will be sent. Unfortunately, Lady Dong Fang was poisoned and it was reported she passed away soon after birth. The newborn baby had inherited the mother's poisonous toxins and almost died."

When Old Madam Fu thought of the past, she could not help but sigh. That time, when her Sister heard Lady Dong Fang had suddenly passed away, Sister had grieved for a long time.

"Then did you find out whether Lady Dong Fang gave birth to a girl or a boy?"

Long Hao Tian had a calm expression on his face but he clasped both his hands together tightly and his voice sounded slightly excited.

"This is a mystery and is also something that I and Sister could not decipher. At that time, Lady Dong Fang had clearly sent over the golden hairpin to Sister but Dong Fang Family had vehemently denied and said the child was a boy. That time, Lady Dong Fang had just passed away and the baby was already taken away, so this matter has never been verified. Before Sister passed away, she had given me the wooden box and hoped that I will tell you when it is the right time so that you will solve this mystery personally."

(Golden hairpins will look something like this

(Golden hairpins will look something like this. In ancient times the ends of the pins are like sticks and the modern pins will have comb-like ends.)

Old Madam Fu took out a small wooden box made of ebony from the drawer and handed the box to Long Hao Tian.

He lifted up the lid and saw a golden hairpin lying on a brocade cloth inside the box. He gazed at the pin for a long time before he finally closed the box.

"Yi-Niang, thank you for telling me about this. I will investigate this matter myself."

If this is true, then the whole Dong Fang Family had committed a big crime of duping the Emperor and he had inexplicably gained a fiancée. Holding the wooden box with both his hands, he thought of the woman he met in the hot spring pool that night with an extremely beautiful face, the heroic Dong Fang Jie.

"Since you are already here, you should stay for a few days."

"Yes, Yi-Niang."

He needed time to figure out what he should do next. Once he had decided to make a move, he would not tolerate failure. Whatever belongs to him he will certainly make sure to get it back.


In the reserved room, two men equally attractive but of different temperament sat face to face.

The man wearing blue robes with handsome features, even if he tried to cover up, one could still see the noble arrogance he radiated. The other man in white robes with handsome elegant facial features seems to be gentle and harmless but in Huai Ning City, no one dared to offend him. This person is the Young Master of Jin Zhi Square and he is also the younger cousin brother of the current Jing Wang.

Fu-Hong Yao picked up some food with his chopsticks, put it in his mouth and at the same time casually asked.

"Cousin Brother, are you sure you want to leave tomorrow? Don't you want to stay longer?"

Although the two of them did not meet often, their feelings for each other was better than siblings. Even if they only meet once in a blue moon, they did not feel awkward with each other.

"No. I must investigate this matter as soon as possible."

If this mystery is not solved, it will rest heavily in his heart which makes him uneasy.

"I also want to know, whether this Dong Fang Jie, Jade Face Hunter whom all women are attracted to, is in fact, a male or a female. If my help is needed, Cousin Brother, please let me know."

Fu-Hong Yao sipped the wine in his cup, both his eyes full of interest and he simply just wanted to see a good show.

"Thank you. If I really need your help, I will not be polite." Long Hao Tian said.

Long Hao Tian lifted his wine cup to drink with Fu-Hong Yao and did not miss the interest in his eyes.

Suddenly, downstairs on the main street, loud sounds of a gong could be heard.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

On the main street, the harsh sounds of the gong were piercing to the ear which attracted everyone's attention. One after another, the people put down whatever they were doing and headed towards the man who was hitting a gong and shouting loudly.

"Everybody, just now, in the foothills behind the temple in the west of the city, Yamen's guards discovered the corpse of a woman who was raped and killed with the skin of her face sliced off."

Just as he finished speaking, the din from the people who had gathered around him and the waves of sharp screams instantly caused a commotion.

"Zhang Bao, are you telling the truth?"

In the crowd, someone asked the man who was hitting the gong.

"Of course, it is the truth! I heard there were similar tragic cases in Gangling City and Yongping County. Our Huai Ning City is the seventh case. I heard Jade Face Hunter is investigating this case and also heard the murderer committed crimes in the same place, not less than three times. And the victims are all single, young beautiful women."

As soon as Zhang Bao spoke those words, the people were so shocked that their expressions changed drastically. Many people who had daughters at home were frightened and quickly left.

"Cousin Brother, it seems that you don't have to leave."

Fu-Hong Yao opened wide the window which overlooked the main street and could clearly hear everyone's conversation clearly.

"How can Dong Fang Jie let the murderer escape again and again? Now they have come to Huai Ning City and let the murderer commit this seventh blood tainted case."

Long Hao Tian wrinkled his eyebrows, played with the wine cup in his hand and felt suspicious.

"If he can escape from Jade Face Hunter, it seems the murderer is not easy to handle."

Fu-Hong Yao's dignified face began to show his worry for the safety of the women in the city.

Long Hao Tian stood up and left a sentence.

"I'll go to Yamen to find out more about this."

As he was about to open the door, he heard a cool teasing voice behind him.

"Cousin Brother, even if you are eager to see Dong Fang Jie, you don't need to be this anxious."

On the face of Fu-Hong Yao, there was a teasing expression and immediately he received a contemptuous stare. However, he was not afraid of death and there was a smile on his lips.

After the door was pulled closed, the smile on Fu-Hong Yao's face gradually expanded. He looked at the tall figure that had just emerged from the inn, walking down the street and the tall figure feeling his intense gaze, turned around abruptly. The eagle-like black eyes stared back at him with an implicit warning and then left.

Fu-Hong Yao's eyes were full of interest as he stared at the distant retreating figure. Whether Dong Fang Jie is a man or a woman or whether Dong Fang Family had committed a crime in duping the Emperor, all these had nothing to do with him. He is only interested in his Cousin Brother's attitude and he believed this will definitely be a good show worth watching.

"I've decided to act as a bait to lure the murderer out!"

Huai Ning City, in the exclusive wing of Long Feng Restaurant, on the face of Dong Fang Jie was an expression of anger. Feeling indignation at the injustice, she slapped her palm on the tabletop and said loudly to Cheng Gang sitting opposite her who had a look of disapproval on his face.

The murderer had committed seven murders in succession and on several occasions, she had nearly caught the murderer. It was because the murderer was too cunning and every time he was able to escape. But at least now she knows, the murders were committed by both a man and a woman. After fighting with them several times, she knew the murderers' martial arts skills was not weak. The two people's martial arts skills were on par with hers. This was the reason why the murderers were able to escape from her many times. If it was not for this difficult case, she who had always been reluctant to work with her Shi-xiong, would not have taken the initiative to ask for his help in solving this case.

(Shi-xiong - elder brother following the same Master)

(Shi-mei - younger sister following the same Master)

"I don't agree!" Cheng Gang shouted loudly. His eyes widened and glared at his impulsive and stubborn Shi-mei.

"You have fought with them before, so you should know their martial arts are not weak. If something goes wrong or if your identity is exposed, what should we do?"

"Shi-xiong, have you forgotten that I know the Art of Disguise? When the time comes, I will act according to the situation. It is most appropriate for me to act as a bait. Moreover, you will be here to protect me, so nothing will go wrong."

Dong Fang Jie tried hard to convince him to agree. The reason she was reluctant to work with her Shi-xiong on cases was that sometimes, his control over her was stricter than her three elder brothers. She really could not stand it.

"No. If a bait is really needed, then I should be the one to do it. In short, you are not allowed to take the risk."

Cheng Gang flatly refused. He was given the responsibility to take care of her by his Master and her three elder brothers and if his Shi-mei was to lose even a strand of hair, the person to meet death would definitely be him.

"Shi-xiong, are you joking?"

Dong Fang Jie folded her arms across her chest and speechlessly studied him from top to bottom. With his burly figure disguised as a woman, the murderer would have lost his appetite long ago and also not to mention the murderer's interest too.

"In short, I will not agree!"

Cheng Gang shouted loudly, knitted his eyebrows and glared at her. Sooner or later he will be angered to death by this willful Shi-mei! He really wished the Mid-Autumn Festival will come sooner so that he can throw this hot potato back to Dong Fang Ling and let him worry about her.

When both Shi-xiong and Shi-mei were glaring at each other, neither party showing any weakness nor giving in, suddenly there was a sound of knocking on the door.

"Who is it?" Dong Fang Jie shouted loudly with boiling anger.

The waiter was obviously scared. His hand which was about to knock on the door again stopped in mid-air and he stammered.

".......Fourth Young Master, there is a Gong-Zi with the surname Long looking for you."

"Long Gong-Zi? Can it be Long Hao Tian? This guy is really a lingering soul!"

Dong Fang Jie was surprised and looked at the doubtful Cheng Gang who was rubbing his chin.

"Why is Long Hao Tian looking for you?"

Cheng Gang looked at his Shi-mei's expression and pondered over the words she said. Did it mean that after the incident at Jing Wang Mansion, Long Hao Tian had sought out his Shi-mei?

"I'll take a look."

Dong Fang Jie avoided answering his question and stood up. She went to the door and pull it open to find the waiter standing outside with a polite smile on his face.

"Fourth Young Master, Master Long is waiting for you there."

The waiter pointed his finger at the big tall figure standing on the cloister below with his back facing them. Dong Fang Jie waved his hand at the waiter, closed the door behind him before he walked towards the tall figure.

"Wang-Ye, you are very powerful. Wherever I am, you are still able to find me."

"Where is Jun Zhu?"

Long Hao Tian watched as the person walked up to his side. It has been several days since he had not seen him and he is still as handsome and also exudes an air of confidence. With slightly narrowed eyes, he noticed there was a small red birthmark behind Dong Fang Jie's right ear. If he did not look closely enough, he really could not see it.

"She is in Gangling City. I've instructed the local Yamen to send guards to protect her."

Initially, she had agreed to let Jun Zhu remain by her side. But when the murderer committed his second murder and she really could not spare the time to accompany Jun Zhu. So in order for her to fully concentrate in the pursuit of the murderer, she had secretly entrusted Jun Zhu to Chief Guard Zheng to send his men to protect her.

"Can it be considered your work performance is not up to par or is the murderer too crafty so that he could escape from you, Jade Face Hunter's pursuit, again and again?"

Long Hao Tian folded his arms across his chest, his handsome face unpredictable which was impossible for anyone to see his actual mood at this moment.

"I admit these two murderers are very crafty and their martial arts is not weak. However, Wang-Ye can rest assured that the next time we fight, I will not allow the murderers to escape again."

This is the first time her ability was questioned and the contempt hidden in his words ignited an unknown fire in her chest.

"You said the murders are committed by two people?"

Long Hao Tian raised his eyebrows and stared at the person with a sullen face beside him.

"Yes. They were attired in black and masked so it was difficult to see their faces. However, according to the size of their figures, it is assumed that they are a man and a woman."

"Since the murderer is not weak in martial arts, do you need my help?" Long Hao Tian asked with concern.

Dong Fang Jie did not make any effort to hide her surprise and look down on the person beside her. This person is really temperamental. Just a moment ago, he accused her of not performing well in her work and the next moment, he offered to help her.

"We are friends, aren't we?"

Long Hao Tian stared at the astonishment on Dong Fang Jie's face and his lips curved into unpredictable laughter.

Yes........when he is happy, he is a friend. When he is not happy, he will use his Wang-Ye status to oppress her. Dong Fang Jie twitched his lips, did not express his objection and wisely did not say anything either.

"I would like to thank Wang-Ye for your kindness. I have already asked my Shi-xiong for help. If the two of us brothers join forces, there is yet a case we are unable to settle."

"Is Cheng Gang in your room?"

Long Hao Tian's face sank. Just now, he seemed to have heard the sounds of conversation coming from Dong Fang Jie's room.


Dong Fang Jie watched strangely as Long Hao Tian's expression changed. What is the matter with this man now?

Long Hao Tian stared at her for a long time and suddenly out of the blue, he asked an irrelevant question.

"Dong Fang Jie, other than your three elder brothers, do you have any sisters?"

"No. Why did Wang-Ye ask such a question."

Dong Fang Jie looked at him in puzzlement.

Everyone in the world knew she, Jade Face Hunter was born in Luoyang, Dong Fang Residence. She has three elder brothers and she is the youngest.

"It is said that both our mothers were close bosom friends and at that time, your mother was pregnant with her fourth child and had promised if her fourth child is a girl, she would be my future marriage match."

Long Hao Tian's black eyes were full of interest, with both his arms folded across his chest and waited for Dong Fang Jie's reaction.

"What did you say?!"

Dong Fang Jie stared at him speechlessly and his expression changed greatly. He could not believe what he had heard! Long Hao Tian's meaning was...........

He and her......they are to be husband and wife in future?

"This matter, I had only been informed by my Yi-Niang just a few days ago. However, your reaction is a bit too intense, right? After all, in Dong Fang Family's fourth place is you, Dong Fang Jie and since you are not a woman, then this marriage agreement is invalid."

Long Hao Tian's black eyes stared sharply at Dong Fang Jie's overly shocked expression. The response from Dong Fang Jie was really suspicious.

"Is this matter true? Why have I not heard of this before?"

Heavens! Why didn't Elder Brother tell her about this matter?! She had always felt happy that she, out of the four siblings, was the only one spared from arranged marriages but did not expect in the end, she was still unable to escape from the evil clutches of her parents.

"It should be true. You can return home to ask you Elder Brother about this matter. But since you, Dong Fang Jie is a man, then this matter need not be mentioned again."

Yes, Dong Fang Jie's reaction is extremely unusual. Previously, he had been suspicious and in addition, there was also the golden hairpin that Yi-Niang had given him. He had gradually lost his patience and could not wait to solve this mystery.

"Yes, this matter need not be mentioned again."

Dong Fang Jie pretended to answer carelessly to avoid his sharp eyes. This moment, she decided that no matter what happens, she would keep this secret to herself. She did not want anything to do with this man.

Heavens! When she thought of the marriage agreement between both of them, she could not help but break out in cold sweat and her scalp felt numb. She secretly decided that once this case is closed, she will quickly return to Dong Fang Residence to ask her Elder Brother about this. Whether this matter is true or otherwise, she had decided she would at least hide for a while.

"I will be staying here for a while. If necessary, you can come to Fu Mansion to look for me."

Long Hao Tian's black eyes squinted and noticed that Dong Fang Jie avoided his eyes. Then his heart secretly made a decision.

"Thank you Wang-Ye for your kindness."

Dong Fang Jie calmed down his erratic heart and when he faced Long Hao Tian again, his handsome face had regained his confident appearance.

This matter can be disregarded! Anyway, there is Elder Brother's precedent which can be followed and so what if this marriage agreement is true, their Dong Fang Family has their own set of rules to counterattack. No one can force them to accept a marriage that was not agreed to.

"Since we are going to stay here for a while, you must not forget our previous agreement. I will come to look for you, my drinking buddy, at any time."

"I will welcome Wang-Ye's visit at any time."

The two of them looked at each other and each harbored their own thoughts. After Long Hao Tian had left, then only did Dong Fang Jie cover her chest and take a deep breath.

To meet Long Hao Tian, her good days really had come to an end. He is truly the nemesis of her life.

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