Warrior Grandpa and Supreme Granddaughter

Chapter 456

Episode 456: The Strongest

Dual Team in History (2) After chatting for a long time, Josun arrived at the entrance to Bodhi Palace.

The door was wide open. This is because Baekryeongjwasa escaped inside and did not close the door.

“I will not leave this rat-like Arhat alone.”

At that time, Yu Jin-san briefly stopped his granddaughter who was about to enter the palace.

“for a moment.”


It was not difficult for Yooseol to figure out the reason.

A secret killing energy felt from behind.

This was because a huge lion with a red mane was slowly approaching from afar.

“As expected, he is the king of lions. “You know you’re going to die, but you’re still trying to build your pride against us.”

It certainly seemed that way.

The man’s eyes contained the spirit of an emperor trying to protect his pride even in the face of fear.

“Do I kill it?”

“no. “Stay back for a moment.”

Eugene San left his granddaughter behind and took a step forward.

In the past, he would have been in trouble, but the situation was different now.

The red lion facing him gradually increased its speed and began to sprint up the stairs.


It looked like a brave warrior charging towards death.

“Let me go without pain.”

“OK. “I plan on spending the same amount of money.”

He fully deserved such treatment.

‘You are a hundred times better than those cowards who just watch from behind.’

The distance narrowed in an instant, and Yu Jin-san lowered his stance and took a nose-to-tail stance.

And the moment when the distance between the two became less than three pages. The red lion opened its mouth wide and kicked the ground.

At the same time, a wave of energy erupted from beneath Yujinsan’s feet.


Soon, his fist, engulfed in a black vortex, shot towards the front like a thunderbolt.


The fist he fired hit the red lion right between the eyes.

The guy who was charging at me with his massive body suddenly stopped moving and started to slowly fall to the side.


The fallen red lion did not move.

Surprisingly, he finished off the fearsome divine beast with a single blow.

Yu Seol opened his mouth in admiration at his grandfather’s amazing martial arts.

“Wow… Grandpa is really amazing.”

Yu Jin-san, who had finally gained strength in his shoulders, walked towards the entrance of Bori Palace with his back.

“Hmm! Why are you so surprised? “Let’s go in now.”

Now, at least outside the Bodhi Palace, there was not a single enemy to disturb them.

There was an order from Master Baekryeong to retreat, but it was probably because he knew that if he stepped forward, he would die in vain.

As soon as we entered the Arahat’s palace, Yu Seol’s mouth fell open.

“Wow… that Arahant guy must be really rich.”

“They’ve ruled this place for over three hundred years, so it’s only natural.”

The interior, as vast and magnificent as the training hall, sparkled everywhere.

Golden statues in the shape of all kinds of animals were decorated everywhere, and even the pillars were decorated with gold frames.

In any case, the Arhat was not visible here.

There were only about fifty masked monsters in line.

Yoo Seol pointed the tip of the gold bar at them and said.

“Punch at me at once. “Because I feel like I’m starving to death.”

After meeting my grandfather and regaining my leisure time, I started to feel really hungry.

Right now, all Yu Seol wanted to do was finish everything quickly and go eat something.

But there was something strange about their reaction.

“We will not fight, so pass behind here.”

The intentions of the monsters were unknown.

It seemed like the higher-ups had ordered them to just let it pass.

Anyway, if you fight against the Yin-Yang twin monsters, you won’t even get a scratch.

As they turned left and right, a door appeared.

Yu Jin-san said, winking at his granddaughter.

“There’s no need to deal with all the idiots one by one. “Let’s pass by.”

As Yoo Seol passed through the door, he glared at the monsters one by one.

It was a sign that he would beat everyone up if they did anything foolish.

“I know I’m lucky. “I’m watching because I’m in a good mood today.”

As expected, they did not make any movement until the yin-yang twin monster disappeared.


As soon as I went out the door, I found myself in a flower garden with a pond and a flower garden.

And I saw three doors across from the flower garden.

The magnificent door in the center must be the road leading to where Arhat is.

While walking towards there, Yoo Seol wrinkled his nose and opened his mouth.

“Ugh. “The smell of blood!”

Even if it wasn’t so, Yu Jin-san was feeling it too.

A familiar, unpleasant, fishy smell. It definitely didn’t belong to an animal.

But why is it that the scent of blood can be felt in the palace where the Arahat resides?

It was something I could never understand.

“For some reason, I feel dirty.”

“It’s the door on the left. “Would you like to check?”

“hmm. “Then, I’ll see Haebi first, so stay behind for a moment.”

Eugene San took the lead and approached the door on the left.

Finally, the moment I saw what was inside through the crack in the door. Suddenly his face hardened.

Inside, there was a veritable chaos unfolding.

Bodies impaled on long skewers. And just looking at the dismembered pieces and unidentified internal organs piled in one place made me vomit.

It was literally like there was no such thing as hell.

‘What are these crazy people doing here? Could this be the identity of the food used at the festival?’

Whatever the truth was, it was so disgusting that I didn’t even want to know.

And at the center of that hell was a man of bloated build, clutching a kitchen knife.

All of his teeth were black and rotten, and he had a dirty look with a deep scar over one of his eyes.

In addition, dozens of shirtless monsters appeared to be assisting him.

As Yu Jin-san frowned and closed the door again, Yoo Seol asked curiously.

“Grandpa, what’s wrong?”

“I guess I can’t just pass by this place.”

“What’s inside?”

“There are some very dirty guys out there. “I’ll take care of it by myself, so please wait here for a while.”

Even without seeing the rumor, I was aware of it to some extent.

So, if you go in, you won’t find anything very pleasant.

“Get it over with quickly.”

“OK. “Don’t do that.”

Yu Jin-san went back inside and closed the door to prevent his granddaughter from seeing.

And soon after, a crashing sound began to be heard from inside.




As I watched the bloody retribution progress slowly, it seemed like my grandfather had planned it.

Yuseol got bored of waiting and went to a nearby pond and squatted down.

I could see carp swimming and playing in the clear water.

Unlike the sounds of breaking bones and screaming coming from behind, the scenery at the pond was very peaceful.

“Guys, I finally met my grandpa. Hi-Hi.”

Feeling better, Yu Seol relieved her boredom by stirring the water with her fingers.

It wasn’t long before I started playing alone like that.


With the sound of the door being broken, something heavy fell behind me with a thud.

When I looked back, I saw a fat pig with a swollen face lying down and moaning.

He appeared to be holding a sharp kitchen knife in one hand.

“I don’t want to fight. “Please save me.”

Yu Seol squatted down, looked him in the eye, and then shook her head.

“Hmm. “I don’t think you can do it.”


At that time, Yu Jin-san, who followed him, lifted him up with his inner strength without even touching him.

“Now that I think about it, you are the guy called the Butcher.”

I had heard something about it from the prosecutor.

Although he was begging for his life, according to what she said, he was a very vicious guy.

“I didn’t tell you to just pass by.”

“I’ve seen too much for that. “Today it is your turn to be slaughtered.”

Have you already figured out that it was wrong?

The butcher, who was rolling his eyes, suddenly started puffing out green smoke from his mouth.

It didn’t really matter what it was. Even if it is a toxic substance, it cannot cause any harm.

The thick smoke spread to a radius of about 10 square meters.

Yu Seol created a wall of wind with energy to push away the impure smoke, but Yu Jin San inadvertently ended up smelling it.

At that moment, a groan came out of his mouth reflexively.


Even though he had a body that was close to immortal, beyond the ability to intimidate all poisons, he couldn’t help but smell.

It was incomparable to any odor I had ever smelled in my life.

Moreover, since the sense of smell is thousands of times more developed than that of the average person, the pain is bound to be even more fatal.

As Yu Jin-san stumbled, the butcher began swinging the kitchen knife with a smile of remorse.


It was a lightning-like movement that did not fit his heavy physique.

But he overlooked one thing.

That the other person’s mental power transcends human limitations.

Yu Jin-san let go of the approaching kitchen knife and fired a blast of anger into his abdomen.


“Let’s see, you little pig!”

The butcher who was hit by the Taegeuk gungunjang took a step back mercilessly, as if he would fall.


Punishment started now.

When Yu Jin-san waved both hands, a stream of water rose from the pond.


The stream immediately split into dozens of branches and hit his whole body from all directions.

Puff! Puff puff puck-!!

Each stream of water contained enough power to pierce self-defense weapons.

And it was so fast and changeable that the Butcher could not avoid it.


The butcher, who was screaming, stumbled and soon fell to the floor.


At that moment, something amazing started to happen.

Isn’t the water that seeped into the ground flowing back into the air?


I glanced to the side and saw Yu Seol waving both hands. They must be using energy to move the water back to the pond.

“You have to leave water in the pond. “All the poor carp will die.”

“OK. “Do whatever you want, Seol.”

After finishing the work, Yoo Seol asked in confusion at the sight of his grandfather smiling meaningfully.

“But why are you smiling?”

The reason Eugene San laughed was because his granddaughter really liked steamed carp.

But what does that matter?

Now was the time to just look ahead and move forward.

“It is nothing. “Now let’s go and finish it.”

Jo-son, who achieved his desired goal, started walking again.

After passing through the flower garden and opening the middle door, a magnificent passageway decorated with silk and jewels appeared.

And at the end, I saw a door decorated with gold.

“Grandpa. “I think he’s out there.”

Jinsan Yu nodded and answered softly.

“I guess so. Anyway, Arhat should yield to Jjaebi. “Because there is something I must repay.”

I could never forget the humiliation of the past.

Wasn’t he the damn guy who pushed himself to the brink of death?

It was Yujinsan who had been waiting for this day and grinding his teeth.

However, the anger towards him was no less than that of grandfather Yuseoldo. No, in fact, it could be said to be even bigger.

Because he was the one who made me experience the sorrow of losing my family.

“Me too. “I guess I’ll have to fight.”

“You can’t yield? why?”

“…Because I don’t want to lose my grandpa again.”

“If anything happens, you can come help me.”

“hmm. “Then I’ll think about it for a moment.”

Jo-son, who had been talking for a while, soon arrived in front of the door at the end of the passage.

In addition to Arhat, the presence of two more people could be sensed inside.

“Are you ready?”

“Ugh, let’s go in.”

The yin-yang pair exchanged glances for a moment and simultaneously kicked the door with their front feet.


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