Warrior Grandpa and Supreme Granddaughter

Chapter 78

Episode 78: How to put out a fire without fail (2)

“It’s right there.”

It was a huge manor that could not even be compared to Dongjangjang.

Two stone lion statues at the entrance. And the front yard visible beyond the wide open gate was covered with marble.

In addition, there is a flower garden that blends in with a bright pond. Everywhere was full of grandeur.

The weapons display stand lined up neatly on one side showed that the Xiahu family was a military family.

Is it because Sega’s elites left to catch Dong-ga-jang? The inside looked somewhat quiet.

“I’ll finish it soon, so wait outside with Seol.”

Dong-gu, holding Yoo Seol’s hand, looked at Yu Jin-san worriedly.

“Are you sure you’ll be okay alone?”

“There will be nothing but scraps, but there will be more than enough.”

“…I am, by the way.”


“Is it really necessary to go this far when everything is over?”

It was a situation where Sega’s elite, including Hahugeuk, had already been annihilated.

Since revenge was completed and safety was secured to a certain degree, he probably wanted to avoid unnecessary killings.

Jinsan Yu clicked his tongue as if he was frustrated.

“You idiot. “You don’t need to worry right now, but can you guarantee that it will be okay ten years from now?”


“The fire must be turned off. “When a small spark grows into a big fire, it is too late to regret it.”

With those words, Yu Jin-san walked towards the main gate of the Xiahu family.

At that time, I heard my granddaughter’s charming voice urging me from behind.

“Grandpa, come home quickly~ We should go eat~”

Yu Jin-san waved one hand behind his shoulder and continued walking.

As soon as he entered the gate, he threw the cloth he was holding in his left hand into the front yard.


The wooden boxes piled in the wrapping cloth were shattered, attracting the attention of those around them.

Several women snooping around the yard screamed when they saw the sight.


Of course I was bound to be surprised. What was included was the supply and demand of hahugeuk.

Due to the unexpected commotion, Sega’s associates began to flock from all over. The number reached dozens of people, regardless of age or gender.

“Brother, brother!”


Seeing the supply and demand of the family head, Sega’s officials were amazed and started looking for weapons.

Yu Jin-san, looking at them, spoke clearly with a serious expression.

“My name is Dongsan. “He is the eldest grandson of the head of the Dong family whom you all tried to overthrow.”

Their anger was focused on Yujinsan, who brought in the supply and demand of the family.

A middle-aged man holding a scimitar approached with great strides and shouted.

“Yes you bastard! “What have you done to my family?”

How could it be just the head of the family? Each and every warrior who left with him was a member of this place.

Jinsan Yu took out the dagger he had prepared in advance from his chest and spoke calmly.

“I killed it. every.”

At his words, the family members lost their senses.

Everyone who had learned martial arts began to rush in from all directions.

“Hey you bastard!”

“Save my father!”


It’s like dozens of people rushing to kill just one child.

Eugene San didn’t blink his eyes even once.

Compared to Hahubyeok and Hahumu, they were all just kids.

Levels that you wouldn’t have dared to attack if you hadn’t gathered your momentum.

‘Nothing strange. ‘You’ve probably thought of others as beneath you your whole life.’

The moment his head tilted to the right, the scimitar blade passed by his cheek from behind.


A wrist slowly passing before your eyes.

Without even thinking about it, Yujinsan slashed the area with the blade of his dagger.


Blood spurting out. At the same time, the middle-aged man lost the scimitar he was holding. This is because the muscle veins in the wrist were severed.

Before the scimitar fell to the ground, he felt his left ankle getting hot again.


Before I could even check the English text, Mount Yujin was already out of sight.

He lowered his posture and spun like a top, mercilessly cutting the ankles of those approaching him.

Spot-! Sigh-! Spapod-!!

Blood traces everywhere.

Those who finally realized that something was wrong took a step back in panic.

But there was no turning back now.

Like the wind blowing through a dense forest, Mount Eugene began to pick at their gaps.




The screams that echoed simultaneously did not seem to stop.

After a moment has passed.

Before we knew it, the commotion had died down and the surrounding area was filled with only people sitting down and moaning.

Did he have mercy in his hands? No one seemed to be seriously injured or dead, just holding on to their wrists or ankles.

“Since only the muscles have been cut, there will be no problem in living. But…”

Everyone looked at his mouth with a scared expression.

Fear swallowing up anger.

How could they go against the will of the man who holds the power over their life and death?

“If you cross Dongjiajang again, I will cut off your neck, not your muscles. “I will do everything to stop you so that the name of Hafusega will never exist in the world again.”



No one could open their mouths.

Since all the influential Sega masters were dead, there was no one who could lead them. Of course, I couldn’t help but feel dispirited.

Jinsan Yu, who was looking around at them, threw away the bloody dagger.


Yu Jin-san turns his back again and leisurely leaves the manor.

No one could open their mouths. Until his back completely disappears from sight,

I think, ‘This will be enough.’

It was a decision that Jinsan Yu made after much deliberation.

There must be Sega members outside. If they were annihilated, it was clear that the survivors, who had nothing to lose, would come to Dongjiajang for revenge.

Therefore, it was necessary to leave behind entities that had to be protected so that the entire world could not move carelessly.

* * *

“What happened? “Did you really kill them all?”

Yu Jin-san glanced up at him with his back turned.



“Did you see me as a murderer?”

“That’s not it…”

“Life is precious to everyone. “I also have standards.”

Dong-gu was embarrassed and scratched the back of his head.

“I’m sorry, old man. “I didn’t mean it that way.”

Jinsan Yu shook his head once with a small smile, as if telling him not to worry.

“The only time I wield a killing sword is when the opponent has committed a crime worthy of death or when it is absolutely necessary.”

“Then why did you go in?”

“It just didn’t come out. Since one or two of my muscles have been cut off, I will never be able to practice martial arts again. From now on, we won’t be able to cross Dongjiajang.”

“Thank you for your hard work. Rather, what I should have asked you to do is…”

Yu Jin-san cut him off and called his name again.



“You have so many holes in everything you do.”

At that moment, Yu Seol, who had been listening quietly, burst out laughing.

Dong-gu looked puzzled and looked down at the child holding his hand.

“Why are you laughing?”

“Hehehe. So, your name is Dong-gu?”

Dong-gu picked up the notebook and draped it over his left shoulder.

“Yes, you naughty boy. “My father named me Dong-gu because I had a lot of holes.”

“But I like your name. Uncle Dong-gu~”

“Would you like me to slap you?”

“Hi-Hi. No~ Let’s go eat something delicious quickly!”

The skill of turning a horse around was unusual.

Dong-gu chuckled and shook his shoulder.

“OK! “I will treat the man with many holes to be rich today.”

“Mister Dong-gu is the best!”

Jinsan Yu and Donggu burst into laughter at the same time and walked faster.

* * *

In order to hide my identity, it was necessary to take Dong-gu with me for a while.

Above all, he was an innocent guy for his age, so it was a lot of fun making fun of him.

My granddaughter was also happy, so the road to my destination was not boring.

After two days of travel, we arrived at Baekhwahyeon Market.

It was a teahouse with a signboard saying, “Yihyang (二向).”

“For a tea house, it’s quite large.”

Most teahouses are structured as street stalls, but this one was a pavilion.

Dong-gu took the lead and led Jin-san Yu and his granddaughter.

“Yes? “Please eat inside, old man.”

The inside was as spacious as it looked from the outside.

There are about 20 tabletops alone. More than half of the guests were of all kinds.

Once the group was seated, a clerk came over and took their order.

“haha. The kids are so cute. “What kind of tea should I prepare for you?”


The purpose of coming here was not simply to drink tea.

When Dong-gu hesitated for a moment, the clerk skillfully suggested.

“Kids these days love hawthorn tea. “The tea is made with hawthorn fruit and honey, so it’s very sweet.”

“Then two cups of hawthorn tea. And…give me a cup of black mountain tea.”

The smiling clerk’s face suddenly hardened.

He carefully observed his surroundings and asked in a low voice.

“Are you sure you really ordered Heuksan tea?”

Normally, there are no customers looking for this car.

This is because the price of this unique car sold only here is beyond imagination.

However, in order to make contact with Heukyabang, one had to drink it.

“I’m sure. “I know the price.”

“I understand, sir. Please wait a moment.”

Jinsan Yu looked at the clerk’s various aspects, but could not find anything unusual.

He seemed to be a person who had no direct connection to the Black Night.

‘They say it’s an organization that operates like a branch organization, so I guess that’s true.’

The profits earned here will probably go through several intermediate steps before flowing to Heukyabang.

I wanted to meet their executives directly rather than through a mediation plan, but there was no way at the moment.

After a while, the clerk brought the tea and gently put it down.

And then a meaningful word:

“You must drink it all.”

The moment the clerk turned his back, all three faces frowned at the same time.

Yuseol, who had the most developed sense of smell, couldn’t hold back and plugged his nose.


The cause was Heuksan tea.

What is the tea made from that has such a foul smell?

The terrible smell, like a mixture of sewage and rotten food, was enough to drive me crazy.

Only by emptying all of this can you find the Dark Night Room. It won’t be easy, but someone has to suck it up.

Three hands quickly heading towards the tabletop as if competing.

Among them, Yuseol, who was the fastest moving, quickly picked up a mountain tea.


There are only two glasses left.

Dong-gu’s movements couldn’t have been faster than Yujin-san’s.

When his hand approached the table, only the black mountain tea remained.


Yujinsan and Yuseol, who had already stopped breathing, glanced at him while savoring the mountain tea.

“Okay then, let’s go.”

“I’ll eat well~”

Dong-gu, who was in tears, blinked back tears.

But what can you do? He had no choice.

He gritted his teeth and poured the black mountain tea into his mouth in one go.

At that moment, his face turned ashen, as if he had drunk poison.


“Are you okay, man?”

There was no way it was going to be okay.

Yu Jin-san had some idea of the ingredients of Heuksan tea.

It may be a mixture of various scents used in tracking techniques, including the scent of Chuhon Incense (追昏香) mainly used by assassins.

“…I feel like I’m dying.”

“Hi-Hi. “I was going to drink it.”

“Do not lie!”

“Really. “Drink this quickly.”

Dong-gu wiped away his tears and drank the hawthorn tea that Yu-seol had left in one go.

As the sweet tea washed his mouth and throat, his expression relaxed a little.

Now that the goal was accomplished, there was no reason to stay here any longer.

Eugene San and her granddaughter also wanted to quickly go out and breathe some fresh air. This was because I had been holding my breath for a long time.

“Let’s just leave.”

After finishing the calculation, the three hurried out of the palace.

The price of Heuksan tea is a whopping five silver nyang. It was close to a thousand times the amount of wild tea.

Dong-gu, who had finally calmed down, looked back with an expression of resentment. This is because Yooseol was following at a long distance.

“Why are you walking so far apart?”

Yu Seol shrugged his shoulders and played it off.

“Just like that.”

How can you not know the reason? It was because of the disgusting scent that permeated his entire body.

He sighed and looked at Yujinsan.

“I really thought I was going to die just now.”

“It certainly seems like that. “That alone is like repaying the favor in full.”

“Oh, the old man too. “You saved my family, but how can I repay you with just this?”

A calm smile appeared on Eugene San’s face.

“He’s really loyal, though. “Your role is just to accompany me until I get information from the Dark Night Room.”

“Is there anything else I can help you with? Just tell them to do anything. “I will hit you with my body.”

“It’s done, you guy. Shouldn’t you also protect your family? When you return, take over your father’s progress and improve your skills. If you do that, we will meet again someday.”

“Yes, old man. “I will definitely become a master and repay the favor I have never received.”

“Like that.”

Dong-gu’s martial arts skills were mediocre right now, but his basic skills were quite solid.

If he inherited the matriarch’s skills and devoted himself to training, he seemed to have the potential to grow to become a peak expert.

“But, old man. Heuksan tea is simply a tangential cost. “I’ll need more money to buy the information. Is that okay?”

“Five hermits were all I had. “If trauma doesn’t work, we’ll have to find a way.”

“Oh my god… But will we really be able to contact you from the dark night room?”

Yu Jin-san immediately nodded as if there was nothing to think about.

“Even if that’s not the case, there was one guy following me from earlier.”

It was so clever that even he could not have easily noticed it.

There is no doubt that he is an expert at hiding and tracking. Even now, I vaguely felt it and then it disappeared again and again.

At that time, I heard a voice from behind me.

“two people!”

“huh? “Two people?”

“Two people followed me.”

Yu Jin-san could not contain his surprise. No matter how far the distance was, he couldn’t believe he had missed the presence of one person.

Was the Heukyabang such a great force? My doubts about them grew more and more.

“It looks like one of them is on the roof of the pavilion behind thirty chapters. Where is the other one?”

Yu Seol looked around his head and stretched out his index finger toward somewhere.

“I just went home over there.”

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