Water Magician

Chapter 465: The Two’s Grueling Work

Chapter 465: The Two’s Grueling Work

Editor: Tseirp

The only time they had any leeway was on the day they arrived.

From the next day onward, the two were thrown into a grueling work schedule.

That said, it wasn’t as if they were given particularly difficult tasks, just that they had no time to laze around.

Their assigned job was to guard Princess Iliaja.

The royal guards naturally took on this responsibility as well, handling the more challenging tasks, so all the two had to do was stand to the right and left behind Princess Iliaja.

And follow her when she moved.

“It’s just like Warren used to do.”

Ryo murmured, and Abel responded with a small sigh.

Incidentally, Warren was a former adventuring companion of Abel. He was a skilled shield-bearer, nicknamed ‘The Unyielding’, and the son of the noble Baron Harome, a family known for producing the shields of kings throughout history.

Currently, Warren is the first Count of the newly established Carlisle County, serving as a central figure in the northern part of the Knightley Kingdom.

When Abel had just become king, Warren stood behind him during audiences and protected him.

Ryo was comparing their situation to that.

Abel was tall, but he was by no means a ‘giant’ like Warren.

However, he was still quite striking in appearance.

He now wore clothing that resembled that of a captain of the royal guard, prepared specifically for him and primarily white.

Princess Iliaja often wore clothes based on white, so it seemed that these were prepared to match her style.

As for Ryo, his usual robe was white, so he wore it as is.

Since it was the robe of the Fairy King, it never got dirty, and… it was apparently not a problem to wear it constantly.

The people who worked at the ‘White Annex’, where Princess Iliaja resided, were aware of Ryo and Abel.

Especially since both the princess herself and her head butler, Ronk, had directly informed them that the two were, in a manner of speaking, guests of the princess, they treated them with great respect.

Additionally, the royal guards showed them respect as well, as Lord Protector Kabui Somal had informed them that the two were powerful allies and trusted greatly by Princess Iliaja.

Particularly towards Abel, the guards recognized that he was no ordinary person.

And their interactions with him reflected their understanding of his high status.

They addressed him as “Sir Abel”.

Incidentally, they also addressed Ryo as “Sir Ryo”.

Yes, incidentally.

Ryo lamented the neglect often faced by magicians…

Currently, Princess Iliaja was receiving a lecture on poisons.

Ryo and Abel were listening along with her.

The knowledge seemed useful for their future travels across the continent…

“Most fast-acting lethal poisons have a taste that numbs the tip of the tongue or an intense odor. So if you notice it, spit it out immediately and distance yourself from it.”

Explained a healer named Boiznan, an elderly man.

With short-cropped gray hair, wearing white clothing reminiscent of a lab coat, and glasses.

Yes, glasses.

While Ryo had seen monocles in the Central Countries, he hadn’t seen glasses that corrected both eyes.

However, it seemed that glasses were common in the Archipelago region.

In the Archipelago region, healers handled recovery from injuries and illnesses.

Unlike the Central Countries, where religious figures like priests held a monopoly on such matters.

Perhaps because of this, religious forces were notably weak in the Archipelago…

“However, please be especially cautious with this poison called ‘Shrin’.”

Boiznan the healer said, holding up a small vial.

Containing a transparent liquid like water.

“This poison is completely tasteless and odorless. Once it enters the body, paralysis and numbness set in. And it is almost always fatal.”


Princess Iliaja murmured, her voice barely audible. Boiznan nodded once before continuing.

“In fact, the poison that Lord Protector Kabui Somal was afflicted with was this very Shrin poison.”


Princess Iliaja, as well as Ryo and Abel, were stunned into silence.

They recalled that he had reportedly hovered on the brink of death for three months.

“Though he somehow survived, it was almost a miracle. Normally, you cannot expect such a miracle. Therefore, be sure to avoid ingesting it.”

Upon hearing Boiznan’s words, Ryo and Abel both nodded instinctively.

“Yes, Shrin poison is a tasteless and odorless fast-acting lethal poison, but there is another completely tasteless and odorless poison. Chirilkaril poison.”

Boiznan the healer said, pulling out a bottle about twice the size of the one containing Shrin poison.

“Chirilkaril poison, however, acts slowly and gradually destroys the body. It is extracted from the roots of the Chirilkaril plant but requires advanced refinement techniques. Despite this, its ease of use as a completely tasteless and odorless poison makes it quite common across the continent. Even a single drop entering the body can cause prolonged suffering. The function of various internal organs will deteriorate. The specific effects vary from person to person… However, it is said to take more than two years for the body to fully recover after stopping the poison, so please be careful.”

Upon hearing Boiznan’s words, Ryo and Abel nodded slightly.

When the poison lecture ended, it seemed that Ryo had a thought.

He walked towards Boiznan.

“Excuse me, Master Boiznan, but could you possibly spare a small amount of that Shrin poison?”

“Sir Ryo, I cannot do that. Handling this poison is strictly regulated. Do you have an experiment in mind?”

“Yes. There’s something I’d like to test…”

“In that case, might I suggest using Jubi-Jubi poison instead? It has a strong odor and a sharp taste on the tongue, so there’s no risk of accidentally mishandling it. Despite this, it has the same effects on the body as Shrin poison.”

“Ah, I see. Yes, that will do…”

Boiznan handed Ryo a small vial of Jubi-Jubi poison.

Unlike the colorless and transparent Shrin poison, Jubi-Jubi poison was red and ominously vibrant.

Exuding an almost palpable sense of danger, the very essence of poison.

“Thank you.”

Ryo said with a smile as he took the vial and returned to Abel.

“…Ryo, why did you get poison?”

“I have something I want to try.”

It is said that later, in the pavilion, a gruesome experiment was conducted using Abel’s body, or perhaps it wasn’t…

That night. In the former First Naval Lord’s office. Now the Lord Protector’s office.

“Your Excellency, we have completed the consolidation of the information.”

“Ah, Narun, well done.”

Narun, Kabui Somal’s aide, appeared with a stack of reports.

After parting ways in the Komakyuta Principality, Narun had been gathering information both domestically and abroad and had just returned.

“As expected… the Grand Duchy is making bold moves.”

“Yes. The five Go-War ships that attacked His Highness’s party at sea were Bunna-class long-range assault ships from the Atinjo Grand Duchy.”

“Since they intruded into the territorial waters of the Principality to carry out the attack… I figured it could only be them, and it seems I was right.”

The Atinjo Grand Duchy was a major power on the continent.

They have been stoking the civil war in the Ghegish-Lu Federation at the southern tip of the continent and are now trying to extend their influence into the Archipelago region.

Most notably, the First Crown Princess Raina, mother of the Crown Prince’s heir, Prince Jolt, Princess Iliaja’s rival, is the niece of the Grand Duke of Atinjo.

It would be overly optimistic to think that the movements of Crown Princess Raina and the Grand Duchy are unrelated.

Kabui Somal, who was quickly scanning through several reports, suddenly stopped.

He then read one of them again, this time more slowly.

“Chirilkaril poison was detected in His Majesty’s remains…?”

“Yes. It appears it was ingested more than a year ago, but Chirilkaril poison lingers in the body and continues to cause harm. Perhaps that’s why His Majesty’s recovery from the accident was poor, leading to his deteriorated health and even loss of vision…”

“But… everything His Majesty consumed was thoroughly tested for poison. These were not haphazard inspections either…”

“Yes, exactly. If we could pinpoint the exact time the poison entered his body, we might be able to trace how it was administered… but all we know is that it was over a year ago.”

Kabui Somal frowned, and Narun shook his head slightly.

“The investigation clearly revealed the Crown Prince’s involvement in the accident. But…”

Kabui Somal’s murmuring was audible to Narun.

He was likely considering the possibility that the poison was connected as well.

After a moment of silence, Narun spoke up.

“Your Excellency, that’s all there is on the Chirilkaril poison, but there’s something to report regarding the Shrin poison.”

“Hmm? Ah, sorry. What about the Shrin poison?”

“The only Shrin poison in the capital is what Master Boiznan the healer has in his possession.”

“Yeah. Hmm? Okay?”

Kabui Somal frowned again.

It seemed there was more unwelcome news.

“Yes. About four months ago, there were traces of a small amount being brought into the capital.”

“Four months ago… just before I was poisoned?”

Kabui Somal chuckled bitterly.

He had collapsed at a time when he absolutely couldn’t afford to and had to abandon many of his plans.

Worse, during his incapacitation, unnecessary sacrifices were made among the troops surrounding the princess.

Even now, he still regretted his foolishness.

“It was smuggled in among other cargo on a ship from the Grand Duchy.”

“…And its destination, let me guess?”

“Yes… the Crown Prince’s palace.”


Kabui Somal seemed to have anticipated this to some extent.

His reaction wasn’t one of surprise but rather one of resignation. He had hoped his suspicions would be wrong.

It didn’t matter whether it was the late crown prince, the crown princess, or anyone else… the Crown Prince’s palace was a problematic place.

The Crown Prince was indeed one of the king’s sons, but he was entirely different from the other princes and princesses.

First, the Crown Prince held his own territory.

He needed to learn governance before becoming king.

And, of course, he had his own military force.

Without knowledge of military command, he would be in trouble when he eventually became king…

The Crown Prince was essentially a small-scale king.

It wasn’t unreasonable.

Each of these aspects had its own logical reasons.

However, allowing him his own military force was questionable…

Kabui Somal had been advising the king against this since his time as First Naval Lord.

“It’s tradition.”

While the king had heeded much of Kabui Somal’s advice, he hadn’t budged on this matter.

Naturally, Kabui Somal’s efforts to curtail the Crown Prince’s military power made him a clear enemy in the eyes of the Crown Prince’s palace.

He had faced varying degrees of harassment from them ever since.

Most of the Royal Navy had pledged absolute loyalty to Kabui Somal.

A result of his overwhelming track record.

The criteria by which soldiers judge their commanders are remarkably simple.

Will they win and bring them back home?

No matter how eloquent or brave a commander might seem, they are of no use if they lose.

After all, the soldiers’ lives are at stake.

In that regard, Kabui Somal was flawless.

Not only within the kingdom but also in neighboring nations, he was renowned as the ‘Invincible Admiral’.

He treated every crew member and soldier equally, regardless of rank.

Because of this, although the Crown Prince’s palace despised Kabui Somal, they never openly opposed him.

Especially not in front of the king.

Once someone becomes Crown Prince, not even the king can easily strip them of their title.

However, the power to do so lies solely with the king.

For this reason, both the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess behaved with extreme obedience in the king’s presence.

The king seemed to understand the cunning side of the Crown Prince.

Yet, he still hoped… that through experience and growth, the Crown Prince would develop more positive traits.

This was why he allowed the Crown Prince to maintain his own military power, believing it would serve as valuable experience.

But then…

The king was involved in an accident and later fell ill.

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that from that moment, everything began to go awry.

Kabui Somal let out a small sigh.

“There are four days left until Her Highness’s coronation. Considering that nobles from various regions will start arriving in the capital by tomorrow afternoon… any bold moves will likely happen tonight or tomorrow morning.”

“Yes. And as for Her Highness’s protection…”

“She’ll be safe at night. With Her Highness’s permission, Sir Ryo has encased her entire bedchamber in a wall of ice.”

“F-for the entire night?”

“Yeah. It’s incredible, isn’t it?”

Kabui Somal smiled wryly as his aide, Narun, expressed his surprise.

Such a feat was beyond the scope of any magic they were familiar with.

“The fact that Sir Ryo and Sir Abel have chosen to ally with us is a testament to Her Highness’s hidden strength.”

“I understand what you mean.”

“Now then… what will happen tomorrow…?”

No one could answer Kabui Somal’s murmured question.

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