
Chapter 635: The New Heaven Division Leader

Chapter 635: The New Heaven Division Leader

Xiao Nanfeng and Zhang Lingjun read Zhang Feifan's will together.

Lingjun, forgive me for leaving you so abruptly. I simply miss your mother too much.

The day your mother perished, I felt the world collapse around me. I intended to commit suicide to accompany your mother, but your cries halted me in my tracks. With your mother departed, what would you do alone without me? I couldn't bear the idea, nor what your mother would say.

That's why I decided to wait until you became an adult before seeking out your mother. However, at that point, I grew worried about your future. I then decided to wait until your marriage.

After that, when the truth behind your mother's death was revealed, I thought to avenge her.

However, my cultivation was so weak that I couldn't do anything at all.

Though I couldn't hope to surpass either you or Xiao Nanfeng, I waited and observed everything that happened.

I was very glad to see you and Xiao Nanfeng take down the Past Buddha together, killing the culprit who assaulted your mother.

Even so, there was a mastermind remaining: Yin Shenhua.

When you fought against the divine empire of Dayin, there was nothing I could do. I could only pray earnestly that you would succeed.

I sought an audience with the Heavenly Emperor and came to the conclusion that you would win, and that Yin Shenhua would escape in Yin Tianci's guise.

The Heavenly Emperor wanted to use Yin Tianci to fish out an even larger mastermind, but I earnestly begged the Heavenly Emperor for the strength to kill Yin Shenhua. Though he was initially unwilling, my repeated request in hopes of avenging your mother myself, even in the event of my death, touched the Heavenly Emperor. He granted me my wish and bequeathed me with a heart sword, allowing me to kill Yin Shenhua once the true mastermind was unveiled.

I waited in front of Martial Aspect Xiao's manor so that Yin Shenhua would encounter and possess me once he escaped.

These choices were my own.

By the time you read this will, I should have succeeded in my goal. I will have avenged Yue'er, and I can seek her out with no regrets.

Lingjun, do not be upset on my behalf. I'm very happy.

You're my sole remaining concern. I hope you will find someone who loves you.

I ask that you convey the following information to the Taiqing sect master and the various division leaders.

Sect Master and Division Leaders, I, Zhang Feifan, have betrayed your trust. By the time you receive this message, I will no longer be able to take down the sect's enemies alongside you. I ask that you consider my judgment regarding what will happen to the Heaven division.

Of the four divisions of the Taiqing Immortal Sect, the Heaven division is first and foremost. Even so, because of my deficiency as a division leader, it has remained lacking. I apologize for failing to live up to expectations.

I am stationed at the Imperial Court, as are the disciples of the Earth division. I have seen that the Earth disciples have risen sharply in strength thanks to Xiao Nanfeng's leadership, and many of them have become Immortals, even Heaven Immortals, in a short period of time. Chang Bing, foremost of the Earth division, is already a mid-stage Heaven Immortal.

The Earth division focuses on the forge, and is backed by the Dazheng Empire. It no longer needs much guidance, and I would like to request that Xiao Nanfeng be made the new Heaven division leader.

The Heaven division encapsulates the most mystical aspect of the Taiqing Immortal Sect, but its strengths have been long forgotten. I firmly believe that Xiao Nanfeng will ably take over this position.

Xiao Nanfeng, I ask that you consider this request seriously. In addition to this will, I have left other messages to the various disciples of the Heaven division to ensure that you receive their support. May the Taiqing Immortal Sect regain its former glory.

Xiao Nanfeng is the sole candidate I will advance for my position. To you all, I make this final request.

In everlasting gratitude,

Zhang Feifan

Zhang Lingjun's eyes teared up as she read the will, while Xiao Nanfeng couldn't help but frown. Had Zhang Feifan been intending to die from the beginning? And the Heavenly Emperor himself had known of this...

"Division Leader Xiao, Princess Lingjun, what has happened to the division leader? And as for this letter..." Several Heaven disciples fretted anxiously beside them.

Xiao Nanfeng sighed. "Have a look for yourself."

He passed the letter to the disciples, who gaped upon seeing it.

"How could the division leader be dead? This is impossible. He was just fine beforehand!"

"The division leader's dead?"

The Heaven disciples were all upset by the sudden and unexpected news.

Suddenly, one Heaven disciple spoke up. "The division leader passed me a sealed jade box not long ago. Could it be..."

The Heaven disciple quickly retrieved the jade box, which glimmered with golden light. The seal faded, and the disciple quickly opened the box to find a posthumous letter from Zhang Feifan.

The contents of the letter were basically the same as those in Zhang Lingjun's letter, verifying his will.

"I have one too!"

"Me too..."

"Has the division leader been planning to die all along?"

The Heaven disciples grimaced and shook their heads.

Even so, all of them agreed with Zhang Feifan's decision. They would have been unwilling to accept any other cultivator as the next division leader—any other save Xiao Nanfeng.

Xiao Nanfeng was technically skilled, and the Earth division had, with his auspices, shared the countless pills they concocted with the rest of the sect. The majority of the Heaven disciples had benefited from this policy, and plenty of those disciples had received his tutelage and support when he was the seniormost disciple of the sect in the past.

Furthermore, Zhang Feifan had strongly recommended him as his replacement. Everyone now turned to Xiao Nanfeng.

"Division Leader Xiao, what should we do? What will happen to the Heaven division?" one disciple asked, wiping away at his tears.

"Inform the sect master and the various division leaders immediately. We'll convene on Taiqing Island and discuss the matter, as well as send Senior Uncle off. This won't be a funeral—Senior Uncle perished within the red moon illusory realm, and I firmly believe that we'll be able to rescue him one day," Xiao Nanfeng instructed.

"Understood!" the Heaven disciples replied, buoyed by Xiao Nanfeng's arrangements.

They hurriedly began planning everything.

Xiao Nanfeng consoled Zhang Lingjun as well. "Princess, I know you're upset, but let's help Senior Uncle deal with his affairs for now, shall we?"

"I'll help," Zhang Lingjun said, wiping at her tears and sniffling.

Everyone quickly got to work.

Zhang Feifan's corpse would have to be properly preserved. The cultivators used a special technique to seal him within a crystal coffin, which would be kept in a hall of the Palace of the Moon.

The rest of the Sieve of Heaven was also in turmoil. After all, the appearance of the monster wreathed in black smoke had sparked significant discussion from the Sieve's inhabitants. Even so, Xiao Nanfeng focused entirely on preparations for the upcoming meeting to be convened on Taiqing Island.

A day later, within the Divine Seal of Dazheng, Xiao Nanfeng's avatar sat cross-legged in meditation. The blue lotus overhead shook as though poised to evolve. Its petals had grown a size larger, and death chants resounded all around him. The death chants were far stronger than they had been—this was surely their completed, perfected form. Not only would they cloud his opponents' minds, they would even protect his heart and spirit.

"The Past, Present, and Future Buddhas, their cultivations condensed and honed as one... This blue lotus has truly become sublime," Xiao Nanfeng murmured.

With a thought, he transformed his blue lotus into a blue moon, which he absorbed into his mindscape.

Then, he stepped out of the Divine Seal of Dazheng.

Xiao Nanfeng's main body headed to a secluded location, where he released his avatar from the Divine Seal of Dazheng. His features clouded with fog, he covertly left the Palace of the Moon.

Xiao Nanfeng's avatar didn't remain in the Sieve of Heaven for long. He quickly approached the Eastern Heavenly Gate, and had a token that permitted him easy access in and out without being searched. As a result, no one knew that he had left the Sieve of Heaven. He rushed toward Yongding.

Within the Palace of the Moon, Xiao Nanfeng's main body continued to handle Zhang Feifan's affairs. Countless Heaven disciples sought to see Zhang Feifan's corpse one final time as they said their farewells.

Just then, one of Xiao Nanfeng's subordinates came by to report, "Your Majesty, Mr. Wen said that the fighting at Yongding is still ongoing. They might not be able to hold out for more than a few days."

"Tell Mr. Wen that I'm already on my way back, and there's no need to worry."

"Understood!" The subordinate bowed and left.

The Heaven disciples said their farewells to Zhang Feifan's corpse over the course of three days.

After those three days, though the Heaven disciples remained somewhat upset, they had already begun gathering around Xiao Nanfeng. Though nothing concrete had been confirmed just yet, everyone had all but acknowledged Xiao Nanfeng as the future division leader.

Xiao Nanfeng had the Heaven disciples continue with their assigned roles for the time being. After all, he wasn't the Heaven division leader just yet, and it would be inappropriate to command them directly at the moment.

Zhang Lingjun had withdrawn into her body. She sat in a pavilion at the back of her quarters, glancing at the pool before her, stewing in her emotions. She almost felt as though she could hear the cheerful, joyous sounds of her parents playing with her as a kid.

Now, however, her parents were both gone. She was alone.

A sudden sadness overwhelmed her as her eyes filled with tears.

"Are you thinking of your parents again? They can be saved, I'll promise you that. One day, you'll be able to reunite—just like my parents with me," Xiao Nanfeng said in consolation, sitting down beside her.

Zhang Lingjun recalled Xiao Nanfeng's background and couldn't help but commiserate.

"I'm alright," she said, wiping at her tears. "I'll be fine in just a few moments."

However, Xiao Nanfeng reached out with his right hand and began gently wiping at her tears. "Your parents might not be around, but I'm here. Your father entrusted you to me."

Zhang Lingjun smiled wryly. "That day in the red moon illusory realm, I know you were just humoring my father. I—"

Before she could finish, Xiao Nanfeng kissed her directly on her fine red lips.

Her eyes bulged. She gasped at Xiao Nanfeng, her face flushing red, not having expected him to do so so suddenly. She suddenly felt as though she couldn't think straight.

Even by the time the two cultivators' lips parted, she was still taken aback by what had happened. Her face was bright red, and she panted with shock and surprise.

"Who said I was consoling Senior Uncle? I seriously intend to be with you for life," Xiao Nanfeng replied.

"I..." Zhang Lingjun blushed. Her eyes dilated.

"Leave the praying mat aside for now," Xiao Nanfeng said.

Zhang Lingjun didn't understand what he was intending to do, but followed his instructions. She summoned the praying mat and placed it by the side of the pavilion.

The praying mat: ???

Then, Xiao Nanfeng swept in and lifted Zhang Lingjun up in a bridal carry. He brought her toward her room.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Lingjun gasped, her face flushing. She seemed almost expectant.

"I'm ready to finish off what we would have done that night if we hadn't gotten drunk," Xiao Nanfeng replied, depositing her on her bed.

The doors to her bedroom creaked shut, and the room itself was fortified with formations. It was sealed from the world at large.

The praying mat left alone in the pavilion: ...

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