Weapons of Mass Destruction

Chapter 408: Should it be so easy?

Chapter 408: Should it be so easy?

“Good, so Elydor, are you going to come with me or do I have to make you?” he asks threateningly.

He even releases a burst of heat into the air around him. Not unlike Isabella's blue flames, though his have a hint of white at the center.

It's not bad at all. Laughable after what I just went through, but not bad. He even seems to have a trait or two supporting those flames.

Curious to see where it takes me, I answer, “I’ll come along peacefully.”

“Good, give me the bone you took first,” he says with a greedy look in his eyes as he reaches his hand towards me.

Should I deal with him right now?

“What are you waiting for? Want to attack me?” he smirks. “Do it and we’ll see how you will deal with my flames and defensive enchantments. Now give me that bone and the pouch with the dust. The ax too.” His smile grows bigger with each word and I can see how much he hopes I snap and try to attack him.

“Sure, here,” I say as I place an anchor on each of the items as I hand them over.

I observe him but the man with lizard legs doesn't even notice my anchors as he greedily takes it all. I watch as he swings Flamebearer and sends his blue flames through, extremely happy with the weapon.

“You know what? I’ve got an idea. Uros won't mind if I’m a bit slow in bringing you so why don't you carve out a few more pieces of that bone, Elydor from Ruminous Border?” he snorts.

“Why not?” I shrug and get to it while he watches me.

We then spend an hour doing just that.

After a while, I find a better way to do it and my dagger cuts through much smoother. I don't even use my eyes so he can't see them now.

The more time passes, the more his bearing changes from arrogant at the start to wary and arrogant at the end. The weirdo even seems to feel a sense of danger but enjoys the experience nonetheless.

As he takes a few pieces of bone from me, I see his eye flicker to the crown over my head. There’s a lot of mana collecting under his skin, as his skills prepare for instant activation.

“I could get a few more,” I offer.

“How do you still have mana, do you even… forget about it. No word about this to Uros or I will fuck you up. And go first. I will point you where to go. If you try anything, I will kill you.”

“Noted,” I say and ask a question as I start walking where he pointed. “So what are these bones and what do you use them for?”

“Obviously they came from a powerful monster. You're asking very suspicious questions.”

“I'm new here and we didn't hear about this place, so I know barely anything. You’re using it as currency though?”

On our way, I take notice of a few more people of this man's race. It seems like the only people around are them and the humans. The atmosphere feels cutthroat even though there seems to be some sort of organization, some acting as guards while others bustle about on their way out of the fortress on some errand or other.

Often there are smaller fights where blood is drawn, and going by the reactions of the people around us, they seem to be a common thing.

“We’re going to have a lot of questions for you,” he laughs cruelly. “These bones are from powerful monsters so of course they have many uses. For enchanting, for inscriptions, mana conductive paint, some junkies love to mix them with mana and snort them.”

“Seems like fun.”

“Sure, if you want to mess up your brain.”

“Got it, so who’s Uros? The boss around here?”

“Yes, when you meet him, don't ask questions and stay quiet. He’ll probably beat you up a bit but if you play your cards well, he’ll at least spare your life so you can continue to carve out bone pieces for us.”

“You don't have enough people of your own?”

That gets a laugh out of him, “Most of the peeps can barely get bone dust out of them even with the items. For others, it would take weeks to get what you got in hours. You must be a crafter, right? We had a guy like you a while back, and he was also able to get a lot of bone quickly. For you it's a shame you had to get caught by me, but it's good for me. You’re going to make me fucking rich.”

I don't even bother answering and scan further out instead.

My senses have improved a lot, and it's easier to detect mana without being noticed. Even my anchors confirm that given the way, this lizard-legged man didn't notice them even while holding the items. But the system always likes to increase the difficulty, so I’d rather not get too cocky.

He kicks me from behind, “Faster. You have long legs, so why are you so slow?”

Does he really think so much of these defenses? Is he just provoking me to see my reaction? Is he dumb?

My mind is then taken by something else. A dozen or so guards in front of the nicest-looking building around, its foundations resting against the bone with the largest inscriptions painted on the surface. It seems to be connected to most of the defenses he mentioned, and I wonder if the array is somewhere nearby.

I should let them bring me inside, and I might be able to detect the array when I get closer.

“Ren, give him a suppression mark. No, give him two, just in case, and make sure they’re well-placed. Then add a suppression bracelet,” the lizard-legged man barks at one of the guards, a woman of the same race.

“Are you sure? He doesn't seem that strong.”

“Just fucking do it. This human creeps me out; he’s barely changed his expression ever since I met him.”

“Aren't all humans like that?” Ren asks, and followed by two men by her side, she reaches me.

“This one’s weird.”

“Got it,” Ren nods and then turns to me. “Your arms, human, and don't fight it or it will hurt a lot.”

“Sure,” I say, presenting my arms, and she takes some device from her pocket. A round piece of bone as big as my palm. Its entire surface is covered with dense inscriptions. It seems to be made from the bones surrounding us.

As she puts it in the palm of my hand, I testingly create an anchor on its surface, and she doesn't even seem to notice that.

Right after, the item activates and sends a scorching pain through my body. It feels similar to the Burden Enhancement Inscriptions Lissandra created for me. But where I could use kinetic energy to move in her inscription, now I can't do much.

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Every time I want to use a bit of my mana, it feels like I have to fight against waves crashing onto my body.

As annoying as the feeling is, I find it interesting as well. Maybe it could be used for training.

“Damn it, it took nearly all of my mana just to activate the mark and it's still not enough. Who the hell did you bring us, Evvran?” Ren staggers back a bit, seeming lightheaded.

In reaction to her statement, the others touch their weapons, and I guess only my calm behavior stops them from attacking.

“You’re useless, Ren,” Evvran hisses, and still holding my Flamebearer, he kicks up my leg. “This man is spineless. A coward, but a useful coward. Most likely some pampered weirdo with one or two useful skills. Lirim, Otek, you two go and use suppression marks and give them to me.”

They do just as they are told, and soon a second and third waves wash over me. Even Lirim and Otek seem to have problems with their mana, barely able to place their marks. Evvran then takes the three round pieces of bone and puts them into his pocket and examines me.

Satisfied with the result, he puts bracelets on my wrists that add to the suppressing effect placed on me.

Everyone seems to be a bit more relieved after that, and we head inside the building.

The stone of the halls within is roughly hewn. But interestingly enough, the walls are painted with lines reminiscent of inscriptions. The lines are white, likely mixed with bone dust from the monster’s bones.

Their usage fascinates me. Are they doing it because it makes paint more effective, or is it cheaper than using ground mana stones? Are there different materials you could use?

“He keeps looking around, do you think he is a spy?” one of the men asks.

“If he is, then he really sucks at it. Evvran noticed him almost instantly,” with a laugh, another one answers.

“But he has to be decent, right? He even has a crown.”

“It might be fake or one of the common ones. Hey, you jerk, what is your crown called?”

[Water Crown],” I try. It’s blue, so it should be able to trick them.

To my surprise, it seems to shock some of them, and Evvran puts a hand on my shoulder. “You said [Water Crown]?!” the greed in his eyes seems to be even bigger than before with bone pieces.

Is water maybe very valuable here?

“I lied, it's a [Mana Crown],” I say instead.

That gets me a round of laughter, and someone kicks at my legs from behind, copying Evvran.

“Fucking funny. Next time, pick something more reasonable. Phe! Some random guy with a crown for one of the attributes, sure.” Evvran continues to laugh. “But don't worry, we’ll get our answers out of you.”

“Are you sure, Evvran? He seems too calm for my taste.” Ren says, seeming wary. “It took a lot of effort to use the suppression bone on him. We should kill him while we can.”

“Even if he is dangerous, it's too late now, isn't it? Even the boss can't handle three suppression bones, and we also gave him two bracelets.”

Ren seems to be the smartest out of the bunch, so she tries again, “There are people who could do that, Evvran. Don't forget….”

“None of them would let me do this,” Evvran smirks and kicks me again. “And they are too important to visit rural places like ours.”

As if to confirm his statement, he kicks me again.

That's when we exit the hallway and enter the room, one side of which is entirely made out of bone. In the middle of that room, there is also an array, its design similar to the ones on the 4th floor. Looking at the inscriptions, I would say it's a two-way array, similar to those I’ve already seen. And from what Tess said, it probably leads to the Black Tower.

Curious, I watch as Ren and Evvran split from the group and go talk to the man who has lizard-like legs as well and is of a similar height to the others. They wildly gesture something, and Evvran shows him a pouch with bone dust and the few pieces of bone I got. I notice that Evvran only shows part of what I cut off, the rest hidden in his pockets. I find it very amusing.

Ren, on the other side, is probably trying to warn him as she gestures to me while handing the man three suppression bones and seeming to explain.

The leader then takes Flamebearer from Evvran, greedy excitement creeping across his face, though in a much more controlled manner than his underling.

When they are done talking and he moves closer to me, his expression is more careful.

“Who are you?” he asks a simple question.

[Blaze Templar - lvl ??]

This one feels closer to level 300 than Evvran.

“My name is Elydor, and I'm a Champion candidate from Ruminous Border,” I say, deciding to try a different approach.

As I say these words, there is that weird feeling that's hard to describe. As if the system reacts to my declaration.

“Fuck,” Evvran and others shout as they react, their mana firing up and weapons sliding out of their holsters.

“I see, it's nice to meet you, Elydor. So, what the hell are you looking for here, and where are you from?” Uros says. I can see that he is nervous, but he is trying to act calm in front of his men.

I guess showing weakness could end badly for him in a place like this, but the mood is still very tense.

Instead of answering, I ask, “Why do you trust my claim of being a Champion candidate?”

For a moment, he looks confused but then laughs, a relieved laugh coming from a few others as well.

“You must be a very new candidate. Did your master not teach you anything? Your body also smells weak,” he sniffs. “Are you maybe an enchanter?”


“Well then, Elydor. If you weren't one, you wouldn't be able to introduce yourself as a Candidate.” Even as he says this, I can feel multiple inscriptions activating all over the place - the defenses they were talking about. All of the guards are also rousing their mana.

“I met a guy calling himself a Champion when he wasn’t,” I mention.

That gets another laugh out of some of them. As if reacting to something dumb I said.

“He is so clueless it's almost cute,” Evvran smirks, but as he tries to act tough, I can hear his voice shake, just a little bit

“To put it simply, there is a huge difference between a declaration as you just did and spreading rumors. But enough of your questions. You will tell me what you are doing in my fortress.” his voice gradually becomes louder, and with it, the feeling of pressure on me increases.

“Sure, but one more question. Should it be so easy to take these things off?” I ask showing him my hands, as the bracelets fall from my wrists.

Instantly, screams erupt, and something holds me in place - the Fortress's defenses, activated by the people in the room.

Blue flames with a white core surround me, Evvran pressing the attack first, the flames blazing around him with impressive heat. Someone like Isabella would probably have trouble dealing with them.

The suppression bones in the leader's hands crack one after another, each one crumbling into dust, and with each one destroyed, his face becomes paler and his red flames surround him defensively.

My mana floods my body and then radiates out of it, encompassing the entire room. A few of the weaker guards start vomiting, and the stronger ones move erratically, the attacks tearing chunks out of the ground as they land all around me and tumble off the barrier I create.

I use [Redistribution] and grab a hold of Evvran.

My items and Flamebearer fly from his body, as I use [Tether] and my anchors left on the items to pull them.

Unable to move at all, Evvran watches me with a horrified expression. His only defense the flames encompassing his body.

Thermal energy seeps out of me, golden flames meeting his blue and white ones. They barely clash, and my flames envelop them, pressure them, and dissipate them. My flames then surround him, and while he stands there, they start burning him.

I watch as they melt his skin and flesh, and bite into bones while his flames keep firing up, trying to fight back only to be extinguished by my own.

In the end, he is unable to do anything, and the golden flames devour him entirely.

The annoying feeling I had is now gone, and I turn to the others in the room, my mana flashing in the air as it clashes with the attacks.

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