Weird Live Broadcast: I Can Deduce Endlessly

Chapter 171: First Entry into Wapeng

Chapter 171: First Entry into Wapeng

After the system broadcast ended, Gu Yi regained his freedom to move.

The dungeon introduction mentioned Wapeng, as the city's name.

Without a doubt, this dungeon seemed to continue the worldview of the previous one, and the host was still Dr. W. Last time, Gu Yi played the role of a minor, a student; now, he needed to portray an adult in Wapeng.

Gu Yi looked around.

He appeared to be in a toilet, the air somewhat murky, carrying a strange odor, like socks that hadn't been washed for a week.

In the mirror, he saw himself as a middle-aged man, thankfully without a potbelly, and his muscles still appeared well-defined.

His skin was dark and chapped, likely due to long exposure to sun and wind, and the calluses on his palms were thick, indicating a life of physical labor.

"Thirty to forty years old, a manual laborer."

Gu Yi quickly defined the role he was to play in this setting.

In the toilet, finding neither danger nor clues, Gu Yi placed his hand on the door handle and closed his eyes.

(Deduction begins!)

(You push the door open.)

(Outside is a small room, no more than 10 square meters, just enough space for a wooden bed. A Wapeng High School uniform is hanging on the wall.)

(You pick it up and see the name "Chen Zeyu" signed on it.)

(As you predicted, this dungeon continues the worldview of the previous one, even retaining character relationships.)

(You sit on the edge of the bed, trying to activate the black orb.)

(The black orb successfully activates.)

(You attempt to pull out a Tarot card, but find that it's sealed.)

(You surmise that the power of the Tarot cards belongs to the host, and is affected by the rules of the dungeon, only usable in the host's projection room.)

(If the opportunity arises, you must have a decisive battle with Dr. W in this dungeon.)

(You search the room for clues.)

(Under the bed is a bag containing nothing but clothes.)

(No significant findings yet.)

(You push open the room door.)

(Fresh air greets you.)

(You notice slogans posted on the wall opposite the door.)

([1. Private property is sacred and inviolable.])

([2. Wapeng doesn't support idlers; if you can't find a job within a month, you'll become fertilizer for Wapeng plants.])

([3. Please abide by the citizen codes; any violation will increase your sentence.])

(You frown.)

(Before you can ponder further, a robot wearing a steel helmet approaches you.)

(Robot: You have violated Citizen Code A-001, your sentence is increased by 10,000 years. Your current sentence is now — 1,010,000 years. You will be taken to prison for enforced execution.)

(You: What do you mean?)

(The robot repeats its earlier statement.)

(You realize the robot is incapable of communication, so you immediately use psychological suggestions on yourself.)

(The robot attempts to capture you, but you break off its arm.)

(Robot: You have violated Citizen Code A-001, your sentence is increased by 10,000 years. Your current sentence is...)

(You stop listening to the robot’s nonsense.)

(You quickly leave the corridor in search of other clues.)

(Three robots appear before you.)

(You are outnumbered.)

(You are captured by the robots.)

(The robots pull out a bag and put it over your head.)

(You struggle incessantly, trying to break the bag.)

(The bag is completely airtight, and soon you feel your head heating up, your vision blurring with stars.)

(You start to suffocate.)

(You gradually lose consciousness.)

(You die.)

(Deduction ends!)

Gu Yi opened his eyes and carefully contemplated the situation he just envisioned.

1. What is Code A-001?

2. Where is the citizen's handbook?

3. How can I safely leave the bedroom?

Gu Yi released the doorknob and thought carefully for a while.

The questions 1 and 2 can be combined into one. If he finds the Citizen's Handbook, the reason why the robot captured him should become clear.

Question 3 is an urgent issue that needs to be resolved now, but if he doesn't solve questions 1 and 2, he can't explain question 3.

This is almost a vicious circle.

Gu Yi touched his nose.

Since he can't solve the problem, he decided to list the information he already had.

1. This is a sci-fi world where intelligent robots are everywhere.

2. According to the introduction of the dungeon, the people of Wapeng are "prisoners" who, upon reaching adulthood, bear a sentence and must reduce their sentence through specific means. Based on the background of the previous dungeon, it can be speculated that this dungeon is probably a post-apocalyptic world where Wapeng fought against the weird but ultimately fell.

3. The robot previously mentioned that his sentence is ten million years, which should be a critical value. Once it exceeds ten million years, he will be "forcibly executed."

At this point in his reasoning, Gu Yi finally noticed a contradiction.

The robot had said, "You will be sent to prison for enforced execution."

According to the literal meaning, the robot should not have the authority to enforce the law. Even if he deserved to die, he should be sent to prison first for the enforcement of the law, not killed on the spot.

Moreover, the way the robot killed him was very strange.

With the robot's strength, they could have easily broken his neck, instead of the more troublesome method of suffocating him with a bag.

Was this done to keep the body intact?

To avoid external injuries to the body?

To keep the corridor clean?

"No, that's not the reason."

Gu Yi shook his head, suddenly remembering that there was also a bag under the bed. Although the bag was somewhat yellowed, it looked very similar to the one used by the robot.

Could it be...

Gu Yi had a bold idea.

He opened the door, retrieved the bag from under the bed, and started to deduce again.

"Start deducing!"

(Deduction begins!)

(You go to the door, take a few deep breaths, put the bag over your head, and walk out of the room.)

(The bag is very airtight and obstructs your vision, but as you expected, you are not attacked by the robots.)

(You use psychological suggestions to calm your breathing, to avoid using up oxygen too quickly.)

(You feel your way along the wall.)

(You find a large door ahead, take off the bag, and pinch your nose.)

(You touch the control switch.)

(It seems to be a government hall.)

(Inside there are both humans and robots. Some humans, like you, are wearing bags, while others are not.)

(Those wearing bags, when they can't hold their breath any longer, go to a corner.)

(There is a device that looks like a water dispenser. They pull a tube from the dispenser and put it in the bag.)

(The bag instantly inflates.)

(You follow their lead, put on the bag, go to the water dispenser-like device, insert the tube into the bag, and press the switch.)

(You almost faint.)

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