Weird Live Broadcast: I Can Deduce Endlessly

Chapter 26: Kangaroo Pants

Chapter 26: Kangaroo Pants

"Why can you take out such a big lump from under your skirt?"

"Why not?"

Yao Yao looked at Gu Yi, blinking her big innocent eyes.

Gu Yi took the work pants and carefully examined them.

He confirmed that these pants were exactly the same as the ones worn by the kangaroo porter.

"I really like these pants."

"Put them on quickly!"


"Yes, hurry up and put them on."

Gu Yi nodded and put on the pants.

After putting them on, the pants had no weight at all. It felt like wearing a layer of thin gauze with no sensation.

Before Gu Yi could react, Yao Yao pulled open his pants and swiftly disappeared inside.


Gu Yi looked at Yao Yao in astonishment.

His pants seemed like a bottomless pit, and Yao Yao disappeared as soon as she entered.

Suddenly, Gu Yi felt an itchy sensation on his back.

Yao Yao actually crawled out from behind him.

"Ta-da!" Yao Yao cheerfully grabbed Gu Yi's shoulders. "See, this is magic! Your tricks are useless."


"This is the kangaroo pants I stole from Uncle Shop owner. Kangaroos use this to carry goods. It can hold at least ten cubic meters of stuff, and no one can tell."

After speaking, Yao Yao crawled out of Gu Yi's pants again.

She patted Gu Yi's waistband.

The work pants immediately disappeared, even Gu Yi himself couldn't see them.

"You just need to pat twice, and the kangaroo pants can be used again."

Yao Yao demonstrated it again.

Gu Yi imitated Yao Yao's actions and repeatedly tried them, unable to contain his excitement.

With this thing, he could carry all the useful items on his body!

This was simply a divine artifact!

Gu Yi looked at Yao Yao with excitement, hugging her tightly.

"Thank you so much, Yao Yao. You've really helped me a lot."

"You're my friend. It's only natural for me to give you something, right?" Yao Yao looked at Gu Yi earnestly. "Brother Gu Yi, you must survive... and if possible, please save my dad."

"Don't worry."

Gu Yi nodded.

Yao Yao hugged Gu Yi's neck, kissed his cheek, and then left the backyard of the shop.

Gu Yi watched Yao Yao leave and got into a black car.

If he hadn't completed the task of being a nanny, if he hadn't gained the friendship of the little one, he would never have obtained such a divine artifact.

Gu Yi turned around and passed by the Shop owner.

"Good luck."

The Shop owner nodded at Gu Yi and continued tinkering with the goods on the shelves.

"Thank you."

Gu Yi grinned.

—Of course, besides dealing with the little one, the Shop owner was the same.

If his "tricks" hadn't impressed the Shop owner before, he wouldn't have turned a blind eye to Yao Yao stealing things.

With this pair of work pants, Gu Yi's tasks became much more convenient.

Gu Yi continued to exercise his body in the square.

At lunchtime, Gu Yi quickly finished his meal and went straight to the toilet.

Bird mask, white robe, 3D glasses, live toad, and the key to the ward.

These were the five important items that Gu Yi currently possessed.

Every time he entered the ward, Gu Yi had to swallow the key and spit it out once he was inside, in order to avoid being searched by the medical staff. Now, Gu Yi could hide all these items in his kangaroo pants.

-This greatly improved Gu Yi's efficiency and safety.

Gu Yi put away the items and returned to his hospital ward.

It was time for afternoon treatment.

Gu Yi didn't take a nap with Xu Nian. Instead, he leaned against the window and carefully observed the vehicles coming and going.

When a delivery truck parked in the front courtyard of the hospital, Gu Yi immediately initiated his deduction.

(Deduction begins!)

(You take out the key from your kangaroo pants.)

(You put on Dr. Gui's disguise, quietly open the door to the ward, and walk through the fire escape to the front courtyard.)

(You try to avoid the surveillance of the security department.)

(Two kangaroo porters get off the truck.)

(You hide and sneak past them.)

(You hear the kangaroo driver on the truck snoring.)

(Carefully, you sneak into the driver's cabin and successfully steal the kangaroo mask.)

(The kangaroo person is sleeping deeply and doesn't react at all.)

(You take off Dr. Gui's clothes, and put on the mask, pretending to be a kangaroo person.)

(You confidently walk into the hospital building.)

(The kangaroo person finishes delivering the goods and leaves.)

(You wait for a while and then go to the back kitchen of the cafeteria.)

(The chef looks at you suspiciously.)

(You lie and say that something was lost in the basement and you want to go downstairs to check.)

(The chef stops questioning.)

(You enter the special elevator for chefs and easily reach the basement.)

(The power of Unspeakable here is obviously stronger than upstairs.)

(You feel yourself becoming more irritable.)

(You go straight to the archive room and successfully steal the videotape of "Monster Siege" and the projector.)

(You hide "Monster Siege" in your kangaroo pants.)

(Your disguise doesn't arouse suspicion from the security department.)

(You take the chef's special elevator again and go down to the basement.)

(You feel surrounded by whispers of monsters, making it hard for you to concentrate.)

(You arrive at the same fork in the road as last time.)

(This time, you choose to explore the right side.)

(Just like last time, the further you go, the more the wall paintings become bloody and terrifying, and the contamination of the "unspeakable" becomes more severe.)

(You realize that you can no longer make any sound.)

(At the end of this path, there are some medical instruments, most of which are abandoned large medical devices.)

(The instruments are covered in red rust, resembling blood.)

(The smell of formalin fills the air.)

(As you continue forward, you discover a pile of specimens made from humans.)

(The first specimen bottle contains an entire human, the second one contains a human with limbs covered in black hair, and the third one is a human completely transformed into a monster.)

(You feel suffocated.)

(You put on the bird mask and can see labels under each specimen.)

([Phase One Subject] Socialization experiment mostly complete, but still possesses a certain degree of self-awareness.)

([Phase Two Subject] External appearance has changed; if the subject cannot adapt to the changes, it may become frenzied and attack the experimenters, in such case, amputation treatment should be applied as necessary.)

([Phase Three Subject] Fully successful transformation of the subject; only an injection of the corresponding medication is needed to immediately become the desired Petz.)

(You feel a sharp pain in your heart.)

(You see the appearance of your fellow beings turned into specimens, preserved in formalin, and gradually lose your sanity.)

(Your body starts to grow black hair.)

(You're losing control.)

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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