Weird Live Broadcast: I Can Deduce Endlessly

Chapter 28: The Flaw in the Rules (1)

Chapter 28: The Flaw in the Rules (1)

"Phew... Here we go again!"

Gu Yi let out a long breath, leaning against the toilet with a furrowed brow.

Once again, he was caught by the Security Department personnel at a critical moment. How did they discover that he killed a guest?

Shaking his head, Gu Yi started the deduction anew.

(Deduction begins!)

(You sit on the toilet and summarize the new clues you just obtained.)

(1. "Monster Siege" does have the ability to kill indigenous people, but the conditions are very harsh. It is extremely difficult to trick someone into wearing the 3D glasses alone.)

(2. After killing the Deer headed person, the Security Department personnel arrive at the scene immediately. Is this due to the rules, or does the Security Department possess some special abilities that you haven't figured out yet?)

(You have always kept your distance from the Security Department personnel, which has led to an insufficient understanding of their capabilities.)

(You decide to investigate the abilities of the Security Department before stealing the Deer head mask.)

(Carefully pondering, you notice a detail.)

(Everyone in the hospital is extremely violent.)

(Doctors can directly grab your head and smash it against the wall, nurses can stab your eyes with a ballpoint pen, chefs can attack you with a knife, and the shop owner at the small shop can shoot you in the head.)

(The Security Department, however, is the only group of people who do not resort to violence.)

(When you violate the rules, they don't kill you on the spot but instead, lock you in Room 0.)

(If it weren't for being knocked unconscious during the previous deduction, you might even be able to escape with the help of the toad's power after entering Room 0, but that would undoubtedly trigger more chain reactions.)

(Is there any loophole I can exploit?)

(You ponder for a long time but gain no insights.)

(You feel that understanding the capabilities of the Security Department and the rules to be followed is crucial. You decide to take a bold attempt and pretend to be a job applicant.)

(You step out of the hospital ward and arrive on the third floor, wearing the kangaroo mask.)

(The Security Department personnel show a puzzled expression upon seeing you.)

(Security: Where is your employee ID?)

(You: I'm new here.)

(Security: New?")

(You: Yes, but I got lost in the hospital. I don't know how to get to the HR Department.)

(Security: You...)

(You: Can you show me the way?)

(Security: It's on the basement floor. I'll take you there.)

(The Security Department personnel clearly don't fully believe you. He personally escorts you through the elevator to the basement floor.)

(A Security Department personnel passes by your side, stands still, takes out a small booklet from his pocket, writes something on it, and instantly disappears from the spot.)

(You speculate that the booklet is the tool for the Security Department's instant movement.)

(Security: This is the HR Department. Go inside.)

(You enter the HR Department, attracting the attention of the staff.)

(HR: What are you here for?)

(You: Job application.)

(HR: I don't recall receiving your interview appointment?)

(You: My brother used to be a doctor in this hospital. I came here based on his recommendation.)

(HR: What's your brother's name?)

(You: Gui **.)

(You answer calmly, without a hint of nervousness. The repeated deductions have honed your mental fortitude, allowing you to lie without flinching.)

(HR: What position are you applying for?)

(You: Security department.)

(HR: I feel like you might be more suitable for a transportation job. We have always outsourced our material transportation, but now we have the opportunity to establish an independent transportation team. Are you interested?)

(You: I still want to choose the security department.)

(HR: Alright, do you know what the security department actually does?)

(You: Can you introduce it to me?)

(HR: Wait a moment.)

(You clench your fist in excitement.)

(It worked!)

(HR retrieves a piece of paper from a stack of folders and hands it to you.)

(You open it and see that it's the "Security Department Handbook.")

(["Security Department Handbook"])

(1. You need to memorize the handbook of all employees. If an employee violates their handbook, you need to arrest them immediately and bring them to Room 0.)

(2. You are the guardian of the rules, so you cannot violate any rules yourself.)

(3. You must protect all hospital guests. If a guest is attacked in the hospital, you need to rush to the scene for rescue. If rescue is not possible, you must promptly control the person or object causing harm.)

(4. Within the hospital premises, masks are life. Do not remove your mask during working hours.)

(5. You need to ensure the security of all hospital property. It is even more important than your own life.)

(6. You can use the hospital's floor plan to instantly appear in various corners of the hospital. Please become proficient in its use.)

(Just as expected!)

(You suddenly understand the reason why the security personnel appeared in front of you.)

(It's the power of the rules, letting them know when a guest is in trouble!)

(You carefully read the Security Department Handbook and immediately come up with a feasible plan.)

(You look at the face of the HR with a smile.)

(You: I think the security department might not be suitable for me. What are the requirements to become a maintenance worker in the hospital?)

(HR: It's not possible, your strength is too weak.)

(You nod. You have collected enough information from HR.)

(You terminate the deduction!)

Gu Yi opened his eyes again.

Now he has 20 mental energy points left, which is enough for him to carry out the final two deductions.

During the deduction, he had already devised a plan, and now he can use the remaining two opportunities to verify if his plan can be realized.

Gu Yi returned to his hospital bed and closed his eyes.

(Deduction begins!)

(You approach Xu Nian's side and wake up the sleeping Xu Nian.)

(You communicate with Xu Nian and make him cooperate with your plan.)

(Xu Nian is shocked by your crazy plan, but he still decides to help you.)

(You change into a doctor's attire and go to the first floor.)

(You arrive at the emergency room and hide the projector and the "Monster Siege" videotape.)

(You return to the second floor and find the deer-headed person you encountered before.)

(You successfully gain the trust of the deer-headed person.)

(You bring the deer-headed person to the emergency room and instruct him to hide in a corner.)

(Deer-headed person: Why do we have to hide here like thieves?)

(You: Because this way, we can see the truest side of Petz. Don't you want to find the best quality Petz? This is the most suitable place.)

(Deer-headed person: Really?)

(You: Why would I lie to you? By the way, put on these glasses.)

(You personally put the 3D glasses on the deer-headed person.)

(You check the time.)

(A while later, Xu Nian indeed arrives at the ward. He has a pale face and his limbs are twitching. Three doctors push Xu Nian to the operating table.)

(You silently sneer and immediately press the play button on the projector.)

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