Weird Live Broadcast: I Can Deduce Endlessly

Chapter 30: The Third Mask

Chapter 30: The Third Mask

Gu Yi returned to his own hospital bed.

To cover up his crimes, Gu Yi pretended to be infected and lay on the operating table. As a result, he had to endure physical pain, with a large piece of skin on his wrist cut off by the doctors.

However, after the flesh was cut off, Gu Yi's mental state improved noticeably.

But in the late night, after the effects of anesthesia wore off, Gu Yi began to feel intense pain in his wrist.

Xu Nian patted Gu Yi's shoulder with concern, but Gu Yi smiled and waved his hand.

"I'm fine, I feel great."


Despite Xu Nian's words, Gu Yi still couldn't understand.

When it was time for lights out, Xu Nian fell asleep on his bed.

Seeing that there was no one around, Gu Yi once again communicated with the system, contemplating how to choose the reward.

The first reward, increasing mental recovery speed, didn't have much effect for Gu Yi at the moment.

Because the pace of this dungeon wasn't very fast, Gu Yi didn't need to use his abilities very frequently. Therefore, mental recovery speed was the first option Gu Yi ruled out.

The second reward, enhancing resistance to mental contamination.

Clearly, the unspeakable force behind the Chongshan Hospital possessed extremely powerful mental contamination ability. Just the exaggerated mental pollution on the underground floors alone was enough to understand how strong its power was.

This reward could greatly enhance Gu Yi's immediate combat effectiveness.

The third reward was the so-called enhancement of "paranormal sensitivity."

Gu Yi had once heard from the Dragon Country expert group that paranormal sensitivity was a double-edged sword. People with high paranormal sensitivity could discover many hidden elements in dungeons, but at the same time, it increases the possibility of encountering mental pollution.

Gu Yi had the talent of unlimited deductions, and he could obtain dungeon information through trial and error. So paranormal sensitivity was not something he urgently needed.

After weighing the options, Gu Yi immediately chose the second reward.

A sense of clarity washed over Gu Yi's brain, and even his vision suddenly became much brighter.

"I made the right choice after all."

Gu Yi clenched his fist with force.

In the past few days, Gu Yi's mind had been under constant tension, and his mental state was on the brink of collapse. Initially, he thought it was due to excessive pressure.

However, after obtaining resistance to contamination, Gu Yi finally realized.

His pressure came entirely from the "Unspeakable."

In fact, this was the most difficult aspect of the entire dungeon—how to maintain a clear and calm mind under the mental contamination of the Unspeakable's power.

Tonight, Gu Yi decided not to explore further. He closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.


The next morning.

Gu Yi, as usual, woke up promptly at six in the morning.

He opened the curtains and took a look outside.

A luxurious car was parked in the front courtyard, and upon closer inspection, he noticed that the person inside was not wearing a mask.

In the entire hospital, there was only one staff member who didn't wear a mask, and that was the dean.

Last time, the dean went to the office in the middle of the night, but today he arrived at the hospital early in the morning, completely breaking the routine.

Gu Yi didn't dwell on it too much. He pushed the wheelchair to the cafeteria for breakfast.

After finishing, he headed to the square to move around freely and played cards with the shopkeeper for a while.

Gu Yi found that it was beneficial to cultivate friendships with the people in the hospital as much as possible. This could help him gain more convenience.

"Do you know? Three more doctors were fired from the hospital."

"Oh? Why?"

"For unknown reasons." The shop owner shook his head. "Who knows what rules they violated?"

"What happens when someone gets fired?"

The shop owner grinned. "Getting fired means death. But I think it's actually a kind of release."

Gu Yi nodded, agreeing with the shop owner's statement, which matched his own speculation.

"I saw the dean coming today."


"What did he come for?"

"Who knows? Probably taking bribes." The shop owner sighed. "He's the only one who can freely come in and out of the hospital. We're just canaries in his cage."

"Your appearance has nothing to do with being a canary."

"Nothing to do with it? Sorry, I have a flush. I win this round."

"Hey, are you sure you're not cheating?"

"It's not cheating if you don't get caught."

Since the shop owner and Gu Yi were just playing cards and not gambling, they didn't need to adhere to the rules of gambling.

Gu Yi played cards with the shop owner for a while, and shortly after, a kangaroo transport truck parked in the parking lot. Gu Yi bid farewell to the shop owner and hid in the toilet.

"Start deducing!"

(The deduction begins!)

(You put on the kangaroo mask.)

(Successfully trailing behind two deliverymen, you made it to the second basement.)

(Your mental power is stronger now, so you don't immediately undergo mutation as before.)

(You reach the depths of the underground second floor.)

(The corridor here is still unbearably long, and you feel your inner turmoil and restlessness growing. You notice blood dripping from the ceiling again.)

(You switch to the deer-head mask.)

(At this moment, the corridor is no longer eerie.)

(Just as you expected, the environment in the basement changes once you equip the new mask.)

(You walk through the corridor, still feeling a sense of unease, occasionally glimpsing the hallway composed of flesh and blood.)

(Despite wearing the mask, the unspeakable can still occasionally affect your perception.)

(You reach the end of the corridor, where the dean's office on the underground second floor is located.)

(The door is covered in chains, with a golden lock hanging on it.)

(However, when you remove the deer-head mask, the lock becomes invisible.)

(The password for the dean's office computer on the third floor hasn't been deciphered yet, and now a strange lock has appeared in the dean's office on the second basement.)

(You calm your emotions and ponder for a moment.)

(Now you have three masks, each with its own function.)

(The bird beak mask allows you to move freely on the first to third floors of the hospital.)

(The kangaroo mask allows you to safely explore the first and second basements.)

(The deer-head mask helps you resist mental contamination on the second basement and see some truths.)

(If you want to unlock this lock, the clues are likely only on the elephant and dog-head masks.)

(The person wearing the elephant mask is a maintenance worker in the hospital, but you rarely interact with them.)

(You once tried to pick up the elephant mask, but it was too heavy to lift.)

(Your next target can only be the dog-head mask.)

(You already have a good grasp of the rules in the security department, but you're not sure if there are any other hidden rules or user manuals.)

(Perhaps you can continue to utilize the rules to successfully obtain a dog-head mask.)

(You haven't come up with a good plan yet, so you turn left and continue to explore.)

(You arrive at the storage room from last time.)

(You find the storage room filled with folded beds.)

(You remove the mask, and the folded beds turn into cardboard boxes.)

(You feel puzzled.)

(After contemplating for a while, you realize that you misinterpreted the patient handbook before.)

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