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Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Using his more-than-a-decade worth of experience dealing with Yuna and Nina to calm them down, Yuuji finally managed to escape his female classmates’ “attack” and returned to the locker room with Shu and Raku. 

He let out a sigh as he took off his shirt, revealing his slightly wet muscular body glimmered slightly under the sunlight coming from the windows in the locker room. 

“I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more help to you back there, Yuuji…”

Yuuji glanced at Raku’s apologetic expression and smiled before waving his hand dismissively. 

“It’s fine… I understand it was impossible to help me in that situation. I appreciate the thought. At least, you thought about helping me, unlike that jerk…”

“Eeeeeh~? But how do you expect me to help you~? I don’t have a death wish, you know~? I wanted to help too~”

Shu turned his gaze away from Yuuji’s glare and whistled.

“...I would believe you if you didn’t have that shit-eating grin the whole time I was surrounded.”

He sighed and finished wearing back his uniform. The form-hugging shirt of a uniform stuck to his body even more from the sweat, further emphasizing the beautiful shape of his figure and muscles underneath. 

Having finished changing their clothes, the three made their way back to their class. 

“Well well~ Don’t mind the small stuff and let’s go stuff ourselves~! I’m super starved after being forced to keep up with our super ace~!”

Shu wrapped his arm around his shoulder and lightly hit his chest with his other hand.

“What do you mean… You didn’t even break a sweat…”

Yuuji sighed once again before turning his gaze at his friend.”

“I’m sorry… You guys go ahead. I brought my own lunch today. I’ve promised Yuna and Nina to eat with them.”

“Oh? Is that so? Alright then, have fun~!”

“Don’t worry about it. Please give my regards to them.”


Arriving in the class, Yuuji quickly picked up the lunch box he had prepared in his bag and headed back out.

“Ah! Yuuji-kun! Where are you going? Aren’t we going to have lunch together?”

“Sorry, Yotsuba. I’ve brought my own lunch today and I’ve promised my sisters to have our lunch together. Let’s have lunch together next time, alright?”

“Oh… Okay. Have fun…”

He waived his hand to his pearl-pink haired friend as well as to Ai and Chitoge who met gazes with him as he walked past them and exited the classroom. 

Making his way to his sisters’ classroom next door, many eyes caught him in their sights as the hallway began filling up with students who were going out for their lunch. 

But Yuuji kept making his way without getting distracted and arrived in front of the classroom. 

The sliding door was opened as students within are going out, and the moment he arrived, all eyes within turned towards him in shock. 

Once again trying his best to ignore the heated gazes of his sisters’ female classmates and the shocked and envious gazes of the males, he looked inside in search for his sisters. 

His eyes quickly trained on the two most beautiful girls in the class and a smile quickly bloomed on his face. 

“Yuna. Nina. I’m here.”

Their heads immediately turned towards him and both of them immediately brightened up in smiles. 

“Yuu-kun! Come on in! Let’s have lunch together!”

“We’ve been waiting. Come quick.”

Entering the class, he ignored all the gazes, shrieks, gasps, and whispers around him and approached his sisters’ tables in the furthest back of the class. 

“I’ve borrowed a chair from a friend who always go to the cafeteria for her lunch. Take a seat.”

“Thanks, Nina. I was wondering what I would do for seats. As expected of you.”

“U-Uhn… Thank you.”

“Hehehe~ I’m so excited~ I can’t wait to eat the lunch Yuu-kun make~”

Yuna cheered as she pushed her table back, combining it with Nina’s and creating one large table for the three of them.

“It might not be the best, but mom made sure it turned out edible. I hope you enjoy them.”

“You did your best. No matter how it turns out, I will still eat it happily.”

“Uhn uhn~!”

“...Thank you, Nina, Yuna. Then, let’s eat! Thank you for the food.”

““Thank you for the food.””

Opening their lunch boxes, Yuna and Nina both exclaimed in shock and awe.

“Wow~! It looks amazing!!!”

“It does… Are you really the one making this?”

“You saw me cooking this morning, didn’t you? It’s nothing special. I’m sure mom could make something even better without me holding her back.”

“No, this is already really amazing!!! I didn’t know you can cook so well, Yuu-kun!”

“Mm. This is truly shocking.”

“Ahahaha. Mom is a great teacher and cook after all. I still have much to learn.”

The whispers around him began to become louder with few gasps mixed within, and with his heightened senses, Yuuji was able to hear them.

“Eh?! He made it himself! How amazing!”

“I can’t believe it! It looks so goot too!”

“A-A very handsome guy who’s very athletic and can cook… I-Isn’t he the perfect houshusband?!”

“He is! If I become his girlfriend, I’ll definitley lock him inside the house and make him a househusband!”

“I agree! It’s to dangerous to let him roam outside! What if some vixen saw him and stole him!”

“That’s right! He’s the perfect husband material who needs to be locked up inside!”

Yuuji felt shivers run down his spine as he overhear the whispers of the girls around him. He stole a quick glance, but immediately avert his gaze away. 

T-Their gazes… How terrifying! They’re looking at me as if I’m a piece of A5 wagyu!!!

“A-Alright, let’s not just stare at it much longer and eat.”

“Ah wait! I have to take a picture of it first!”

“Me too.”

Watching his sisters began taking pictures from various angles repeatedly and trying to get the best shot, Yuuji couldn’t help but smile wryly.

But he did feel very proud and happy that his cooking managed to make them this happy. 

If he knew, he would’ve started making them lunch earlier.

Especially since it’d mean he could spent time alone with his mother early in the morning too…

Yuuji quickly shake his head and disperse the naughty thoughts in his mind away, and waited for them to finish.

“Are you done?”

“Uhn! But it still feels a bit of a waste to just eat them…”

“I made it for you to eat it, Yuna. It will only be a waste if you don’t eat them…”

“That’s right. We should be grateful and eat it. Thank you for the food.”

“Mmm…. Alright. Thank you for the food!”

“Mm. Enjoy your meal.”

Yuuji took a bite of his bento and, surprisingly even to himself, it tasted better than he expected as well!

His mother truly is a genius in cooking as well!!!

“I-It’s so delicious!! Amazing!!!”

“Mm! This karage is seasoned to perfection, and this omelette is also very soft and has just the perfect amount of sweetness and savoriness. You did really well, Yuuji.”

“Thank you. I’m glad you love them.”

With a crowd beginning to form around them from the students eating their lunch in their classroom, students who had just returned after buying their lunch, or students who came after hearing about Yuuji’s lunchbox, the three ate their lunches peacefully while chatting once in a while. 

They’re not getting too close to Yuuji and his sisters - most watching them from afar or distanced themselves just enough to listen in to their conversation - and since they’re in a class, they were able to have their lunch more peacefully with less crowd than what they experienced in the cafeteria. 

Eating lunch with my beautiful sisters and watching them fill their fluffy cheeks with the food I make. Mm, this is great.

Nina ate with perfect manners while Yuna didn’t hold back in showing how delicious the lunchbox he made was. Both of them seemed like the total opposite, but they’re both very beautiful in their own right as well.

He was truly blessed to be someone very close to them. 

“Ah, Yuna. There’s a piece of rice on your cheek.”

“E-Eh? Where?”

Yuna blushed and began patting her cheeks quickly in embarrassment. But she kept missing it since it was closer to her lips rather than her cheeks. 

“It’s here.”

Stretching his hand towards her, Yuuji caressed the corner of her lips softly and picked up the grain of rice before putting it into his mouth.

“There. It’s fine now.”

His lips curled into a teasing grin as he enjoyed his sister’s cute expression of shock.

In truth, he could pick it up without touching her. But the moment he laid his eyes on her luscious lips, he just couldn’t hold back. So, he grazed it slightly with his fingers, in hopes to make her heart flutter and also get a feel of her soft lips.

His second objectives was fulfilled as he felt the softest lips he had ever touched. As for the first one…


He might’ve overachieved it as the entire classroom, even Yuna and Nina, froze in shock. 

The next moment, Yuna’s face turned bright red as she became flustered and raised her voice. 

“Y-You should’ve just told me where it was!!! Isn’t it embarrassing! A-A-And, you also touched my lips…”

Seeing Yuna’s adorable reaction, Yuuji decided to play innocent and tease her even more. 

“Hm? What are you talking about? I’ve done it several times with him since you would always have something to get on your cheeks.”

He shrugged his shoulders and smiled innocently.

“Geez!!! Don’t say it like I’m a messy eater!!! Yuu-kun, you idiot!!!”

“But you are…”


“Ahahaha. Okay okay, I’m sorry. It was my fault. I shouldn’t have done something so embarrassing in front of your classmates.”


Yuuji smiled wryly and glanced to his other sister. But to his surprise, she was staring at him with a glare and a look of… jealousy?

After meeting his gaze, Nina quickly averted her eyes with a slight pout.

I-Is she… jealous? 

Yuuji couldn’t help but smile inwardly after realizing an adorable side to his ever so cool and composed sister.

How cute~ Hm, maybe I should do something for her too…

Deciding on a plan, Yuuji ate a bite of rice and pureposfully stick a single grain on the corner of his lips.

“Ah, Nina. Can you help me. I think there’s something stuck on my face.”

Nina glanced at him and saw the grain of rice right beside his smiling lips. 

Her cheeks blushed, realizing what he’s doing, and began glaring at him. 

“...Take it yourself.”

“Eh? But I’d like it if Nina could take it for me.”

Nina’s cheeks grew redder and redder as embarrassment filled her heart. 

Kuh! H-How embarrassing!

Not only did Yuuji realized her jealousy, he’s also trying to make it up to her by letting her do the same thing he did to Yuan. 

It’s too embarrassing! But at the same time, she can’t pass on this chance! 


Trying her best to steady her shaking hands, Nina slowly approached his face. Her eyes locked onto his lips. 

And as if acting on instinct, Nina brushed her thumb across his slightly rough yet beautiful lips before taking the grain of rice away.

Her eyes were locked to the grain of rice oin her fingers. Her heart thumped very quickly and loudly as her mind suddenly blanked out until a seductive voice whispered into her ear.

“Aren’t you going to eat it?”

She turned her head quickly to the side and saw Yuuji smile teasingly at her.

“...You jerk.”

Whispering under her breath, she ate the grain of rich on her fingers and punched Yuuji’s shoulders with a glare. 

“Hehe~ You’re so adorable, Nina.”


Successfully teasing and flirting with her sister, Yuuji returned to eating his meal that had been spiced up by his mother’s love and his sisters cuteness deliciously. 


The final bell of the day rang, signally the end of classes. 

After giving the class their homework, the teacher left the class and Shu immediately turned towards Yuuji.

“Finally! Class is over! Let’s go home!”

“Sure. Let me just pack everything to my bag.”

“Alright! Raku, how about you? Are you going home with your girlfriend~?”

“...She told me she’ll be going home with all of us.”

“Oh~ Alright! The usual squa it is~! Ufufufu, please take care of me again today, Ai-chan~”

“Will you please not call me with such an annoying voice?”

“Guhak! A-As expected of you. Nice jab…”


Yuuji smiled wryly as he watched Shu being decimated by Ai’s coldness and straightforwardness once again. 

He stood up from his chair, approached raku, and bend down for a whisper. 

“Oi Raku. I’ll go invite Yotsuba and Chitoge to come with us. You go ask Onodera and Ruri.”

“W-Wha?! I-It’s too sudden!”

Raku whispered back in a fluster.

“I don’t care. Good luck, soldier.”

Yuuji raised back up and went to Yotsuba and Chitoge.

“Hey~ Chitoge, Yotsuba, will you be coming back with us? There’ll be Raku, Shu, Ai, and hopefully Onodera and Ruri too.”

“S-Sure! W-Wait a moment! I’ll just pack everything!”

“M-Me too!”


As the two shoved everything on their desk into their bags in a hurry, Yuuji glanced towards Raku, who was standing nervously in front of Onodera. 

…Seriously, he looks like he’s about to confess.

Yuuji smiled wryly at his innocent friend. Fortunately, Onodera and Ruri seemed to have agreed, judging by his beaming smile. 

After finished each of their preparations, they all gathered and walked to the exit. 

“Excuse me~ Is Nina-chan or Yuna-chan he- Hya!”

Just then, from the door they were about to exit from, a beautiful, jet-black haired girl with cerulean blue eyes and a black headband suddenly appeared right before Yuuji, almost bumping onto him.

“Ah, please excuse me. I’m very sorry.”

“It’s fine~ You just surprised me a bi- Wow~! You look very handsome~! I’ve never seen you before~ What’s your name~?”

“Ah, forgive my late introductions. My name is Tsubakihara Yuuji. Are you perhaps… Morishima Haruka-senpai?”



“Ah! I’m sorry~ Hehehe~ I’m surprised you know me~!”

Yuuji smiled wryly and looked at the beautiful third-year senior before him.

“It’d be more surprising if I didn’t know the name of the most beautiful upperclassman in the school, senpai.”

Her cheeks blushed at the sudden compliment and his smile. 

She often got compliments from guys, but… this might be the first time she was ever complimented to genuinely like this…

There was no ulterior motives at all in his eyes. Just a genuine compliment. 

“O-Oh my~ Ufufufu~ You’re such a cutie, aren’t you~ Just like your sisters~”

“Thank you very much.”

Suddenly, he felt a push from his side.

“Oh~!! Isn’t she Morishima-senpai?! The most beautiful third-year student in the entire school?! Oi Yuuji~ If you know here, you should’ve told me something~ Isnt’ it cruel to hide such a thing to your best friend~?

“You shut up. I’ve never met her until now…”

“Ah, Morishima-senpai. It is good to see you.”

“Ai-chan~ Hello~ Are you going home~?”

“Yes. I am told to take a rest from the swimming club today by Tsukahara-senpai.”

“I see~ Oh, that’s right! Yuuji-kun~ Do you know where your sisters’ class is~?”


He was quite taken aback by being called by his first name so suddenly, but he didn’t mind it. After all, getting called by his first name by her was something many would fight for.

“Yes. They are in the class next to this one. Would you like me to accompany you there? I was about to pick them up as well so we could go home together.”

“Of course~! That would be fantastic~!”

“Alright. Then, I’ll go pick up my sisters first. Can you guys wait for me?”


“Uhn~! Take care~”

“I’m only going to the next class though, Yotsuba…”

Smiling wryly at Yotsuba as she waved her hand energetically, Yuuji head to his sisters’ class together with Haruka. 

As they walked, he could feel the gazes of students around him. This time much more intense for reasons he guessed to be because he’s walking with the number one most beautiful and popular third-year student.

But the most intense gaze was the one from the said beautiful and popular third year girl walking alongside him. 

He wanted to ask why she was observing him so closely, even touching and squeezing his arms as if she was conducting somesort of experiment on an “exotic species of man”. But before he could, they’ve reached his sisters’ class.

“We’ve arrived.”

“Hm? A-Ah, you’re right!”


Yuuji looked at her for a moment, confused by her strange reaction. But before he could say anything, Haruka had already called on his sisters loudly.

“Yuna-chan~ Nina-chan~ I’ve come to visit~”

Yuuji peaked his head into the class and saw both of his sisters looking at Haruka with widened eyes. 

And when their gaze met his, their eyes widened even further and they immediately came to them. 

“M-Morishima-senpai?! Do you need something? A-And why are you with Yuu-kun…?”

“T-That’s right. Have you met before?”

“Ah, that’s not it. Morishima-senpai came to my class by accident to find you two. And since I’m also going to pick you up, we decided to go together.”

“U-Uhn! That’s right~!”

“I-I see…”

Yuuji smiled wryly as he watched his sisters let out a sigh of relief. They’ve been really overprotective over him recently due to his sudden change in appearance that seemed to have attracted a lot of attention. 

“Then what do you need us for, Morishima-senpai?”

“Ah! That’s right! But, uhm… Can we talk somewhere a bit private?”

“Eh? Of course, but we might need to find somewhere a bit far…”

Yuuji smiled softly and turned towards his sisters.

“I will wait for you two near the school entrance then-”

“Eh?! You don’t have to! Let’s just find somewhere a little bit more quite!”

Finding a quite place… It would be extremely difficult considering who they are. Yuuji alone would have a difficult time finding someplace where he could be alone, not to mention if three of the most beautiful and popular girls are with him. 

Yuuji looked towards Yuna and Nina, expecting them disagree with their senpai. But to his surprise, they’re both smiling at him.

“That’s right, Yuu-kun~! We can find somewhere a little bit more quite!”

“Mm. Then shall we head to the gym building near the swimming pool? There would be very few people there since the swimming club is starting their activity and their captain is very strict in preventing anyone from trespassing.”

“That’s a great idea~! Then, let’s go~!”

Dragged by the three beautiful girls, literally, Yuuji accepted his fate and followed them to the walkway connecting the main school building and the gym/swimming pool. 

They were no alone as Nina said before. There were very few people even on the way here and, thankfully, no one seemed to be following them.

“This should be good. Well then, is there something you wish from us, Morishima-senpai?”

“Uhn~! Actually, I’d like to borrow a swimsuit~ Will one of you lend it to me~?”

“A swimsuit?”

“Yes~! Just your school swimsuit~! You know, I’ve been feeling the urge to swim and the only swimsuit that would fit me was either one of yours~! Pleeeeeeease~”

Haruka pleaded with absolute level of cuteness as she clasped her hands together and tilted her head slightly, looking at the two surprised sisters with puppy eyes. 

Listening to her words, Yuuji finally came to a realization and looked at Haruka’s figure from top to bottom. 

I see… That makes sense. Considering her… shapely and voluptuous figure, I can only think of Yuna and Nina if she wanted to find a school swimsuit to match her. 

Although Yuna and Nina still have larger breasts and wider hips than her, they might be the only ones in the entire school who would be able to come close to Haruka’s figure. Swimsuits from other girls would most likely cause her discomfort by being either too tight or too loose. 

There was no one else in the entire school who would be perfect for her cause. 

Yuuji quickly avert his gaze away from her figure, hoping to not make her uncomfortable from his gaze. While he didn’t mean to, a beautiful girl like Haruka might be sensitive to a man’s gaze, especially lecherous ones, and feel uncomfortable. 

He wanted to get along with her if possible since she seemed to be a fun person to be friends with. Moreover, she also seemed to be on good terms with his sisters, so he didn’t want to be the person who’d possibly destroy that relationship. 

Yuna thought for a moment before she glanced at Nina who was deliberating in silence with her eyes closed. 

She really wanted to help Haruka because she’s such a good senior and an even better friend. But considering she would essentially be her partner in crime if she’d ever get caught sneaking into swimming pool while the girls’ swimming club are having their activities, she had to think of her answer carefully!

At times like this, she was especially thankful to have Nina as her twin sister. She was too easily swayed by her emotions, so when it comes to the time when she needed to make a logical decision, she could rely on Nina to think of what’s the best course of action. 

After a while, Nina opened her eyes and smiled apologetically at Haruka.

“I’m very sorry, Morishima-senpai. I would love to help you, but I don’t think Tsukahara-senpai would be too happy with your plan.”


“U-Uhn! You were also scolded by her when you tried sneaking into the pool to swim along with the girls’ swimming club, right?”

“U-Uuuuuhh… B-But…”

Her figure shrinked from the logical refusal her juniors gave her. 

But… she still wanted to swim with them! Seeing the faces of those hardworking cute girls made her feel so excited to swim.


With an absolutely adorable whimper accompanied by puppy eyes, Yuuji almost blurted out words to help convince his sisters to lend her their swimsuits. 

It was very dangerous. It felt as if an arrow had pierced his heart just then. But he needed to stand steadfast. It is for her own good.

“...Forgive me, Morishima-senpai. If lending you a swimsuit would put you in trouble instead, then I think it would be better if you ask for permission from this Tsukahara-senpai before you swim.”

“But… Hibiki-chan would never let me do it!”

“Then… Perhaps you could invite her to a public swimming pool or a waterpark if you really wish to swim?”

“Waterpark… What a great idea, Yuuji-kun~! Uhn~! I’ll invite her to a waterpark~!!! Ah! Would you like to go as well~? Let’s go together~ I’m sure it’ll be fun~!!!”

“Eh?! Is that fine~?”

“Of course~!”

“A waterpark~ It has been a while since we’ve visited one! What do you think, Nina, Yuu-kun?”

“...Hm, if Yuuji will come with us, then we will go as well. It would be dangerous if we went with only us girls.”

Nina glanced at Yuuji, who had fallen into deep thought.

It was as she said. If Yuna, Nina, Haruka and her friend were to go to a waterpark alone… They’d certainly be approached by a crowd of guys, considering how beautiful they are.

They’ve already been approached and hit on by guys enough as is. If they were to be in their swimsuits…

“I will go as well. It’d be too dangerous for such beautiful girls to wander around in a waterpark alone.”

This was what he primarily wanted to use his abilities for. With his [Divine Physique] and [Krav Maga Proficiency], he’s confident that he’ll be able to protect them from any men who pushed their luck too far by approaching them. 

Just go ahead and try. Be my training dummies so I could test out the power of Krav Maga martial arts.

His lips curled into a smile as he imagined beating up the guys who had dared disrespect his sisters, mother, and aunt in the past. He won’t ever let such a thing slide again. 

Meanwhile, the three girls were completely entranced by his smile and words. 

The sound of his voice calling them beautiful kept echoing in their minds. They couldn’t help but feel their cheeks heating up, especially Haruka. 

While she had received plenty of praises and confessions in the past, this was the first time a man had ever genuinely told her he’ll protect her without even saying it. She could tell by his eyes. 

Most of the guys who had confessed to her would show nervousness, anxiousness, lust, baseless confidence, or a mix of them. Only some had shown their genuine feeling towards her that she could appreciate. But in the end, none could shake her heart. 

But now, just by looking at his gaze, seeing his smile, and hearing his words, her heart skipped a beat for a moment. She felt so warm and safe with just his words of assurance. 

This was the first time she had ever felt this way…

“T-That’s great~! Then I’ll invite Hibiki-chan too okay~? Is Saturday afternoon okay with you~?”

“Yes, that will be fine.”


“I will also be free at that time.”

“Perfect~! I’ll mail you two after I ask Hibiki-chan, okay~? Ah, but I don’t have Yuuji-kun’s contact…”

“If you don’t mind, we can exchange contact information, senpai. Or you can just tell my sisters and they can tell me.”

“U-Uhm… Then, would it be fine to exchange contact information?”

“Of course.”

Yuuji took out his phone from his pocket and exchanged contact information with Haruka. 

After they were done, Haruka stare at the phone number for a moment before with a sweet smile before beaming another smile to them.

“Excellent~! Then, I won’t hold you back anymore~ Bye bye~!”

“Bye bye~ Take care, senpai~”

“Goodbye, Morishima-senpai.”

“Take care on your way home, Morishima-senpai~”

They watched as Haruka’s figure slowly receded into the distance before disappearing after she took a turn. 

“Then, shall we go home as well? Chitoge and the others must be waiting for us at the entrance.”

“Ah! I need to pick up my bag first!”

“Me too. You can wait for us at the entrance, Yuuji.”

“It’s fine. I will accompany you back. Let’s go.”


AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!!

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